Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 14

by A. C. Grey

  Finished, Zoey headed to the breakfast bar with two plates in hand and slid onto the stool next to Tess. As she set the plates before them, Tess looked down in awe at the incredible meal before her, taking a moment to inhale the delicious scents rising from the food. Finally, she dug in, taking a delicious mouthful of some sort of egg dish.

  “This is wonderful, Zoey. The number of surprises I keep discovering about you never ceases to amaze me. Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  The smile that had been on Zoey’s face instantly faded. “I uh . . . I learned from my mother and grandmother.” She smiled weakly, trying to put on a brave face.

  Tess’s heart sank, realizing that she’d unintentionally brought the painful subject of her family bubbling back to the surface. “I’m sorry, Zoey. I didn’t mean to bring them up.”

  Zoey shook her head. “It’s okay. It’s not like you could have known. Besides, it’s something I’m going to have to get used to. Family comes up a lot. I won’t have you tiptoeing around me like some wounded puppy. It hurts, but I’ll get used to it.”

  Tess ached for her. She reached out and put a reassuring hand on Zoey’s arm. She looked deep into her eyes. “I know. It’s just that when you hurt, I hurt. And you shouldn’t have to get used to it. I still can’t believe your father did that. Just please know that I am here for you. Whatever you need. If you need to cry some more. If you need to yell. If you need to laugh. Please just ask.”

  Zoey offered her a small smile before grasping Tess’s hand. “I don’t know how I’d get through this without you – in fact I know for sure I wouldn’t. You give me the strength to carry on. To stand up for myself. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful.”

  Tess gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Just so you are fully aware, Zoey, this isn’t a one-way street. I am grateful for you too. You bring so much joy, so much light into my life. So don’t for a minute ever think that I’m this saintly, selfless person. I am doing this for you, but I’m also doing it for me. Because you, Zoey Cameron, make me so incredibly happy. And I love you, so, so much. It scares me, how much I love you.”

  Zoey gazed into Tess’s baby blues, which were shimmering with sincerity and feeling. “It scares me too. But it’s a good scary.”

  Tess nodded. “It is indeed. The best kind of scary.” She leaned over and gave Zoey a short, but heartfelt kiss. “Now, enough of this deep stuff. Let’s finish our breakfast before it gets cold. We’ve got plans today.”

  Zoey arched her eyebrow in surprise. “We do? What exactly are those plans?”

  “You and I are going on a date.”

  “A date? Where to?”

  “Oh, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Come on, babe. Just one hint?” Zoey put on a fake pout and used her best puppy dog look.

  Tess laughed and shook her head. “No way, Zoey. You’re just going to have to be patient.”

  “Fine,” Zoey grumbled before turning back to her breakfast. She ate as quickly as possible, eager to see what their plans entailed.

  * * * * *

  After they’d cleaned up their breakfast and gotten ready for the day, Tess led Zoey to her car, running around to open the passenger side door for her. Zoey smiled at the gesture and immediately took Tess’s hand in hers once she’d backed them out safely onto the street.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Nope. Just be patient, Zoey. This date is going to be awesome.”

  Resigning herself to the mystery, Zoey grinned back, stroking her thumb over the back of Tess’s hand. “How could it not be? I get to spend it with you.”

  “You know it,” Tess teased.

  They spent the rest of the car ride engaged in flirty banter. Zoey stopped mid-sentence, however as they pulled up at just about the last destination that she ever expected to visit.

  “Uh . . . Tess. Why are we at the Elvis Museum? Please don’t tell me you’re some sort of closet Elvis freak.”

  Tess turned to face Zoey, locking eyes with a serious look on her face. “And what if I were? You’re telling me that you’d kick me to the curb just because I love me some blue suede shoes and rhinestone-covered jumpsuits? Really, Zoey, I’m hurt.” Tess tried to keep a straight face, but the traitorous appearance of a smile at the corner of her lips gave her away. Soon, unable to contain herself, she burst out laughing. Zoey quickly joined her. “Don’t worry. No blue suede shoes for me. Just my pink Chucks. Which you still haven’t admitted are awesome, by the way.”

