St. Helena Vineyard Series: Broken Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 3)

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St. Helena Vineyard Series: Broken Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Forever Series Book 3) Page 5

by Cary Hart

  “You do know that you more or less created a business plan for your life.”

  Taking a moment to think about it all, I realize he’s right. “Holy shit. I did.”

  “You also know that you are very much like your mom and dad…right?”

  OK I’ll bite. “How do you figure?”

  “Your mom, she is an artist. You saw the potential in the Laguna Beach property. Saw something that no one else noticed. That is an artist. Your dad, a musician. Last night, every move you made was rhythmic and your voice…angelic. Your step-dad. Accounting nerd.”

  “Hey, he’s not a nerd…,” I start to protest, and Brian tilts his head to the side and gives me a look that says “Really?”. “Well, maybe a little bit of a nerd.”

  “You learned from him. Ferris didn’t teach you everything. Your interest in what he did growing up was the root of your knowledge. So, you see, you always belonged.”

  “Brian…I was horrible to Daisy.” Tears begin to fall from my eyes.

  “Lil…” His hands frame my face, catching my tears as they slide down my cheeks. “You weren’t horrible. What you did was called being a protective big sister. You felt abandoned and alone since your dad wasn’t around. As for your mom, that was all compassion, baby. You saw her struggle to raise you alone for five years, which just made you want better for Daisy.” He leans in and rests his forehead against mine. “You didn’t want her to end up in the same situation as your mom. That is a loving sister and protective aunt. You didn’t want Ruby Rose to experience the loss you did. That is called being a responsible, loving young woman. A far cry from being horrible.”

  I don’t speak and Brian doesn’t seem to care. He just holds me and for the first time, I don’t feel alone. I feel loved.

  Chapter 10


  Three months ago, I dreaded this walk. After this morning, I can’t get there fast enough. Brian didn’t break me. He broke through to me.

  I raise my hand to knock but instead the door flies open and Daisy barrels at me, arms out and ready to attack.

  “Lilly! I’ve missed you so much.” She pulls back and looks at me, a smile creeping up on her face.

  I can’t help but smile back. It’s been a permanent figure since I left Brian’s this morning.

  “Lilly Rose…I believe you got yourself laid.”

  “Daisy!” I feign shock. “What type of girl do you think I am?”

  “Well, obviously the kind who gets laid.”

  “Fine…I got laid,” I confess, shocking my sister.

  “I KNEW IT! I JUST KNEW IT! Who was it? Was he good? No wait…don’t tell me.” She grabs my arm and pulls me inside. Her petite frame is stronger than it looks. “You will give me the deets, but first, we coffee.”

  “I don’t think I can coffee anymore today. I’ve already had four…no, make that five cups.” I close my eyes and remember the first cup Brian brought me in bed. It was exactly how I like it and how he knew that is a mystery to me.

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.” She hands me a fresh cup and slides a blueberry scone my way.

  “I’m going to pass.” I slide it back to her.

  “Nope! Eat up. Now that you are having sex you need to keep up your energy.”

  “Daisy. I’m 32. I’ve had sex before.”

  “Not in a really, really long time. Right?”

  “Why would you even say that?” I take a pull from the coffee she placed in front of me.

  “Well, normally you are super-duper crabby and it’s been quite a while since you were this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. So, was it Brian?”

  Shocked, I spit out coffee and begin to choke. “Why would you say that?”

  “Dude, seriously? You didn’t know? Brian Andrews has been infatuated with you since the day he saw you on the beach.”

  “So, I’ve been told…wait a minute. Did you put one of your plans into action? Nothing good ever comes from one of those.”

  “I plead the fifth.” Daisy takes a bite of pastry so she doesn’t have to confess her sins.

  “Fifth is a good number, but I like to plead sixth and ninth, but that is just my preference.” Gamms, Natalie Russo’s grandmother, comes waltzing into the room, holding a very clean Ruby Rose who is holding a very drenched stuffed rooster rattle.

  “Gamms!” Daisy scolds. “We’ve discussed this. All sex talk needs to be kept to a minimum.”

