Morning's Refrain

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Morning's Refrain Page 25

by Tracie Peterson

  “Phoebe suggested as much. I just didn’t want to come to you with this. I acted horribly when you went to my father about buying it. I got you fired, and I am deeply ashamed of that. I have no excuse—at least not a valid one. I guess I felt like your coming into money further divided us.”

  “Yuri, I’m still the same person. I don’t care about the money,” Dalton said. “I still love Sitka and want to build boats. And our friendship means more to me than just about anything. Yuri, we grew up together. You are like a brother to me. I would never just cast that aside.”

  “I’ve been a fool then, is that what you’re telling me?” Yuri asked with a smile.

  “I’m saying we’ve both been foolish. We need to resolve our differences and put this to rest once and for all,” Dalton replied. “We need to go to your father and explain what has happened, and tell him that I will buy the shop so that it stays with friends.”

  Yuri looked startled at this. “No. I can’t tell him what I’ve done. He never approved of what I was doing. He forbade me to drink, and I did so anyway. He hated gambling, and I ignored his warnings.”

  “Yes, but he will understand that you have made mistakes, and he will be impressed that you are man enough to admit that you were wrong. It will put his mind at ease to know we have worked through our difficulties and found resolutions for yours.”

  “I just don’t know.”

  “Dalton? Are you here?” a voice called out.

  “It’s Evie,” Dalton said, getting to his feet. “We’re in the kitchen.” He went to the open archway. “What brings you here?”

  “An invitation,” his sister said, beaming. “I wanted to invite you and Phoebe to join us for supper at your folks’ house. Tonight— after work.”

  Dalton nodded. “Sounds good.” Yuri came to stand beside him and Evie smiled.

  “It’s good to see you two together again.”

  “Yes, well, we’ve both decided to put aside our childish ways,” Yuri said.

  “Why don’t you join us, as well, Yuri?” Evie said. “I know it will do Lydia good to see that you’re on speaking terms again.”

  “So what’s this all about?” Dalton asked. “Why the special invitation to supper?”

  Evie laughed. “We’re trying to make it seem quite second nature to have dinner at your folks’ house each week so that we can surprise Joshua with the birthday party.”

  “I’d nearly forgotten. Goodness, but sisters can be sneaky,” Dalton teased. “I’ve come to realize where sisters are involved, you can never tell what they’re up to.”

  “That is so true,” Yuri agreed.

  Evie raised her brows and tapped her head. “I have all sorts of plans … up here.”

  “I know just how your planning goes, too. Last time you were in this kind of mood, it ended up with me taking a trip to Kansas City.”

  Evie laughed. “I assure you my plans these days have nothing to do with Kansas City. If I never see that place again it will be just fine by me. Now, will you be there tonight? You never know, I might need you and Yuri to help keep Joshua busy while we ladies make our plans.”

  Dalton laughed. “Of course we’ll be there.”

  Chapter 27

  She’s not in the playhouse or in the barn,” Kjell announced, stomping his wet boots on the rug at the door.

  Lydia couldn’t suppress her sense of panic. “Where could she be?”

  “Maybe she went home with Illiyana and Natasha,” he offered. “She knows she’s supposed to ask first, but she could have forgotten.”

  Turning to Kjerstin, Lydia questioned her again. “You are certain you know nothing about where Britta’s gone?”

  Kjerstin grew very serious. “I don’t know, but I think Illiyana is with her. When Natasha left, she was by herself. She was very mad because she knew their mother wouldn’t like that Illiyana had stayed here.”

  Lydia turned back to Zee and Kjell. “So she didn’t go to the Belikovs’.”

  “You don’t know that, Liddie,” Kjell countered. “She and Illiyana could have gone there before Natasha was ready to leave. We have to check every possibility.”

  “But it’s getting dark, and it’s not safe for them to be out there alone.” Lydia went to the window and checked outside once again. “And it’s starting to rain again.”

  “It’s just a mist at this point,” Kjell said, trying to be encouraging.

