Bought By The Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire Domination)

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Bought By The Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire Domination) Page 1

by Richards, Lynn


  Copyright 2012

  Lynn Richards

  Wolf Publishing

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  WARNING: This book is intended for mature audiences only.


  “May I see you in my office a moment, Miss Trent?”

  Macy jumped as her boss spoke from the doorway. The man had an annoying habit of not using the intercom. At first she thought it was his way of checking up on her to make sure she was doing her work, but then she realized he rarely came over to her desk. He’d just stand in the doorway staring silently until she retrieved the steno pad from her bottom desk drawer before turning and walking back to his office. Much like he was doing now.

  As she entered his office, she closed the door behind her and moved to the chair in front of his desk. It was always the one on the right. She’d tried sitting in the other one, but he’d ordered her not to. Sometimes she pretended to forget just to see him scowl. But not today. Today he seemed to be in a stranger mood than usual and she didn’t want to pull on the tiger’s tail. With her pad flipped open to a clean page and the pen held loosely in her hand, she waited with outward patience for him to begin. Inside, she was the same seething mass of nerves she usually was while working with him one on one this way. At her desk, with him behind the closed door of his office, at least she could breathe normally.

  “Do you like working for this company, Miss Trent?”

  “Yes.” Although the question startled her, she didn’t hesitate to answer. This was by far the best job she’d ever had. She’d worked since she was sixteen years old. A gas station cashier, a waitress in a diner, and a receptionist at a doctor’s office. While waitressing she’d attended night classes at the local community college to earn her degree. The degree had enabled her to land a job with a well-known physician whose letter of recommendation had been instrumental in helping her secure this job. She was taking online classes even now to finish her four year degree. Mr. Quinn, or Quinn Enterprises, paid the tuition.

  “Do you like working for me?”

  Now that was a little more difficult to answer. The man appealed to her on so many levels. He was intimidating in his intelligence, but made up for it by being charming, witty, and so damn handsome it should be illegal. He was also arrogant, stubborn, and so demanding it took every ounce of her control not to throw a stapler at his head most days.

  “Too difficult of a question to answer? You usually have a reply for everything, Miss Trent.” He cocked his handsome head to one side, eying her intently.

  Macy’s cheeks heated up. Maybe her ability to control herself – or at least hide her volatile feelings – wasn’t as great as she thought. But then again, she’d never been the quiet wallflower type.

  “Look, Mr. Quinn, if you’re unhappy with my job performance, just tell me.”

  “I’m unhappy with you disobeying me.” He straightened in his chair and his voice held a note of steel he usually reserved for reaming out vice-presidents.

  “I don’t understand.” Her fingers clenched the pad and pen on her lap. Was he going to fire her? Yes, she was sometimes sarcastic to him but he’d never complained before.

  “You are constantly side stepping my orders, Miss Trent.”

  “I do not!” She took offense he could even think that. She did everything, and she meant everything he asked her to do. Even if she considered it outside her job description. Like making reservations for his dinner dates or sending flowers to his women when they were no longer the flavor of the month. “I am good at my job, Mr. Quinn. I do everything that’s assigned to me and more. I don’t know what else you’d have me do.”

  “I want to teach you how to behave.” His eyes were half closed and the atmosphere in the room shifted. They both knew he was not offering to send her to a seminar on customer service.

  She tried not to gape at him like a landed fish. Did he mean what she thought he meant? She never imaged he was a dominant. Not that she knew exactly what that meant. And she certainly never imagined he’d ask her to be his submissive. He had beautiful women coming and going in and out of his life so fast she was surprised he didn’t have a revolving door in his bedroom.

  “You want to tie me up and spank me?” She couldn’t control the sarcasm and didn’t even try.

  “I definitely want to spank you sometimes Miss Trent.”

  The graphic image evoked by his quietly spoken words caused her thighs to clench and she tried not to visibly squirm on the chair. She’d thought of her boss often in those terms, but never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that he ever thought about her. “Would we...where would we, uh, go?”

  “Do you have visions of crossbars and chains Miss Trent?” One dark brow quirked as he stared at her, a half smile tilting one side of his sensuous lips. “I can assure you that my bedroom contains nothing more than a comfortable chair, a dressing table and, of course, a king size bed.

  Of course.

  “It may be a little sparse for most people’s taste, I’ll admit.” He leaned back, utterly relaxed. “Submission and domination is not about inflicting pain. To me it is about control.”

  “I know.” Macy snorted indelicately. “Men want to control women, especially when they’re having sex.” She couldn’t believe she could sit here with her boss and talk about the subject of sex as casually as if they were discussing the weather.

  “Tisk, tisk, Miss Trent. Sex itself is control. Men decide when and where sex is going to take place. During the prelude and the act itself we decide when and where to touch you. Whether we fondle your breasts or see how wet you are. We tell you when to spread your legs and we decide how hard we’re going to pound our dicks inside you. Stroke after stroke.”