  “Nonsense, there’s nothing wrong with talking about a natural activity.” She shakes her head causing her “blue ball” earrings to bounce from side to side.

  “Is someone’s phone ringing?” I look around, wondering if anyone else can hear it.

  “Oh shit!” Daisy runs to the family room and back throwing the phone to me.

  Catching it, I look at the screen and see that it’s… “NO!” I attempt to throw it back, but when I look down I see Nonie and Pops in the background. We now have them on FaceTime.

  “Well, well, well, look who it is.” Nonie takes her phone and turns it around so Pops can see, but instead of having me in his sight, he is looking at himself.

  “Non…I don’t see anybody.”

  “Pops, don’t be silly. It’s our Lily-pad.” Nonie switches the screen so Pops can finally see.

  “Well looky there. I can see you now.”

  “Hey guys. How have you been?” I wave, but they seem to be lost in their own conversation. Something about protein powder with pro-biotic. I’m staying out of this debate.

  “Lilly? Lilly, are you there?” The screen goes black. I told Daisy not to show them how to work it, but she thought it would be a good way for them to see Ruby when they were traveling.

  “I’m here Nonie.” She doesn’t respond.

  Knowing they must have hit the wrong button, I pick up the phone and take it to the other room where everyone is now sitting and lay it on the table. Soon enough Nonie will figure it out and want to pick up where she left off.

  “Daisy dear, tell Ruby goodbye. We have to get going if we want to get there in time. I have Mona, the owner of Enchanted, making a line of designer shorts for Cocksucker.” Gamms hands Ruby over to Daisy and continues. “That poor rooster has been a little depressed lately and I’m hoping that a new wardrobe will bring him out of his funk.”

  “Cheese-n-Rice, Pop. How many did you take?” Nonie’s voice is heard coming from the phone, but the picture is still black.

  “Well, I think I read somewhere that Bob Dole took a couple before he performed.”

  “No, no, no! He took one pill a couple hours before he was ready to perform.”

  “Honey, you need to hurry. This thing is bigger than that one Tuesday,” Pops calls Nonie over to him.

  Oh my God!

  Daisy and I both look at each other and shout, “Hang up the phone.”

  As we both dive in the phone’s direction, Gamms intercepts. “Don’t you dare! Peter who lives a couple houses down keeps messing with my Garden. I need to see how this turns outs. I’m thinking this has R. E. V. E. N. G. E. written all over it.”

  “Let me grab the camera. Susie from water aerobics will never believe this.” You can hear Nonie fumbling in the phone in the background when Gamms lays the phone back on the table.

  “Oh…OH…OH MY. Pops, that’s…,” Nonie clears her throat. “Very impressive.”

  Not being able to take anymore, Daisy comes over, grabs the phone and shouts, “Do not. I repeat. Do not answer another FaceTime from those people. They called me from vacation a couple weeks ago. They visited a nude beach.

  “And?” I ask, not seeing the problem.

  “They were nude on the nude beach.” We both shiver. Her at the memory, me at the thought.

  “Children…,” Gamms shakes her head. “One day, you should be as lucky as to be like us.” She makes eye contact with both of us. “If you believe it, you will achieve it…that goes for orgasms too.” She winks. “Daisy, give Ruby to Lillian. She will be in good hands. We have to
get going. We have a wedding to plan, and cock-pants to design.”

  “You sure you are going to be OK?” Daisy gives me a worried look.

  “Yes, we will be fine. Plus you will be back in ten hours. Nothing will go wrong. I promise.”

  “OK. Love you, Lilly.”

  “Love you too, Daisy.” I lean over to give her a kiss on the cheek and let Ruby give her mama some lovin’. “Have fun and maybe while you are there you can check out some styles for your wedding next year.”

  “Maybe so.” She beams with happiness.

  “Now go! You don’t want to keep Nat waiting.”



  My day is pretty open. Besides a few interviews, the only thing I need to take care of is some paperwork — Ferris called and said he will be back in town tonight and requested that I drop off the financial information he needs to finalize our partnership.

