Christmas Ever After

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Christmas Ever After Page 25

by Karen Schaler

  Brendan and Colin looked at each other, then they both looked at Tyler.

  “So you really did mean all three of us?” Colin asked.

  “Unless there are more than three of us,” Brendan said. “Is anyone else going to be showing up?”

  This had Riley laughing for the first time. “I sure hope not,” she said. “You three are it.”

  “This is nuts,” Colin said with a sigh.

  Riley gave him a sympathetic look. “I know, and I’m really that the interview confused all three of you. I know it confused a lot of people. . .”

  “You can say that again,” Tyler said.

  Riley rung her hands together. “So, now that you know about the mix-up you can all go back to your normal lives.”

  “But the three of us were the great loves of your life, right?” Colin asked.

  “Yes.” She smiled for the first time. It was a genuine smile. “I will always be thankful that I had each of you in my life.”

  Colin got up and walked over to her and took her hand and looked into her eyes.

  “Riley, I’m here because when I saw that interview, I realized I’ve never truly stopped loving you, and if there was a chance to rekindle that love, I wanted to try,” Colin said. “Yes, I thought you were talking about me, about us, in that interview, and I get that there are two other guys here, but I know what we had was real. The timing was just off back then, but I’m here now. So, I’d like to stay to see what could happen. I already planned a special date for us for tonight, if you’re up for giving us another try.”

  At that moment, everything she had loved about Colin came rushing back. His sincerity, his kindness, his quiet confidence, his ability to always share his feelings. When she looked into his eyes, she remembered their love and how wonderful it had been.

  But before she could answer, Brendan came over and surprised her by taking her other hand. “I’m in, too, Riley. I don’t want to leave,” Brendan said. He looked at Colin. “I don’t have a date already planned for tonight, but I do have a special breakfast planned for us before you start your camp tomorrow. We had a good thing. I’d like to see if we could get that back.”

  “Hold on,” Tyler said, joining them. He looked at Colin and Brendan, who were still holding Riley’s hands, and frowned. “Look, you both are part of Riley’s past. You dated a long time ago. Riley and I just dated.”

  “A few years ago,” Riley corrected him.

  “Yes,” Tyler said, “but I’m not someone you dated in college when you didn’t even know who you were or what you wanted yet.” He looked at Colin. “No offense.”

  “Some taken,” Colin said. He still wasn’t letting go of Riley’s hand.

  Tyler looked into Riley’s eyes. “Riley, what I mean is, I know who you are now, and we were good together. We made a great team. We had some things to work on, sure, but what couple doesn’t? I still love you, and I think you still could love me.”

  “Wow, going big and throwing out the L word,” Brendan said as he looked at Tyler.

  “Tyler, what are you saying?” Riley asked, her head spinning.

  Tyler gave Colin and Brendan a confident look. “I’m saying that I’m not going anywhere until I’ve had a chance to spend some time with you. I’ve also planned a special date for us and think it will show you that we’re meant to be together.”

  Riley, dazed, looked from one guy to another. She gently let go of Colin’s and Brendan’s hands and rubbed her hands together. One at a time, she looked at each of them.

  “Are you all saying you want to stay?” Riley asked thinking, please tell me this is not happening. . .

  “Yes,” Tyler said.

  Brendan nodded. “Totally.”

  “Without a doubt,” Colin said. “And our date can start right away. It’s all set up.”

  Riley gave them a questioning look. “These dates you’re all talking about, how did you even plan them? You all just got here.”

  “Luke,” they all said at the same time.

  Riley’s eyes widened. “Luke?”

  “He was great,” Brendan said. “He helped with everything.”

  “He did,” Colin agreed.

  “Unbelievable,” Riley said as her reality continued to spin out of control.

  “I asked him to keep it a secret,” Colin said. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  Brendan laughed. “Same.”

  Tyler just nodded.

  Colin smiled his most charming smile. “So what do you say? I know this has all been a lot, but we’re all here. We’ve all planned special dates for you. Why not go on the dates and see how you feel? See if there’s still a spark with any of us. Think of it as if you’re on The Bachelorette and we’ve all planned these one-on-one dates for you, and you can decide who to give the rose to at the end.”

  Riley could only laugh. Leave it to Colin, the movie producer, to come with The Bachelorette reality TV analogy.

  She looked at Brendan and Tyler. “Are you guys still really wanting to do this?”

  “Sure,” Brendan said.

  When the two guys looked at Tyler, he flashed them a confident smile. “The dates are already planned,” Tyler said. “I say we see this through.”

  Colin jumped back in. “Look, I know it’s crazy, but the only thing crazier would be for all of us to go home and never know.”

  “You could let us know the last night of Christmas Camp, at the dance, after you’ve had some time to spend with each of us,” Brendan said.

  They were all staring at her.

  When Riley looked down at Comet, he was gazing up at her, too.

