A Merry Marry Christmas

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A Merry Marry Christmas Page 7

by Trey Martini

  "Aleve’s great for a hangover. Anything in your stomach?" Jacques tenderly feels Morrelli’s forehead.

  "Nothing since last night.”

  Jacques pulls a banana from his bag and pops open a small bottle of milk. "Have this with the Aleve."

  Tony opens his eyes again and checks out the source of the deep voice and massage. He looks nervous–maybe even interested.

  Jeanne tries to calm Tony down. "Jacques is a med student and knows his stuff.

  “Massage therapist too," Jacques adds in a friendly voice that drips with sexuality.

  Tony opens his eyes again and focuses on Jacques. “I believe it.

  Jacques gives Tony a bright smile, "Open wide,” he gives Tony the milk and banana. “we–my friend Jeanne and I–work on computers for spending money. Massages are something I enjoy. I’ll start the upgrade and check on you later. Jacques hands Tony more milk with Aleve, Viagra and a wink. He smiles and licks his lips in a way Tony can’t miss.

  Tony is confused. "That’ll be fine. Whatever."

  Chen speaks up. "I'll be leaving for a while. Jacques will do your computer–I’ll do Mrs. Morrelli’s study. Then the kids."

  Tony waves good-bye to Chen, eyes closed, enjoying the massage. "The kids went to bed about 2. The TV was still warm when we got home. Bang hard if their doors are locked."

  Jacques continues with the massage and Tony's moans show that he's enjoying himself. Jacques starts kneading Tony's shoulders and moves down his body as Tony relaxes.

  "You feeling better, judge?"

  "Oh yeah. Anyone ever tell you you've got magic fingers."

  Jacques laughs, "Oh yeah, I'm magic all over. I'll leave you alone for a little while now. I'll get some of the other virus checks going then I'll stop back to make sure you're doing better."

  Tony begins to snore as Jacques slips out of the room and down the hall.

  30 minutes later, Jacques slips back into Tony’s room and locks the door. Tony is sleeping on his stomach. Jacques pulls back the sheet to uncover him and begins a gentle kneading of his shoulders. Tony wakes with a start. "Who’s that?”

  Jacques laughs, "It’s just me–Jacques–how’s the headache?"

  "Better, thanks. How’s the laptop?"

  "Virus scan’s running. It’ll take another hour. We have time for a little rubdown. I locked the door so nobody will disturb us. You OK?"

  "Fine. Go do your computer thing."

  "I mean are you OK with the rubdown? Remember, massage is my thing too. Turn over, I’ll rub your temples–that’s where a simple massage can do the most good. Rough day yesterday? Or was it too much wine last night?"

  "Both. That does feel good," Tony sighs.

  Jacques insists. "You feel damned good yourself. You have great muscle tone. Looks like you work out.”

  “I swim laps at lunchtime. It helps me deal with the stress at work.

  “Well the laps are working. Your muscles are incredibly cut.” Jacques lifts his arms up and removes his T-Shirt in a flash. “Hope you don’t mind. It’s getting warm in here.”

  “Christ,” Tony’s eyes widen at Jacques perfect physique. “You look like you live in the gym.”

  “Thanks, we have that in common. I swim every day before I do my weight and bike routines. Maybe we can train together some time,” Jacques gives Tony a wink and continues with the rubdown, “roll over, it’s better that way."

  "No. This is fine. Thanks."

  Tony resists but Jacques uses his strength and rolls him over. Tony is embarrassed at his erection. "Sorry, I must've had a dream." He tries to cover himself as Jacques gently pulls his arm away.

  "Looks like a perfect reaction to a very good dream. A lot of men would give their right arm for a reaction like that. Don’t want to waste it–do you?" Jacques looks Tony straight in the eye and then lowers his head before Tony can object.


  It's almost noon and Tony Morrelli is making brunch for his three children. "You’re all quiet this morning." Tony can tell by the bloodshot eyes on his teens that they somehow got into mischief Saturday night.

  Marie is the first to respond, "Nerds at dawn–whose idea?"

  "The firm did it for Momma. To help her work better at home."

  "They were in our bedroom on a Sunday morning. How does that help Momma work better at home?"

