No Prisoners MC Box Set

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No Prisoners MC Box Set Page 42

by Lilly Atlas

  If only fewer layers of clothing separated them.

  Jester devoured her mouth with deep drugging kisses. Powerless to do anything but cling to him, Emily rode out the storm. He trailed his lips to the side of her neck. She sucked in much needed gulps of air, and tilted her head back to give him better access.

  None of her limited experience with men had come close to this kind of passion, and both of them were still fully dressed. Emily was wet and needy, and Jester gave her more pleasure with one kiss than her only previous lover had, the three whole times she’d slept with him.

  Jester loosened his hold on her bottom and trailed one hand up under her shirt. Just when he neared her breasts, which throbbed and swelled, the sharp sound of a car horn shattered the spell.

  He twisted, shielding her with his body until it became apparent the noise came from a car full of teenage boys driving by, honking at them and yelling catcalls out their windows. “Fucking pricks,” he muttered under his breath.

  Still with her legs spread around his hips, Emily tried to come up with something intelligent to say. Another few seconds, and Jester would have had his hands full of her breasts in public and out in broad daylight. This was probably laughable as far as sexual encounters went for him, but Emily’s head spun with a combination of lust, embarrassment, and a heavy dose of guilt for finding selfish pleasure in this screwed up situation. With each second that ticked by, her panic rose. She’d obviously lost her mind.

  She shifted, needing to put a little space between them so she could think.


  Her head snapped up at Jester’s harsh command. She glowered up at him. “What?”

  “Stop moving, Emily. You’re fuckin’ killing me.”

  “What do you…oh.” Every movement caused her to rub against his still full erection.

  “Yeah, oh.”

  Emily giggled despite her reeling mind, delighted by the idea that Jester was as affected by their kiss as she was.

  He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, as he blew out a long breath. “You hungry, Em?”

  Well, that wasn’t at all what she expected him to say next, but once the question was out there, her stomach growled. Saved by the hunger. This couldn’t happen again. Sex with Jester—sex with anyone—wasn’t part of the plan. “I’m starved.”

  Jester groaned again. “Fuck, babe, don’t say it like that.”

  “Like what?”

  He thrust his hips forward and ground his cock against her core. “Like you’re hungry for way more than food.”

  “Um,” she whispered on a pant as he set off shocks of pleasure all over again. “We don’t even know anything about each other.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “That is my point. I don’t know you, yet here I am. This is not something I usually do,” she said as she motioned with her hand to indicate their intimate position. “I don’t want you to think I’m a slut or anything.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth, her focus on the still water, unable to make eye contact with him.

  “Believe me, Emily, that is the last thing I think about you. Ninety-nine percent of the women I know are sluts. You stand out like a diamond in a pile of shit.”

  She wasn’t quite sure what to make of that equally uncouth and sweet declaration.

  “What did I tell you about that lip?” he asked.

  Releasing her lip from the confinement of her teeth, she ran her tongue over the imprint left by the bite.

  Jester groaned, lifted her, and set her back on the ground. “Get on behind me,” he rumbled. “Before I really give the next car something to honk at.”

  Emily scrambled back on the bike, and shoved the helmet down over her mussed hair, her pussy clenching at his tempting words. Tears pricked her eyes as shame swamped her. Johnny’s life was on the line, and all she could think about was how much she wanted to throw caution to the wind and have wild sex with an outlaw biker she barely knew on the side of the road.

  Chapter Six

  Jester killed the engine after coasting to a stop in Striker’s driveway. Striker and Lila lived in a one-story Spanish style home with a breathtaking backyard setup that opened to the lake. Sunsets were killer, and since Lila moved in, the pair had been entertaining on their deck almost every week.

  He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t clued Emily in to the fact he was taking her to his friends’ house. Maybe it was because he really didn’t know why he brought her there. He didn’t take women anywhere. He didn’t really date, just got laid, frequently. So why was he bringing a woman who wasn’t his type, and who he didn’t even know, to brunch with two other couples?

