Covert Affairs

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Covert Affairs Page 11

by A. C. Grey

  He pulled up to their hotel. "I've got a few things to pick up for McCreepy and his friends. I'll swing by in about an hour and get you. What room are you in?"

  "1206,” Meg replied.

  "Thanks, Pete.” Lucy replied, a perky smile on her face as she hopped out of the truck. Meg could help but smile too. There was something about this woman's sunny exuberance that just wore off on her. She slid out of the truck and slammed the door shut. She followed Lucy inside taking a little time to watch Lucy's gorgeous ass sway as she walked. Meg caught herself smiling goofily again. This woman was turning her into a ball of mush. It was far from badass.

  * * * * *

  After a few quick kisses, they separated, each heading to their own room to grab their things. Meg packed up anything she thought might be useful, but not suspicious. Since their rooms at the compounds were far from secure, she wouldn't be bringing any incriminating files along. She took a calculated risk, concealing a couple of small firearms in a locked concealed compartment in her suitcase. Now that she knew their security measures, that there weren't any metal detectors or other problems at the front door, she felt safe bringing in some firepower. Needed to make sure that they could be armed if they needed to be. And right now, Paolo and his goons had no reason to believe they were anything other than gold-digging tourists. Satisfied that she'd packed everything she'd need, she took a moment to call headquarters for a quick check in.

  After a few moments, she was transferred to McManus. "Murphy. What's the latest?" he asked.

  "We've managed to get an invite to the compound. As friendly escorts for the gentlemen of the so-called club,” Meg replied.

  "Good work, Murphy. And you said that we've managed to get an invite. I take it that means that you've worked things out with Dr. Crane?"

  "Yes, sir. We're uh . . .” Meg stumbled as she thought about the events of the previous evening. "Things are good.”

  "Murphy . . .” McManus said with a groan. "Please don't tell me you're sleeping with her already. There's a very important objective here. Don't forget that just because you need to get laid.”

  "No sir. Don't worry. Completely professional. I'd never let something like that get in the way of my duties,” Meg replied, hoping he'd let the issue drop.

  "Very well.”

  Meg let out a sigh, thankful he'd believed her. "Ok. Well, I wanted to check in before we head out to the compound. I'm not sure how easy it will be for me to get a message out. They're definitely of the suspicious sort. All sorts of security and armed guards. And our rooms our bugged.” This was normal. Meg often went days without being able to check in during missions. It was par for the course.

  "Be careful Murphy. These guys are dangerous. And insane. Which is a deadly combination.”

  "Will do, sir,” Meg replied.

  "Oh and Murphy?" McManus added.


  "Don't break her heart before the mission's over. Don't forget that you need Crane for her expertise. Not just for your own personal entertainment.”

  Meg sighed. He'd seen through her. Not that it would have been difficult. "Understood. I'll talk to you when I can, Tom.”

  "Good luck, Murphy. You're going to need it.”

  * * * * *

  Lucy gathered some things and then took a moment to sit on her bed and reflect. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the framed photo she'd set out on her desk. She reached over and grabbed it. She gazed at the picture, she'd been with her brother James, both smiling and carefree. Matching smiles and dimples. Happy and untouched by the tragedy that would strike later. That would take James away from her.

  With all of her feelings for Meg, she'd let herself get distracted. She needed to reflect for a moment, to remind herself about why she'd agreed to take this mission. Why she needed to remain focused, to keep herself from falling for Meg. Jim had been a Navy Seal. Had put his life on the line for their country. And now, it was her turn. To pay Jim back. To pay all those Seals back. And to do her duty for their country. To be the strong-willed survivor that her parents had raised her to be. Now was no time for intimate attachments. It was time to pull back. To resist. To go back to that compound and do what she . . . what they . . . had been called on to do.

  Sighing, she wiped a rogue tear away from her eye. Whether that tear had been shed for her brother or for the relationship she knew she couldn't afford to have with Meg, she wasn't quite sure. Setting the picture back on the desk, she grabbed her bag and headed to Meg's room. She steeled herself, swearing that from that point forward, she wouldn't lose sight of the mission. Too bad it felt as though she was already losing her heart.

  * * * * *

  Meg smiled as she heard the tentative knock at the door. She didn't know quite what it was, but Lucy just brightened her day. The very presence of the woman made her feel giddy and light-hearted. She swung the door open, a big grin on her face. "Hey,” Meg said, attempting to draw Lucy into her arms.

  "Hey,” Lucy said back, a serious look on her face. She resisted Meg's pull and strode into the room.

  Meg looked at her, a look of confusion painted across her face. "What's up?”

  "Nothing . . . just.” Lucy sat down and ran a nervous hand through her hair. "I think maybe we should take a step back. Focus on the mission. I feel like this . . . thing . . . whatever it is . . . between us. Well, it's a distraction.”

  "So what are you saying?" Meg said, her heart sinking.

  "I think we should keep things strictly professional from now on,” Lucy said in a rushed cadence. Her heart broke as she said it. It was the last thing she really wanted. But it wasn't all about what she wanted. It was about her commitment. To do whatever it took to make sure the mission didn't fail.