  Feeling a little impatient I hurry out of The Bar and soon find myself knocking on the cottage door. Lillian answers. “Stalk much?”

  “No stalking here.” I look around. “Bushes and windows seem safe and secure. Free from all creepy stalker guys.”

  “My hero!” She fake sighs, opening the door wider. “You wanna come in?”

  “I would love to come in and see two of my favorite girls.” Ruby turns her head at the sound of my voice. Giving Lillian a quick peck on the cheek, I head over and see my littlest love. “How’s my sweet Ruby-cube? Uncle Bri has missed you.” She takes her tiny hands and feels all over my face, giggling at the way the darkened stubble feels against her skin.


  “Yeah, it’s our thing.”

  “I don’t think she is aware you have a thing.” She doubts our bond.

  “Do you hear that, Ruby? Your Aunt Lil doesn’t think you understand our thing.” I pretend to whisper in her ear.

  “You’re really good with her.” A questioning look appears on her face and I know she has more to ask. “Do you want kids of your own someday?”

  “You know what I just realized. You didn’t get your chance to have a Q and A session with me.” I switch Ruby to my lap once I take a seat on the couch.

  “Really?” She acts surprised, but the truth is, I would give her everything right here and right now if she would have me.

  “Really.” I pat the cushion next to me and motion for her to sit.

  “OK then.” I feel the seat dip a little as she settles in.

  “OK.” I smile. “So where do you want to begin?”

  “What’s your middle name?” Lillian starts off with the same question I asked her.


  “After someone?”

  “Yeah, my grandmother’s maiden name.”

  “Favorite color?” She blinks her eyes rapidly suggesting it’s her eye color, but I opt for a little play time.

  “That’s easy…black.”


  “Yep it’s my new favorite color.”


  “Because it’s the color of the lace panties you have on right now.” I slide my hand over to her leg, giving it a little squeeze.

  “Give me Ruby,” she demands.

  “I promise she is fine.”

  “That’s the problem. She is fine and I can’t concentrate with you holding her. I think my ovaries might burst if you keep this up.”

  “Well, by all means, have her. We don’t want any accidents while you are on the job. And I’m pretty sure we would make beautiful babies.” I throw out the “we” just to see how she reacts.

  “We? Umm, we are just to the getting-to-know-you stage.” She fights to contain her smile.

  “Not a problem. Questions today, babies tomorrow.”

  “No. No, babies tomorrow.”

  “Obviously. It takes nine months to harvest one.” I’m teasing, but if I were to be truthful the thought of conceiving a baby with her makes me want to throw Lillian over my shoulder and carry her upstairs.

  “You’re silly. Women don’t harvest babies.” Her eyes roam over Ruby, her smile spread wide. “Maybe we should curb the baby talk…for now.”

  “For now,” I agree.

  “So…tell me about Brian Andrews. What makes you tick?” She sits Ruby down between us, giving me her full attention.

  “Well, I’m just a laid-back kind of guy who appreciates life.”

  “Tell me about your family.”

  “It’s kind of a long story.”

  “I’ve got the time. So, try me.” Lillian sits back and settles in.

  “My dad owns a billion-dollar enterprise. Tons of money. Hell, I’m sure my dad throws it around and rolls in it, but growing up, we never saw him. Edward Andrews was too busy working around the clock to make his company successful to be a real father to me and my sister. My mom, Kathryn Andrews, cares more about the lifestyle than us.”

  “That’s really sad.”

  “Is it? Because honestly, I think I turned out A-OK.” I wink.

  “Yeah, I kind of like you.”

  “Well, good because I kind of like you too.” I pull Ruby up on my lap and scoot closer to Lillian. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?”

  Leaning in, only a breath away, she whispers. “Just…all. Night. Long.”

  “Andrews, playing house with my kid?” Ferris comes strolling in and sets his briefcase down by the door.

  Quickly sitting up, I straighten myself. “We didn’t hear you come in.”

  Taking off his suit jacket, he hangs it up before walking over to us. “How’s daddy’s little angel?” He picks her up, forgetting we are even there.

  “Ferris, I put the papers on the desk for you to look over when you have time. I believe everything you asked for is in there.”

