Misadventures of a College Girl

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Misadventures of a College Girl Page 9

by Lauren Rowe

  I nod.

  “Yes?” he grits out. He sounds like a man hanging on the edge of a cliff by his fingernails.


  Tyler moves slowly in and out of me. He’s kissing me gently, touching my face, my hair, whispering into my ear that I feel amazing. That I’m beautiful. That he couldn’t believe how beautiful I was when he first saw me in his kitchen… And somehow, the sound of his voice begins coaxing me into forgetting there’s a very large dick moving inside me.

  “You okay?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Does it feel good?”

  “It feels…okay,” I answer honestly. “But not bad.”

  “I’ll slow down a bit.”

  “No, no, I’m getting used to it. Are you really big?”

  “You’ll appreciate it later.”

  I take a deep breath. “Just do whatever’s normal at times like this. Not too crazy, but normal.”

  Tyler begins gyrating on top of me with a tad more enthusiasm, and I’m shocked to feel my pelvis instinctively begin moving and gyrating in synchronicity with his.

  “That’s good,” he whispers. “Nice.”

  After a moment, Tyler makes a sound that tells me he’s really enjoying what he’s feeling, and the sound of his obvious pleasure flips a switch inside me. I grab his ass tightly and revel in the feeling of his muscles tensing and releasing on top of me.

  “Holy fuck,” he chokes out. He thrusts deeply into me—so deep he makes my eyes pop out. And then I feel a rippling sensation inside of me. And then stillness. He sighs. “Lord have mercy on my soul.”

  For a long moment, we’re both quiet, except for the sound of our mutual ragged breathing.

  I feel the warmth of his skin against mine.

  Smell his scent.

  Hear the perfect song he selected for this moment, playing on a loop.

  I sigh. “And, just like that, you’re a lifelong memory, Tyler Caldwell.”

  He kisses my cheek. “Don’t judge sex by that—and certainly don’t judge sex with me by that. That was just, you know, step one. It’s gonna get better and better, I promise.”

  “So how soon will you be ready to do it again? Five minutes? Tomorrow? How does this work?”

  He chuckles. “I’ll be ready to go again in about an hour. And probably once more after that. Either way, my eager little beaver, I promise you’re not leaving this house tonight until I’ve fucked you good and right.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tyler pulls his motorcycle to a stop in front of my dorm building in the predawn darkness. I reluctantly unwrap my arms from around his leather jacket, slide off the back of his bike, and take off the helmet he gave me to wear. Tyler’s UCLA sweatshirt is mammoth on me. I hug it to me, reveling in the softness of the fleece against my flesh and the deliciousness of Tyler’s scent wafting up from the fabric.

  I feel drugged. High on life. High on Tyler. On his skin. His smile. His tongue. His laugh. I feel intoxicated by our night together, especially that incredible third time we had sex tonight. “Now I know what all the fuss is about,” I said to Tyler after that third time, and he laughed.

  Tyler pulls off his helmet and kills the motor on his bike. “So I’ll see you tonight around eight?” he says.

  “I’ll be there with bells on,” I say. “And hard nipples.”

  He laughs again. God, I love his laugh. “You had fun tonight?” he asks.

  “Best night ever.”

  “Just imagine if I would have fucked you at the party the way I fucked you that third time.”

  “I just didn’t know what I didn’t know.”

  Tyler bites his lip. “Well, now you know, little freshman.”

  “I sure do.” I hold up three fingers. “Three times.”

  “I knew you’d be a little vixen once you got comfortable. But I had no idea you’d get that comfortable that fast. That third time, you went full-throttle sex kitten on me. Damn.”

  I giggle. “I can’t wait to do it again. I feel addicted.”

  We linger for a bit, cooing at each other, giggling, whispering, neither of us wanting this magical night to end. Finally, I pull myself from his soft lips and intoxicating scent and glide on air through the front entrance of my dorm building. Once inside, I forego the elevator in favor of the stairs, just because I’m so happy to be alive. What a night!

  I reach the door to my room and open it slowly, not wanting to wake Clarissa. But when I step inside the darkened room, I’m shocked to see what appears to be two intertwined bodies gyrating on Clarissa’s bed.