  "Okay,” Meg said. "I can't say I really understand your sudden change of heart, but I have to respect it.”

  "Thanks,” Lucy said, staring down at her hands.

  Meg couldn't figure her out. Clearly, Lucy was about as happy about this as she was. So why was she doing it? She was so hot and cold. "Can I ask why? This morning you were talking about staying in bed all day. What changed?"

  Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but at that moment, a knock sounded at the door. Meg rose to answer the door, letting Pete in. Lucy was a bit relieved for the interruption. It gave her some time to think about what exactly to tell Meg.

  Pete walked in. "Ready to hit the road?"

  They nodded and began grabbing their bags.

  "Before we go. I've got to ask. You two are up to something, right? What is it? You can trust me. You know, I gave you that key and all. So what exactly are you doing out here? No one in their right mind would willingly go back to that place.”

  Meg met Lucy's eyes, signaling that she'd handle it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Meg knew exactly what to do. Her years of experience with the spy world had honed her instincts. Innately, she knew that Pete needed a story of some sort. Clearly he knew that they weren't just a couple of gold-digging bimbos. However, she also knew that giving away too much information could be detrimental, even fatal. "Okay. You got us. So maybe we're not just visiting the club because we're in the market for sugar daddies.”

  "I knew it,” Pete said with a self-satisfied grin.

  Meg arched a questioning eyebrow at him. "Oh really? How so?"

  "You didn't put up enough of a fight when I . . . uh . . .” He blushed a little as he stammered.

  "Threw us to the wolves? Left us to fend for ourselves with that creep?" Meg finished for him.

  "Something like that,” he muttered.

  "Fair enough.”

  "So who are you?" Pete said, brushing off his embarrassment.

  The lie slipped from Meg's lips as easily as if it had been the truth. "We're undercover reporters. We've heard that some weird things go on at exclusive gentlemen's clubs like this. We figured we'd never get an inside look by just knocking on the front door. So we figured we'd hang around the city until we found
a way to get in. You, my friend, provided us with that.”

  Pete nodded. "Okay. But be careful. These guys may be creepy, but it goes beyond that. They're dangerous. I don't know the exact extent of it, but you do not want to mess with those dudes. If I can, I'll keep an eye on you. Make sure you stay safe.”

  "Oh, we're more than capable of taking care of ourselves,” Lucy said, bristling just a little bit at the suggestion that they needed male protection.

  Meg placed a cautionary hand on her arm. "Thanks, Pete. We'd appreciate any help you can give us.” She shot Lucy a slightly exasperated look. Feminism was all well and good, but they didn't want to sever a possible helpful relationship just because Lucy didn't want to play the damsel in distress.

  Fortunately for Meg (and unfortunately for Lucy), Lucy was much too distracted by the sensation of Meg's skin on her own to continue to put any more thought into the subject. Every little bit of contact sent her mind reeling. She had just sworn to herself that she was going to forego any further personal relationships and focus on the mission. But that was very difficult when the mission involved continued close contact with the gorgeous, sexy, intriguing, amazing distraction that was Meg Murphy.

  Meg stared out the window, watching the scenery pass by as they headed back to the compound. She stared at the arid landscape, struggling to convince herself that it was interesting. Anything to distract her from the woman next to her, who just a short time ago had broken her heart. No, that wasn't right. She barely knew Lucy. Sure, there were some sparks of attraction between them. Okay, more like fireworks. But that didn't mean her heart was in any position to even be bruised, let alone broken. She was just disappointed. She'd had a little fun and that fun had come to an end a little earlier than she'd anticipated. No big deal. She'd be fine. No broken heart. She was much too tough to worry about a little girl trouble. Nope. Her heart was fine, or so she told herself.

  Lucy spent the majority of the ride staring down at her hands, which were firmly clasped around the handles of her bag. She tightened her grip, as if somehow holding on to that piece of luggage would help her keep control of her feelings, which were fast spinning out of control. She knew she needed to focus on the job at hand. And that meant no distractions. But she couldn't deny the inescapable pull that Meg had on her heart. If she wasn't careful, she was going to fall for this woman. Harder than was probably wise. And much harder than she was prepared for.

  * * * * *

  After an awkward and tension-filled ride, back at the club, Pete pulled the truck to a stop. Both women practically jumped from the vehicle, eager to put just a little distance between themselves. Even if just for a moment.

  Before he led them back inside, Pete rounded the truck and leaned in conspiratorially. "Not that it's necessarily the angle you're going for on your story, but I've seen some weird-ass shit going on out back behind the club. Near the golf course. Might be worth checking out.”

  They both nodded in unison, their eyes meeting in recognition of the importance of this information. Somehow, despite the fact that her mind was screaming in protest, Meg couldn't pull herself away from Lucy's azure gaze. She could get lost in those eyes. So lost . . .

  Pete cleared his throat awkwardly, breaking their transfixion. Lucy offered Meg an embarrassed half-smile before following Pete indoors.

  As they lugged their bags up the front steps and into the lobby, they were met once again by Paolo. Seeing the women struggle with their luggage and the empty-handed Pete, he spoke. "Pete, where are your manners? These ladies are our guests. They shouldn't have to lift a finger, let alone those heavy bags. Please, take their things to their rooms.”

