The Trouble with Virgins (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus Book 2

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The Trouble with Virgins (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus Book 2 Page 6

by Chris Genovese

  Pike was good at pissing me off.

  He did a few more chin ups before dropping from the bar and giving me his full attention. I wished he’d keep working out. There’s nothing like the sight of a man, sweaty, physically exerting himself. Pike’s six pack abs and chiseled chest and arms were quite an exquisite show.

  “You don’t have to stop on account of me,” I said.

  “I’m stopping because I need to move on to my next station.”

  Egg on my face. Asshole.

  “Have fun then,” I called out as I picked up my pace and headed away from him.

  “Wait!” he called out from behind. “Stop. I was just kidding with you.”

  I stopped and turned.

  “I came out here to see the sun rise, thinking it would brighten up my day a little more,” he said. “It didn’t. Not even a little bit. Truth is I’ve been feeling a little bit down. You know, like something’s missing.”

  I knew what he meant. I was feeling the same way and I didn’t know how to explain it. Dominic had been great. He’d made three square meals per day and snacks in between. He pleased me in bed, the way an average guy could I supposed, but something was lacking. I was a woman. A Dove. I was in control. I loved being in control. But sometimes…sometimes I think I wanted someone to challenge me a little, to seriously ravage me.

  And as I watched Pike reach up and hold on to the pullup bar, just standing there beneath it, his ink stained body stretched out and looking magnificent, I wondered if he was the one to give me what I needed.

  “I’ve always liked sunsets but haven’t really been up early enough to see it rise,” Pike continued. “I guess…I don’t know…it wasn’t all I thought it would be. The setting is better, prettier, I think because it’s when things settle down. All the craziness goes away and it’s just calm. Yeah, I dig sunsets more than sunrises. So this morning wasn’t all I expected it to be.”

  He was like a bad boy lyricist with horrible poetic style. But he did try.

  I smiled at him and turned away. I needed to finish my workout.

  “Until I saw you,” he said loudly.

  I stopped.

  “The fucking sun doesn’t mean anything to me. But you…when I saw you running my way…that…umm…that brightened my day. I know what that sounds like but I’m trying to tell you how I feel and I’m just fucking it up as usual.”

  He was doing a great job in my book. Cheesy pickup lines always sounded ridiculous but hearing a man stumble over his words, trying to say how he felt, it was adorable. I wanted to rush to him and kiss him. I felt a familiar flutter at the crease between my thighs.

  I wanted Pike. I knew I did. I think I always did. I was getting wet thinking about his ripped body holding me down in the sand.

  “Forget it,” Pike said. “I’m never gonna be able to speak to you like a gentleman or any of that shit. It just doesn’t work on me. I try and I sound like a buffoon.”

  I walked closer to Pike. He had his head down, staring at his feet, his arms still stretched out and holding on to the bar. I set one hand on his massive bicep and realized I was trembling a little. I was nervous. I tried to be in control all the time but Pike made me anxious and that’s probably why I hated him so much most of the time.

  Most of the time. But not right now.

  As my hand rattled against his skin, he lifted his gaze and stared into mine, his hazel eyes boring into my soul. I was lost. I’d never given him this much attention. I’d never allowed myself to.

  “Do you like me?” I asked him. “Like really like me? No bullshit? No games? No Lauren? No one else? Just me?”

  He nodded.

  “Then kiss me.”

  It was like an explosion. He grabbed the back of my head with one of his strong hands and wrapped the other around my waist. He pulled me into him with a wanting, a needing, a starvation that I’d never experienced.

  His lips met mine gingerly at first, like he wanted to safeguard my mouth, but then once I was there, fire ran through my body and it was all heated passion. I opened my mouth and felt for his tongue. It was there. I wrapped it in my embrace and made love to it with mine.

  He pulled my body harder into his. My tits smashed against his chest and I could feel his cock poke against my leg. He was hard. He was so fucking hard and I wanted it. I wanted him to shove me down and take me right there on the ground.

  “I want you,” he said with shaky breath.

  “You know what to do,” I said.

  He pulled away and held both of my arms in his hands, forcing me to give him my undivided attention. I was all his. For the moment anyway.

  “Please…don’t deny me again. I’m requesting a suitor visit. Will you come with me to the suitor cabin?”

  I felt giddy, a little too excited, but I was happy. Pike was the missing link it seemed. I wasn’t sure if it was his love I needed or his cock I craved but having both should suspend the sadness for a while at least.

  I nodded and felt myself grinning. He smiled.

  “Now?” he asked.

  Oh how I fucking wish.

  “No,” I replied. “It has to be formal. You have to go to the Seven and request it. You’ve been through all the training. You know all this.”

  “The process is too slow. I need you now.”

  “Then get a move on,” I said.