  "Keeps any of us from infecting her work computer with our laptops. Or something. They're done now. Computers OK?"

  Marie is not satisfied with the explanation. "That IT gang sure did make some noise."

  Jon chimes in, "I thought you could sleep through anything."

  Marie argues, "The house wasn’t built for the workout it got this morning." Then she turns to her father with an accusing eye, "Since when do you do laundry on a Sunday morning? That is the dryer I hear."

  Tony thinks quickly. "Must have been something I ate last night…got sick."

  "Or something you drank. Something you drank too much of. I usually get sick the night before, not the morning after." She is accusing her father of something.

  Jon laughs and pokes Marie with his fork, "I guess you’re the voice of experience on that subject."

  "Maybe you just heard the bang of the spin cycle this morning,” Tony tries for an explanation.

  “Nice try,” Marie challenges. “I hope none of you were playing around with the skank who came into my room."

  Tony looks confused. "What’s a skank?"

  Marie sputters. "Are you real?"

  Jon continues. "Most women who come into your court are skanks. Marie seems jealous of one particular skank. Who didn’t seem skanky to me at all…"

  Marie slugs Jon hard in the arm. "I’m going to tell Momma…"

  At that moment Claire enters the kitchen. "What are you going to tell me?"

  Tony smiles and saves the day. "That it’s time for lunch." He reaches over and gives Claire a kiss. "Did those shysters feed you this morning?"

  Tony's cell beeps twice. He looks around, confused. "What’s that?"

  Marie grabs Tony's phone. "Moron. You got a text." She scrolls through the phone and announces to the room, "212 – a New York number: “CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION BY 5PM EASTERN TIME OR YOU’LL BE CHARGED FOR TWO NIGHTS.”

  Claire is surprised and more angry than usual. "You’re going out of town? What possible reason could you have for a trip? And to New York!"

  Tony has his response well rehearsed. "Conference. Another judge cancelled at the last minute. Since the court already paid, they called this morning and asked me to go. I’ll probably cancel too. Too much going on around here."

  "Cancel? Why?" Claire adds a different glare.

  "Busy week–don’t you need me?"

  "We finished the books on Steele this morning. Next two weeks are slow for me. We thought this would run on longer so we kept my schedule more open then usual."

  Gambling now, Tony puts his arms around Claire. "Perfect. Then, you can come with me."

  Claire's face assumes its usual angry pose. "And leave these animals alone? Get real. Go. You might meet someone who can do something with your career."

  Jon reacts first. "Oh! Put down–she scores."

  Now Tony is angry. "Thanks. Then maybe I will go."

  Luke says what nobody else would. "Yeah, go. But remember to buy a nose ring at Tiffany’s."

  Claire is indignant. "Where do you get these ideas? I would never wear a nose ring."

  "For Dad. To make it easier for you to clip on his leash."

  Jon laughs out loud and gives Luke a hug. "Bro! I never knew you had a funny bone."

  Claire turns red. "What have you been teaching these children? I think I’ll take a nap."

  Marie defaults into her mean-girl role. "You’ll need to change the sheets. Dad had a little accident."

  Tony shakes his head sadly at the state of his relations with his children. "I already took care of it. I'll be up to join you in a minute, Hon. A nap would do us both some good."

nbsp; The drapes have been opened in the master bedroom. Tony and Claire are basking in the glow of the San Francisco afternoon and the tenderness which follows their lovemaking.

  Claire brushes her fingers through the curls at Tony's temple. "It's been so long. I almost forgot how good we can be together.”

  Tony looks deep into Claire's eyes and whispers tenderly, "I love you, Claire."

  Claire pushes herself back and looks at Tony from an arm's length. "Did you confirm your reservations?"

  Tony sits up abruptly. "That’s all you have to say to me now–when are you going away?"

  "You’re too sensitive. It doesn't matter anyway. I’m taking the kids to Carmel Friday."

  "We didn’t discuss that. I thought we could go to Carmel together. As a family."

  Claire is back to glaring at Tony. "With three kids?"

  Tony is upset. "How’s it different with you and three kids?"

  "They listen to me–and walk over you." Claire gets out of bed and heads for the shower. "What are you making for dinner?" she calls over her shoulder as Tony fumes.


