Kiss My Asteroid: Galaxa Warriors (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 14)

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Kiss My Asteroid: Galaxa Warriors (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 14) Page 7

by Milly Taiden

  “I am not!”

  She rolled her eyes. “Suuuure you’re not. This isn’t Star Trek, babe. Do you see a transporter room anywhere to energize us out?”

  “And you know this how?” Ivy retorted.

  “I just do.”

  Riley piped up. “Henley knows because the freaking Amazon queen wouldn’t shut up about molecule mixing, so I made her ask Gerri.”

  Henley’s eyes shifted to her friend. “Thanks for throwing me under the bus, pal.”

  Gerri had to laugh at the interchange. “Actually, there is a deep space process that uses molecular integration, but it is only sanctioned if a worm hole isn’t stable enough for travel. I’ve never tried it.”

  Ivy tsked. “And here I was hoping to use the phrase, ‘Beam me up, Scottie.’”

  “Maybe next time, lovey, but to answer your question on how we’re getting to Galaxa, Vander Kasaval is sending a royal ship for us.”

  “Vander Kasaval.” Ivy repeated the name and an unusual tickle started in her belly, and that same feeling of missing something important rang in her mind again. “Exotic name. Who is he?”

  A slow smile crossed Gerri’s lips. “Vander Kasaval is the King of Galaxa.”

  Before Ivy could respond, a porter waved them toward the embarkation dock and they followed her up the metal planking toward the airlock. At the end of the ramp was an impressive looking man, although not the hunky hottie Ivy envisioned.

  “Maddox. It’s nice to see you again.” Gerri greeted the man with a stiff smile.

  “Ms. Wilder. A pleasure, as always. Unfortunately, I bring both the king’s salutations and regrets.”

  The girls exchanged glances, but Gerri lifted one hand. “Regrets? I hope his majesty is well.”

  Maddox nodded. “Perfectly well. He’s on a scouting expedition with Prince Jag and Damen Iceri. You might remember him, he’s the king’s security chief. Alas, Galaxa still has frontiers that need a firm hand, if you know what I mean.” He chuckled, but the sound was hollow. “In fact, King Alyx’s human wife refers to our planet as the Wild West. Nevertheless, I am here to escort you to Galaxa, so welcome aboard.”

  Ivy exchanged a look with the other girls. Human wife? Dude.

  “Thank you, Maddox.” Gerri’s tightlipped reply was followed by a slight narrowing in her gaze, and the interchange wasn’t missed on Ivy.

  “Excuse me, Maddox?” she began.

  He turned, giving Ivy a long-nosed look. “Yes?”

  “I’m curious. Saying Galaxa is the Wild West conjures images of an untamed place. Is that what’s in store for us when we arrive?”

  Maddox sniffed. “Our planet is vast compared to Nova Aurora and our terrain harder to manage. I can’t speak to the imaginings your human lingo invokes.” He gave Ivy a curt nod and turned his attention back to Ms. Wilder, and the two walked toward the illuminated cabin doors.

  “Oops.” Ivy smirked, hanging back with the other girls.

  “Yeah, seriously. I’m getting the feeling we’re heading into a place that’s a cross between Downton Abby and Game of Thrones,” Henley added. “Did you get how formal Mrs. W was with this dude compared to Alyx? I mean who is this guy?”

  “Based on the crest on his chest and the epaulette on his shoulder, he’s got to be the king’s chamberlain or something close.”

  Henley turned with a surprised grin. “Riley, where the hell did you pull that from?”

  “I pay attention.” She shrugged. “I was a military brat and learned very early how to read a uniform and a person’s demeanor so I didn’t end up in trouble with my dad.”

  “Really?” Ivy replied.

  She nodded. “We moved all over the place. I got to see most of the world. It was great, if not a little lonely. Uniforms and protocols are something I’m comfortable with, so yeah. I’m good with that stuff.”

  “C’mon, we’re falling behind,” Ivy said, nodding to where Gerri waved for them to hurry up.

  They stepped through the ship’s entry doors and into the main cabin. The ship’s interior was spacious and choked with amenities, but what struck Ivy most were the cool swivel chairs and matching tables lining the perimeter of the large convex exterior window. They were clearly positioned for viewing the expanse of space and she itched to head over and check it out.