  “Gah!” I blurt, spinning around and bonking my forehead smack into the door. “Ouch! Sorry! Gah.”

  “It’s fine, Zooey,” Clarissa says softly behind me. “It’s just Dimitri. We’re fully clothed.”

  I turn around. My eyes have adjusted now, and I can plainly see Dimitri and Clarissa lying, clothed, on top of her small bed.

  “Hi, Dimitri.”

  “Hi,” Dimitri replies sheepishly. “Sorry I’m here. I meant to be gone before you got back. We were watching a movie and I fell asleep.”

  “And then you woke up,” Clarissa says suggestively.

  “And then I woke up,” Dimitri agrees, his tone equally suggestive. He kisses Clarissa on her cheek and pops up from the bed. “I’ll text you later.”

  “You’d better.”

  “I take it things went well with Tyler?” Dimitri says to me. “After the way he lost his shit about you today on campus, I figured he’d turn on the charm.”

  “It went great.” I exchange a loaded look with Clarissa. “He’s sweet.”

  “Yeah? Glad to hear it. He’s got a rep for being a bit of a cocky dick sometimes, actually.”

  “Not at all. He’s wonderful. He made me dinner. We did our homework. Made out a little. I’m seeing him again tomorrow night. Well, actually, tonight, I guess. We’re assigned to work on two class projects together, so we’ll be seeing a lot of each other this quarter.”

  “Cool.” Dimitri heads toward the door. “If he’s ever a dick to you, though, let me know. I’ll beat him up for you.”

  Clarissa and I giggle.

  “Oh, hey, Dimitri,” I say. “I almost forgot. Tyler and I have to do some experiments for Social Psych, and we were wondering if you’d help us out?” I explain briefly what we’re planning to do, and both Clarissa and Dimitri say they’d be happy to assist us.

  Finally, Dimitri leaves and Clarissa immediately leaps out of her bed, her face aglow.

  “Did you and Tyler do it?” she asks.

  “Three times.”

  Clarissa squeals. “My little girl’s all grown up! And? Was Tyler’s T-shirt truth in advertising?”

  “One hundred percent. He was a sex god, Clarissa. I couldn’t have picked a better de-virginizer if I searched the world over.” I sigh happily. “Tonight was sheer perfection.”

  We plop ourselves down onto Clarissa’s bed, and I proceed to regale her with details of the night, and she oohs and aahs and squeals enthusiastically throughout my story. When I’m done talking, Clarissa tells me about how she and Dimitri hooked up tonight to “watch a movie”…and how midway through the opening credits that nerd shocked her by taking her into his arms and kissing the heck out of her.

  “So are the rumors about nerds true?” I ask.

  “I don’t know yet,” Clarissa says. “We just made out. But it was really hot and heavy. I’ve got high hopes it’s going to be damned good when it happens.”

  “Oh, Dimitri’s been promoted from an ‘if’ to a ‘when’?”

  “Definitely. But enough about me. I want to hear more about you and Tyler. Do you truly think you can handle sleeping with him for five whole weeks?”

  “Well, if you mean will I die of sheer pleasure after five weeks with him, that’s a very real possibility.”

  “No, I mean do you think you’ll be able to handle being his friend and nothing more after the five weeks are up?”

  “Oh, that.�
�� I bite the inside of my cheek. “Yeah, I think… Hmm.” I twist my lips, deep in thought. “Can I ask you something, Clarissa? When you had all that mind-blowing sex with that basketball player douchebag in high school, was there ever a moment when you felt like maybe you were falling for him? Not all the time, just when you were in the midst of pure ecstasy and—”


  “Hang on. I mean, not in real life, but when you were in the throes of ecstasy, and your toes were curling, and his voice was in your ear, and he smelled so good, and everything he did turned you on, did you ever think—”

  “No. Not once, Zooey. Never did I ever think, even for a nanosecond, I might be falling for the douchebag.”

  My stomach drops into my toes. “Oh.”

  “You think you’re falling for Tyler?”

