The Light Tamer (The Light Tamer Trilogy)

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The Light Tamer (The Light Tamer Trilogy) Page 13

by Dawson, Devyn

  “No worries. Thanks for having me over. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”


  Chapter 13

  Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind ~ William Shakespeare

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  It feels a little awkward sleeping at my boyfriend’s house, I think to myself. My Hello Kitty pajamas, faded from years of wear are my go-to pj’s, when I want to remember the Bronx. Jersey has a matching pair, and when I would stay over at her house we’d wear them and watch hours of Charmed. The pinhole on the right knee reminds me of the night we decided to smoke a cigarette. It is probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted. I dropped it on my knee as I tried to hand it to Jersey. We laughed as we coughed up a lung. I brushed my teeth at least a hundred and one times to get the taste out of my mouth. Sadly it looks like New Bern is going to be a permanent thing and we’ll never get to hang out again.

  I put on my white fuzzy flip flop slippers and go looking for Grandma Gayle. I wish Caleb and I could run away, somewhere that only consists of the two of us. We could sleep on the beach and dance in the morning sun, drink lemonade and eat pb&j sandwiches.

  My knees creak as I walk up the stairs. “Grandma, are you up here?” I whisper as I reach the top of the stairs.

  “Come on in sweetie,” Grandma says. “You too worried to sleep?”

  We sit down on the couch, the same couch that Caleb and I talked for the first time. The couch that I sat on and appreciated Caleb’s long legs. “I don’t know…I just want to be with you.” I say, as I lean over to rest my head on her shoulder. “Do you think I’m going to die? What would happen to Caleb if I were dead? He’d turn out like my dad and wither away to a shell of a man.”

  Grandma pulls me in closer and assures me that everything will be okay. “Jessie, how do you know about your dad?”

  My body tensed and I knew I was busted. “Okay, before you freak out…my dad came over. Not here…at your house. Do you know that he was once bonded with someone and she died? Do you know that he absorbed her light?” We spent the next thirty minutes going over what my dad said to me.

  “That answers some of the questions I had about him. The coward should have told Tabitha, she would have helped any way she could.”

  I shook my head no. “Grandma, we can’t tell her. I don’t want her in danger. Mrs. Ward said that she would be safer in the world of Light Tamers to be oblivious. Her lack of knowledge can keep her alive.”

  Grandma Gayle lets out a big sigh before agreeing with me. “This is the beginning of a good life for you. Now look what you’ve done.”


  “You made me get all grandma-like with you. Don’t tell anyone, or my reputation as a cool hip woman will go out the door.”

  I lifted my head and looked her in the eye. “Ms. Gayle, I think you’re about the hippest grandma in the world. I’m going to go on to bed. I’m sure Amber will keep me up for about another hour with her chatter.” I hug and kiss her good-night. “Beg-a-bug,” I say as I walk out of the door. When I was a little girl and she would say, “Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I’d always reply, “Beg-a-bug.”

  “Beg-a-bug and don’t let them bite your skinny little butt either. Tell Amber that you both need some rest.”

  I giggle at her suggestion. I tip-toe down the stairs and just on the other side of the door is Caleb and his flashlight. “Hey there, whatcha doing sitting in the hallway?” I ask.

  “Nice pajamas,” Caleb said. The look on his face caused my heart to skip a beat.

  I look down at my faded sleepwear and realize that I’m naked underneath. I knew I should have put on a bra before walking around the house. To my horror it dawns on me that he can hear my thoughts. I look up and we lock eyes.

  “Yeah, I heard you and don’t worry…I already noticed,” Caleb said without adverting his eyes.

  One beat…two beats…


  “Yes beautiful,” he replied.

  “Will you walk me to my room and tuck me in bed?” I asked boldly.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” he replied. He took my hand and we walked down the hall, hip to hip doing our version of walking like they did on Wizard of Oz.

  The door opens up to a room full of candles. They were set on every flat surface and Amber is lying on the floor.

  “Amber, the bed is much more comfortable,” I say, and tease her with my toe in her side.

  “Eww, don’t touch me with your crusty feet!” Amber says.

  “My feet aren’t crusty you ninnyhammer, I had a pedicure yesterday. I do however have Caleb with me.”

  Amber scurries around until she is sitting up and pulls her giant t-shirt over her knees. “Yeah, I see that.”

  “He came to tuck me in. Are you having a séance in here with all of the candles?” I pull on Caleb’s hand until we are both sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Amber rolls her eyes and shakes her head at us. “You’re a little warped B.”

  “Why am I warped?”

  She stands up and grabs her robe and pulls it closed around her. “I don’t know why you’re warped, you just are. I’m going to go find some Oreos and milk. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. That means, you better be done ‘tucking in’ before I get back.”

  It’s amazing you and her were friends at school. Caleb squeezes my hand letting me know he agrees. “You’re an ass,” I say and point my finger at her. She replies with the middle finger and pulls the door closed.

