Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 21

by A. C. Grey

  After dinner, Zoey and Tess headed out to the backyard and sat on the porch swing, happy to spend a few moments alone together.

  They sat in silence for a few moments, arms about each other, Tess’s head laid upon Zoey’s shoulder. Tess sensed that something was on Zoey’s mind. “Penny for your thoughts?” She asked as she lifted her head to look into Zoey’s eyes.

  “I was just thinking about how different this visit has been than what I’m used to back home. Everything is always so formal, so judgmental. I mean, I love my family, I do. It’s just different. Your family is great. So open, so relaxed. You were right, I had nothing to worry about.” She leaned her head against the top of Tess’s.

  Tess rubbed a reassuring hand across her back. Zoey let out a small sigh. “You miss them.”

  “Yeah,” Zoey replied simply, before falling into silence again. Tess pulled her closer, hugging her girlfriend against her body. A few tears rolled down Zoey’s cheeks and she reached up to kiss them away before pulling her back in for another silent, comforting hug.

  It was in that moment that Tess knew she had to do something. Zoey’s heart had become her own, and when Zoey’s heart ached, so did hers. It was time for her to step up. It was time to protect what she loved. And she loved Zoey Cameron with her whole being.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The next morning, Zoey awoke particularly early. She couldn’t put an exact finger on the reason why, but she didn’t mind. For some reason, she was feeling awake and chipper. Undoubtedly, a good deal of her happiness stemmed from her current surroundings. She was snuggled up in bed with her favorite person, in a house that was infused with love and acceptance. It felt like she was a part of this family, that she’d been a part for years. The feeling of total and utter relaxation was definitely something she could get used to. Glancing at the clock, she decided that it was too early to wake up her girlfriend, especially considering their late night escapades the night before. There had been something incredibly hot about having to sneak around and keep quiet, for fear of letting Tess’s family know of the exact nature of their activities.

  Slowly, she extricated her arms from around her girlfriend, careful not to disturb her. Zoey paused to study the redhead, a small smile spreading across her face. She was so beautiful when she slept, so innocent, so peaceful. Unable to resist, Zoey bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before rising from the bed. Tess stirred slightly and emitted a few adorable mumbling sounds before rolling over and settling back into her slumber.

  Zoey made sure she was decent and headed downstairs. She figured after the warm welcome the family had given her, the least she could do to repay them was to make breakfast before she and Tess left to head back to Vegas. She surveyed the contents of the refrigerator and the pantry before setting to work, turning on the coffee maker and beginning a batch of French toast.

  Zoey was busy preparing the food and didn’t hear Tess’s father enter the kitchen. “You’re up early.” A calm voice startled Zoey, causing her to jump.

  She turned to look at him. “Oh . . . uh . . . hi. Yeah. I couldn’t sleep for some reason, so I thought I’d make breakfast.” He nodded and stood there, content to watch her work. The silent, analytic stare on his face unnerved her slightly, causing her to feel the need to fill the gap with conversation.

  “So, you’re up early too . . .,” she began.

  He nodded. “Always have been an early riser. Did a short stint in the military when I was young. Got used to early mornings. Hard habit to break.”

  Zoey smiled. “I’ll bet,” she said before turning back to her cooking.

  “So, Zoey . . .” He paused, apparently choosing his words carefully. “As Tess’s father, I’m charged with making sure that my daughter is happy, that she’s looked after. After what happened with her last serious girlfriend, I have to be sure you’ll treat her right.”

  A million butterflies erupted in Zoey’s stomach. So here it was, the ‘you break my daughter’s heart, I’ll break your face’ talk. She’d been expecting it, but that didn’t make it any less intimidating, especially coming from a retired cop. She nodded and took a deep breath before meeting his gaze. “I respect that, sir. I hope you understand that I intend to treat your daughter right. I love her and she ‘s been there for me when I needed it most. Intend to do the same for her. She’s the most important person in my life now. The last thing I’d dream of doing is hurting her. She brings so much joy to my life and I can only hope to do the same for her.”

