St. Helena Vineyard Series: Broken Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 3)

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St. Helena Vineyard Series: Broken Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 3) Page 1

by Cary Hart

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Marina Adair. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original St. Helena Vineyard Series remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Marina Adair, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Broken Forever

  The Forever Series (Book 3)

  St. Helena Vineyard Kindle World


  Cary Hart

  By Cary Hart

  St. Helena Vineyard Kindle World

  The Forever Series

  Building Forever

  Saving Forever

  Broken Forever

  Cover design by T.M. Cromer

  Editor: Dani Hall, DMH Editing Services

  Dear Readers,

  Welcome to the St. Helena Vineyard’s Kindle World, where romance is waiting to be uncorked and authors from around the globe are invited to share their own stories of love and happily ever after. Set in the heart of wine country, this quaint town and its cast of quirky characters were the inspiration behind my St. Helena Vineyard series, and the Hallmark Channel movie, AUTUMN IN THE VINEYARD. I want to thank these incredible authors for spending time in St. Helena, and all of you readers who are adventurous enough to take the journey with us.

  I hope you enjoy your time here as much as we have.


  Marina Adair


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  About The Author


  To all my readers, I heart you so hard! *kissy face*

  Chapter 1


  “Lillian, the only reason I’m giving you this opportunity is because of Daisy.” Ferris’ voice echoes in my ear, stressing again how much he loves his wife — my sister — and how far he’s willing to go to make her happy. “I almost lost her once from your stupidity and I’m not about to let that happen again.”

  Of course. It’s always about Daisy Daniels-Hampton, my younger sister by ten years. The carefree wild child, who never planned to have a family, just so happened to land the family I always wanted. Life’s not fair.

  “Ferris, please…,” I don’t know why I’m begging, but I am. “How many times do I have to explain myself? I didn’t know."

  “Lillian…,” Ferris takes a deep breath then sighs. Not just a sigh of irritation but one of pity, and that is the last thing I want people feeling for me right now. “I get it and I’m sorry for being such a dick, but I need to know that you can be professional.”

  “Ferris...,” I’m beyond irritated and this conversation reminds me of why I left in the first place. I’m not going to be treated like this and I don’t want anything from him, not anymore, and I especially don’t want his pity. “Or should I call you Mr. Hampton?” I pause, giving him a moment to answer.

  “Lillian, aside from being family now, I think you know me well enough to call me Ferris.”

  “And that is the problem, isn’t it? How well I know you?” I will myself not to go there. Not to remember the plans I had, the future I had mapped out since we were freshmen in college. “Why don’t you just spit out what it is you want from me, because we both know I’m capable of whatever it is you need.”

  “There she is.” Ferris’ voice booms through the phone and echoes in my ear. Laughing on the other end of the line, but laughing is far from what I’m feeling like doing right now. “The Beast is back.”

  “I never left. Remember, no rest for the wicked.” I chuckle remembering our inside joke.

  “Well good, because this is going to take up the majority of your time. Remember that local joint that Daisy had a fascination with? Loved their burgers?”

  “You mean the bar that is actually called The Bar?”

  “The one and only.”

  “What does this have to do with me?” I question, wondering where he is going with this.

  “The owner wants to expand. Open another location, possibly two.” I can hear papers rustle on the other end. Ferris was never one for organization. I was the one who kept him on track.

  “Ferris, I’m getting bored. Again, what does this have to do with me?” Honestly, I just want off the phone. Talking to him is just reminding me he was only a dream and is now someone else’s reality. The story of my life.

  “Damn, Lilly, a little bitchy are we?” He uses the nickname Daisy has always used for me. It doesn’t sound right coming from his mouth. My name is not Lilly and the sooner everyone remembers that the better off I will be.

  Sometimes I find myself wanting to scream, “I’M LILLIAN RICHARDS!”, but I have a feeling it would just fall upon deaf ears. I’m forgotten, just like my biological father. Lost and confused, I try to be me, but now I’m wondering, who is “me”? Would I have been different if my father would have been around? Someone I could call my own.

  “First off, you demanded professionalism, if that is what you want, please call me by my name, Lillian Richards. It seems my little sister has been rubbing off on you in more ways than one. Second, get on with it. I don’t have time to listen to you ramble on about nothing. Get to the point or this conversation is done.” I can’t keep up with this. He is killing me. I thought I was over him, over the idea of him, but I’m not. He has it all, the successful business, loving spouse and now a baby. Everything I never knew I wanted…until now.

  “As I was saying…,” Ferris sounds irritated with me. He was trying to tell me what he wants, but I couldn’t help myself. I thought if I gave him an earful he would just hang up and think twice about working with me. “The owner wants to expand. I’ve decided to invest as silently as I can. The business is successful, tourists and locals love it. The atmosphere, food, it’s all perfect. We just need to make sure the next location will have the same vibe. That is where you come into play. I need you to meet with the owner first thing tomorrow morning. Get a feel for his ideas and then scout out locations, together.”