  She exhaled slowly. “Okay,” she said, already wondering what in the world she was getting herself into. Speed dating with her three exes at Christmas Camp while working to save her career and pretending she’s Miss Christmas when she didn’t even celebrate the holiday . . . What could possibly go wrong except everything?

  “Fantastic!” Colin said, giving her a big hug. “So my date’s first. It’s super casual as I knew you’d be tired tonight. So we’re just going to relax. You can change into something comfortable—sweats, jeans, whatever you want—and meet me in my room, in say, a half hour. Does that work for you?”

  “Your room?” Tyler questioned.

  Colin laughed. “Come on, it’s not like that. I just wanted somewhere private where we could talk.”

  “It’s fine,” Riley said. “I’ll meet you in your room. Where are you?”

  “The Alpine suite,” Colin said.

  Brendan stepped forward and gave Riley a hug. “And for our date, meet downstairs at six in the morning and be dressed for an adventure.”

  Riley laughed. “Why am I not surprised? You’re always chasing an adventure.”

  “Always,” he said. “And our best one together is yet to come.”

  Riley’s heart beat a little faster as she remembered the adrenalin rush she’d get when spending time with Brendan. She’d loved that feeling, and she’d missed it over the years.

  While Brendan and Colin were smiling, Tyler didn’t look so pleased. He raked his fingers through his hair.

  “Riley, are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. “You don’t have to go through all this. I know you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but shouldn’t you be focusing on your Christmas Camp and writing your next novel? You always told me your work had to come first.”

  “You’re right, Tyler. I always did say that,” Riley agreed, “because I thought it had to, but a lot has changed in the past few years and now I’m not so sure. I broke up with you to concentrate on my writing, but then I couldn’t write and my next book crashed and burned. Everyone said it was missing its heart. I’m realizing that I’ve spent so much time writing other people’s love stories that I haven’t been living my own life, and that’s showing up in my wr

  Tyler arched an eyebrow. “Are you saying . . .”

  Brendan smiled and jumped in. “I think she’s saying she’s down for these dates, aren’t you, Riley? Because maybe they’ll help you with your writing, give you some new inspiration.”

  All three guys waited for her answer.

  “So what do you say?” Colin asked hopefully.

  “Honestly,” Riley said, “I don’t know. This is all a lot to take in. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I just know I don’t want to have any regrets, any ‘what ifs.’”

  “Exactly,” Colin said. “Neither do I.”

  “None of us do,” Tyler said.

  “Okay, then it’s settled,” Riley said. “Colin, I have to make a quick call first, then I’ll meet you in your room. Brendan, I’ll see you in the morning, and Tyler, we’ll have our date tomorrow night. I hope you all understand that the rest of the time, I really need to concentrate on my guests. They have to come first.”

  “We understand,” Colin said. “We can stay out of the way, right, guys?”

  “Sure,” Brendan said.

  “Not a problem,” Tyler agreed.

  “Great, then it’s a plan,” Riley said. She quickly hugged each of them. “I’ll see you later.”

  Riley was still trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened when she got back to her room, but before she could do anything, she needed to make an important call.

  She called Mike on FaceTime because she wanted him to see her face-to-face and know how serious she was. The call didn’t take long.

  From the moment Mike answered, she had been in charge. She’d told Mike that while she couldn’t control what was already out there in social media, she could control what her own publicist covered, a publicist she paid. And if he wanted to keep his job, he would pass everything by her from now on, no matter how small, before ever posting a picture or facts about her personal life again.

  Mike had pushed back at first but had finally backed down when she promised that when Christmas Camp was all over, if there was something relevant to share about her personal life, like if she got back together with one of her old boyfriends, then she would talk about it, but only in the way she saw fit. When he’d asked if she thought that was really possible, for her to get back together with one of her exes, she told him the truth. She honestly didn’t know. But she should have an answer by the end of Christmas Camp.

  She had only just hung up with Mike when Margo popped up on FaceTime. Before she could even say hello, Margo started in.

  “Riley, is this true that all three of your exes showed up at Christmas Camp?” Margo asked, looking excited.

  “You saw the picture,” Riley said. It was statement not a question.

  “Yes, but I also know Mike, so I didn’t know exactly what I was seeing,” Margo said. “That’s why I’m calling. Tell me this is true because it would be amazing.”

  “Amazing for me,” Riley asked, “or for publicity?”

  “They’re one in the same,” Margo said quickly. “So it’s true?”

  Riley took a deep breath. “Yes, it’s true.”

  Margo’s smile lit up the screen. “Riley, why aren’t you more excited about this?”

  “Because this is my life we’re talking about, not just some publicity stunt,” Riley responded.

  “Hey, you did this,” Margo shot back. “Mike said these guys heard you talking on the news and all thought you were talking about them as being your one true love. I think this is going to be the best thing that’s happened to you yet. You’ve been running on empty. That’s why your books are falling flat. This way you can refuel your tank.”

  Riley leaned in closer to her computer screen and gave Margo a confused look. “What are you talking about, running on empty, refueling? I’m not a car.”

