To Summon Nightmares

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To Summon Nightmares Page 15

by J. K. Pendragon

  "Because I think the organisation sort of... owns the police. Or at least has some influence."

  "So you don't trust me."

  "I do, it's just..." Cohen slumped against the wall. "I just want to go to sleep."

  Myrna pursed her lips and examined Cohen for a long moment. "Fine—" she began, just as the phone rang. She turned to look at the source of the ringing. "It is the middle of the night, someone had better be—"


  "Oh no," whispered Cohen.

  "What?" Myrna turned back to him.

  "Just..." Cohen nodded at the kitchen. "Get the phone."

  Myrna gave him another look, then headed to the kitchen. Cohen waited, his stomach doing flip flops, as she picked up. "Hello? Speaking. Kent, is it not something you can—I see." She went silent for several seconds. "All right, I'll be right in. You're—you're sure she's all right? Fine, I'll be there." She hung up and swept past Cohen to her bedroom a moment later. "I'm going in to the station," she said shortly, shutting the door.

  "Why?" Cohen could feel his pulse in his fingertips. "What happened?"

  There was silence. A minute later, Myrna came out, fully dressed in her uniform, and went into Noleen's room. Cohen hovered at the doorway, listening.

  "Mammy's going into work," she told Noleen. "So I'm taking you to mister and missus Blarney's for the night, okay?"

  "Okay," he heard Noleen say sleepily, and a moment later Myrna emerged carrying Noleen and a few blankets.

  "You can stay here, I don't care now," she said.

  "No, Myrna, tell me what's happened!"

  "Give me a moment," snapped Myrna and she headed out the front door. Frustrated, Cohen pulled out his mobile and attempted to call Niall. It went directly to voicemail, which meant that Niall was out of range. He tried again, stepping out onto the front porch, but the result was the same. Myrna returned from the neighbours shortly after, and headed to her police cruiser.

  "You have to tell me what's going on. Listen!" shouted Cohen, racing up to her. "Niall might be in danger! What's happened?"

  "Another murder," said Myrna shortly, fumbling with her keys. "It—it was Kelsie's boyfriend. She's fine, but... but she saw it happen." She covered her mouth with her hand, leaning against the car for a moment."

  "Oh no," said Cohen. "Myrna, did she say who did it? Was—was his heart removed?"

  She turned to stare at him. "How did you know that? That's classified information about the murders."

  Cohen's mind was racing. He had to think, had to figure out what to do. It was imperative that he tell Niall and Kathleen about the murder, so that they could try to stop Jacky. Cohen was no longer really in danger, so there was no need for him to hide any more. If he only had his car, he could go to the stones, try to stop Jacky himself. "Myrna, I need you to bring me somewhere."

  "I'm going to the police station to see my daughter," said Myrna. "It can wait."

  "It really can't," said Cohen. "I'm sorry. Listen." He really hoped this worked. It had to work. "If I tell you I can bring you to the murderer, that I know where he is and how to stop him, will you do it?"

  "You're trying to manipulate me," said Myrna, turning to look at Cohen levelly. "Why don't you just tell me the truth?"

  "Because," Cohen gritted his teeth. "You won't believe me."

  "Well, you're going to have to try me," said Myrna. "Because I won't be manipulated, and I refuse to work with you unless you tell me exactly what's going on."

  "Okay," said Cohen. "Okay, fine and you're going to think I'm crazy, but I guess I have no other choice. This organisation, I guess it's called the Guild. It's a group of people with like, special abilities."

  "Special abilities."

  "Like, like..." He squinted his eyes shut, remembered exploding beans and magical fire, explosions of light and killer trees. Myrna was not going to believe this. "Like psychic abilities."

  "All right," said Myrna.

  "I know it seems crazy," said Cohen. "But I've seen it, Niall showed me. He calls himself a witch and he can do... things."

  Myrna raised her eyebrows. "All right."

  "You don't believe me," sighed Cohen. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

  Myrna just shook her head. "Not really. I'm a police officer, Cohen, I've seen plenty of crazy things."

  "So you do believe me."

  Myrna crossed her arms in front of her and stared at him, her lips pursed. Finally, she shook her head. "I don't know what to believe, but for some godforsaken reason, I trust you. So you'd better be telling the truth."

  "I am," said Cohen weakly.

  "Right," said Myrna. "Where do you need to go then?"

  Cohen tried to call Niall again as they drove, hoping and praying that he would answer. He kept remembering what Niall had said about how every powerful magic-user was required to sign themselves over to the Guild in blood. If Jacky summoned the Titan and told it to destroy the Guild, how many people would die? Would Niall be one of them? Would Cohen, too? Niall and Kathleen had both said that the Guild had placed protections on him, so maybe that meant he belonged to them too. He didn't want to die.

  "No more reception," said Cohen hollowly as they drove over a hilltop. Myrna glanced at her phone as well.

  "I have a radio," she said. "I can call for back-up."

  "You can't," said Cohen shortly. "It would be dangerous for them, and anyway, they might belong to the Guild."

  "So, turn this 'Jacky' into them," said Myrna. "If he's that dangerous."

