US Geological Survey, 182, 196
Ussher, James, 65–66, 167
Valet, Jean-Pierre, 63, 218, 252
Van Allen, James, 232–33, 236
Van Allen belts, 235, 249, 260, 272
Van Musschenbroek, Pieter, 110–12
vectors, 25, 76–78, 196, 200
Venus (planet), 158
Verne, Jules, 67–68, 155–56
Vesalius, Andreas, 60
Vesuvius Observatory, 49–50
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 80, 166
Vine, Frederick, 191
Vine-Matthews-Morley theory, 192
Virgil, 37
Vogt, Joachim, 253
volcanoes and volcanology, 28, 32, 49, 63–69, 85–91, 166, 216
Volta, Alessandro, 121, 123–24, 145, 273
voltaic electricity, 145
voltaic piles (batteries), 112, 123–26
Voyager 2 spacecraft, 241
Vulcan (Roman god), 67
Vulcania, 69, 157
Wakeley, Amanda, 133
weak nuclear force, 17–18, 271
Wegener, Alfred, 185–88, 190, 192
Welles, John, 71, 73, 168, 211
westward drift phenomenon, 76, 197, 205
Whaler, Kathy, 195–99
Williams, L. Pearce, 129
Winkler, Johann, 112–13
Winklhofer, Michael, 263–67
World Conservation Union, 255, 266
World Meteorological Organization, 68
World War II, 42, 188
X-rays, 148, 233, 270–71, 273
Yeats, William Butler, 153
Zeus, 35
about the author
Alanna Mitchell is an acclaimed science journalist and author of Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis, which won the Grantham Prize for excellence in environmental journalism. She won a National Magazine Award in 2014 for a feature on the biology of extinction, and in 2015 won a New York International Radio Festival Silver Medal for her science documentary on neonicotinoid pesticides. She has contributed to the New York Times Science section and CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks.
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