  “Okay, and I’m not the one who’s good with words, you are. What I’m trying to say is that when you started writing romance novels, they were inspired by your travels with Brendan. Then you used him and your college boyfriend as inspiration for your next novels, and then eventually Tyler. But lately the love hasn’t been in your love stories. You’re running empty on love, and you need to refuel that tank to move forward. Like a car needs gas, you need love. There, did I explain it better this time?”

  Riley cringed. “So now I’m an empty gas tank? Lovely visual.”

  “You know what I mean,” Margo said.

  Riley sat up straighter. “Yes, I know what you’re trying to say. All this could be good for my writing.”

  “Exactly,” Margo said, sounding pleased. “I just want what’s best for you, professionally and personally.”

  “I gotta go,” Riley said. “I have a date with Colin. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “And keep an open heart,” Margo said. “Just like in the stories you write. You always say you have to have an open heart to find love. Good luck.”

  When Riley hung up, she fell back onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling of white twinkling lights. She wondered if there were any fairy tales where the heroine got to have three Prince Charmings.

  She sat back up again. She needed to go.

  Colin was waiting for her, for their first date.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  It was almost midnight by the time she finished her date with Colin. She couldn’t believe how fast the hours had flown by and how it easy it was to pick up right where they’d left off in college.

  She was so touched by all the trouble he had gone to, to set up the perfect date down memory lane. It was just like the movie nights they always did in college together.

  Beyond all the beautiful Christmas decorations that were already in the room, he’d added dozens of white candles, saying it was the perfect mood lighting to watch their movie. She’d been impressed, remembering how they use to do the same thing in college, only back then, having very little money, they’d used some cheap battery-operated imitation candles that were always breaking.

  She loved that he’d planned a movie night. It brought back so many great memories of all the romantic comedy classics they’d watched together like When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and Notting Hill. He’d reminded her that during their first year in college, she had talked about how cool it would be to write stories like that, and now here she was doing it.

  However, one thing that had caught her off guard was the movies he’d selected. They were all Christmas movies.

  While he’d remembered that she wasn’t a Christmas movie fan, he figured that now that she was hosting a Christmas Camp and writing a Christmas novel, they could finally celebrate Christmas together.

  When he’d asked her to pick the movie, she didn’t have a clue so she told him he could decide. He picked It’s a Wonderful Life, telling her that the angel, Clarence, was one of his all-time favorite characters.

  She’d also been touched and impressed that Colin had remembered all her favorite movie foods, from chocolate-covered peanuts to barbeque potato chips to gummy bears and Milk Duds. The only thing he’d changed was replacing the cheap wine they’d drunk in college with a top-rated bottle of Champagne. He’d even brought an old photo album he’d kept of them that highlighted their four years together.

  The night had been filled with laughter as they relived old memories. They’d had such a great time talking and catching up that they’d never even gotten around to watching the movie.

  Even when Riley had realized it was almost midnight, she hadn’t wanted the night to end. With Colin, she felt like she could totally relax and be herself. He was everything she remembered loving and more. Now, instead of a college student talking about his dreams, he had made those dreams come true and was a successful movie producer who appeared to have found a way to still be genuine instead of getting caught up a world that usually rewarded the superficial.

p; “I have something for you,” Colin said, surprising her. “A Christmas present.”

  “But it’s not Christmas yet,” Riley said with a laugh.

  When he handed her a little white jewelry-sized box with a big, red satin bow, Riley became nervous.

  “Colin, you really shouldn’t have gotten me anything . . .”

  “It’s just something small. I promise,” Colin said. “Open it.”

  Riley tentatively opened the box and smiled when she saw what was inside. She held up a beautiful red, heart-shaped glass Christmas ornament. It was just like the one he’d given her in college their first Christmas together when she’d decided to stay at school and work but had encouraged him to go home and see his parents. He hadn’t wanted to leave her. When he had given her the heart ornament, he’d told her that she would always have his heart at Christmas, whether they were together or not.

  He really had thought of everything.

  “Do you remember?” he asked.

  When she looked into his eyes, what she remembered all the reasons she’d loved him. He was kind and thoughtful, romantic and caring. He was the kind of guy any girl would be lucky to have. She felt her own heart beat faster as she held the heart ornament up to the light.

  “I remember.”

  When Colin leaned in to kiss her, she leaned in, too, until Comet started barking outside the door, interrupting the moment.

  Flustered by her feelings, Riley got up quickly. “I’m sorry. I have to see what’s wrong with Comet.”

  Colin stood up, too, and they both went to the door.

  When Riley opened it, Comet took off running down the hall.

  Riley gave Colin an apologetic look.

  “Go.” Colin laughed. “We have lots of time.”

  It was just another reason Riley remembered loving Colin. He always understood.

  After she chased Comet downstairs, she found him waiting by the front door.

  “You want go for a walk?” Riley asked, and as soon as she said walk, Comet barked.


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