  I shake my head. But then slowly nod. “Maybe?” I sigh. “I think if I’m not careful here, I’m in serious danger of turning into a Stage Five Clinger on him. Like, seriously.”

  Clarissa twists her mouth. “Then I guess you’d better be careful, huh?”

  I flap my lips together. “Crap.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “A syllabus?” I ask incredulously, staring at the type-written paper Tyler just handed me.

  Tyler’s eyes are sparkling. “I didn’t want to risk forgetting something important.”

  I look down at the paper again.


  The Miseducation of Zooey Cartwright

  Instructor: Tyler Caldwell

  Student: Zooey Cartwright

  Course Objective: The complete sexual education and satisfaction of Miss Zooey Cartwright aka Eager Beaver.

  Course Length: Five Weeks

  The body of the document is broken up into two phases, each containing a laundry list of line items. In Phase One, the “suggested but not required” course topics are listed as:

  Beginning Sexual Positions

  Beginning Sexual Locations

  The Art of the Blow Job

  Zooey Gets Good at Getting Off During Oral

  Zooey Gets Off During Intercourse!

  Extra Credit: Zooey Gets Off While Giving Head

  I look up from the paper again. “You’ve put some thought into this.”

  “That’s the understatement of the century.”

  My crotch is tingling. “How long do you think Phase One will last?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. We’ll just have to play it by ear. Do you have any questions about Phase One before we move on?”

  “Beginning Sexual Locations?”

  “Bed, shower, chair, floor, against the wall. Maybe the backseat of a car if I can borrow one.”

  I laugh. “I thought you meant beginning sexual locations on my body.” I point to my mouth and crotch, and Tyler bursts out laughing.

  “Yeah, that, too. Advanced sexual locations on your body will be part of Phase Two. If we get to Phase Two, of course.”

  “If we get there?”

  “Three nights a week for five weeks is only fifteen nights. Not that many times together, if you think about it. I don’t expect us to get through the entire syllabus. I just listed everything I could think of, just in case you turn out to be a quick study.”

  I feel crestfallen. I hadn’t put it together that our five weeks together will actually only amount to fifteen nights. “I don’t want to miss out on something exciting simply because we run out of time,” I say. “I want to do it all, Tyler.”

  He grins. “Maybe you should hold off on making a proclamation like that until after you’ve read Phase Two.”

  I return to the paper in my hand and silently read the items listed under Phase Two.

  Advanced Sexual Positions

  Advanced Sexual Locations

  Hello, Zooey’s G-spot!

  Dirty Fun with Food

  “Oh, No, I Hope Nobody Catches Us Fucking!”



  Extra Credit: TBD

  I look up from the sheet of paper, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

  “You still want to do it all?” Tyler asks.


  Tyler’s eyes ignite. “You don’t have any questions about any of it?”

  I look at the paper again. It’s shaking in my hand. “I’m not even sure what all this stuff refers to, to be honest. What’s TBD?”

  “To be determined.”

  “Yeah, I know that, but what does it refer to here?”

  “I’ll tell you if we get there.”

  I gaze at the list for another moment. “You know what? Surprise me. As long as you keep getting yeses from me along the way, then I’m good.” I crumple the syllabus into a ball and throw it across the room. “You lead and I’ll follow, Tyler Caldwell.”

  Tyler’s eyes ignite. “I think you might be perfect.”

  “Can I put in one small request, though? Teeny tiny. Can you teach me ‘The Art of the Blow Job’ first? I had a dream last night I was giving you a blow job, and when I woke up, I was kind of…fluttering down there.”

  Tyler’s facial expression morphs into one of pure arousal. “My pleasure.” He stands and pulls me up from his couch. “I take my duty as your sex educator very seriously, Zooey Cartwright. If my student has a thirst for a particular knowledge, then by God, I’m going to quench her particular thirst.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tyler’s sitting naked on the edge of his bed. I’m kneeling naked between his legs, listening to him explain what I should—and absolutely should not—do while giving him a blow job.