  Because her hypnotic combination of sweet and sexy peeked his interest. And because she’d been like fire in his arms. When was the last time he had spent the day with a woman he could call sweet, besides his buddy’s wives? Probably never. Her mouth had intoxicated him, with its honeyed flavor uniquely her, and he’d nearly ripped her clothes off so he could taste all of her.

  She didn’t want him to view her as easy. Jesus, if she had any idea the type of women he typically slept with she’d laugh her head off at the notion he could think she was anything but pure.

  “Where are we?” Emily’s soft voice floated over his shoulder with the gentle breeze.

  “This is Striker and Lila’s place. Remember them from last night?” He stepped off the bike and helped her down as well.

  Emily nodded as she looked around at the sight of Striker’s beautiful spread. “Why are we here?”

  “Brunch.” He smiled. It was fun to keep her off kilter.

  “Brunch? Seriously?” She raised one eyebrow, and looked at him like he’d told her they were about to meet the queen.

  “What’s wrong with brunch?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with brunch. It’s just so…normal.”

  Jester grabbed her hand and let out a booming laugh, as he led her up the driveway. “And I’m not normal?”

  She stopped, and he halted his motion when he felt the pull of her hand. A frown marred her pretty face when he turned. “I didn’t mean to offend you. But no you’re not normal, at least not normal for me. You’re big, and powerful, and this really sexy badass biker.” Emily’s face turned bright red as she closed her mouth. “I’ll shut up now.”

  “Sexy, huh?” He winked at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t know it.”

  He resumed walking, keeping a firm hold of her hand. It felt tiny nestled in his, feminine and delicate, with buttery soft skin. Jesus, what the hell was wrong with him? He’d lose that badass card if he kept thinking along those lines. Thank God none of his brothers could read his mind or he’d be tortured endlessly. “Lila grew up in a wealthy, politically connected family, so brunch was the norm. She’s started a Sunday brunch tradition. Since I like to eat, and I hate to cook, I’m a regular customer.”

  “Sounds more like they’re your family than your friends.”

  “They are for sure,” he said, pleased that she was insightful enough to pick up on their importance to him. “They are my club family, my only family. It’s that way for many of us. We love like a family, fight like a family, and think of ourselves as one. If anyone fucks with a member of my family, they might as well start digging a grave.”

  Emily didn’t respond and Jester looked down at her, noticing her face had paled and she had that look again, the one that said she wanted to bolt.

  “Hey, you all right?”

  She flinched a bit. “Yes, of course. Sorry, I got lost in my head for a second. You sure it won’t be a problem that I’m here?”

  “A problem?” He chuckled as they reached the door. “Just wait and see, babe.”

  Jester rang the doorbell and waited. For years he’d treated Striker’s house like his own, coming and going as he pleased, but after walking in on Striker and Lila going at it more than once, he started ringing the bell. He didn’t really give two shits, but Striker was a possessiv
e beast and had threatened to unman Jester if he saw any part of Lila that wasn’t sanctioned.

  The door flew open and Lila stood just inside, practically bouncing with excitement. “Hi! Emily, right? Welcome! Come on in.” She pulled Emily away from Jester and guided her into the house. With a glance over her shoulder, Lila shot Jester a look that said she’d be cornering him later.

  He tried not to laugh. Lila’s reaction was just as expected. She’d been harping on him to find a woman who didn’t, “Wear panties full of dollars.” He had a feeling she and Emily would hit it off. He shot Lila a playful smile.

  Of course, what did it matter if the girls got along? He just met Emily, and he didn’t date. Even if he did date, it wouldn’t be an innocent woman who looked like she belonged in a room surrounded by children, rather than a biker’s den. But he sure had enjoyed the time he spent with her so far.

  “Hook and Striker are outside, Jester. I made mimosas, but Striker told me he wouldn’t drink my pussy drink so I think there’s beer out there.” She made air quotes and rolled her eyes at Striker’s apparent drink prejudice.

