Devlin's Darling

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Devlin's Darling Page 5

by Pearl Tate

  She doesn’t answer and at first, I assume it’s because she doesn’t want me. But then, I look closer. Her breath is picking up and I squeeze the nap of her neck gently to get her to answer me. Our faces are close, and our breath mingles. “Jenny?”

  She blinks, eyes focusing on me as she stiffens under my hand before whispering quietly. “What was the question?”

  I smile entranced. Her eyelashes flutter, and a smile comes to her face as she looks at me. I’ve forgotten what I asked too as I reach my other hand up to stroke her cheek with my fingers. She’s as fine as glass, smooth and fragile. We gaze at each other, still smiling.

  She tugs away, and the spell is broken. But I watch as she quietly picks up her utensil and continues to eat. When was the last time I smiled? Laughed? Or even had hope?

  Jenny is a miracle in my life. Something special for me alone. Having a female to yourself is unheard of.

  “Can you tell me more about your wife? What happened between you?” Her quiet question is innocent enough, but I detect the scowl cross my face as she flinches from me.

  It’s normal for her to be curious and it appears Selas held to his word. He didn’t share my history.

  Steeling my nerves, I lift my hand again to her back resting it lightly on her shoulder as I saw Selas do. Squeezing, I move my hand across her shoulders, feeling her fine, delicate frame. So different from my “wife” or Ermada as we call our promised ones.

  “We call our wives Ermada meaning promised one. It was a family commitment to her line that made me her promised before I was even born. She was young too. Only a few years older than me. With only two other males in her harem when my commitment ceremony was formalized.” Even touching her, I can’t look at her as I speak. I lock my eyes on her hair, flowing down her back in light brown waves. I’ve never seen hair this color with the light streaks through it. “She preferred me. I am large for a male. Everywhere. She enjoyed me every day but with my large size, it took more than the normal amount of Canesta to engorge my cock. Daily use eventually made it harder for me to perform. After some time, it no longer worked. She continued to administer the drug daily, hoping for better results, but when that didn’t work, she set me aside. I was sent here.”

  There. She knows. I may never be able to perform for her either. But I’m hopeful. So hopeful.

  Her shifting next to me pulls my eyes to her face. She looks confused.

  “I must be missing something. This is understandably hard for you to talk about but bear with me, please.” Her hand rests lightly on my thigh and I could swear my cock just twitched. “So, you got married, that’s what you guys seem to call the commitment ceremony. I got that. But she had two other men already? A harem. Right…?” Her voice trails off. “You don’t want to have more than one woman, right? Is this multiple partner thing normal?”

  She’s getting agitated with the thought. I stroke her back again, soothing us both with the silky slide of her hair under my fingers. “No. There are only male harems with one female on our planet. Matings are pairings of just one woman and one man. At least as far as I’ve ever heard. When they stopped happening, the number of females dropped considerably in the births. A new way to procreate was arranged. Without matings, men no longer could perform and Canesta was introduced. For erections and procreation.”

  “Ah. Okay. We have something similar called Viagra. I’m sure there are other ones on the market but that’s a well-known brand for erectile dysfunction. Wow.” Her eyes are wide as she seems to consider what I’ve told her.

  “Do you understand what this means for us? Since I have Canesta resistance?” Her eyes widen a little more, but she doesn’t answer, so I continue. “I’m not sure what I will be able to give you from my body but what is here is yours. All of me.” When she continues to stare at me with wide eyes, I continue. “I’m much larger than you. This may be for the best? My fingers and tongue would be a fine substitute for my cock considering your size.”

  I notice heat radiating off her body as she flushes even redder than I’ve seen before.

  “That’s… very considerate.” She stutters out and I dig at our bond, trying to see if there is anger or disappointment in her feelings. All I discern is embarrassment.

  “I promise to please you. I’ll always put you first. To be tender and devoted. Always.” Her lack of words is concerning me, but I want to believe she is just overwhelmed.

