Dragon Isle Book Bundle 1-3: My Lord and Dragon, The Dragon Fighter, and A Dragon's Bite

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Dragon Isle Book Bundle 1-3: My Lord and Dragon, The Dragon Fighter, and A Dragon's Bite Page 3

by Stern, Sophie

  He began to run water, and her body went weak at the idea of a bubble bath. She knew that she smelled horrible. She was tired and had been traveling for the better part of two days.

  “Would you like a bath, pet?” Kade asked. Thankfully, he didn’t comment on her physical state. She was sure she smelled like sour sweat and seawater.

  Lindsey nodded.

  “Strip,” he commanded. She only hesitated for a moment before pulling off her shirt. It felt strange to undress in front of a man who had bought her, but Lindsey knew that she gave up the right to refuse when she signed those papers. She didn’t have any morals guiding her that premarital sex was wrong or strange, but the idea of undressing in front of someone she’d only just met still felt wrong.

  And more than a little bit awkward.

  Dragons didn’t seem to have the same sense of modesty that most humans did. Victoria warned Lindsey long ago that shifters were almost always naked in some form. She also mentioned that in the village, robes were kept in baskets in all public areas for anyone who damaged their clothes while shifting unexpectedly.

  Apparently it was especially common among teenagers. Who would have thought?

  “Good,” Kade murmured, and motioned for her to continue. Lindsey wondered if she should try to make it look sexy, but Kade hadn’t asked her to dance or tease. Wasn’t part of this whole slave thing about learning to take orders as they were given? He had told her to strip, so that’s what she did.

  She took off her jeans and then her bra. Her panties came off last and she put everything in a little pile. Kade smiled and motioned for her to come over.

  “You’re lovely, pet,” he told her. He stroked her cheek, and then his hands roamed down. He felt the weight of her breasts before he tweaked each nipple. She bit her lip at the sensation. It felt good. It felt really good. Though she and Heath had broken up only a month ago, she almost felt guilty for being touched by someone else. She tried to push the thought out of her head. Heath was the one who hadn’t wanted her. She was doing nothing wrong.

  Kade turned off the water and told Lindsey to get in the tub. She did. She sat in the center of the clawed bathtub and then, as Kade watched her quietly, she plugged her nose and lay down, allowing herself to sink under the water. This was her favorite way to take baths as a child and she loved allowing herself to feel young and vulnerable again, if only for a few moments. The water covered her entirely and she basked in the warmth until she felt strong hands around her, pulling her from the depths of the water.

  Kade said nothing as Lindsey sat in the middle of the bathtub. Instead of speaking, he quietly washed her body. Lindsey knew that to him, she was his slave. She existed only to cater to his desires, no matter what they might be. She couldn’t help but feel pampered, though, as she washed every inch of her body. She’d been with several men before, but none had ever paid close attention to her. Not like this.

  When he was done, Kade drained the water and dried Lindsey with a towel. He left her clothes on the bathroom floor and guided her back into the bedroom. She stood in front of him, completely naked, waiting for her next instructions.

  “Undress me,” Kade told her.

  “Yes, Master,” she said, and again, he seemed pleased that she had remembered to say it. Part of her wondered if he had kept slaves before. Did they often forget what he liked to be called? It was such a small thing, calling him “Master.” What a simple way to earn his good graces.

  If Kade had kept slaves before, would Lindsey be better than them? Would she please him more than they had? Maybe that was why he had taken a human slave. Maybe dragons weren’t good at taking orders. Maybe they weren’t cut out for this type of relationship.

  It was such a weird thing to wonder about that Lindsey tried to stop. Instead, she focused on slipping his shirt over his head. Then she fumbled with his jeans.

  When Kade shifted at the docks, he had taken off his clothes before he did so, but it was too dark outside for Lindsey to get a good look at him. Now she had an incredible view up close. His abs were toned. The word “rippling” came to mind. She wondered if he spent a lot of time at the gym or if this was just a perk of being half dragon. Small scars splattered his body, but she didn’t mind.