  I grabbed his long hair in my fist and pulled his face into me once more. I kissed him long and hard and then turned and continued my jog.

  He’s right. I really need a new sports bra.


  Pike did it. He went to the church later that morning, stood before the Seven, and requested a suitor visit. It seemed everything was set for the following night. All of the Seven seemed pleased with his request. Even Lauren seemed happy about it. I wondered how much it was secretly eating her up inside.

  News traveled fast in our community and it had reached Dominic before I returned home. I found him in the kitchen, sitting at the table, sipping a cup of tea. He looked at me for a second and then lowered his face. He was upset. I knew he would be but it wasn’t his right.

  For some reason, with Dominic, I had an easier time being dominant. He needed to be reminded of his place.

  I drew the curtains closed on the windows and pulled my dress up over my head, letting it fall to the floor. He still wouldn’t look at me, even as I stood nearly naked in only a black lace bra and panties.

  He was looking at my bare feet, my red painted toenails.

  I pulled off my panties and let them fall to my feet, right where he was looking. I stepped closer until my shaved pussy was touching the crown of his head. Being with Pike that morning had made me horny, and the thought of fucking him the next night was driving me mad. I needed to let out some of this anxiety.

  “You seem upset,” I said.

  Dominic didn’t answer.

  “You will answer me when I talk to you,” I reminded him.

  I was steadily getting pissed for some reason. I remembered the feeling I’d had with Kent that one morning, my eagerness to punish, to make him bend to my will. And I wanted to do the same to Dominic. I loved him, I did know that, but I loved being in control of him too.

  “My Dove,” Dominic said, still not looking at me.

  “Look at me,” I said.

  He raised his face up until his mouth was a couple of inches from my clit.

  “This is what you asked for,” I said. “You knew the rules before we began. I will take two more husbands. That’s a fact. You will always be my first husband but I will have two more. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, my Dove,” he said.

  “Good. I don’t want to see any more pouting. I need men in my life. You hear me? I need a man. And right now, I need my man to eat my pussy for me.”

  He dove in. Whatever anger or doubt or uneasiness he had built up in his system seemed to come pouring out as he reached around, took my ass in his hands, and squeezed. He dug his fingernails into the f
lesh of my ass and shoved his face into my pussy.

  He licked me with wide strokes. It was different from what it had always been with Kent. Good…but different.

  My mind drifted between the three men in my life. I’d nearly forgotten about Kent since marrying Dominic. Kent. My young friend. The boy who’d do anything I asked him to. He’d be eighteen soon. I promised him I’d keep a space open for him.

  Pike, my biker bad boy. I could imagine how he’d thrust inside me when finally given the chance. If anyone could give me a daughter it would be Pike. Somehow I knew he’d force a daughter into my womb. He’d command it.

  And Dominic, the charming and subservient cook whose tongue was painting my pussy a glossy coat of clear right now. I was swollen and he was working his magic. I lifted up on my toes and pushed down against his tongue, fucking his face the best I could from my position.

  I pushed him back on his dinette chair and wasted no time unbuckling his belt and opening up his pants. I didn’t need him to take them off. I just needed his cock exposed. I didn’t even feel to see if he was hard. I simply opened my legs and squatted. He did the rest, pointing his head right at my pussy.

  I shoved down onto him hard, feeling the dry push of his head as it fought to dampen itself with my juices. Then it did and it was all easy from then on. I gripped his hair in both hands and yanked, digging my fingernails into the back of his head.

  He groaned in complaint. It hurt. I knew it did. It had to. So I dug my fingernails in harder.

  “The fuck…” he said.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked.

  “It does,” he said.

  So I scratched harder at his scalp, twisting my fingers a bit to let the nails dig in. And I fucked him. With each pull against his scalp, I slid forward, grinding against his cock, feeling his public hair brush my clit and set it on fire.

  I lowered my head and took his earlobe in my mouth. And I bit him.

  “Ouch, what the fuck!” he said.

  “Shut up,” I warned him. “You want to please me right?”

  “I do. Always.”

  “This pleases me,” I said as I bit his ear again.

  I didn’t come to full orgasm this time but as I bit him and he complained and grunted and I knew it hurt him, I felt the inside of me spasm and my legs twitch. And then he was coming. The pain seemed to turn him on too and I knew as time passed he’d come to love it as much as I did.

  An hour later, as we both lay naked in bed, the sun setting somewhere outside, he said to me, “You like to hurt people.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. In some ways he was right. It wasn’t about the pain. I mean I wasn’t a serial killer who enjoyed bashing in the heads of puppies or anything. I just liked seeing a man quiver and complain.

  I liked being in control and knowing that he knew I was in control.

  I liked leaving a mark that would remind him of that later.

  Is that wrong?