  “So if you’re not a secret Elvis lover, then why on Earth are we here?”

  “We are playing tourist today, Zoey. We’re going to do a bunch of cheesy Vegas things. To try and forget all about yesterday. We’re going to indulge in the ridiculous fantasy that is Las Vegas, and you’re going to love it. Now come on, let’s go in.” She hopped out of the car and sprinted around to open Zoey’s door again. Zoey rolled her eyes and took Tess’s hand as they headed inside.

  Zoey had to admit, she enjoyed herself, as she walked hand-in-hand through room after room of Elvis-related memorabilia. Though she’d never admit it, Zoey loved the souvenir she left the museum with. Tess and she had posed with an Elvis impersonator for a photo. There was something incredibly special and dorky about the fact that their first picture together as a couple also included Elvis. It was so Vegas. It was so cheesy. It was so perfect.

  After their visit to the museum, they stopped for lunch before heading to the Sahara casino, where they rode a roller coaster past visions of camels and the desert. Zoey loved it, screaming at the top of her lungs, releasing all of her pent up frustration and pain.

  Tess loved it too, snuggled up against Zoey in the roller coaster car, hanging onto each other for dear life as the ride made its twists and turns. What she loved more, however, was the look of unmitigated joy and excitement on Zoey’s face. At least for a few moments, she’d been able to forget the pain that her father had caused her. Tess knew in that moment that she’d spend the rest of her life making sure this look crossed Zoey’s face as often as possible.

  After their joy ride, they headed to the Venetian. Zoey eyed Tess curiously as they entered the casino. Soon, their destination became clear. Tess led Zoey over to the gondola ride, where they rode through a simulated version of Venice’s canals. Sitting close together, arms around each other, they took in the sights in comfortable silence.

  Knowing that Tess had been right, that this was turning into the perfect day, Zoey leaned over and whispered into her ear. “You are perfect, Tess McLeod. This is just what I needed. I love you.” She leaned back, slightly, her breath washing over Tess’s skin, before placing a tender kiss on her temple. Tess simply smiled back at her and pulled Zoey tighter against her as they continued their boat ride.

  After leaving the Venetian, Tess drove them to what looked like a giant castle. Once inside the Excalibur casino, Tess turned to Zoey. “Time for dinner. Ready for some more fun, Zoey?”

  Zoey hesitated. “Are you sure? You’ve been paying for us all day. I’ve got some poker chips in here somewhere . . .” She began rummaging around in her purse, trying not think about the fact that the only money she had left to her name resided in the bottom of her bag.

  Tess placed a staying hand on her arm. “Don’t, Zoey. Please let me get this. We’ll worry about this stuff tomorrow. Today is about fun. Besides, I’m the one who asked you out on this date. What kind of date would I be if I made you pay?”

  Tess took her hand and led them to a dinner show called the “Tournament of Kings.” They were given paper crowns to wear and were seated in the section called “Ireland.” They watched the medieval show, cheering on the Irish King in his jousting battles, all while eating their meal with their hands, much like would have been done in medieval times. Both women got into the action, cheering and hooting as their king fought his battles.

  A vendor came around selling various trinkets and souvenirs. Tess flagged him down and b
ought a single red rose that lit up in the dark. She handed it to Zoey. “For my lady.”

  Zoey took it and shook her head. “You are something else. Such a goofball. But a romantic goofball.”

  After the show, they walked hand-in-hand outside the magnificent fountain at the Bellagio, taking in the spectacular view. It was a perfectly romantic way to end a perfect day.

  Finally breaking their silence, Zoey turned and placed her arms around Tess’s waist. “I know I’ve said this already, but thank you. This was exactly what I needed. So thank you.”