  He nodded again. “Please, Zoey. Call me Joe. None of that ‘sir’ nonsense. We’re having this discussion because as a father, I feel obligated to, but I should tell you, I don’t think it’s necessary. From what I’ve seen since you arrived and from what Tess has told her mother and me, I can say that I am perfectly comfortable trusting you with my daughter.”

  “Thank you, s . . . Joe.” Zoey said, as she corrected herself.

  They settled back into silence and Zoey could sense that he wanted to say something, but was hesitating. Finally, he broke his silence. “So Tess tells me that you’ve been having some trouble with your family lately.”

  Zoey nodded. He looked decidedly uncomfortable and she got the sense that he wasn’t one who talked about feelings and emotions often. “Yeah. I’m sure you’ve heard the story already. My father doesn’t approve of the fact that I’m dating a woman and that I’ve become, what he views as a professional gambler. So he made me choose – my family or what made me happy. And I chose your daughter. Obviously.”

  Joe was silent for a moment, obviously deep in thought. “The fact that you had the courage to give up everything you’ve known in order to stand up for what you believe in, what you love, is admirable. I respect you for that. Many, many people would not have been able to make such a tough choice. Standing up for what you think is right, even if it’s not what’s easy. You’d have made a good cop.” Zoey laughed quietly before he continued. “I’ve only known you a short time, but I’m sure this must be hard on you. And I’ve never met your father, but it seems to me that he’d be an idiot to shut a strong, caring young woman like you out of his life permanently. Give him some time. He’ll come around. In the meantime, you are to lean on us, do you understand?” His deep blue eyes, so much like Tess’s pierced her own. Zoey could tell he meant it. She nodded slowly, swallowing hard as she tried not to let her emotions overwhelm her. He continued, placing a gentle hand on her arm. “I mean it. I can tell that you are important to my daughter and she is the same to you. So that makes you family. We are your family. Anything you need, you come to us, no questions asked.”

  Zoey smiled weakly, struggling to suppress how much his quiet, stoic support meant. “Thank you, Joe. Really. It means so much that you and your family have welcomed me so generously. And thank you for your daughter. She is truly the best thing that ever happened to me.” Unable to resist, she pulled him in for a hug. It surprised him at first, but he chuckled lightly and returned the embrace before pulling back and kissing her briefly on the cheek. “Welcome to the family, Zoey. Now let’s finish up this breakfast before we wake the others.”

  Tess stopped at the bottom of the stairs to take in the endearing sight before her. Her girlfriend and her father were cooking together, engaged in light banter, joking and laughing. She couldn’t help but melt as she watched their interaction. It wasn’t often that she saw her father so at ease and so . . . well, for lack of a better word, perky – at least as perky as an ex-cop could get. She had no doubt that the cause of his change in demeanor was the sexy brunette she’d been smart enough to bring home with her. It was as if they’d been together forever, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for Zoey and her father to be spending time together like this.

  Zoey was in the midst of a laugh when she sensed a pair of eyes upon her. She looked up and locked gazes with a sleepy-eyed, disheveled-looking Tess, cute with her mussed hair and teddy bear-covered pajama pants. The look of pure and untempered
love on Tess’s face took her breath away. Zoey smiled back at her girlfriend and struggled to concentrate on plating the food. Noticing the arrival of his daughter and the exchange of looks between the two women, Joe excused himself. “I’m going to go wake your mother and sister, Tess. Why don’t you help Zoey here set the table.”

  Tess nodded and smiled at her father as he passed her, before heading into the kitchen. She snaked her arms around Zoey’s neck, pinning her against the counter. “Hey, beautiful,” she whispered, looking up into Zoey’s gorgeous brown eyes.