  "Look, dude. I'm not some bell hop,” Pete began, but Paolo raised a hand to stop him.

  "Pete. I thought we had an understanding. If you'd like for me to make other arrangements to collect . . .”

  Pete cut him off. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he grumbled as he grabbed their bags and dragged them off to their rooms.

  Paolo neared them, taking Meg's hand and kissing it. His eyes raked over her body as he spoke. "Margaret, it is so nice to see you again. I thoroughly enjoyed our visit last evening.” His eyes never left Meg's as he continued. "And Lucy. Always a pleasure. I trust that you two are enjoying your stay thus far?"

  "Definitely,” Meg replied in a flirtatious tone, returning Paolo's gaze.

  Meg and Paolo continued to chat, but Lucy didn't register a word they said. Her blood began to boil. She knew that she had no right to feel the way she did. After all, she'd just told Meg that they couldn't be romantically involved any longer. And yet the way that Paolo used Meg's full given name irked her to no end. As if he already had earned the right to possess every part of her, even her given name. The way that he fawned over her, the way his eyes devoured her. It made Lucy's skin crawl. And it also made her blind with jealousy. The fact that Meg did nothing to discourage him made things even worse. Deep down, Lucy knew that it was all a game to Meg, that she was just doing her job. But even so, she was so good at playing that game. Lucy tried to take deep breaths, to remind herself that she had absolutely no right to feel possessive of Meg. But she was her Meg. No one else's, especially this old creep. She silently corrected herself. Meg did not belong to her. And that was of her own doing. She, not Meg, had decided to end things. And that's the way it had to be. Suddenly, Lucy snapped out of her reverie, realizing that both Paolo and Meg were looking at her expectantly.

  "Uh . . . I'm sorry. I must have zoned out there for a minute. Long car ride, lulls you to sleep a bit I guess,” Lucy said awkwardly.

  "I was just telling Paolo that we've been anxious to brush up on our golf game and heard the club has a great course out back. He suggested that we go get changed and he'll arrange a tee time for us in half an hour. Does that work for you?"

  Lucy nodded. "Sure.” She knew that this was no ordinary round of golf. That they'd play, but only as a front for their real purpose – to see if anything suspicious caught their eye.

  * * * * *

  A short while later they were out on the golf course, decked out in appropriate attire provided by Paolo. Meg watched as Lucy prepared to take her first swing. There was something undeniably sexy about "sporty" Lucy, decked out in a form-fitting pink polo shirt and little khaki shorts that were just short enough to cause Meg's overactive imagination to wander to all sorts of inappropriate places. Golf shoes and a cute little ponytail completed the look. Meg was transfixed as Lucy bent over to place the ball on tee, and then began to shimmy her hips just a little too enticingly as she settled into her stance.

  Meg wondered how good Lucy was at this game. She sure looked the part. She didn't have to wonder long, as Lucy gracefully pulled her arms back and swung, sending the ball flying straight down the fairway.

  Meg felt a little nervous as she prepared for her first drive. Clearly Lucy was an experienced golfer. Though she was generally athletic, Meg had never had the patience to really learn the game of golf, which led to rather inconsistent results. And the fact that she could feel those intense blue eyes studying her every move did nothing to calm her nerves. Finally, as ready as she'd ever be, Meg swung. To her dismay, the ball shot out almost sideways, hitting a tree only about 10 feet from the tee.

  Meg blushed, embarrassed by her poor performance. She wasn't used to failing at anything, let alone a dumb game like golf. They headed down towards where Meg's ball lay. Meg grabbed a club and tried to calm herself. The melodious giggles coming from her amused partner did not help. Taking a few deep breaths, she steadied herself and then swung, completely missing the ball.

  Lucy's light giggles erupted into full-blown laughter. "You know, Meg, I can help you with your swing if you want.”

  Meg glared as Lucy wiped tears from her eyes. "I am perfectly fine on my own,” Meg grumbled, before swinging and missing again.

  "Are you sure, Meg? I played golf in college. I can help.”


  Lucy approached her. "Okay, get
in your stance,” Meg obliged, sucking in a deep breath as Lucy's hands unexpectedly grasped her hips from behind.

  "You need sit back a little more, widen your stance a bit,” Lucy began. Meg complied. "Good. Next, you're moving your head when you swing. You need to keep it still. Keep it focused on the ball.” Meg nodded. "And finally, you need to keep your left forearm straight.” Lucy reached around Meg her arms enveloping her from behind as she showed Meg the correct movement and position of her arms. Both of them fell silent as Lucy led Meg through the motion of the swing, content to savor the closeness, neither eager to be the one to break the contact. Finally, needing to steady her heart rate, Lucy stepped away. "Okay, give it a try,” Lucy said, her mouth suddenly dry.

  Meg immediately felt the loss of contact, craved Lucy's body against her own. She struggled to focus on the swing. She took a few moments to steady herself, before letting her swing rip, the ball soaring straight in the air, a long distance down the fairway. Meg turned as Lucy let out a whoop of delight.


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