  Maddox cleared his voice, clapping his hands for the crisp waitstaff standing in a straight line awaiting orders. Henley was right. This was Downton Abbey Does Space Travel.

  “Pay attention, you lot. This is Ms. Wilder. She and her young friends are guests of His Majesty King Vander. See to their comfort. We will be firing the engines, shortly.”

  He turned to Gerri and smiled again. “My apologies, madam, but I have some communiques to deliver so I must leave you in my staff’s capable hands. The king wanted to know the moment you were safely onboard, plus I must inform him of your other friends.”

  Gerri nodded politely. “I trust my friends aren’t an imposition, not considering the nature of Vander’s request.”

  Maddox’s jaw tightened. “I assure you they are most welcome.”

  “Good. Then we will see you after takeoff.”

  He inclined his head and walked toward the inside cabin doors leading to the bridge, and Gerri let out an aggravated exhale. “Pompous windbag.”

  “Who is he anyway? He walks like he’s got a stick up his butt.” Ivy took a glass of pale gold liquid offered in a chilled glass.

  The server stifled a chuckle. “Oops, again. That’s twice.” Ivy winked at her.

  Gerri took a glass, as well, lifting it in a salute. “You said a mouthful. Maddox is the Lord Chamberlain of Galaxa. He’s been serving House Kasaval since God was a boy, and if you ask me, Vander only keeps him around for posterity.”

  Riley clicked the inside of her cheek. “See? Lord Chamberlain. I was right.”

  “What does Maddox have to do with us, though?” Henley added. “I can’t help it. I get a bad vibe from him.”

  “I know what you mean. When you asked if we were an imposition, I thought the guy would choke on his tongue. Like he’d just as soon jettison us into deep space than take us to Galaxa.”

  Gerri sipped her wine, but didn’t say anything.

  They moved to the viewing chairs and sat, Ivy nearly jumping out of her skin when the seatbelt fastened by itself the minute her butt hit the seat.

  She exhaled. “I will NEVER get used to this place.”

  “You’d be surprised, Ivy. Bella said the same thing until she laid eyes on Alyx. Cassie, too, with Talen.”

  Ivy drained her glass. “I’m not a romantic, Gerri. It would take more than a pretty pair of biceps attached to a pretty face for me.”

  Gerri smirked into her wine. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  A server filled her glass and she nodded. “Thank you. This stuff is delicious. What is it?”

  “A white Sidaii,” the server replied. “From Galaxa.”

  Ivy looked at her glass. “Does it have the same kick as the ruby one?”

  The server laughed. “It’s an aphrodisiac, but only if you’re human.”

  Ivy exchanged a look with Gerri and the older woman burst out laughing.


  Ivy sat in her curved chair watching the massive transportation hub grow larger in the convex viewing window. Red lights on the solid bay doors blinked in a repetitive pattern as the ship approached, opening when they were close enough, allowing the royal barge to dock. The ship glided forward, thrusters engaging to maneuver them into proper position for arrival.

  “Wow. I’d hate to think what kind of damage a little fender bender would cause around here,” Riley commented, peering out the floor-to-ceiling window at the line of giant cruisers anchored at other bays. “It’s like Star Fleet Command.”

  Henley rolled her eyes. “Someone save me. I’m surrounded by geeks!”

  “Keep it up, Hen, and you’ll end up in a galaxy far, far away.” Riley winked.

  “Too late, babe
.” Henley snorted. “We’re already here.”

  A whirring noise followed a sharp hiss as the ship’s landing gear engaged, locking onto metal struts outside the bay. They had to be attached to an automatic belt of some kind, because the ship moved silently through the access before the doors closed again behind them.

  The inside cabin slid open and Maddox emerged from the bridge. “We’ve arrived, ladies. Please gather your personal items.”

  He stood waiting by the main exit as Ivy collected her bag and jacket, not sure what to expect as she moved to stand beside Ms. Wilder with the other girls. The outer cabin doors opened and they walked behind Maddox down a red carpeted gangway. A woman in a soft blue uniform trimmed with gold braiding waited at the end of the planked walkway.

  “Ms. Wilder, this is Soria. She will be your liaison during your stay. Anything you need, she will get.”

  Gerri inclined her head. “Hello, Soria. I’m happy to meet you.”