  Maybe one day he would tell her about them.

  Or maybe they were another thing he would keep private.

  Lindsey finally managed to get his pants unzipped and gulped when she pushed them down. His dick sprang out, surprising her, but she bit her lip as she looked at it. He didn’t have boxers on. She felt herself growing aroused at seeing the dragonman’s cock up close. It felt wrong to her, to want him this way. Wasn’t slavery about serving him? Giving him what he wanted?

  What happened when she wanted to be serving him in this way? Maybe Kade would push her head down and force her to take all of him down her greedy little throat. Maybe he would punish her aching pussy, showing her exactly what she’d been missing all this time. He might even take her ass. Anything could happen.

  All she knew was that his cock was hard, and close, and it was making her very, very wet.

  If Kade noticed Lindsey’s reaction, and she guessed that he did, he said nothing. She got his pants off and set them down, then looked up at Kade expectantly. She waited to hear what he would say next. So far, he had given her orders. He hadn’t asked her to do anything. He had just commanded it and she had listened. Would her entire year be that way? Was all choice taken away from her? Had she signed away her right to choose?

  She stood quietly before him for a few long minutes before Kade spoke again.

  “Suck my cock, pet,” he said simply. Then he pushed her down so she was kneeling before him.

  Lindsey automatically opened her mouth to protest, to remind Kade that she was a real person. She wasn’t his pet. She was a woman. She was an independent, strong, emotionally stable woman. Yes, she promised to be his slave, but did that mean she didn’t deserve respect?

  She tried to say all that, but before she could, her mouth closed over Kade’s cock and then she was sucking it. Her body responded before her mind had a chance to catch up, and part of Lindsey was relieved about that. Here she didn’t have to be strong. She didn’t have to be brave. She didn’t have to behave the way she ought to. She just had to listen.

  He was bigger than most men she’d seen, certainly bigger than any she’d been with. Lindsey reached up to use her hand as she blew him, but he shook his head at her.

  “Mouth only, pet,” he told her. Lindsey nodded her understanding and continued to do her best until Kade was grabbing her hair and guiding her head faster and faster. When he exploded in her mouth, she swallowed his juices and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

  “Good girl,” Kade said with a smile. Lindsey felt a little guilty that it pleased her so much to hear the words from him. She felt adored and cared for. She knew she shouldn’t get used to it, but a girl sure could. It would be so easy to view this arrangement as a give-and-take relationship. The truth, Lindsey knew, was that there was nothing conventional or normal about what she was doing. This wasn’t okay. This wasn’t normal. It wasn’t a happily-ever-after. It was just a way to spend a year and hopefully get some good sex in the process.

  Kade headed for the bed and climbed in. Lindsey went to the opposite side of the bed and began to climb in, too, but Kade shook his head at her again.

  “No,” he told her. “Pets sleep on the floor.”


  Lindsey tried her best to get comfortable on the little bed she slept in on the floor. It was really a large, round cushion. It looked like a human-sized doggy bed. While the cushion itself was not uncomfortable, the room was. It was so wide and open that Lindsey felt she was being devoured by the darkness each time she opened her eyes. She didn’t have a pillow or a blanket, and she slept naked. Would she have to earn the luxury of a pillow? Or would she simply learn to live without?

  Lindsey tossed and turned for what felt like hours. The problem was t
hat the room was too quiet. With Heath, things had never been quiet. He snored, he tossed and turned, and his cell phone beeped all night long. Somehow, Lindsey had grown accustomed to those sounds. Somehow, she had learned to sleep despite the noise.

  Here, though, entire house was silent but for Kade’s breathing. Lindsey thought that today hadn’t been too bad, overall.

  He hadn’t hit her.

  He hadn’t yelled at her.

  Yes, he’d demanded a blowjob, but wouldn’t that happen eventually? Better to get it over with now, thought Lindsey, than be living in fear that it could happen at any moment. Though she knew she was at least adequate at giving head, being with a new partner could be scary.