  “You amaze me,” Caleb says and pulls me down on the bed with him. “From the get-go, you’ve handled Amber with a grain-of-salt.”

  I smile and take my finger and trace the edge of his face. “She’s lonely, she’s mad, and she’s a good person…what’s not to like?” The tingle in my tummy makes my heart flutter. I’ve snuggled with Caleb many times on the couch, but never in bed. It isn’t as if we’re doing anything wrong, but the taboo of it sends my blood racing through my veins.

  Caleb’s hand on my side pulls me closer to him. Face to face, heart to heart, beat for beat, our intensity bouncing off of the walls. My mind is racing with thoughts that I try to mask from him. How far will I let things go? I’m absolutely enchanted with him but I’ve made a promise to myself. A promise that I’m not ready to break. No sex, not even stuff that leads to sex until I’m finished with high school. I don’t know if it’s a promise I can keep to myself. What happens if you break a promise to yourself? It isn’t like I’d break that promise tonight. His hand is in the small of my back, he kisses my neck. I close my eyes, chills run up and down my spine. Little kisses and nibbles; he pulls his head back and looks in my eyes. I know that he’s trying to pierce into my soul, break down the barrier of man and woman. I lose myself in your eyes Caleb.

  In less than a moment, his mouth is on mine. Gone are the restraints, he is hungry for my kiss. His hand up my back pulls me as tight to him as humanly possible. A moan escapes my throat which triggers his hand to the back of my head. His fingers in my hair, his tongue dancing with mine, our breathing becoming rapid and I know the answers to every question. I’d give myself to Caleb, heart and soul…he is my forever love.

  “Jess,” Caleb’s voice husky with desire. “We have to stop. The gentleman in me is losing the battle with my heart.”

  “I’ve lost the battle,” I admit. Without a thought in the world, I kissed him as if it were our last. I ease him to his back and I am on top of him. There are no doubts, and my body is defying my brain. “Caleb?”


  “Can I tell you something, and you promise not to be mad at me?” My heart is literally pounding so hard I think I’m having a heart attack. I lean in and give him a quick kiss.

  “Anything, absolutely nothing will make me mad at you.”

  I sit up and pull a pillow in front of me. “Caleb, I’m madly in-like with you.”

  “Jessie, I love you too.” Caleb says and the look on his face re
gisters the words that I’ve just said to him.

  My heart quit beating… it starts once again as fast as a hummingbird flies. “You love me?” I whisper.

  “I do,” he replies sheepishly.

  “I love you, I do, I love you too. I will always love you. Oh my God, I do, I do, I do.” Instantly his arms are around me in a hug so tight I can barely breathe. The look in his eyes is pure love.

  He kisses me softly and whispers it again, “I love you Jessie.” Suddenly a memory is implanted in my head. It was a memory of the first time we met as small children. He thought my hair looked like Cinderella’s hair and I talked funny. How cute is that!

  Can a heart smile? Mine can, and it is. “I love you Caleb Baldwin,” I whisper back.

  In a harsh reality, he is off the bed and grabbing the blanket to cover me up. “Here, time for you to go to bed. I have to go Jess, sleep well.” He tucks the blanket all around me and mouths “good-night” to me.

  I giggle to myself as I think about our confession. “Too much touch Mr. Perfect?” I tease.

  “Hmmm, yeah I need to go. Good-night sweetheart…remember this last kiss before sleep steals you away,” he says and leans over me and kisses me good-bye.

  Caleb opens the door and Amber falls forward with her glass of milk.

  “Spy much?” Caleb says and nudges Amber.

  “Go away, you’re giving me the creeps with all your perfectness.” She fidgets with her robe as she climbs into bed. “If you don’t want to see what I rock under my robe, go away.”

  “Good-night girls. See you at breakfast Jessie,” he says and blows me a kiss.


  Chapter 14

  But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?

  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

  Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

  Who is already sick and pale with grief

  That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she ~ William Shakespeare

  Romeo and Juliet

  The morning sun made its wake up call right at seven, not exactly my favorite hour. I rolled out of bed after a fitful night of dreams. Amber looks to have slept well with her night mask blocking the sun. Who would have guessed that I’d be sleeping over at a boys house, a boy that I love. Where does that put us in the chain of Light Tamers? What if he gets bored with me? My dreams last night had me fighting wars in the clouds. The big puffy ones that look like they’re lined in golden light. A war of mythical creatures with the kids from last night mixed in.

  I wish I knew how it was all going to turn out. Time isn’t my friend. It is running out, and I don’t have time to be scared. I don’t have time to think. I don’t have time for love. I don’t have time to die or have my light sucked from me. Last night was intense; his lips on mine left my lips tender and chapped. I put a finger to my lips as I think of our confession. I throw on some cut-offs and tank top and triple check myself in the mirror. I wonder what it’s like to have your legs waxed; I think to myself as I run a razor over my legs. I click my Caleb playlist and listen to I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by Ingrid Michelson. I wish I’d been alive when Elvis was popular. Random, but true.