  “Glad I’m not the one who has to tell you.” He grinned and reached for Emily’s hand again. “Come on out back with me, Em.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. Emily can come into the kitchen with me. Marcie and I are just finishing up with the food. We’ll bring it, and her, out in a minute.”

  Jester gave Emily a questioning look, trying to ask if she was okay with the plan. She sent him a tremulous half smile and nodded. He shifted his gaze back to Lila, who wore a gleeful grin similar to a child on Christmas morning. He attempted to give Lila a stern glare that would warn her to go easy on Emily, but she just kept grinning at him, so he turned and stepped through the sliding door out onto the sprawling deck. The girls would make Emily feel welcome, after they grilled her of course.

  “Hey, brother,” Striker called and tossed him a beer. “You get my message?”

  Jester snatched a bottle opener from the table and popped the top off his beer. The frosty brew was always welcome as the year went on and the desert grew steadily hotter. “Yeah, I got it.”

  Striker had left him a voice mail letting him know Shiv wanted a workable plan for their attack on the Grimm Brothers within a week. “I have some ideas.” He tapped his beer bottle against the side of his head. “But I want a few days to let them marinate before I talk to Shiv. I’m gonna pick Acer’s freakish brain for ideas as well. A week’s time should be more than enough.”

  Striker nodded and his eyes lit with a murderous gleam. “I’ll let him know.”

  Striker would take more pleasure than anyone in ridding the Grimm Brothers of a million dollars. He and Lila had gone through some traumatic shit just a few months ago and Jester was eager to give his vice president this opportunity for payback. “They’ll never see us coming, VP.”

  “I know that, brother. I’m not worried about what you’re gonna come up with.” Striker rolled his head back and forth between his shoulders, and Jester winced at the sound of his neck cracking. “I’ve just been waiting at a shot at the bastards for a long time now.”

  “You gonna tell Lila?” Hook asked. He tossed his empty beer bottle into a trash can a few feet away, and bent to retrieve a second from the cooler.

  Striker shook his head. “Nah. She’ll get wind of it I’m sure, but she already knows too much. Makes me twitchy. By the way, what the hell is going on in there?” He jerked a thumb toward the house. “We heard you pull up then we heard all sorts of squealing from Lila and Marcie. Hook said it was probably safer to stay out here.”

  Jester shrugged and took a long drink. “Nothing’s going on. I brought Emily with me.”

  Hook choked, spewing beer onto the deck. “Holy shit. Aliens sneak in your room last night? Maybe there is something to all the UFO sightings out here in the desert. They probe you, brother?”

  Jester flipped him the bird as he drank from his beer.

  Striker laughed, and moved to take a seat at the large eight-person table that lived on the deck, propping his feet on the chair next to him. “Seriously, Jest. You, bringing a woman anywhere is a news worthy event. And who the fuck is Emily?”

  “I introduced you to her last night, asshole. You two girls need to mind your own fuckin’ business.”

  “Hey, you bring it into my house, it’s my business.”

  “The pretty one with the nervous eyes?” Hook whistled. “I gotta say, she looked way too sweet for you. Not your usual type at all, brother. Must have been some lay if you’re willing to keep her around for a second day.”

  Anger bloomed, hot and swift inside Jester. The words barely left Hook’s mouth before Jester grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him against the railing of the deck.

  Striker rose from his seat, poised to jump in if necessary, but he kept his distance. Striker may be an excellent fighter, but Jester was just plain huge, and most people tended to avoid a physical altercation with him if they could.

  Hook raised his hands in surrender, and a slow smile crept across his face as Jester let him go with a shove. Damnit, he’d been played.

  “So who is she?” Hook asked.

  Jester shrugged. “Just some chick who tagged along with Trixie. Met her last night. She’d never been on a bike so I took her around the lake today.”

  “And brought her to brunch.”

  “And brought her to brunch. You want to keep making a big fuckin’ deal about it?” Jester asked Hook through clenched teeth.

  “Nope. Just checking the facts. I’m done.”

  Hook and Striker exchanged an amused look that wormed its way right under Jester’s skin. Being the butt of their jokes wasn’t how he’d planned to spend his day. True, bringing Emily was very out of character for him, but so what? He could do whatever the fuck he wanted with whoever the fuck he chose.