  “That’s beautiful. Thank you, Devlin. I’m…” She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth instead of continuing as I’m dying for her to. Gently, I stroke my thumb over her lip, tugging it out—hoping for more.

  “What? You’re what?” I prod, squeezing her neck and tugging us closer together.

  “I’m overwhelmed. Aroused. Shocked. A lot of things.” Swallowing hard, she looks me in the eyes. “Let’s walk. It might make it easier to talk if I’m not looking at you like this.”

  My heart sinks. She may be getting ready to tell me this isn’t what she wants. A strange, broken alien male in her bed. Who can blame her?


  - Jenny

  Well, this has been the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had.

  For a minute there, I really thought Devlin would kiss me. I want him to so bad which is a little disconcerting. Everything is going so fast around me.

  It’s exciting and wonderful but scary too! So far, Devlin’s been thoughtful and frank. His directness helps although I’m not sure I totally understand about Canesta? I need to start a list of things to question Hannah about later tonight.

  “What did you do on your planet Earth every day?” Devlin has put his arm around me and is lightly touching my back and hair as we walk towards Selas and Samena at the doors.

  “I went to school. That’s where I was when…”

  “When you were taken?” Devlin’s voice has turned hard. I peek up at him before turning to watch where I’m going. I don’t need to trip over a chair leg or something.

  “Yes.” I stop a few feet from Selas and Samena, who are watching us expectantly. Angling to include them all, I explain. “Colleges and Universities usually have four-year programs. I was in my second year. My major, or what I studied was Art.”

  They stare at me blankly. “Art? What kind of art? Did you make art or study past art already created?” Samena steps closer to ask.

  “Um, both. But I prefer acrylic painting for myself. It’s just… painting.” It sounds so lame when I tell them about it like that. How can you really explain something so subjective?

  “I know just where to take you.” Devlin’s voice has more inflection than I’ve heard so far. As if he’s excited to show me something new.

  “Where?” Selas and I both wonder and I smile up at him at our echo.

  “The Sanctuary of the Order. The temple has all kinds of ornate paintings in it. Some of them from Quasar too.” Devlin seems pleased to have thought of it and Selas nods his head in agreement.

  “Good idea.” Waving Samena closer, he points at Devlin and me. “Samena, take them over in a transport shuttle. Then stay there to provide them a ride back but keep your distance. Give them privacy.” He gives Devlin a meaningful look.

  We’re going to their church. At least from the title “Sanctuary of the Order” I assume it’s their religious building. Nothing will happen between us there. Right?

  This is perfect too. I’m dying to ask Devlin about his beliefs. I’ve always been taught how important it is you hold the same faith as your husband. The Bible’s very clear about being unequally yoked, alluding to marriage as a partnership of oxen.

  In fact, there’s no way I’d date anyone who wasn’t Baptist on Earth. I’m a little concerned that they don’t possess the same Bible I was brought up on. Or do they? But this was the Lord’s plan for my life, or I wouldn’t be here?

  I believe in my heart that Devlin needs me. More than anybody else in either of our worlds, he needs me. I have to trust in the Lord that this is His will for me.

  The shuttle we use has four seats like a compact car. It looks small but still seems big inside since it’s made for their larger bodies. It reminds me of a smart car, just bigger. We only go a few blocks and I can’t help wondering why we didn’t walk. In a way, I’m glad. I won’t admit it out loud, but I feel a little tired after that meal.

  The exterior looks more like a castle than a church. Ornate finishes on the outside remind me of Catholic Churches on Earth. And it’s massive! Easily as long as one block we drove and backing right onto the edge of the dome they cover this place with.

  “Wow! This is really something. Is this entire building the church?” I glance up at Devlin who is already staring at me.