  “Hey,” was all Zoey could muster. Tess reached up and pulled Zoey’s head down, bringing their lips together as she tasted, savored her girlfriend’s mouth against her own. They stood this way for a few moments, kissing at a leisurely pace, neither one feeling the need to deepen or hurry the embrace, simply enjoying the lazy morning greeting. Finally, Tess pulled back. “So you and my dad seem to be getting along well.”

  Zoey nodded. “Of course, he had to warn me not to break your heart, but once we got past that, he’s really just a big old puppy dog. He’s great . . . all of your family is great. Thank you so much for dragging me here, making me do this. It’s just what I’ve needed. They’re all so understanding and welcoming. So different . . .” Zoey started to think about her family again before Tess pulled her in for a tight hug.

  “Shh . . .” she silenced Zoey’s words. “Let’s not go there. They’ll see the light eventually. I can’t promise that it’s going to stop hurting, but it will get easier. At least I hope it will. Now come on, let’s get this breakfast set up. We should get going soon after breakfast so we can get home at a decent hour. With the main event tournament starting tomorrow, we’re going to want to get plenty of sleep.” Zoey nodded and they went about setting the table.

  After having breakfast with the family, Zoey and Tess packed up their things and said their goodbyes. As they headed to the car, Joe and Trish followed. Trish pulled Zoey in for a big hug. “Thank you so much for coming, sweetie. You’re welcome here anytime. And thank you for taking such good care of our Tess. She can be a handful.” Zoey laughed as she pulled back and looked at Trish. “Thank you for having me. I had a great time.”

  At the same time, Tess hugged her father tightly. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, pumpkin,” he said as he kissed the top of her head. Then, he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Hang onto this one. She’s a keeper.”

  Tess grinned. “I know, Daddy. Trust me, I know. I won’t let her go without a fight.” She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

  After saying the rest of their goodbyes, they headed to the car and made their way back to Vegas. They were almost home when Zoey sensed a change in her girlfriend’s mood. “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “Nothing. Well, not nothing. I can’t really put a finger on it. But something’s off. Something’s not right.” Tess wrinkled her forehead as she tried to figure out what was bothering her.

  “Sure you’re not just nervous about the big tournament tomorrow? It is the world championship after all,” Zoey suggested.

  Tess let out a bark of laughter. “Zoey . . .” she began in an exasperated tone. “I am Tess McLeod. World-class poker player. Owner of three World Series bracelets. I am a force to be reckoned with. I do not, I repeat, I do not get nervous.”

  Zoey rolled her eyes and smirked. Unable to resist teasing, she said, “the lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

  “Zoey, no amount of you and your Shakespearean quotes are going to change the fact that I am awesome and the fact that I do not get nervous.”

  “Whatever you say, babe,” Zoey said as she pulled into the driveway. They both let out a sigh of relief as they hauled their luggage inside. It had been a long day and both were anxious to get some rest.

  Just as they got inside, Tess’s phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID. “It’s my sister,” Tess said before putting her phone down on the table.

  “Aren’t you going to get it?” Zoey asked.

  “I’m exhausted and I know she’s just going to want to gossip and rehash the weekend, tell me how incredible you are. Since I already know that, I think I’m just going to ignore it for tonight. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. Right now, all I can think about is a warm bath and snuggling up in bed with this really hot girl I know.”

  “What’s her name? I’ll call her and tell her to meet you over here.”

  Tess rolled her eyes and swatted Zoey playfully on the butt. “Stop playing hard to get, Zoey. Now are you going to join me, or am I flying solo tonight?” Tess turned and headed to the bathroom, shedding her clothing as she went.

  Zoey raised an eyebrow before following Tess. Maybe they wouldn’t be getting that much rest after all.

  * * * * *

  The next day, as she readied to head over to the Rio for the Main Event of the World Series of Poker, Zoey heard a commotion and a stream of curses coming from the bedroom.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Tess said as she pawed through the contents of their luggage from their trip to San Diego. “I knew it! I knew something wasn’t right! Where are they damn it?!”

  Zoey came over and laid a staying hand on Tess’s shoulder. “Tess!”