  “I’ll get some lanterns,” Zee offered.

  Lydia searched her husband’s face for some sign that everything would be all right. “I’m not a fool,” she told him. “I know this isn’t good. Please don’t treat me like a child.”

  “Sorry we’re late,” Dalton announced, coming into the house.

  “Phoebe was insistent that I dress for supper. She made Yuri and I both put on a clean shirt.”

  “Believe me, everyone will be grateful that you stopped to clean up,” Phoebe replied.

  Lydia went to them. “Have you seen Britta?” She looked to Yuri.

  “She was playing with Illiyana. Were they at your house?”

  Yuri shook his head. “I didn’t go home. I borrowed one of Dalton’s shirts. What’s wrong?”

  Dalton reached out to touch his mother’s arm. “What is it?”

  “Britta is missing. I called her and Kjerstin in to help set the table nearly half an hour ago. She’s nowhere to be found.”

  He turned to his father. “We can help you look. What areas have you already covered?”

  “I searched the immediate area—the playhouse and outbuildings. I didn’t see any sign of them there,” Kjell replied.

  “Is Illiyana with her?” Yuri asked.

  Lydia was nearly beside herself. “We don’t know. Kjerstin said that Natasha went home alone, so I believe it’s possible that the girls are together. But where?”

  “Knock, knock,” Evie announced at the door. She popped her head inside. “Ummm, it smells wonderful in here.” She and Joshua joined the others. “Thank you so much for inviting us to supper.”

  Dalton turned to his sister. “Britta and Illiyana are missing. Did you see them in town or on the road here by any chance?”

  Evie looked from Dalton to Lydia. “No. How long have they been gone?”

  “I don’t know,” Lydia admitted. “They had just gone out to play when you came to see me earlier. Did you see them outside then?”

  “No, Lydia. I didn’t. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s been nearly two and a half hours. There’s no telling where they may have gone in that time,” Lydia said, wringing her hands together. “Britta knows better than to wander off like that. What if something happened to them?”

  “You are getting yourself all upset, and we don’t even know what the truth is,” Kjell reminded her. “Josh, you come with me and we’ll search down by the water. Dalton, you and Yuri head into the forest and up the northeast trail. We’ll meet back here in half an hour.”

  “The lanterns are ready to go,” Zee announced. “I left them on the porch.”

  Dalton and Yuri bounded out the door. Kjell turned to Lydia. “Try not to worry. We’ll be back shortly, and hopefully the girls will have returned and nothing more will need to be done.”

  Lydia nodded. “I’ll search the barn again. You know how much they love to play hide-and-seek.”

  “They aren’t in the barn,” Kjell said, reaching out to lift her chin. “Stay here with the others, and we’ll decide what else to do when I return.”

  Dalton and Yuri combed the edge of the forest as they made their way to a narrow trail that led up the mountainside. This had long been a favorite area of exploration when Dalton was little, and he knew his sisters had their own fascination with the thick spruce woods.

  “Look, isn’t that a shoe print?” Yuri said, pointing.

  Dalton held the lantern closer. It looked to be the right size.

  “It belongs to one of the girls. I’m sure of it.”

  They maneuvered slowly along the
trail with the lantern held close to the ground. The damp cold permeated Dalton’s body, leaving him with grave concerns for his sister. “There are more prints up here,” he announced.

  “Looks like two sets. I think the girls were together up here at one point. Do you see any fresh tracks that head back toward the house?”

  “No. You?”

  Yuri shook his head. “I hate to say it, but I think they’ve gone up the mountain.”

  “But why? Why would they go off like that?” Dalton tried to reason through any possible attractions for the girls. “They know it’s dangerous. The bears are starting to come out of hibernation. Snow and avalanches are still a threat.”

  “Yeah, they both know how serious it can be,” Yuri agreed. “Look, I think we’d better go back and check in with your father.

  We can tell him what we’ve found, and if he hasn’t seen any other fresh tracks, then we can all head up the trail.”