  “No, thank you, Zoey. This day has been every bit as enjoyable for me as it was for you. And I know we’re going to have nothing but more incredible days like this in the future.”

  Tess leaned up and captured Zoey’s lips in a passionate kiss just as the fountain began exploding, water shooting up the air as if synchronized with the beauty of their kiss. Tess hummed with pleasure as she leaned closer into Zoey, their tongues gently flirting with one another as they continued their embrace. “Come on,” Tess rasped. “Let’s go make this day even more awesome – at home.” Zoey nodded and wrapped her arm around Tess’s waist as they headed back to the car.

  Once they were through the front door of the house, Tess looped her arms around Zoey’s neck, gazing into her gorgeous eyes. “So, did my date measure up? Am I going to get lucky?”

  “You’re already lucky. You know, with me letting you bask in my rock star glory and all . . .“

  Tess laughed at Zoey’s turn of confidence.

  “Time to take you to bed, Ms. McLeod. However, before I do that, please get rid of that ridiculous crown. You look absurd.” Zoey reached up and tapped the paper crown that Tess had refused to remove since dinner.

  Zoey’s eyes darkened with lust. “But wear the pink Chucks . . .”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tess awoke to the sound of muttering and rustling from across the bedroom. Sitting up, she saw Zoey sitting on the bedroom floor, rummaging through her purse before finally giving up and dumping its contents onto the floor. Unable to resist, Tess smiled at the cute scene before her. She was unsure exactly what Zoey was up to, but was content to watch her beautiful girlfriend do just about anything.

  Finally, Tess’s curiosity got the better of her. “Zoey. What on earth are you doing?”

  Zoey’s head shot up in surprise. “Oh . . . um. Just taking stock. Seeing what kind of money I’ve got to work with. I just checked my bank accounts online. My father’s cleared me out. So all I have to my name is my car and what’s in this purse.”

  Tess’s heart sank. Yesterday, they’d done such a good job of avoiding the fact that Zoey had been left without a family, a home, and any resources. But today, reality had come crashing back down.

  “You know I’m always here to help, if you need it.”

  Zoey nodded. “I know, but I need to do this on my own. Make it without help. If I just shift from living off of my father’s support to yours, I’m not really changing anything. I’ve got to make my own way.”

  Tess sighed, wishing she could help, but knowing that Zoey was probably right. “Okay. Just know that it’s okay to ask, if you need help.”

  “Thanks.” Zoey smiled wanly before returning to the pile on the floor, meticulously picking up every stray casino chip and the contents of her wallet before heading over to sit on the bed. She spread the chips and cash out in front of her, assessing exactly what she had. She smiled. “Good. I’ve got enough. There’s a tournament over at Caesar’s at noon that I want to try. If I’m going to play in any more World Series events, I’m going to need to increase the size of my bankroll, and fast.”

  Tess knew the tournament that Zoey had referred to. “Are you sure, Zoey? The Caesar’s tournament is a freeze out. You know what that is, right?”

  Zoey nodded. “Yeah, it’s a winner take all situation. Only first place pays any money. I get it. It’s a risk. If I don’t win, I lose everything.”

  “I don’t doubt that you’re capable of winning, Zoey, but a lot can happen with the turn of the card. What happens if you lose?”

  “I can’t think about that right now. I need to make some money and this is the quickest way to do it.”

  Tess sighed, resigned to the fact that Zoey was going to do this. Part of her had to be proud. The old Zoey wouldn’t have taken this chance. However, another part of her was concerned. Even the best poker players lost sometimes. Luck didn’t always go their way. She shrugged off the doubts though, seeing the determination written across Zoey’s face. Also, she knew that the last thing her girlfriend needed was for her to undermine her already shaky confidence any further. “Okay. I’m free today, so I’ll tag along, play the tourney as well.”