  “What is the matter? You’re acting crazy.” Zoey was concerned by the level of unease evident on her girlfriend’s face.

  “I can’t find them. And I can’t play without them. This is a disaster. It’s the biggest tournament of the year and I can’t find them!”

  “Find what?” Zoey asked, still confused.

  “My Chucks!”

  Zoey struggled not to laugh, seeing that her girlfriend’s concern, no matter how ludicrous, was real. “Can’t you just wear a different pair of shoes?”

  “No! My Chucks are like my good luck charm. They are what help me harness all of my badass, awesome poker juju.”

  Unable to resist, Zoey let a laugh escape. “You did not just say ‘badass awesome poker juju.’”

  “Uh, yeah, I did. And it’s true. I’m doomed.” Tess ran a frustrated hand through her auburn locks. “Where on Earth could they be? I knew I should have worn them yesterday. I bet I left them at my parents’ house. That’s probably what my sister was calling about.” She went and grabbed her phone, listening to the voicemail. “Yep. The boys apparently thought my shoes would make a good fort for their G.I. Joes. Amy found them under their bed. Great.”

  Zoey grabbed Tess by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. Obviously, her girlfriend needed a pep talk, so she would give her one . . . as long as she could keep from laughing. “Tess McLeod, you are great. Remember when you said that to me? The same is true of you. You are a badass, awesome poker player, magic Pink Chuck juju or not. Now let’s head over to the Rio and you can kick some serious ass.” Tess nodded and took a deep breath, resigning herself to the fact that she would have to win this tournament Chuck-less. She uncomfortably slipped on a pair of plain and boring black shoes and headed to the car.

  * * * * *

  The tournament had been underway for a few hours and things were not going Tess’s way. She hadn’t been knocked out, thankfully, but her whole game was thrown off. She didn’t feel right, she felt naked without her beloved shoes. She sighed as she folded what had to have been her hundredth terrible hand in a row. She leaned back and closed her eyes momentarily, silently willing the poker gods to have some sympathy on her and her unostentatiously attired feet. Her eyes snapped open, however, as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up into the eyes of her gorgeous girlfriend.

  Zoey smiled and handed Tess a bag. “I won a big pot early on, so thought I’d sit out a few hands and run an errand. Thought you might need some cheering up.” Zoey winked and headed back to her table.

  Tess opened the bag, expecting something like donuts. She was taken aback by the contents. It was all Tess could do not to break out into tears as her heart swelled. Staring back at her was a
pair of brand new Pink Chucks. She was so damn lucky to have Zoey Cameron in her life. Now, her day was perfect. She had Zoey and she had her Chucks. She smiled as she slipped them on, feeling their magical powers wash over her, this time bolstered by something even more magical – Zoey’s love. She grinned. It was time to win the damn tournament.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Both Zoey and Tess managed to survive the first day of the tournament. The Main Event was a grueling, multi-day tournament, where only the strongest, most capable players survived. And even then, they needed luck on their side . . . or maybe some magic pink shoes. After playing late into the evening, the two women headed home. Zoey leaned back into her seat as Tess drove them home, closing her eyes and stretching, attempting to work some of the kinks out of her body that had taken hold after hours at the poker table.

  Tess glanced over at her girlfriend and smiled. Who else in their right mind would have given up an hour of playing time at the biggest poker tournament of the year, just to put their neurotic girlfriend’s mind at ease? Not many would. But her Zoey had. She reached across and grabbed Zoey’s hand. Zoey peeked open an eye and gave Tess a small smile before closing it again, content to just ride in silence. Every moment together seemed so effortless, yet so perfect. It was as if they were made for each other. Tess shook her head silently. Her father had been right. Not that she had doubted before, but after Zoey’s support and thoughtfulness that morning, she knew for sure – Zoey was a keeper. And she needed to make sure she spent every second she could showing Zoey how thankful she was, and supporting her girlfriend in return.


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