  “Why me?” I’m afraid to find out the answer. The last thing I want is for him to do me any favors. I can find my own way, I’ve been doing it most of my life.

  “Actually, this is all Daisy. She thinks this would be good for you. You know, to get back into the swing of things.”

  “Ferris, I don’t need a charity job. I’m perfectly capable of —”

  “We both know you are more than qualified to head up this job, but to be hundred percent honest, Daisy…,” his voice softens as it always does when he speaks about his new family, “is afraid you are going to run again. She thinks if you are busy, you’ll stay.” Well, hell…what do I say to that? “Just say you will take the job. For me.”

  “Fine. I’ll do it.” I regret it the moment the words leave my mouth.

  Chapter 2


  This morning I run on routine. It seems to be the only way I can function anymore. Wake up, coffee, shower, get ready and then s
it around pondering what I am going to do with my day. Today should be different. I have something to do. Work. It’s what I know, but this doesn’t seem right either. Why? Why doesn’t my normal seem normal anymore?

  The moment my sister fell down those stairs is when I lost the one constant thing in my life. Gone in just a single moment. You know how people say things flash before their eyes when something tragic happens? Well, that’s what happened. In that moment, I realized I was a bad person. Selfish and evil. Only thinking of myself and what I wanted. Who does that? I can tell you…this girl, Lillian Richards.

  Grabbing my purse in one hand and coffee cup in the other I head for the door. Then I realize I left my cell phone on the bathroom counter and change direction. After retrieving it, I head out of my apartment.

  “Shit!” Reaching into my purse, I dig around for my keys. “Why me?” I look up to the corridor ceiling hoping someone, anyone, will answer. Give me any clue as to why I’ve been dealt this shitty hand. First my cell phone and now my keys. Weighing my options I realize the only one I have is footing it the ten blocks to The Bar. The other, calling my landlord who is a creepy perv, is not happening.

  Soon, I only have two more blocks to go and the breeze picks up knocking a few strands of hair down from my perfectly tight bun. Hating the hair tickling my cheek, I tuck the brown locks behind my ear. A move that I soon regret as the memories flood back.

  “Let me get that for you.” Brian slowly brings his hand up, gently caressing my skin until he gets to the hair that fell into my face. Picking it up in his hand he examines it, rubbing it between his fingers. “This is your natural color.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

  “Brian, what are you doing? This isn’t what we agreed on.” When I left the beach house I just wanted to forget. Feel anything other than what I was feeling.

  He tucks the loose strands behind my ear. “I’m not sure,” he whispers. “I never expected you to feel so soft.” He brushes his hand back down the path it just took, cupping my face in the palm of his hand, running his thumb across my cheek bone.

  “Brian don’t. This isn’t what I wanted.” Frozen by his touch.

  “You wanted me to make you forget. So, let me do that.” He crashes his lips down on mine and slowly, I begin to feel something other than the hurricane of emotions that I have felt since the accident.

  “Miss? Hello? Are you OK?” I feel a small hand on my arm. Looking around I see a young girl, deep green eyes and long chestnut brown hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She opens her mouth but I can’t hear what she is saying. “Do you need help? Are you lost?”

  I take in my surroundings. I’m still just a couple blocks away from my destination. “Oh! Umm…yeah. I-I’m fine,” I say, trying to convince myself more than her.

  “Is something wrong with your face? Did you get stung?” She nods her head toward my hand, which is still rubbing the side of my face.

  I must have been lost in the memory. “There was a spider web. A huge one and I walked right through it and you know where there is a web there are spiders.” I shiver, knowing that part of the lie that I’m telling is true. The only thing I hate more than my life right now is spiders. “Big spiders. I must have freaked out.”

  “Ew, gross. I hate spiders. They have all the power.” The young girl looks around as if she is waiting for the made-up spider to pop up somewhere. “So, you OK then?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I was just on my way to The Bar up the street.” I begin to walk and she follows.

  “Yeah? Me too.” She hurries past me and starts to walk backwards. “I’m Misty, a waitress at The Bar. I promised the owner I would come in and help with prep work since he has a meeting this morning.” She holds out her hand for me to take. “And you must be his meeting.”

  Taking her hand I introduce myself, “I’m Lillian Richards.”

  “Ohhhhhh…The Lillian Richards? I read an article online about you and Ferris Hampton.” Here she goes. She is going to tell me all about my life and finish with how he married my sister. “If I could be half the businesswoman you are, I would consider myself successful.” Oh great. Now I get to hear how she wants to make herself into a brutal bitch. Lovely. “For my mid-term, I have to turn in a five-year business plan. Would you be able to take a look at it for me?”