  She always felt a little nervous that she might do something wrong or weird.

  Kade had seemed satisfied with her performance though, which made Lindsey feel fairly positive about the entire experience. When she curled up on her little bed, she felt wet and aroused. Her entire body had been excited at the experience of sucking off a dragon. She wasn’t sure if she should ask Kade to help her come. Instead, she decided to masturbate quietly before she fell asleep.

  Kade didn’t have to know.

  Besides, it would be a good way to relax and fall asleep in a new place.

  Lindsey slid her fingers over her breasts and pinched her nipples. Her breasts weren’t particularly sensitive, so pinching and squeezing for a few moments helped her become even more aroused, even more ready.

  Then her hands crawled down her stomach to her soft folds. Yes. She closed her eyes, ready to start touching herself, when she heard a growl from the bed. Lindsey looked up to see two bright glowing eyes peering at her in the darkness.


  “In case I neglected to mention it, pet,” Kade said matter-of-factly. “Masturbating is not permitted. I decide when, where, and how you come. Put those hands back where they belong or I’ll cuff you.”

  He nodded toward the wall. Lindsey turned and noticed a set of handcuffs that dangled from the wall. If her wrists were locked in the cuffs, they would be stretched above her head.

  There would be no chance of touching herself.

  There would also be no chance of sleeping since the position would undoubtedly be completely uncomfortable.

  “Yes, Master,” Lindsey whispered meekly, horribly embarrassed that he had caught her. She thought he had been asleep. Sneaky dragon. She wasn’t sure if he was still watching her because she closed her eyes and rolled to the side.

  Come on, body. Sleep.

  Somehow, she knew the rest of the night would not be as relaxing or as rejuvenating as she hoped.

  When Lindsey woke after her restless night, the sun was streaming through the windows. She rolled over on her cushion, enjoying the feel of the warm sun against her body, and then she got up.

  Kade was gone.

  The room was empty.

  She looked around for a moment, admiring the assortment of paintings on the wall. Was Kade an art collector? Surely he hadn’t painted these, yet Lindsey didn’t recognize any of the paintings. Maybe he had purchased them from a local artist.

  Maybe he was just that good.

  One of the paintings featured a dragon flying near a castle. Another featured a man in mid-shift, so he looked a little bit like a man and a lot like a dragon. They were beautiful. Reluctantly, Lindsey pulled her gaze from the paintings and tried to decide what to do next.

  Perhaps she should sit on her little bed and wait for him to return. That might be hours, though. Lindsey could handle being punished for making a mistake, but boredom? She couldn’t handle boredom.

  Then she remembered that Kade had said she could go anywhere in the house but his study and the dungeon. That was it, then. She would get ready and go explore a bit. Maybe she would find something tasty to eat. She would start her adventure in the kitchen.

  Lindsey went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then she took a shower. She made sure the water was as hot as she could handle. When she was finished, she dressed and brushed her hair before heading downstairs. Her skin was still pink from the scalding shower, but she was as clean as she could possibly get.

  Kade was in the kitchen when Lindsey waltzed into the room. He took one look at her and instead of saying “Good morning,” he said, “Pets don’t need clothes.”

  He continued cooking as he waited for Lindsey to comply. She hesitated for a moment. Was he serious? Did he really mean for her to be naked all year? What if people came over? What if someone else saw her? Lindsey was not much of an exhibitionist. Somehow, though she knew what she was to Kade, she thought she would still feel a little bit human.

  Now she didn’t.

  “Do I need to punish you?” Kade asked.

  “No,” Lindsey said, and started undressing.

  “No?” Kade raised an eyebrow, and Lindsey remembered.

  “No, Master,” she said quickly. Then she added, “Sorry, Master.”

  She averted her eyes, not wanting to see the darkness in his any longer. Once she was naked, she folded her clothes and put them on a chair. Then she stood still, hands folded in front of her, and waited to hear what Kade would tell her to do next.

