Handle Me

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Handle Me Page 16

by Kira Sinclair

  Just as they edged behind some trees a couple feet into the forest Ty watched two cubs lumber out from behind some rocks and crash into their mother. She gave a rebuking sound and swatted gently at them. Her gaze stayed trained on the spot where they’d slipped into the forest.

  “Oh, my God,” Van breathed. Her hand gripped his shoulder. “She was protecting her babies.”

  Crap. “There’s nothing worse than a mother bear defending her young.”

  They’d gotten seriously lucky.

  The two cubs, probably six or seven months old, tumbled into the stream. They splashed together, rolling around in the shallows and making little bleating noises.

  “They’re kinda cute,” Van sighed.

  “Those cute bears nearly cost us our lives.”

  Ty had no idea what he would do if something happened to Van. He couldn’t take it, not losing her, too.

  But, wasn’t that inevitable?

  Hadn’t she pretty much told him this was simply a fling? A circumstance of convenience?

  She didn’t see a future for them long-term.

  How could she?

  Savannah Cantrell was perfect. What did he really have to offer her except a high school education, fifteen years of military experience, and a shit-ton of bad memories that haunted him on a regular basis.

  They only had a couple more days before this stolen trip to paradise came to an end and he found himself back in a war zone again.

  Never before had the thought of returning to work left him feeling unhappy and anxious.

  He loved his job. He loved the guys he worked with. He loved knowing that what he did saved lives and made a difference in the world.

  Today, the thought of going back made him want to roar, just like the bear they’d left behind.

  * * *

  THE INCIDENT WITH the bear had scared the crap out of her. An hour later, her hands were still trembling, her body crashing from the flood of adrenaline. Her muscles ached. Between the hike out and the drive home, it felt like forever before they walked in the front door.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever go hiking again.” Van collapsed onto the sofa. Kaia curled up in what was becoming her spot in front of the fireplace, letting out a huge harrumphing sigh of agreement.

  Van didn’t even have a chance to get comfortable before her stomach growled, alerting her to the fact she hadn’t eaten much. “Give me a minute and I’ll fix us something to eat.”

  They’d left the food and blanket in the middle of the forest. Now that they were away from the situation, she regretted having to leave their things for someone else to find and clean up. However, under the circumstances they’d really had no other choice.

  Some critter—probably momma with her baby bears—was going to get a nice snack out of the food they’d left.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Ty said, dropping onto the couch beside her. His arm went around her shoulders, pulling her into his body.

  It was nice. Comforting. Safe.

  Honestly, the entire situation could have been so much worse. But the thing she’d realized in the middle of it was that she wasn’t nearly as concerned as she probably should have been. Because she knew Ty would do anything to make sure she and Kaia weren’t harmed.

  That’s the kind of man he was.

  Not that she wanted him to risk his own life to protect hers...that’s what he did whether she liked it or not.

  Shit. She was in deep.

  In a little over a week Ty had somehow managed to become an integral part of her life. Something that became more obvious as they worked together to fix dinner, moving effortlessly in the kitchen. Sharing space without discussion. Compensating and accommodating automatically.

  Standing at the stove, Ty stirred the chicken in a sauté pan, laughing at something she’d said. Struck by how handsome and domestic he looked, Van simply stared, taking in the expression on his face. Lightness and joy. The tiny crinkles at the edges of his eyes and lips. The sparkle in his gray-blue gaze. The deep, rolling, effervescent timbre of his laughter.

  The moment, carefree and unimportant on the surface, lanced through her like the sharpened edge of a scalpel.

  She loved him.

  No, she was in love with this man.

  Because she’d loved him for years. How could she not? Even when she was angry with him and blamed him for Ryan’s choices, she’d cared about him.

  But this was different. This was more.

  Somewhere in the last few days she’d fallen for the man he’d become. Hard. And the thought of him not being in her life hurt.

  A lot.

  But there was nothing she could do to change the inevitable. Van had plenty of experience accepting difficult realities. She’d had to call time of death more often than she’d ever want to. And that moment of acknowledging the inevitable was always difficult. Saying goodbye hurt.

  In a few days she’d have to do it again. Only this time, that moment would be personal in a way Van wasn’t prepared for.

  At least she could put it off a little while longer.

  Shaking off the melancholy, Van pasted a smile onto her face and joined Ty at the stove. She wrapped her arm around his waist, pressed up onto her tiptoes and claimed his mouth with hers.

  The kiss was quick and deep. She needed the taste of him on her tongue. Needed the warmth of him beneath her hands.

  She pulled back. Ty stared down at her, his body suddenly still. “What was that for?”

  “For protecting us today.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You kept control of the situation. Your calm kept me from panicking. And we both know if that bear had charged, you would have shielded me and Kaia without a second thought. That’s the kind of man you are, Ty. And while I would have been seriously pissed had you gotten yourself hurt or killed because of your hero complex, I appreciate your integrity. That quality is rare in most of the men I see these days.”