  He glanced toward the house. Was Emily holding her own in there with Lila and Marcie? The fact that he’d rather be inside with her than shooting the shit with his brothers was new, and not necessarily welcome.

  As Emily followed Lila into the kitchen, she wiped her sweaty palms on the front of her jeans and chewed her bottom lip. The action caused her to remember Jester’s declaration about his plans for her mouth, and suddenly her sweaty palms were the furthest thing from her mind. When she entered the kitchen, Marcie and Lila stood next to each other with identical grins on their faces.

  Not uncomfortable at all.

  “Sooo…” said Marcie.

  Lila elbowed her, not subtly, and jumped in. “It’s great to see you again, Emily.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if Jester didn’t tell you he was bringing me.” She had to work to keep the quiver out of her voice.

  Lila waved her concern away. “We have an open door policy.” Marcie let out an unladylike snort and Lila’s face turned the color of the strawberries sitting on the counter. “Okay, har har. Jester walked in on Striker and me having sex, I get it. The open door should be closed sometimes.”

  Emily giggled at their byplay. These women seemed so down to earth compared to the majority of the girls at the party last night. “Well, thanks just the same. I’m sure he’s here with a different girl every week anyway.” Oh Lord, did she really say that out loud? Way to sound like a jealous girlfriend fishing for info. Of course, that’s exactly what she was doing, but it was the last thing she should be doing, and she didn’t want to be so obvious.

  Both Lila and Marcie laughed. Emily’s entire body grew hot with embarrassment. “What?”

  “Girl, I’ve known Jester for, let’s see, about six years now, and I haven’t seen him take a date anywhere, to anything, at any time.” Marcie turned to flip pancakes sizzling on a griddle over the stove.

  Emily’s brows drew down. “I don’t understand.”

  Lila moved to the refrigerator, and pulled out a chilled bottle of champagne. “What she means to say is that Jester doesn’t see his women outside of the bedroom, if you catch my drift.�

  Emily blushed as the meaning sunk in. “Ahh.”

  “Which is why we are so excited that he brought you here. You must be special to him.” Lila poured the champagne into three glasses and topped them off with orange juice.

  With a sharp laugh, Emily took the offered glass. “I literally just met him last night.”

  “Hmmm.” Lila tapped her finger against her lips like she was contemplating the mysteries of the universe. “That’s interesting. Well, look, I’m not going to pretend to understand what goes on in any of these guy’s minds, but I will say that Jester would not bring you around his family if he didn’t think you were special.”

  Under normal circumstances news like that would have melted Emily’s heart. Now she just felt conflicted. She could use this information to her advantage, cozy up to Jester in hopes of him spilling some information. On the other hand, it gave her the power to hurt him, and for some reason that didn’t sit well with her.

  Emily pondered that as she watched Marcie pile pancakes on a large platter, then add bacon and sausage to each end. The smells wafting around the kitchen reminded her of a much simpler time, when her parents were still alive and Johnny was too young to be in serious trouble. Weekend breakfast was always a big deal during her childhood.

  Lila handed a bowl of vibrantly colored fresh fruit to Emily, and she followed the two out to the deck.

  The backyard was gorgeous. Jester hadn’t been exaggerating when he said Striker’s house had a stunning view. The deep blue lake glittered in the midday sun, and at least five boats cruised around on the water. The deck was large and spanned much of the yard making a wonderful outdoor haven for entertaining.

  Food was set out on the table and everyone took a seat. As she dug into the pancakes that turned out to be delicious, Emily glanced around the table. How the hell was she supposed to do this? Um, hey, everyone. Thanks for having me in your home. Would you mind telling me if you have something planned to mess up a business deal for the Grimm Brothers? You see my brother stole from them and now they want to kill him. But they’ll let him go if I find out what you guys are planning so that Snake can be ready for you. I’m sure Snake will just use the info to protect himself, and not to hurt you guys in any way.


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