  Again, I thought about Kent, and how I’d whipped him with the crop that one time and about the look on his face when I did it. He seemed to get into it.

  “Tomorrow’s your night with Pike,” Dominic said.

  I didn’t know what kind of response to give and that left a strange awkwardness lingering in the air. I felt that I was being a horrible wife. I knew I had every right to take other men into my bed as long as I meant for them to become permanent fixtures in the family. But somehow I knew that I wasn’t giving Dominic the love…the nurturing he needed.

  Instead of an answer, or any real explanation, I gave him a blowjob. And I used my teeth.


  Later that evening, we went out for a walk. Entertainment was severely lacking in town and Lana and Rachel, the only definite lesbian couple in town, had taken to replaying old movies for a crowd. Without TVs , the women had to go off memory and this night’s recital was the movie Miss Congeniality, you know the old pageant comedy starring Sandra Bullock? That one.

  We sat on the lawn watching the show and eating apple chips Dominic had dried at some point that week. He told me the whole story but I kind of zoned out when I saw Pike leaning against a tree, snickering at the scene where Sandra’s character uses the pageant talent show to teach the male lead in the movie a lesson. Basically she kicks his ass in a self-defense display.

  I realized right then that I was smitten with him. I didn’t want to be. The thought of it aggravated me. Until that moment, I’d never REALLY had a thing for a guy. I mean there were guys I thought were cute and guys I wanted to make out with and guys I wanted to fuck, but I’d never been infatuated before.

  Was that it…infatuation?

  Pike’s muscular, tattooed arm flexed as he reached up to take a toothpick out of his mouth. With his other hand he smoothed back his long blond hair, dragging his fingers through the creases where the hair stopped and the shaved sides began.

  I had to cross my legs. Watching him was a turn on. I imagined with the right lighting I’d be able to see the tattoos beneath his white T-shirt.

  I was getting wet. Dominic was next to me talking about something…I think about how he didn’t like Miss Congeniality part two or something.

  “Do you find me desirable?” I asked, interrupting him.

  He stammered. “Of…of…course.”

  “Tell me,” I said.

  He chewed at his bottom lip and looked away from me. I lay back on the grass and stretched out, propping my tits up to give him a little inspiration. A swift kick to his shin brought his attention back to me.

  “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world to me,” he said

  No, no, no! Dammit! Be aggressive.

  He smiled thinking he’d passed the test or the gauntlet or whatever the hell it was I was throwing down.

  Not quite.

  “If I were naked right now, sweaty, breathing hard, dripping wet, with my legs open and waiting for you…what would you be thinking? I don’t want you to tell me what you’d say to me. Tell me what your mind would be saying.”

  Dominic reached to his collar and adjusted it. I was making him uncomfortable. Exactly what I wanted. I wanted to push him outside his zone and force him to be dirty. I looked over at Pike again, this time making it very obvious. I wanted him to see that if he didn’t step up his game, someone else would swoop in and do it. It worked. He followed my gaze and then looked back at me with a furrowed brow.

  He had a determined look in his eye but he remained quiet.

  If you don’t fucking say something I’m going to…

  “My mind would be thinking that I want to pull out my cock,” he said through gritted teeth. “And thrust it into your pussy. I want to show you that I’m the man you think I’m not. I want to lick every drop of sweat from every crevice and curve of your luscious skin and fuck you until your legs can’t hold you up anymore. Until they’re useless.”

  Holy shit. Now we’re talking.

  My heart was thudding in my chest.

  “And then I want to make you pancakes,” he said as he slapped a hand down on my knee.

  I had to fight back laughter and he didn’t seem to realize he’d said anything funny at all. He really did want to fuck the shit out of me and then make some flapjacks. Fair enough. As long as I didn’t have to get up and do it…you know…with my useless legs and all.

  “Come here,” I said as I pulled him in for a kiss, stifling my laughter as I pecked at his lips.

  Our lips locked and his tongue dug its way into my mouth. He was horny, and his cock was hard against my thigh as he pinned my hands together above my head and kissed me like he meant every word that’d flowed from his mouth seconds before. He wanted me.

  This might work out.

  Dominic kissed me like he couldn’t care less about the others on the lawn and the kids running amuck around us. The laughter in the air seemed to be submerged under water as I grew lightheaded with his kiss.

  Then the gunshots. I jumped and our teeth clanged. I bit his lip and h
e pulled back in pain. Dominic wiped blood from his mouth as he stood and held a hand out to help me up.

  “What the fuck was that?” someone said.

  “Was that?” Dominic asked, not needing to finish his statement.

  I looked instinctively over at Pike who was already halfway across the lawn, fists clenched, staring in the direction of the shots. A burst of rapid fire sounded off. Pike turned back to the rest of us.


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