  The woman spared a glance for Maddox who gave her an almost imperceptible nod before she replied. “Thank you. I am happy to serve.”

  The exchange wasn’t lost on Gerri. “Serve? Oh, my dear, that is totally unnecessary. My girls and I are very self-sufficient. We would, though, appreciate you showing us to our rooms.”

  The woman glanced at Maddox again, letting her eyes drop before giving Gerri a quick nod. “Of course, Ms. Wilder. Follow me.”

  As the woman turned, Maddox held up his hand bringing Soria to a halt, snapping his fingers. At the signal, a burly porter stepped forward. “See to their bags,” Maddox said and then waved Soria forward.

  “Will Vander be arriving soon?” Gerri asked, turning to prompt Maddox to answer.

  He inclined his head. “I will send word when he wishes to see you.”

  “Oh, he’ll see me all right and I expect that will be straight away. I only agreed to come because the king asked pretty please.” Gerri gave him a curt nod and then turned on her heel, waving for the girls to follow.

  Ivy walked with Riley, but the weight of Maddox’s stare as they left compelled her to turn. There was something not right about him, and she made a mental note to keep her guard up whenever he was close at hand.

  Soria led them to a private elevator with an elaborate crest etched into the silver door. The entry slid open and she stepped aside for them to enter.

  “So, is this a Wonkavator like the one on Nova Aurora?” Riley asked only to meet the woman’s confused frown as the doors closed behind her.

  “What Riley means is does this elevator move in all directions like the one assigned to us on your sister planet?” Henley clarified.

  Soria shook her head. “No. This lift is for the king’s private use while entering and exiting the transport bay that houses the royal barge. It will take us to a private annex, and from there, I will take you to your quarters.”

  “We’re staying in the royal wing?” Riley asked, impressed.

  Soria gave her a quick smile. “Close, but no. However, your accommodations are just as splendid.”

  It was déjà vu as they made their way to their rooms. Hadn’t they just done this on Nova? When Soria finally stopped, she handed them each a key and then opened the door.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding. This place is the bomb dot com,” Henley said with a low whistle as she walked in to the spacious room. “Move over Camelot. Galaxa is taking the floor!”

  Soria grinned. “I have no idea what you mean, Miss Henley, but your tone sounds about right. This apartment used to belong to the king’s mother. He wanted you to have them because the view is unlike any in the castle.”

  From their high peak, the vista was spectacular. Dunes as far as the eye could see were dotted with tall swaying palms and green vegetation, fresh pools, and bubbling springs. The dual suns winked along the gold-covered turrets and billowing flags of the castle, and the surrounding city spread out for miles into the desert heat, disappearing into high mountains along the horizon.

  “Those are the Mirror Mountains. Across their peaks is a no man’s land, fierce and nearly impassable. From there, the land levels into a lush tangle of jungle with a winding river. Not many here in the capitol have been lucky enough to travel that far. It’s not as civilized as here in Palladia.” She nodded, stepping away from them toward a staircase.

  “Palladia. Is that what the city is called?” Ivy asked.

  Soria nodded again. “Yes. The capitol of the Palladian Oasis. Past the outskirts of the city, the oasis dies off in a sea of sand. There are nomadic tribes that live in the outland, as we call it.”

  “Are they a threat?” Ivy asked.

  “No, haven’t been for a very long time. Their tribal chieftains have pledged their loyalty to House Kasaval in exchange for food and medicine. The king allows them a certain amount of self-rule, so everyone’s happy. It is what you humans call a win-win.” She winked.

  “Sounds pretty diplomatic. We were told Galaxa wasn’t as civilized as other planets,” Ivy commented.

  Soria didn’t reply and Ivy watched her face. The evasion seemed almost purposeful.

  “Downstairs are the bedrooms,” Soria continued. “There are four. One for each of you. Upstairs is a—” She blushed, letting her gaze drop to the floor momentarily.

  “A what?” Henley prompted, winking at Ivy.

  “A room for diversions,” Soria answered.

  “Diversions?” Ivy asked, interest piqued.

  The woman nodded. “When the queen died, the old king moved his maîtresse-en-titre to these quarters.” At their confused looks, she explained. “His mistress. The two were very creative in their appetites and it was here the old king spent most of his time. He passed on a few years ago. Kari, the old king’s mistress, is very much alive and well and still an important member of the royal family. She stepped in to help raise the current king and his brother. As strange as it might seem, she was a second mother to both princes.”