  Ty gave her a cocky, lopsided grin. “Princess, you’re hanging around the wrong men.”

  Bopping her fingertip onto his nose, Van said, “Apparently,” and shifted to move away.

  The insistent band of his arm kept her in place. “I’d do anything to keep you from pain, Van.”

  “I know,” she whispered, pressing her lips against the curve of his neck. She breathed him in, his strong, male scent filling her lungs and making her crave more.

  Something wet pressed against Van’s hand resting on Ty’s hip. She glanced down at Kaia, sitting on her haunches and staring up at them both, an expectant expression on her face.

  “I think your dog wants her dinner,” Ty laughed, the sound lightening the mood.

  Van grabbed some of the cooked chicken from Ty’s pan and plopped it into Kaia’s bowl. She deserved a reward after her harebrained attempt at protecting them from a bear.

  They didn’t bother sitting at the large table in the open dining room beside the kitchen. That felt too formal for the night. She wanted to be snuggled up beside him.

  So they took their plates to the den and held them on their laps. Occasionally, Ty would offer her his fork and she’d open her mouth to take the bite, delighting in the way his sharp gaze watched her lips and tongue.

  They turned on some show on the Science channel about a team of ex-navy SEALs salvaging a Civil War ship. It was fascinating, but not nearly as captivating as watching Ty.

  Eventually, he took her empty plate from her, ran the water and dropped everything in a sink full of suds.

  She expected him to grasp her hand and lead her to bed. Instead, he settled back onto the sofa, stretching out and draping her across his prone body.

  Van could feel the beat of his heart beneath her hands piled over his chest. His warmth settled deep inside her
. His hard, muscled body should have been an uncomfortable mattress, but he wasn’t.

  How could it be with his hands slowly drifting up and down her body? His fingers worked their way beneath the hem of her shirt and the waistband of her jeans, over and over again brushing her skin softly. Crackles of electricity chased his movements, building and building until Van thought she might go mad if he didn’t do something more. It was slow, delightful, agonizingly sweet torture.

  When she’d finally had enough, Van reached down and tugged her shirt over her head. She flicked the clasp of her bra open, discarding that as well.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, laughter tingeing his voice.

  “Bastard,” she breathed. “You know exactly what you’ve been doing to me for the last half hour.” Rolling sideways, Van flicked the button open on her shorts and in one fluid motion pushed them and her panties down her legs. Kicking them, she sent them flying into the floor.

  Reaching for his hand, Van guided him straight to where she needed him most. Propping one leg up, she pressed his fingertips against her moist sex and then slowly eased them inside.

  Ty simply watched her, that swirling, stormy gaze devouring her. He made her feel like the center of his world, something that was entirely addictive.

  Because she wasn’t. Not really.

  But for right now, she’d take the moment and cherish it.

  Dropping to her knees, Van unbuttoned the fly on his jeans and tugged. Ty lifted his hips so she could pull them and his boxer shorts to the tops of his thighs.

  God, he was gorgeous. All tanned skin and sinewy muscle. And the stark black ink that curled over the edge of his hip, following that tempting V that arrowed to his groin...yummy.

  Leaning forward, Van ran her tongue across the lines, following the path straight to the erection straining upward.

  He was long and hard. Soft skin over steel. And the minute she took him deep into her mouth she knew she’d never get enough of him. Of the salty, tangy taste of him. Of the low rumble of his growl. Or the way his fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her closer and silently begging her for more.

  Van sucked, pulling him in until the head of his cock nudged the back of her throat. And still, she wanted more.

  She pulled back, letting just the edge of her teeth scrape lightly over his skin. At the tip, she let her tongue play against the ridge of flesh, rubbing the sweet spot right beneath the head.

  Over and over she sucked him deep and then played on her way back up. His fingers tightened until he was tugging gently at her hair. And even that felt good, evidence that she could drive him as completely mental with wanting as he’d done to her.

  Van let her hands play across his chest, pushing his shirt out of the way so she could flick at the flat disc of his tightened nipple. Her other hand found the tight, heavy sack tucked between his legs and massaged.

  He panted, hot and hard. She wanted to feel him in her mouth again. Feel him explode with pleasure.

  But Ty wasn’t content with that.

  His big hands grasped her hips, pulling her up onto his lap. From somewhere, a condom appeared between his fingers and Van snatched it away so she could open and roll it over his erection.

  Sheathed, Ty rolled them until her back was pressed to the sofa. Hooking one of her legs over the back of it, he spread her wide and pushed deep inside.

  His eyelids flickered, as if they wanted to close, but he refused to let them. Instead, he stared at her, his gaze deep and open. Something sharp and heavy settled inside her chest. Love, happiness and the pain she knew was inevitable.

  But not even that was enough to ruin this moment.

  “God, Van. You feel so good. I just want to stay like this, locked together. To keep the entire world out.” He flexed his hips, but otherwise stayed perfectly still.

  Van could feel the width and breadth of him, buried deep inside her. Her body throbbed for him to move, to put an end to the ache swelling inside her.