  Zoey smiled. “Great, it’s settled. You just better watch out Ms. McLeod. If you’re at my table, no amount of flirting will protect you. I’m going to dominate you so bad . . .” Zoey’s words were cut off as Tess tackled her, covering Zoey’s body with her own before beginning an assault with her mouth.

  “What was that about dominating, Zoey?” Tess whispered before proceeding to doing some dominating of her own for the next hour.

  * * * * *

  They arrived at the casino and proceeded to the cashier to register for the tournament. Just as they approached the registration area, Tess stopped, putting a staying hand on Zoey’s arm.

  “Zoey, I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t try to talk to you at least one more time. Are you sure you want to risk everything on this tournament? I have the utmost faith in you, but sometimes in poker, things go the wrong way.” She locked her blue eyes on Zoey’s, attempting to convey her concern.

  Zoey faltered for a moment, questioning whether or not she really had it in her to take this risk. However, she’d already come so far, given up so much. She shook her head. “It’s alright, Tess. I appreciate your concern. I do. But I need to do this, for me.”

  “What if I gave you a loan?” Tess suggested, sensing that it was futile to offer assistance, but unable to sit back and do nothing. The look of conviction on Zoey’s face to her everything she needed to know.

  Zoey shook her head again, trying not to be irritated by Tess’s apparent lack of faith in her. “I’m fine, really. Now let’s register.”

  Tess sighed in resignation and headed to register. After they’d paid their entry fees, they stood off to one side of the room, spending their last few minutes together before heading to their separate tables. Tess wrapped her arms around Zoey’s waist. “Have I told you lately how hot you look in that leather jacket and those aviators?” Tess asked. “You’re like a walking leather-clad wet dream. Very, very hot.” Tess reached down and grabbed Zoey’s ass.

  “Tess!” Zoey chastised her, slightly embarrassed by Tess’s forwardness.

  Tess giggled and pulled her in for a quick kiss. They struggled to maintain some modicum of decorum, as both remembered their morning activities. Just as their kiss turned heated, Zoey’s phone began to ring. Letting out a groan of frustration, Zoey pulled away and took her phone out of her pocket.

  Looking down at the caller ID, Zoey’s face blanched. “It’s my father.”

  “Aren’t you going to answer it? Maybe he’s calling to apologize?”

  Zoey let out a nervous breath and answered. As she did so, Tess placed a peck on her cheek and whispered “Good luck,” before walking away. She sensed that Zoey needed some privacy, so headed to her table assignment.

  “Hello?” Zoey answered her phone hesitantly, no knowing what to expect.


  “Yes, Dad.” Zoey replied.

  “I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing.”

  Zoey’s heart swelled a little. He cared how she was doing. Maybe he’d seen the error of his ways.

  “I’m fine,” she said, not wanting to offer too much.

  “But are you really, Zoey? You’ve just cast off your family, your friends back here. You’re alone. Without a support system. So are you
really fine? I suspect you’re having second thoughts, and thinking that coming home is the right decision after all.”

  Any hope she’d had for a reconciliation flew out the window with his response. His overconfidence steeled her resolve. “I didn’t choose any of those things, Dad. You did. I’m a grown woman and I’ve made my decision. I won’t be changing my mind.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise? You’ve always had me there, ready to catch you when you fell. That’s what fathers are for. Do you really think you can make it without that support?”

  Zoey felt her anger rising. “Fathers are also supposed to support their daughters, no matter what. They’re not supposed to judge. Their love is supposed to be unconditional. And that’s exactly what you’ve done, Dad. Offered me conditions on your love and support. I don’t appreciate it, or the fact that you seem to have so little faith in me. I just wish you’d trust me. But until then, please don’t call me.” Before he had a chance to say anything else, she hung up. She was shaking with a mixture of rage and hurt. She’d been functioning pretty well the past day or so and this call had just brought all of her suppressed feelings bubbling back to the surface. She shook it off as best she could and went to find her seat. It was time to kick some poker ass.


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