  “We should probably get some supplies in case it takes us a while,” Dalton said. “There’s no telling how far two little girls could have gotten in almost three hours.”

  Back at the house, Kjell and Joshua were relieved to hear that Dalton and Yuri had spotted some sign of the girls. “We saw nothing, and I was beginning to despair,” Kjell said.

  “There’s reason enough to despair if they’ve gone hiking up into the forest,” Mother said. “Why would they do this? There’s nothing up that trail that should interest them.”

  Zee seemed to consider this for a moment. “You know that trail eventually forks off and heads down toward one of the summer camps.”

  “Summer camps?” Phoebe asked.

  “For the Tlingits. Especially the old ones,” Dalton replied. “They hold meetings and celebrations well away from the whites.”

  “You don’t suppose …” Zee fell silent and looked at Lydia. “Remember when Britta was asking us about the Tlingit shamans and their powers?”

  Mother blanched. “Oh no, you don’t think the girls went searching for the shamans, do you?”

  “Why would they?” Dalton asked.

  “I don’t know. For some reason, Britta was asking us earlier today about the shamans and their powers. We were trying to explain that God is the one who has ultimate power, and that while there are evil powers, as well, people with Jesus are able to do great things through Him.”

  “Look, we’re wasting time,” his father declared. “We have no idea of where they’ve gotten to or what kind of trouble they might be having. We need to load up and go after them.” He looked at Dalton. “Get our rifles. Lydia, you and Zee have the shotgun. If the girls come back, fire two shots and hopefully we’ll hear it. You and Evie pack us some canteens with water and some jerked meat. Zee, make us some bedrolls.”

  “I’ll help you,” Phoebe volunteered and headed off with Zee.

  The women went quickly to work while Dalton’s father turned to the men. “We’ll go out to my shop. I have rope and axes there, as well as a couple of knapsacks. We’ll split into two groups once we come to the fork in the trail. Each of us will have a sack of supplies. You each have knives on you, right?”

  Dalton felt for his sheath for reassurance. “We also have the camping gear,” he reminded them. “There are extra cans of kerosene for the lanterns and matches, as well as some medical supplies.”

  Father nodded. “We’ll divide it up and put it in the knapsacks. Come on.”

  Within a short time, they all reconvened on the porch just long enough to collect the remaining supplies. Dalton found the darkness daunting. Poor Britta and Illiyana wouldn’t have any means of navigating the forest. He hated to think of how scared they might be.

  Yuri was quite concerned about his mother and father. “Would someone please take word to my folks?”

  “Of course, we will,” Dalton’s mother assured.

  “I can do that,” Zee declared. “I’ll hitch up the cart and go straightaway.”

  “Lydia, keep plenty of water heating,” Kjell told her. “Maybe get the caldron outside going. The cold is going to be our biggest problem.”

  She looked to Phoebe. “You can help me with that, can’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  Evie put her arm around Lydia’s waist. “We’ll both help.”

  “Let’s have a prayer, then,” Father said, taking off his hat. The other men did likewise and bowed their heads. Dalton felt peace wash over him. He always found great comfort in his father’s prayers.

  “Father, we ask for your help and direction. Show us where the girls have gone and help us to rescue them before any harm can befall them. Give us wisdom in our search and guard our girls as they face this night in unfamiliar territory.”

  “Please keep them safe,” Mother begged. “Please watch over them.” Her voice broke, and she began to cry.

  Nothing was worse than hearing his mother cry. Dalton wanted only to ease her fears, but there was nothing he could do, short of bringing his sister home.

  “Father,” Kjell concluded, “we trust you with our children, as we always have, and thank you even now for the provision you have made on their behalf. Amen.”

  “Amen,” the others murmured.

  With that, the men secured their packs and headed back up the mountain. Dalton was eager to show his father the fresh tracks. Once they confirmed the find, the men headed en masse up the trail.

  “There are more tracks up here,” Yuri declared as they climbed even higher. “We’re going the right way.”