  She couldn’t control the blush staining her cheeks. Just thinking of him doing all those things to her made her panties wet.

  This was definitely not what she’d expected when he’d called her into his office.

  “Nothing to say? A first for you, Miss Trent.”

  As her lips parted to speak, he held up a finger. “Don’t spoil it now. As you’ve probably figured out from working for me, I like being in control.” He picked up the silver plated letter opener from his desk, running the smooth side across his open palm. “Most people rush through sex. Men are too concerned with being judged on their performance and women have too many issues with their bodies to let themselves relax and truly enjoy the sensual pleasure of the sex act itself. They’re consumed with those tiny little flaws that their partner never even notices.”

  He replaced the letter opener and gave her an assessing look. “You dress in those baggy suits and dresses because you’re uncomfortable with your body.”

  Damn straight, she agreed silently. She wore a size eighteen. Most women were not comfortable in a body that size.

  “I want to teach you about your body. I want to show you what you can endure and what drives you crazy. I want you to submit. To me.”

  Macy was rewarded to see his breathing had deepened as he spoke.

  He continued before she could respond. “But it’s not a one way street. You will have power as well. You’ll know when you wear nothing but a pair of sheer stockings and a lacy thong you’ll make my dick so hard I could drive a spike into a steel beam. And you will know y
ou are the reason. Isn’t that want you want, Macy? What every woman wants? To know a man truly wants you?”

  Macy almost melted into a puddle at the sound of her given name on his lips. He said it so rarely and he’d never said it in that tone of voice – chocolate covered sin.

  But she couldn’t let his words and the pictures he painted get to her. This was wrong. So, so wrong. Wasn’t it? “Do you worry about your performance, Mr. Quinn? Is that why you’re into submission and domination? You have to have a little something extra to get it up?”

  A slow, lazy smile spread across his face sinister in its beauty. It reminded her of a predator seconds before it devoured its prey.

  “Is that your way of saying yes, Miss Trent?”

  Macy thought she was actually going to hyperventilate and pass out. If she did, would he tie her up and have his way with her? Her breath caught at the thought.

  “Let me be blunt,” Logan spoke again.

  “When are you not?” She questioned dryly.

  “Again, Miss Trent, you need to learn control.”

  She bit her lip to keep another smart retort from passing her lips. She could control herself.

  He waited a few moments before continuing. He didn’t smirk or grin; he just stared at her with those intense grey eyes.

  “I think you are an incredibly attractive woman. I don’t want a bag of bones beneath me when I fuck. I want a woman like you. A curvy, soft, sensuous woman.”

  Well there it was, the true reason why. Did she give off some kind of vibe that said she’d be willing to submit to him? Did he think just because she was plump she’d let a man do anything he wanted to her? Let him do anything he wanted to her? Macy stood up but didn’t move toward the door. She didn’t know what to do. Or what to say. “I am not an attractive woman, Mr. Quinn and a man like you would definitely not be attracted to me.”

  “Oh, and why is that?” He fingers formed the cute little steeple thing he had a habit of doing. Hell, everything about him was either cute or sexy or just down right hot.

  “Look at you.” Her hand gestured up and down the length of his big body. In her agitation she almost launched her steno pad at him. Wait. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. Had the man lost his bloody mind?

  “Please do, Miss Trent.”

  “Arrgh.” She could have stamped her foot in frustration.

  “Don’t you want to know what’s in it for you?”

  Besides getting to feel your lips on mine, your hands on my breast and your cock in my pussy?

  “We both know how desperately you need this job, Miss Trent.”

  Macy’s heart almost stopped at the veiled threat in his voice. Another college tuition payment would soon be due for her younger sister. It would take every penny of this month’s left over income after paying her own bills to make it.

  She licked suddenly dry lips. “Are you saying you’ll fire me if I don’t become your sex slave?”

  He crossed his long legs and leaned back in the big leather chair, eyeing her speculatively. “That’s a very primitive description for what I’m going to do with you, but accurate.” His gaze bore into hers as if he wanted to see into her very soul. He straightened, reaching for a file as though bored with the discussion. “Five o’clock. Miss Trent. Jim will be waiting in the garage and security will escort you from the building.”

  “I don’t recall agreeing to your proposition.” She couldn’t believe he was so casually dismissing her.

  He shrugged his shoulders in response. “Do you really want to test me?”

  She was trapped. She should be angry but the anticipation of making her dream lover a reality tempered it. She may not like his methods, but the end result would be her fantasy come true. “Then you leave me very little choice but to say yes.” She tried to maintain an air of dignity as she walked across the room. Which was hard to do since her womanly parts were yelling ding, ding, ding as if they’d just won the lottery.

  “Exactly, Miss Trent. Exactly.”

  Dazed, Macy headed out the door. Before she could leave, his voice sounded behind her. “One last question. Which answer came to mind when I first asked? Yes or no? Be honest with me.”