  “Oh for the love-of! Do you really have to play that crap out loud? Notice, I’m sleeping. When you see the mask, it means shut the hell up and go away.” Amber snaps.

  “You weren’t lying about the not a morning person thing, were you?”

  “Good thing you are a quick study, now go away.”

  Walking into the kitchen, everyone stops talking and in unison take a sip of coffee. “Well, that wasn’t obvious. What’s going on? I’m missing a powwow?” I say as I look into the guilty faces of Caleb, Gabe and Grandma.

  “No, we were actually talking about your upcoming birthday. You’ll be sixteen in one month. We were thinking about having a big barbeque for you. What are your thoughts?” Grandma asked.

  I smile from ear to ear. “Oh really?” I say as I sit down at the table with them.

  “Really. Is there something else you’d like to do?” Caleb asks.

  I tap my finger on my lips as I ponder about it. “I’d like to go to Busch Gardens in Virginia. We could all go and ride roller coasters, I hear they have some great ones.”

  “Oh, I have a friend with a huge Bed and Breakfast, I’ll check availability. I hope your mother can get the weekend off,” Grandma says.

  I look to see Caleb’s expression. Something wrong? He tilts his head to the side and shrugs a little.

  Gabe looks over at Caleb. “Caleb here hasn’t ever been on a roller coaster.” He says and pats Caleb’s hand in a fatherly way. “You’ll be fine. Your mother and I were adrenaline junkies when we met.” He says as he smiles at the memory.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll drag Amber along with us and she’ll entertain us in the lines,” I say.

  Amber strolls into the room looking a little rough. Her eyeliner and mascara from the night before have made a perfect raccoon mask. “Ah, bloody hell what line? Coffee, crap, I need some caffeine. Point me in the right direction.” She walks over and puts a little pod of coffee in the fancy coffee maker.

  “Would you want to go to Busch Gardens for my birthday?” I say as I hand her the sugar bowl. I couldn’t help but notice the bags under her eyes. I wonder if she was crying last night with her night mask on.

  Amber pours her coffee and strategically walks past me and plops down at the table. “If you don’t die in the banishing of Otto, I will. Before you all gasp, it is a serious possibility. There are too many variables to make me believe we can do it. Everyone is sitting around talking about Miss. Sweet-16 and never-been-kissed, yeah right. How do we know that Mrs. Ward is really who she says she is? Ya’ll are the grown-ups and you are taking everything at face value.” Amber spat out the words like poisonous venom.

  No sooner are the words spoken, the doorbell rings.

  “Company before eight in the morning? Dad, are you expecting someone?” Caleb says as he scoots out his chair to answer the door.

  “No, not at all. Maybe it’s one of the kids from last night.”

  I get up to follow Caleb to the door. I can smell his freshly washed hair and I file it in my brain to remember him by. That’s odd to think, remember him by.

  As he opens the door I gasp slightly. Mrs. Ward is there looking regal and privileged. “Mrs. Ward, this is a surprise, how did you know where I’m at?” I ask her.

  She cocks her head to the side as she thinks about what I asked. “I’m Fate, how else would I know. Not only that, but what makes you think I’m here for you?”

  Caleb signals for her to come in, which she does with caution. “Is everyone up?” She asks as she follows us into the breakfast area. Seeing that everyone is in the kitchen she nods her head. “Good, I’m glad to see everyone is up and cheerful this morning,” she says and pats Amber on the shoulder. “We have some things to go over. Oh, I’m sorry, may I introduce myself? I’m Mrs. Ward, and I’m sure the delightful Jessie has clued you in as to who I am.” Everyone mumbled how it is nice to meet her. “I must say that last night was a delightful turn of events, minus that pesky Erebus showing up. He is such a party pooper, has been for many moons. I was very impressed with the amount of your kind that showed up, it was amazing. We must all have a talk. Can we go sit somewhere more comfortable?” Mrs. Ward asks.

  “We do comfort around here, even have a tuck-in service,” Amber says and I elbow her in the arm.

  Gabe escorts us all out of the kitchen and into the family room. The sectional is big enough to sit everyone comfortably. Caleb and I sat together and Amber sat between Grandma and Mr. Gabe. I tried to sit as still as possible and stared at her red patent leather ballet slippers. The red poppy scarf tied around her neck matched them perfectly. I wonder if that is what Fate sits around and thinks about…how to accessorize in a color code.

  “…and that is why I came over,” Mrs. Ward said.

  I must have missed something, what
is she talking about? Caleb shook his head slightly back and forth with his eyebrows raised and a shrug. I guess he doesn’t know either.

  “I don’t mean to be rude or anything,” Amber started. It is never a good thing if Amber starts out with she doesn’t mean to be rude. What in the world is she going to say? “If you’re Fate and all, why do you bother stopping in to talk to us mere mortals? Well, it’s true, you already know how everything will go. It would seem a bit redundant to come talk to us about a reality you’ve painted. Or maybe, you aren’t Fate at all.”


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