  “But, really, once you’ve got those basic techniques down, the most important thing is enthusiasm,” Tyler says. “You can use all the ‘right techniques’ until you’re blue in the face, but if you’re not genuinely enjoying sucking my dick—if you’re not savoring the taste of my cock in your mouth and aching to get me off simply because doing it gets you off—then it’s gonna be a perfunctory blow job at best. And blow jobs should never, ever be perfunctory, sweetheart.” He grimaces.

  “I had no idea there was such a thing as anything other than a totally awesome blow job,” I say. “I thought every time a girl puts a guy’s dick in her mouth, it’s heaven.”

  “Nope. It’s the same thing for girls with oral, or so I’ve been told. I know you’ve got no basis of comparison, but one day you’ll find out I’m a genius at carpet munching. Probably the best you’ll ever have.”

  “Well, that’s a bummer. You’re saying it’s all downhill from here?”

  “Sorry to say, yes. I’m supernaturally gifted at eating pussy.”

  “So what’s your secret? Enthusiasm?”

  “Yup. I love doing it. When I eat it, I savor it like I’ll never get the privilege of doing it again. I savor it like I’ve discovered the fountain of youth between a girl’s legs. And I must say your beautiful pussy is particularly tasty. Tastiest one yet, for sure.”

  I swallow hard. Man, he’s turning me on.

  “Honestly,” Tyler continues. “I can’t teach you to be gifted at sucking dick. Geniuses are born, not made. I can only teach you the techniques to make you exceptionally good at sucking dick. But that’s no small thing. I’ll never in my life complain about an exceptionally good blow job. But a supernatural blow job? A mind-blowing one?” He kisses his fingertips like a chef. “That’s fine art.”

  I giggle. “So you’re an arteest?”

  “And my medium is pussy.”

  We both laugh.

  “All right. You ready to give it a whirl, sweetheart?”

  I nod.

  He puts his hand on the top of my head. “Bon appétit, baby. Make my cock your art. Just, please, eager beaver, don’t forget the number one rule I told you. Beavers should never, ever use their teeth to gnaw on the big log.”

  Approximately four minutes later…

  Tyler’s fingers rake urgently across my scalp. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he grits out. “Now suck just a little bit h
arder, baby. Oh, yeah. Just like that. That’s perfect. Keep doing that. Don’t stop.” His cock twitches sharply in my mouth. His fingers are gripping the top of my bobbing head. “Now touch yourself with your free hand.”

  I slide my free hand between my legs while continuing to grope him with the other.

  “You’ve got the hang of it now, baby,” Tyler whispers. “Oh, fuck. This is getting good.” He groans loudly and shoves himself farther into my mouth.

  I look up at his face. He looks like he’s on the cusp of complete ecstasy. And, all of a sudden, I feel empowered. I might be the one on my knees here, but I’m suddenly realizing I’m in charge. I’ve got this boy’s manhood between my teeth, after all. Not to mention his balls in the palm of my hand. He’s at my mercy, quite literally. And I love it.

  Excitement floods me. I increase the intensity of my assault, adding a little extra flair to the movement of my tongue. My hand moves from Tyler’s balls to his hard ass and into his crack. I slip a fingertip inside him, exactly the way Tyler suggested I do if I was feeling it, and Tyler goes freaking crazy on me.

  “I’m gonna come,” he blurts.

  I slip my finger farther inside him, making sure he knows who’s running the show here.

  “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come so fucking hard,” he grits out. “Into your mouth.”

  I nod enthusiastically while continuing to work myself with my free hand.

  Tyler yanks sharply on my hair. Pushes himself into my mouth. “Swallow me down, Zooey.”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  He makes a sound that makes my skin prick and my toes curl. And then it happens. Nirvana. Warm, salty liquid gushes into my mouth as waves of pleasure begin seizing my clit and everything connected to it. I swallow Tyler down and yank my mouth off his hard-on, consumed by the pleasure of my own climax.

  Finally, after my body stops clenching, I look up at Tyler, licking my lips. “I came,” I say simply. I smile proudly.

  Tyler strokes my hair. “Well, I’ll be damned. Who would have guessed my eager little beaver would turn out to be fucking Van Gogh.”


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