  Her grip tightened around the door handle. “Yes.”

  She whispered the word but he heard her.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  She heard him pick up his phone and start to dial.

  He had effectively dismissed her.

  And she had said yes.


  “Punctual as always I see.” Logan met her at the door of his penthouse apartment still dressed in his suit and tie. It was as immaculate and pristine as when he’d put it on that morning. She, on other hand, felt like day old bread. After his wild proposition he’d left for a meeting leaving her alone in the office the rest of the day. Saying to hell with any possible monitoring of her computer system, she’d researched domination and submission. And almost came in her office chair while reading the descriptions of the lifestyle. She hadn’t been brave enough to click on to any of actual the websites.

  Right before five, she’d done the best she could to freshen up in the bathroom. Even though she shouldn’t have, she’d been surprised when security had stopped her at the entrance and escorted her to Mr. Quinn’s car.

  Logan Quinn was all business. He’d taken a venture capitalist firm on the verge of bankruptcy and parlayed it into a multinational company. And this was a business transaction. For whatever reason, he wanted her. And she needed to keep her job.

  “Thank you, Jim, for escorting Miss Trent.” He dismissed his driver and the man left without a word. He hadn’t spoken during the entire twenty minute trip from Quinn Enterprises.

  Logan held a clear crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid in his right hand. He tossed the drink back then tipped the empty glass in her direction. “Drink?”

  “No thank you.”

  Unsure what happened next, she followed as he walked back into the living room. She perched on the edge of the brown leather couch holding her shaking knees together. She put her purse on the floor and clasped her hands together in her lap and waited. He walked to the liquor cabinet in the corner of the room and poured himself another drink.

  “There’s no need to be nervous, Miss Trent.”

  “Why do you always call me Miss Trent?”

  “Aren’t you a miss?”

  “Yes, but you make me sound like some stuffy old maid.”

  He took another sip of his whiskey. “Just a fantasy of mine, I guess. I prefer to think of you as an untouched Victorian miss about to be ravaged by a scoundrel or rake.”

  The thought of being ravaged by him sent stabs of heat shooting through her womb. She refused to acknowledge the red spreading across her cheeks. It was an annoying habit she couldn’t seem to control. But he noticed the color drew his own conclusions as to why.

  “How many lovers have you had Miss Trent?”

  When she remained silent he snapped at her. “Tell me.”

  “One.” It was good to see he as a little on edge as well.

  “How long ago?”

  Again his question was met with silence.

  “Miss Trent, let me tell you two basic rules we will be following. You will respond when I address you and you will remain quiet when I order you to do so. Have I ordered you to remain silent?”


  “Then answer me.”

  “In high school.”

  In her senior year, she’d finally let her defenses down and accepted a few dates with one of the third string football players. Like most young girls, she’d just wanted someone to love her and thought sex was answer. One night she’d given into his persistence and said yes. He’d penetrated her with little finesse, hurting her frightfully in the process. The whole encounter had lasted less than a minute and her humiliation hadn’t ended there. Even though he had ejaculated on her thighs, she’d been scared to death for a few weeks that she’d gotten pregnan
t. She’d been too timid and naïve to ask him to wear a condom.

  “The expression on your face tells me it wasn’t a pleasant experience.” His statement didn’t require an answer. “How many times did you have sex with your high school lover?”

  “He wasn’t my lover,” she denied vehemently. A lover implied so much more than the quick, hurtful encounter she’d endured.

  “Really? Then who was he?”

  “A boy who had sex with me.” She’d received nothing from the experience but pain and fear. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe it was supposed to be that way.

  “And who am I?”

  “The man I’m going to have sex with.” She smiled just a little. There would be pleasure in this for her, she had no doubt.

  “Very good, Macy. Let’s get the details out of the way. If you spend the weekend with me, from now until Sunday afternoon, I’ll pay your sister’s tuition.”

  Her head snapped up. This game of blackmail he was playing with her was the first time she’d ever seen him use someone’s weakness against them. “That’s not what you said earlier. Her tuition is over eight thousand dollars.”

  Her sister was smart and had earned several scholarships, but the small private college she’d selected cost more than what she’d been awarded. Macy was trying desperately to get her through her four years of undergrad without having to borrow any money. Her sister’s dream was medical school and Macy didn’t want her to graduate smothered with debt.

  “I know.” He took another sip of his drink. If Macy didn’t know better she would swear he was nervous too. He rarely drank at the office, or even in social situations which required it. He’d order one drink and nurse it throughout the evening. But what did he have to be nervous about? He wasn’t an overweight woman about to strip down naked in front of the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth. He had no flaws or imperfections to reveal. And heck, even on him a few imperfections would probably look good anyway.

  “Why?” She dragged her eyes to his face. “Why me?” She still didn’t understand.

  “Because I want you and you should know better than anyone else I always get want I want.”


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