  “So, upstairs is sort of X-rated?” Ivy laughed.

  “Oh boy.” Riley chuckled. “I guess we’ll have to take turns like in college, hanging a scarf on the door when otherwise occupied.”

  The common room where they stood shifted to a deep crimson and the lights dimmed. “Oh my God, here, too?” Ivy turned with a chuckle, her eyes on the ceiling.

  “What?” Riley asked.

  “Ri, are you blind? The room has mood walls, just like on Nova. I wonder if everything else is as quick to respond.” Henley waggled her eyebrows.

  Gerri smirked, listening to their banter. “Well, the only way to find out is to check out the place, right?” She grinned. “Not that I expect you three to sample the upstairs the moment we arrive, but you know what I mean. Get changed and go exploring. Vander probably won’t be back until morning, so the night is yours for now.”

  “Well, if the upstairs is as quick to respond as my digs back on Nova, I may never leave my room. Sex toys on demand!” Ivy winked.

  “Not even for food?” Gerri kidded. “Too bad, because the cuisine here is better than any I’ve tasted. Not to mention the eye candy around every corner. If you thought the men on Nova were big and brawny, just wait.”

  Ivy smirked at the sly older woman, her stomach grumbling as if on cue. “One cannot live on sex alone. Believe me, I’ve tried. So, on that note, I’m going to hunt up something to eat.” She looked at the other girls. “Anyone else interested?”

  “I can bring you whatever you want, Miss Ivy. Just tell me what your tastes require,” Soria offered.

  Ivy shook her head. “Thanks, Soria, but my tastes haven’t a clue what they want. I’d rather forage around in the kitchen, if that’s all right.”

  Henley stretched her neck, her hand kneading the back of her shoulder. “Pass, Ivy. But if you wouldn’t mind, be a lamb and bring something back for later. Chips or cookies or something fun to share.”

  “Will do.” Ivy looked at Riley and Gerri. “What about you two? You hungry?”

  Gerri shook her he
ad. “I have work to finish for my meeting with Vander, so not right now, dear.”

  Riley nodded. “I’m famished, but I need to lay flat in a dark room for a bit. Something is messing with my equilibrium. We had smooth sailing, but I gotta say looking through that convex window the entire time was probably a mistake. I want a nap and then food, so like Hen asked, bring something back if you can.”

  Ivy shrugged. “Suit yourselves. I’ll do my best on the food front, but I’m not promising anything.” She turned to Soria. “You have a map or a GPS so I don’t get lost?”

  The woman chuckled. “I can do better than that. I’ll show you there myself.”

  Ivy rummaged through steel-like cabinets before eyeing the giant refrigerator door on the opposite side of the enormous kitchen. So far, she’d turned up nothing recognizable, only weird looking vegetables and raw grains. She opened the fridge door and her mouth dropped open. “Holy moly! Eat your heart out, Food Network.”

  The refrigerator was a walk-in and larger than any restaurant-sized unit she’d ever seen. Stepping inside, Ivy wedged the door open with a large crate. Hunting for anything remotely familiar, she eyed a large covered serving plate on a middle shelf and lifted the lid.

  With a smirk, she studied the roasted bird on the plate. “Halfway across the universe and what do I find? Chicken.” She hesitated upon noticing the purple striation in the crisp skin. “Or maybe not.”

  She moved closer and sniffed, groaning at the delicious smell and quickly broke off a small piece of meat, plopping it in her mouth. Chewing, she groaned, savoring the unbelievable flavor.

  “I don’t need to know what this is, nor do I care. All I know is it tastes good,” she mumbled, sticking the ‘chicken’ leg in her mouth. She replaced the cover and took the entire serving dish and a loaf of crusty bread out to the kitchen counter. Putting the items on the stone surface, Ivy turned on her heel going back for the fruit she saw on another shelf.

  “Henley said cookies or chips, but she’ll have to make do with healthy.” She took the entire bowl of fragrant fruit, stopping at another platter of what looked to be assorted cheese. “Crusty bread, cheese and fruit. All we’ll need is chilled wine and we’re golden.”


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