  “Yes.” He steps out and offers me his hand to follow him. Another sizzle of awareness shoots down my arm at his touch. There’s something about him that seems to make me aware of his slightest movement. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

  Not letting go of me, he draws us towards the front door. It’s surrounded by ornately sculpted stones in a rounded arch. The doors slide open soundlessly, and we walk into a vestibule that is twice as large as my father’s church.

  I’m stunned at the detail just in this area. There are three arched doorways with stained glass doors leading into the sanctuary. All the walls and ceiling are painted. Using frames of multiple designs, they have interwoven square and lines. Bold colors and gold leaf dominate the designs. It's liberally utilized through all their patterns.

  Devlin walks forward and opens the center door into the sanctuary. The aisles lead off of each door directly to the altar at least seventy-five feet away. Each pew would need to be individually crafted to a specific size with the way the entire sanctuary is set up in a pie shape.

  Some things must be universal even galaxies apart. Stained glass decorates the large full height windows around the entire room. The recessed ceiling depicts what could easily be described as angels with wings and long robes. How interesting that it looks so similar to what you see in Catholic churches on Earth?

  My father’s Southern Baptist church depicts nothing nearly this elaborate. It's because of idolatrous reasons. Something I’ve been taught goes back to the Second Commandment. I don’t know all the details specifically. Every man makes their own choice how they handle religious depictions. I, personally, have no inclination to worship art!

  The sanctuary is empty as we walk hand in hand down the isle towards the front. It’s almost entirely empty space with no pulpit or pews. The back edge has stairs that look like choir rows.

  I’m more interested in the ceiling and walls where the art seems to blend seamlessly with flowing colors in a kaleidoscope effect. “Who did this here?” If this is just the prisons religious place of worship, did they bring someone from Quasar to do this? Are their priests involved in this?

  “Most of this has been done slowly over time by different artists from Quasar. Some that were prisoners, but some that weren’t. The last few years, things have been worked on and touched up by Carten. He’s been here a long time and has been part of multiple renovations.” Devlin releases my hand as we reach one incredible depiction of a group of men and women with the familiar halo around their head floating up into the sky. “I'll take you to meet him sometime.”

  I turn from where I was running my fingers along the wall. I’m aware I shouldn’t touch but curiosity gets the best of me. A lot of it looks three dimensional, almost as if he textures the drywall behind it first. “I would love that.” Turning back to face the wall, I notice I can think clearer if I’m not looking at his hungry gaze. “Did you get married in a church like this?”


  - Jenny

  “Married? You mean a commitment ceremony? No.” I glance over my shoulder to see him still staring at me with a determined look on his face. His eyes seem to burn into me before I turn and begin climbing the stairs to the front.

  Grabbing my hand, he tugs me to turn to him. The two steps I’ve taken almost put me as tall as him. “Is this what you do? Have the ceremony in your church?” When I nod wordlessly, he continues. “Our Sanctuary draws up the family commitments, documenting, and recording. There's no longer a ceremony in the Sanctuary.”

  We’re so close, I can make out the pupils in his burnt orange stare. They are oval shaped and as I watch they dilate, his gaze fixed on my face. There seems to be a tension between us that’s palatable. I feel drawn to him. His mating marks on his neck pulse, their colors shifting, and I reach out, intrigued.

  I run my finger along the orange and purple line that starts just under his jaw. I stare fascinated as green appears where my finger traces. He shifts in front of me, lifting his chin and bringing one of his legs up by my feet on the stair I stand on. A prickle of awareness pulses through my hands and up my arm.

  “What are your ceremonies like?” He asks as I keep touching him. I enjoy the rumbling vibration of his voice and warmth of his velvety skin under my fingers.

  “Well,” I whisper. “The man and woman have their family and friends come to watch. Their closest friends stand at the front with them when they recite vows to each other in front of a pastor. Or priest. Whoever is witnessing it.”

  “What vows do they speak?” He seems sincerely interested. I’ve been to quite a few weddings in our church that my father has conducted for his parishioners.