  “Thank you Brian. I’ll have my team get the papers worked up for the bank and we will get the ball rolling. Lillian, have you heard back from the real estate broker?”

  “I told them we wanted this done within 48 hours or the deal was null and void.” Lillian flipped the switch and went from carefree sweetheart to ruthless business woman. “He guaranteed me the papers will be delivered tomorrow morning for Brian to sign.”

  “Great. Things are just falling into place.” Ferris walks into the kitchen, with Lillian and I following behind. “Well, I believe that is all I need then. If you don’t mind, I would like to spend some quality time before Ruby goes to bed. She is the cutest thing when she is taking a bath. She likes to take the bubbles and put them on my face.” He pauses for a moment. “It doesn’t matter. If you don’t mind, can you see yourself out?”

  “Sure!” we say in unison, smiling at each other as we leave the room.

  “Thanks for coming to hang out with us tonight.” She grabs hold of my hand and leans into me. “I wasn’t ready to not be with you.”

  “Confession?” I free my hand only to wrap my arm around her waist, bringing her in closer. “I called Daisy to see if she cared if I came to visit with you. I only used Ferris as an excuse.”

  “I’m glad you did.” She looks up and smiles. “Now kiss me.”

  Chapter 11


  Going home alone wasn’t exactly how I planned this evening to end, but as we’re getting ready to leave, Brian receives what seems like an urgent call from Sam. I can’t tell if it’s a personal or bar issue but, either way, he needs to go and I’m stuck going home alone.

  Hopping in the car, I head toward home and try not to think about all the things Brian said he was going to do to me tonight before he got the call. If I were telling the truth, I didn’t want him to go. I needed him to say that he was with me and find someone else to deal with it. Actually, I’m going to make a note to suggest that. If he is going to be successful and have more free time to do the things he wants then he needs to start delegating. Hire management for both locations.

  As I pull into the parking garage, my phone rings. He’s changed his mind. Quickly pulling into my spot,
I throw the car in park and reach for my phone. “I just got home. Please tell me you are on your way.”

  “Well, that is the best hello ever!” Daisy greets me.

  Looking at the phone I see it is her. I mean, I know it’s her. It’s her voice, but it wasn’t supposed to be her. Deep breaths. “Hi Daisy. I wasn’t expecting you.” I hop out of the car, head for the elevators and grab the next one up.

  “Who were you expecting? Hmmmm? Maybe a sexy guy with sandy-blond hair, gorgeous blue eyes, full lips —”

  “Can you get on with it? I know exactly what he looks like. Thank you.” I cut her off. I know she is happily married, but I didn’t want her to envision Brian that way. He is mine.

  “Geez, Lilly, did you not have enough coffee today because if words could kill, I would have died just then.”

  I know I shouldn’t have been so snippy. Daisy and I were just beginning to repair our relationship, but something about the way she described him set me off. Calm down, Lil. “I’m sorry.” And I truly am. I don’t want to be that person anymore. I love my sister with everything I am. I want us to be close. Have girls’ days with her and Ruby. I just want us to be a family.

  “I know.” Daisy takes a deep breath herself. I’m sure she feels the intensity in my words. “I’m actually back in town and Ferris says he has everything under control.” She talks faster than normal. “So…I grabbed a pizza and a six pack. I figured I could come over and tell you about my trip to St. Helena.”

  Knowing Daisy she is probably outside, crossing all fingers and toes, waiting for me to give her permission to come on up. Looking down at my phone, I scan my texts to make sure I didn’t miss one from Brian, changing his mind. Nothing. “Sure, I just got in myself. I’m going to put on something comfy. Text me when you get here and I’ll buzz you on up.”


  “You’re here aren’t you?” A knowing smile creeps upon my face. She has always been predictable.


  “Well, come on up.” I buzz her in.

  Waiting for her to come up, I quickly swap out my outfit for shorts and the old T-shirt Brian let me wear home this morning. Pulling my hair up, I head to the bathroom to wash my face. If I’m settling in for the night I might as well get my nightly facial routine out of the way.


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