  “Misty, is it?” I never forget a name or a face, but this is for the best. I don’t have the energy to waste my time with her. She caught me in a weak moment and that time has now passed. Move on Misty. “I’m extremely busy and my main focus is helping The Bar out. So if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.” Reaching The Bar, I open the door and catch a glimpse of her reflection in the window. Damn it! The poor girl acts like I just told her there was no Santa. “How about I give you my card and you can email me your plan…when it’s done.”



  “Ms. Richards, thank you so, so much. I’m totally going to rock this class now.” She gleams with excitement.

  “Well, go rock on then.” I can’t believe those words actually came from my mouth. “Hey, do you know where I can find the owner of this joint? Looks like he is late.”

  “Sure, just head to the back, turn left and go up the stairs. His apartment is up there. Second door on your left.”

  “Thanks Misty.”

  “No problem. It’s the least I can do for The Lillian Richards.”

  Shaking my head, I follow the directions my new friend gave me. Careful to not get my heel caught, I take the steps one at a time. Reaching the top, I hold my hand up ready to knock, but the door opens to a man in nothing but a towel wrapped low around his waist and a hand towel drying off his hair.

  “Misty?” he hollers while continuing to dry his hair. “I have an appointment in ten minutes. Stall for me.” He starts to close the door.

  “Ten minutes is up.” Smirking at the sight in front of me, I lean against the rail, thankful I caught my soon-to-be-partner off guard. Time to intimidate.

  “I’ll be damned. Looks like you are early.” Dropping his hands to his side, he straightens and looks up.

  “YOU!” Why is he up here? Brian Andrews, the bartender who consumed my thoughts just moments ago.

  “Me.” Brian stretches his arms above his head, grabbing the door frame, making his towel hang even lower. “Eyes up here, doll.”

  This can’t be happening. Looking around him, I wonder why he is occupying the apartment above The Bar. “Brian, if you could please excuse me, but I have a meeting with the owner in about five minutes and I don’t want to keep him waiting.” “Your meeting is with me. Eight o’clock, correct?” He looks down at his watch. It’s one of those waterproof ones that surfers wear. He probably never takes it off.

  “Seriously?” I look around him again, wondering he if is playing a joke and the owner will come out any second.

  “Yep.” He backs away from the door, holding it open for me.

  “Figures,” I mumble to myself.

  “What was that?”

  Standing my ground, I say, “Figures the owner would let the bartender handle his business for him. This won’t work.” I turn to leave.

  “Why won’t this work?”

  “This just tells me he is not serious about pursuing this partnership.” I turn to walk away, not bothering to look back. “This deal is done.”

  “Un-fucking-believable!” I hear his bare feet padding behind me. “I am the owner.”

  “Come again?” I turn around. “Brian, I don’t have time for these games.”

  “I am the owner. Your meeting is with me and I’m dead serious about pursuing this partnership.”

  “Brian, this is cute and all, trying to play Monopoly with the big boys, but this…,” I point around and speak slowly for him to listen. “IS. NOT. A. GAME.”

  I realize I’m coming across as a bitch, but it’s all I know. I’m ruthless and the Ferris I know would never make a lousy business deal like this.

>   “How about you lose the attitude, come back in and we can go over some of the plans I have?”

  “This won’t work. We need someone who will take this seriously. Not a bartender who is just rolling out of bed a few minutes before a meeting.” I’m done with this conversation. I can’t work with Brian Andrews. I won’t.

  “Listen here. I don’t know who you are right now, but this is not the woman I remember. Well, maybe it’s the woman I remember but not the woman I had in my bed.”

  “Quiet, someone may hear you,” I whisper loudly, not wanting my newfound friend downstairs to overhear. “Please don’t bring that up again. That was a mistake. It should have never happened.”

  “But it did,” Brian shoots back. “Listen, I’m not trying to give you a hard time. Actually, I’m pretty sure you are the one doing that, but I’m up at four a.m. every single day, making sure everything is set up, beer is chilled. Then I head out to the beach to clear my head and catch a few waves. I’m normally back here by seven, but today, on my way back, I noticed a lady panicking as her child had locked itself in the car and was refusing to get out. I stopped and helped. You know, because that is the right thing to do. Do you even know what the right thing is?” He looks at me waiting for me to say something, but I don’t. “Also, if you will look at the time. I was back in plenty of time to take a shower and ready myself before the meeting. It was you who decided to trespass and come up to my apartment unannounced.”

  I have nothing. No reply. No excuse.

  “What? Not what you expected from the young, incredibly hot, surfing bartender?”

  I step into the hall. “Not exactly,” I reply. “How about I head downstairs, you get dressed and we can conduct business over breakfast?”

  “Perfect. Give me five minutes.” He turns around, slamming the door in my face. I’m not even sure how we ended up on the other side of the door, but I can tell you, the door in the face? That is a first for me and I’m not sure how I feel about it.


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