  “That they will love and take care of each other. Until death parts them.” I smile slightly, tilting my head to inspect his hair. Parts have come undone from the style it’s in and they wave towards me. “Is this normal?”

  Smoothing his hair, I realize it’s wrapped around my fingers instead of smoothing back to his head.

  “Yes. You can ignore it.” Easier said than done. It’s not letting go.

  Laughing, I tug gently, and more hair floats out around his head, waving towards me. “It likes you. Almost as much as I do. Tell me what else? Is that all that happens at your ceremonies?”

  “After the vows, they exchange rings. The circle of the ring is said to represent the unending love between them. Infinity, endless, and eternal.” I smile at the romance in that thought.

  “I like that. I’ll get you a ring.” His earnest expression is hopeful and cute. As if I’d say no!

  “I would like that.” Even my whisper seems loud in the cathedral as we stare at each other.

  “Then what?” He whispers back.

  My eyes squint as I think. “Then the pastor says, ‘You may kiss your bride.’ And they kiss and then leave. There’s usually a celebration after. Sometimes small with just snacks and sometimes big dinners that last all night. It just depends on what they want.”

  “Kiss? What does this mean?” He looks genuinely confused. That’s weird.

  “You really don’t know? Kissing?” His expression is still confused. “When you put your lips together?”

  Glancing at his face, his lips are so close and so tempting. I don’t think. The need in my body is foreign but welcome.

  Lifting my hand up, I rub it along his neck and under his heavy hair, leaning into him. Gently, I pucker and bring our lips together.

  Devlin jolts under me and I pull back, opening my eyes. He seems frozen under my hand briefly. When he unfreezes, he wraps his large arm around my waist and pulls me forward. My breasts are pressed against his chest as our lips meet again, mashing together. A surprised noise squeaks from me but I don’t pull away.

  Instead, I work my lips against his, caressing his. It’s not gentle but I take my time. My head is spinning with excitement as he feels his way through what I’m doing. To encourage him, I part my lips and when he doesn’t swoop in, I take the initiative and flick my tongue against his.

  The groan that escapes him is loud in the large room. His arms tighten, pulling us fully together from chest to groin. His large leg next to me keeps me from tumbling down the stairs as my head spins. His tongue rubs against mine. Its slightly raspy texture sends shivers of pleasure through me. My
nipples tighten against his chest.

  He sets my nerve ending everywhere on fire. I can’t do more than whimper as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth, exploring me. I notice myself getting wet between my legs. I can’t help but be surprised at how such a simple thing makes me feel. Touching our tongues together has made me want to rub against him for more stimulation everywhere!

  “You taste so good,” he breathes as he pulls back. We’re both panting. I don’t have time to answer before his lips are on mine again.

  His lips tease mine. The deep, licking kisses turn to playful, gentle nibbles that make me ache between my legs. He’s so good at this and all I’m able to do is hang on for the ride!

  Over and over, he nibbles and kisses, tongues tangling. I’m a shivering a bit, clinging to him, practically sitting on his leg as his mouth does wonderful things to me.

  “Devlin?” The interruption takes a second to sink in but Devlin doesn’t let go of me.

  Resting our foreheads together, we both catch our breath. Inhaling sharply, he answers, “Yes.”

  He moves in front of me, blocking my view, before turning slightly to stare at who’s there.

  “We should head back.” I stand on my tip toes to peer over Devlin’s shoulder. I see Samena standing half way down the sanctuary aisle with another guy in a long, light gray robe. It’s clear from the disapproving look on the man’s face he didn’t appreciate us making out in the church.

  My face blushes a deep red. What’s wrong with me?

  I can feel my soaked stockings between my legs. My skin tingles with awareness and I don’t want to stop. Which is not like me!

  I’ve kissed before. It was uncomfortable and, in a way, gross. This… this is entirely different. I’ve never wanted to continue kissing like this before. I’ve never imagined a man naked and been attracted to that visual image. Devlin’s changing something inside me on a cellular level I can’t comprehend.


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