  “It’s going to take you awhile to get comfortable here,” Kade told her. He turned back to the stove. When he finished making the eggs, he made a single plate and walked over to the table, where he sat down. Lindsey continued to stand still until Kade motioned to the floor beside him. When Lindsey walked over, she saw that there was a small cushion at his feet. She knelt down on it, placing her hands gently on her knees.

  He ate in silence, occasionally feeding her from his hand, reminding her of her position. Lindsey found it to be completely humiliating. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how low she’d really gotten. Not only had she completely failed at life and work, but now she was sitting at a dragon’s feet, eating his scraps from his hand.

  She really was just a dog.

  But she couldn’t say that. She stayed silent as she ate her food. Her growling stomach left no room for stubbornness: she had to eat what he gave her or she’d be miserable all day.

  When the meal was over, Kade cleaned the dishes, then helped Lindsey to her feet. He kissed her on the mouth, holding her close, and making her body ache for him. She almost forgot all about breakfast, all about the humiliation, all about the way he had fed her like a child. Almost, but not quite.

  “Are you going to be a good slut for me today?” Kade asked.

  Lindsey nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  “Then let’s begin,” Kade said.

  He took Lindsey around the house again, showing her more of the first floor and the rest of the second. Then they went outside, and Lindsey was surprised to see how close they actually were to the beach. She wondered, for a second, why Liam hadn’t just brought her here directly.

  “Master, why did I arrive at the other side of the island? There’s a perfectly good beach right here. Wouldn’t it have been easier for you to simply have me come here?”

  “It’s too hard to get here by boat,” Kade said. “There are too many rocks and the currents are too strong. It’s easier to fly to this side of the island, which is why I don’t have to worry about being interrupted by humans.” Lindsey nodded, but said nothing. She hadn’t said much of anything since she got here, not really.

  Part of her wondered exactly what Kade thought of her. He was attracted to her. She knew that much. He was an attractive dragon, too, so why did he take her as a slave? She wasn’t complaining, by any means. She wanted to be here. Most of her still thought she did, at least. That didn’t explain why Kade didn’t just get a girl the normal way.

  You know, dating?

  Was there something wrong with him that prevented him from dating someone on the island?

  Was he secretly a serial killer?

  The thought had crossed her mind many times since Victoria brought up the idea, but somehow, Kade didn’t seem quite like a serial killer.
He was definitely a little bit crazy, but what did Lindsey have to lose by coming here? Her life? It wasn’t worth much by anyone’s standards: not when she was dating Heath and certainly not now, not while she stood at the edge of destitution.

  “It’s beautiful,” Lindsey said, after a minute, looking at the waves crashing against the beach. Maybe on a sunnier day, they would take a walk together. Kade was so into this whole “pet” thing that Lindsey wondered if he would make her wear a leash and collar. She didn’t ask because she didn’t want to give him any ideas if he hadn’t already thought of them.

  When they went back inside, he led her to the basement. They hadn’t been down there yet and she wondered if it would have a dungeon: a sex dungeon where Kade would do wicked things to her. Kade held Lindsey’s hand tightly as they walked down the narrow hallway at the bottom of the stairs. At the end of the hallway was a door. He pushed it open and led her inside.


  The dungeon had everything Lindsey thought a dungeon might have, but it was nothing like she had pictured.

  There were all the torture instruments she had expected to see: floggers, paddles, nipple clamps. None of them looked as scary as she had expected, though. In fact, some of the items looked intriguing, rather than horrifying.

  The room was brightly lit: not dark the way she supposed a dungeon ought to look. The floor was covered with a thick, warm carpet, and for a quick second, she thought about rolling around on the floor and feeling the softness against her lush skin. Then the thought, “I am not a dog,” flashed through Lindsey’s mind, and she stayed upright.

  Was she already changing? Was she already becoming what he wanted her to be? Lindsey knew that it would take awhile for her to adjust to her new surroundings and her new life. What she hadn’t thought about was how being here would change her. Would she, at the end of a year, view herself as only a pet? Would she view herself as less than human?


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