  But the tracks became more obscured as a light mist turned into an earnest rain. By the time they reached the fork in the trail, the tracks were washed out, and none of the men were convinced of the direction the girls might have taken.

  “Even if they were headed to the village, I don’t think either one of them would know which fork to take,” Father announced. He squatted down and held his lantern closer to the trail. Shaking his head, he stood. “We’ll have to divide up here. Dalton, you and Yuri head this way, and Joshua and I will keep going toward the village.”

  “All right.”

  “If you find them, fire two shots and we’ll head back this way. We’ll do likewise and you can join us. I don’t think the girls would leave the path if they could help it.”

  Dalton nodded, not bothering to ask what they should do if they didn’t find them. He knew he would continue to search until they were recovered. The others knew it, as well. There simply was no other option.

  “I want to go home,” Britta said, shivering. “I’m so cold.”

  “We need to make camp,” Illiyana declared.

  “But we don’t have supplies.” Britta hugged her arms close to her body. “We don’t even have our coats.”

  “My papa said that it’s important to keep warm,” Illiyana replied.

  “We can find some branches from the trees around us and make a little house. Then if we huddle together, we can be warmer.”

  “I don’t want to stay here,” Britta said, looking at the deep darkness in fear. “I can’t see anything.” She paced away from where Illiyana stood. “I can’t even see you from over here.”

  “Then don’t go over there.”

  “I want to go home,” Britta reiterated.

  “So do I, but it’s too dark and now the rain is falling too hard.

  We can’t get home yet. If we stay here, we can wait until light and then we’ll find our way.”

  Britta turned and tried hard to make out any sign of the trail.

  Thick rain clouds overhead blocked out any hope of seeing the moon or stars. She wanted to cry and would have done just that, but it took too much effort and she was so tired.

  “All right. I guess we can make camp,” she finally said.

  “We just need to find some branches.”

  Britta knelt on the damp ground and reached out to feel around.

  “I don’t like this. What if there are animals hiding here?”

  Illiyana said nothing, and that only se
rved to alarm Britta.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m over here.” Illiyana’s muted voice made it clear to Britta that she’d moved off the path.

  “Don’t go deeper in the woods,” Britta warned. She struggled to her feet, but caught the hem of her dress against the heel of her boot. Losing her balance, Britta was prepared to slam down against the soggy ground. Instead, the path seemed to give way, and suddenly she was falling.

  Chapter 28

  So the men are already looking for the girls,” Zee told Darya and Aleksei Belikov. “Yuri asked me to let you know what was going on, as well as to see if there was a chance Illiyana and Britta had come here.”

  Darya shook her head and looked to her husband. “Where would they have gone?”

  Aleksei was already gathering his coat and gun. “Maxim and I will look around town. I’ll come back here before heading over to the Lindquists. You stay here in case the girls show up.”

  Zee smiled. “I’ll sit with you a spell,” she promised Darya. The woman looked notably relieved.

  “It’s not like either of the girls to do such a thing. You don’t suppose they’ve run away because of the move?” Darya asked Zee.

  “I think it’s possible. They have both been pretty upset. Today Britta was asking us about the shamans and whether they had special powers.”

  Darya perked up at this. “Illiyana asked me yesterday about the same thing. She asked me to tell her stories about the old days when the shamans seemed to perform miracles. I have to admit, I was rather caught up in the telling.” She put her hands to her head. “Oh, this is all my fault.”

  “Nonsense,” Zee declared. She turned to Aleksei as he came back into the room. “You and Maxim should check the Tlingits’ main village first. The girls may be seeking the shaman. They want to find a way to keep you from moving back to Russia, and this might be what they’ve decided is best.”

  Aleksei pulled on his coat. “Most of the Tlingits are still here. Some have left for the herring, but I’ll search every house if need be.”

  Once the men had gone, Natasha peeked out from a corner near the fireplace. Zee noted that she’d remained very quiet throughout the conversation of the adults. She smiled at Natasha’s worried face.


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