  Walker, Lyon Law Offices

  Tuesday morning dawned dreary and The City remains covered in fog as the day begins. Claire's mood matches the weather as she passes the conference room on the way to her office. She notices that Bernie, Alan, Chen, Jacques and Jeanne are in the conference room and smiles briefly at the group.

  Jacques stares at Claire and speaks, "Ah, that's your Ice Queen. I remember meeting her. I'd like to thaw a piece of that."

  Jeanne growls appreciatively.

  Alan adds, "So you understand our situation better now."

  Jacques nods and Jeanne joins in. "Yes, a man would have to be crazy or gay to resist her. Can’t say what the judge is exactly but, if she’s done with him, Jacques and I have a warm place for him to hang out."

  Bernie doesn't miss a beat. "Did you say the judge was hung?"

  Jacques laughs out loud. "Hung would be an understatement." He stops as though he has just had a revelation. "Maybe that's her problem. She's so uptight that she can't loosen up enough to really enjoy him. One thing is sure, she’d be rough on a sensitive man. Especially on a man with low self esteem."

  Alan pushes for a conclusion, "So what's your final decision–straight or gay?

  Jacques gets down to business. "Well, first you owe $7,000 more."

  "$7,000! 7 times in 2 hours?" Bernie is surprised.

  Jeanne explains. "Actually, I was disappointed. I was only able to score twice. Magic Jacques was able to wipe out our Visa bill and get us home to Paris for a vacation."

  Bernie licks his lips before speaking. "That means you…"

  Jacques takes over. "Yes, 5 times. It’s all in our report. Hope you like the DVD."

  Bernie wants more. "I’m intrigued. 5 times, so you scored with everyone in the house?"

  "Not everyone. We had a holdout. But it's about much more than just numbers. We explain why in our notes…"

  Alan turns to Bernie. "Bernie, do we care about the 'why'?"

  "Personally, I don't give a shit about the 'why'."

  Jacques is disappointed. "Then you won’t be looking at the videos. That would be a waste. We were up all night watching them ourselves."

  Bernie corrects him. "Oh, we’re interested in the movies. Why read the book when we can see the real thing?”

  Alan directs. "We have the suite with a wide-screen T.V. I’ll call ahead and have them send up some popcorn."

  Chen shakes his head at the behavior of the distinguished members of the California Bar. "Mr. Lyon, are you sure you want to be a part of this?"

  Bernie dismisses the question, "I may be over 50, but I’m not dead. Let’s go. Chen, you coming?"

  Chen tries to hide his disgust. "I’ll pass. Lots to do here. OK if I send Cruz with you?"

  Bernie agrees. "Sure. But something’s come up. Claire said Tony’s taking a trip to New York this weekend. We’ll need to send someone from IT there too. Alan is going. But you or Cruz should go along. Thursday red-eye–back Sunday afternoon. Jacques. You in? Might need some help with Tony."

  Jacques smiles broadly and agrees to the adventure, "Mais oui."

  Bernie is confused. "We? If you think you need Jeanne then I guess we can swing that too."

  Jeanne is excited about the trip. "Mais oui!" She claps her hand in agreement.

  Bernie is disturbed. "I said OK. If you think you’re both necessary."

  Jacques is enthusiastic. "Mais oui!"

  Bernie stands up with a scowl on his face. "I said yes three times already. One more time and the deal’s off. Yes you may. You may both go. Don’t they teach English in France? Two years of high school French and I’m fluent."


  San Francisco International Airport

  Late Thursday evening Anthony Morrelli pulls up in front of Tony's Pacific Heights home. His son is waiting alone on the porch and slides into the front seat of Anthony’s new Jeep Grand Cherokee.

  "Nice wheels, Dad."

  Anthony smiles. "A little part-time work here and there and a retired cop on a pension makes more money than a judge. You need a better union."

  "Bad career choice," Tony grins.

  "Bad career choice for both of us," Anthony corrects, "we should'a been firemen."

  Tony scowls, "Now you sound like Claire."

  Anthony apologizes. "Jesus, I’m sorry. Bad week?"

  "OK. Busy weeks for Claire though."