  But the rest of her agreed with him. As long as they stayed like this, poised on the edge, it felt like nothing could come between them.

  “I keep thinking about this afternoon. Replaying those moments and coming up with a different outcome. What if Kaia hadn’t listened? What if the bear had charged anyway? I was helpless, Van, without my gun. I couldn’t have done anything to save her. Save you.”

  A shudder went through his body. Connected as they were, Van felt it.

  She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him flush against her. His forehead landed in the crook of her throat, the warmth of his breath sweeping over her.

  “But you did save us, with nothing but your instinct and training. Kaia and I are fine. Stop worrying about what might have happened and love me, Ty. Please.”

  Van flexed her hips, driving them up and pulling him deeper.

  He groaned and then gave her exactly what she wanted. Grasping her hands, Ty twined their fingers together. He stroked deep and then pulled back, over and over, each thrust tinged with desperation and purpose. Ty needed this. She needed this.

  Lost in the sensations he was creating, Van gave herself up to their joining. Ty knew exactly how to touch her and within minutes the orgasm was rolling through her, bigger, better and more overwhelming than ever before.

  Ty joined her, not with a roar of her name that the world might hear, but a whisper just for her. “Only you, Van. Always you.”


  THE BUZZ OF the phone woke him. Ghostly light flickered across his eyes and it took him a moment to realize it came from the TV.

  Exhausted from the adventures of the day, they’d fallen asleep. He’d probably pay for that mistake with a stiff neck and a sore back, but at the moment he didn’t give a shit.

  Van’s naked body was stretched out over his, her warm, fragrant skin tempting him to wake her up for round two before tucking them both into bed.

  Her soft brown hair was spread out across his chest. Somehow, his fingers had gotten tangled in the strands, his palm cupping the curve of her neck.

  Ty shifted, about to lean down and run his lips over her shoulder when his phone buzzed again.

  There were only a few people who had this number and no call this late could be good.

  Cursing beneath his breath, Ty gently untangled his body, rolling Van so he disturbed her as little as possible, and then slipped out from under her.

  Snatching up his cell, Ty saw he had two missed calls from his commander.

  Shit. This was not going to be good at all.

  He punched a button to return the call, the feeling of being screwed only reinforced by his CO answering after the first ring.



  “I hate to disturb you so late, but you’re needed back ASAP.”

  “I’m on leave for another three days, sir.”

  “Not anymore. You’re needed for a time-sensitive, top-level mission.”

  Ty wanted to argue. He opened his mouth to, but knew he couldn’t. His CO wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important. They’d worked together for years. The other man knew exactly what had brought him home...he’d worked with Ryan as well.

  That didn’t mean Ty had to like it.

  “When?” he ground out.

  “Now. I’ve got a transport on standby at Schriever, ready to take you as soon as you arrive.”

  “Do I want to know how you know I’m in Colorado?”

  A low chuckle coasted down the line. “Probably not.”

  Running a hand through his hair in frustration, Ty said, “All of my gear is back in Watershed.”

  “Have someone ship it to you.”

  A foul curse slipped from between his lips. Ty’s teeth ground together. Tension shot up his jaw, settling as a dull ache at his t

  “You know I wouldn’t ask this, Colson, if there was another choice. Trust me when I say we need you back here and we need you here now.”

  There was a time in his life when he would have thrived on this kind of shit. Eaten up the fact that he’d been called in because of his specialized skills and superior training, his body buzzing with the promise of adrenaline and excitement.

  But that was before Ryan.

  Before Van.

  At the moment, all he felt was tired. Right down to his bones.

  Pulling in a deep breath, Ty closed his eyes and gave the only answer he could. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, but I have to make sure someone is taken care of first.”

  “Well, do it quickly. We have a crisis here and a small window of opportunity to fix it. Lives are hanging in the balance.”

  They always were. The pressure had never bothered him before. But it did today. Because a few months ago Ty wouldn’t have questioned his ability to handle whatever mission was put in front of him. And come out successful and whole.

  Ever since Ryan’s death, he’d lost that cocky confidence, the razor’s edge that made him sharp and kept him fearless.

  Rubbing a hand over his face, Ty disconnected the call, knowing he wouldn’t get any more information from his CO on an unsecured cell phone, and dropped it down to his side.

  He stared out the window into the clear Colorado sky. The stars were gorgeous, plentiful and so huge they cast enough light he could see halfway across the yard.

  He needed to pack his stuff. Wake Van. Make arrangements for her and Kaia to get on a flight back home. He didn’t like the idea of her staying out here alone, especially after the incident with the bear.

  But he didn’t want to do any of those things.

  The last week and a half hadn’t been perfect. And yet, he still didn’t want to let it go.

  He didn’t want to let her go.

  A soft sound warned him that she was awake. But Ty didn’t turn away from the window. Maybe if he stayed right here they could both pretend that the world outside had stopped, leaving them cocooned inside forever.

  He felt her, the roar of energy that crackled across his skin any time she was near.


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