  "Keeps her out of your hair. Boys behaving?"

  "Not really."

  "I won’t ask about Marie. It’s not their fault. Nana spoiled them all those years she was babysitting."

  Tony smiles wistfully. "They’ll be OK, I hope."

  Anthony looks tenderly at his son. "They’re already grown up–in case you hadn’t noticed. Your job here is about done."

  "You trying to tell me something?"

  "Just that you need to think about yourself a little. Life’s short. I’ll pick the boys up tomorrow night after practice. Our secret. We’re gonna shoot some pool."

  Tony smiles at the thought. "You know where to meet them?"

  "Sure. Sometimes I watch out for them after school in case you’re late. This is a tough town for young men. Not like I have much else to do."

  As they pull to the curb at SFO departures, Tony turns to his father, "Thanks for the lift, Dad."

  He reaches across and they shake hands.

  Anthony calls through the lowered passenger window, "I’ll be here Sunday at 5. Save you the cab money. Have a good time in New York. Be sure to break a commandment."

  Anthony leaves before his words register on Tony.


  San Francisco to New York

  Tony looks around nervously as he boards the plane. He takes an aisle seat in Business Class, after checking over his shoulder to see if anyone is following him. A few minutes later, Alan, Chen, Jacques and Jeanne pass by. Without looking back, they slip into First Class, a few rows ahead and behind a privacy curtain.

  A hand rests on Tony’s shoulder and he jumps. It’s Todd. "Excuse me, sir. That's my window seat beside you."

  "Sorry…" Tony stutters and lets Todd in.

  Todd calls to the steward who is hovering nearby. With a wink and a flirty smile he asks, "Any chance for a drink?"

  The steward kneels down so they can speak more privately. "I'm sorry, we've just closed the doors and I should stop the drink service. I'd have to make an exception to service you now. You wouldn't like me to do that, would you?" the steward winks, "name your poison."

  Todd joins the game. "I’d really like a screw. Two would be nicer. My recovery time is fast," he smirks. Todd puts his hand on Tony's knee and rubs. "What would you like, Babe?"

  The steward draws in a sharp breath as he watches Todd stroke Tony's thigh. Too nervous to trust his voice, Tony holds up four fingers. "I'll be right back then, and…" he pauses, "my name is John in case you can'
t read my nametag." John is already enjoying the scenery on the flight.

  Todd throws a blanket over both their laps. "Afraid of flying?" he runs his hand along Tony's thigh and flashes a broad, white smile, "I could sure give you something to take your mind off the turbulence."

  Tony looks terrified. He whispers to Todd, "Four people in First Class…"

  Todd laughs, "I know all about them, relax."

  "How do you know, they boarded before you came."

  "I hacked into the reservation system to make sure you were coming. Some Homeland Security. The law firm bought all four tickets. Two employees–Alan Seward and James Chen; and two French nationals–Doctors Jacques and Jeanne Moreau. Know them?"

  Tony is slow to respond. "Yeah. Chen is the firm’s IT guy. Alan is one of Claire's partners. Jacques and Jeanne are med students who do IT moonlighting."

  Todd shakes his head. "Thought so, I did some checking. The Moreaus are board-certified psychiatrists at UCSF. They could do better than IT gigs for extra cash– there’s something else going on there."

  Tony is confused. "What do you mean?"

  "Jacques is internationally ranked in the ultra-marathon."

  Tony has a wistful look. "I believe it."

  Todd catches the look. "You’re blushing. Tell me what you know about Jacques."

  "Later. Maybe," Tony averts his eyes.

  "Sooner might be better. It could be important. What about the others? The firm only does California divorces right?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  Todd is patient with Tony. "Why are they going to New York the same night as you? And staying at the same hotel as you? Why are they going to New York at all?"

  Tony stops to think. "Beats me. Coincidence?"

  "You don’t get out much do you?"

  "Not really."

  "Any special cases Claire or her firm are working on with New York clients?"

  "Not that I know of. Just plain old California divorces. No office back east; it's cheaper to just pull in a New York firm if the divorce involves much property there or when one of the parties is a New York resident. But, to tell the truth, we don't talk much about work. I guess we don't talk much about anything at all."


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