  Cohen felt sick to his stomach. "Niall said he'd rather die."

  "Then those are his choices," replied Myrna shortly. "He can be turned in to the authorities, or he can die." She paused. "That's why you asked me that before at dinner, isn't it? It wasn't for your book."

  "No," Cohen felt himself shrinking into the seat.

  They drove in silence for a while, until Cohen recognised the turn-off he'd driven down earlier that night (it seemed so long ago now) and directed Myrna down it. Soon his car came into sight. Myrna pulled up next to it and they both got out.

  "You can go back to the station now," said Cohen. "Kelsie probably needs you."

  Myrna shook her head and Cohen realised that she was pulling her gun from her belt. "I think I'm needed right here."

  Cohen didn't know what to do. He hadn't intended to put Myrna in danger, but at the same time he felt safer with her here.

  "Who are we looking for?" Myrna asked him. "Niall?"

  "Yes." Cohen swallowed. "Or Kathleen. She's with the Guild, but she's agreed to help Niall stop Jacky."

  "And what is it we need to tell them?"

  "That Jacky's killed again, and taken another heart. After this he only needs Kathleen's. We need to warn her, and stop Jacky if we can." Where to look though? Cohen stared up the hill, where he knew the stones were. Jacky could be there already. He could have already found and killed Kathleen, or be about to. They couldn't just leave. "Come on," he told Myrna. "This way."

  The grass was dryer now, the sky darker, although the stars blazed even brighter. There were no flashes in the sky this time, but he remembered the way. It had only been a few hours since he'd been here last. His heart was racing at the memory. He'd narrowly escaped being killed last time, but here he was again.

  "I hope Niall and Kathleen are here," he whispered. "If it's just Jacky, we're probably in for it."

  "Lucky you've got me with you," said Myrna, and Cohen nodded. He didn't like putting Myrna in danger, but he knew she couldn't just stand by, any more than he could.

  "What is this?" said Myrna, nearly tripping over the line of magical stones and sticks as they crossed it. As soon as they did so, Cohen could feel something. A familiar prickling on the back of his neck, colder and darker than he'd felt before. He whipped his head around to the source of the feeling. It was coming from over the hill, where the stones were. Jacky was doing magic of some sort. Was he sacrificing the lover's heart? Or the witch's?

  "Can you feel that?"
he asked Myrna.

  "I don't know," said Myrna, but she was looking around, towards the stones as well, and Cohen thought she could.

  "We couldn't feel it outside the circle because it blocks magic," Cohen muttered. "Oh!"

  "What?" said Myrna as Cohen frantically began to kick at the rocks and stones, breaking the line wherever he could. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm breaking it," explained Cohen. "That way, if Niall and Kathleen aren't here already, they'll feel it and come. Not quite as good as a phone but it'll have to do." Please, please let it work. If Niall and Kathleen felt that magic, they'd have to come and investigate. And so would the rest of the Guild. Cohen's heart dropped as he realised that if the Guild captured Jacky, they would probably get Niall back too. He couldn't let that happen. They had to stop Jacky, before the Guild could get at either of them. "Come on, we've got to go."

  "I hope you know what you're doing," whispered Myrna furiously, but she followed him up the hill. He peered over, seeing nothing but the standing stones, peaceful against the night sky. But his instincts were telling him a different story.

  "There's definitely something going on down there," he whispered. "Can't you feel it?"

  Myrna was staring at the stones, her face taut but her eyes wide. "You're right," she whispered. "Like a chill."

  Cohen's heart was beating sporadically again. What if it was too late? What if Niall was down there right now? What could he possibly do?

  "I have to go," he whispered, starting down the hill.

  "We should wait for your friends!" Myrna whispered after him.

  "They might already be down there!" Cohen hissed back. "We have to stop him."

  "You're going to get yourself killed, lad."

  "I'm trying not to. If I don't go a lot of people could die."

  "All right," said Myrna, and she grabbed Cohen's arm as he started down the hill. "But you should let me go. I don't like risking civilians."

  Cohen swallowed. "I'm not exactly just a civilian. For one thing, I'm protected, and anyway, if we don't stop him, I might be one of the ones who die. I have to do this."

  Myrna shook her head as if she had stopped trying to keep up with Cohen's explanations. "Fine. Let's go."

  They reached the stones, stepping in amongst the tall, dark shadows. The feeling was stronger now, emanating from somewhere below him. It made him want to be sick, to curl up and hide. "There must be an entrance underground," he said. "Look for one."

  "I've been here before," said Myrna, looking around anyway. "There's never been—oh. Here."

  Cohen came around the stone she was gesturing at, to see a large stone carved out from the ground. It had obviously been done recently. The upturned earth was still fresh. Cohen peered down and thought he could see a stairway leading down.

  "I'm going," he whispered. "You should stay here."

  "I think you should let me go first," replied Myrna.

  Cohen shook his head. "It's safer for me. Jacky will probably just kill you, but he knows I'm valuable to Niall. He might keep me alive so he can use me to control him. It sounds terrible but..."

  "Is there a danger Niall might try to save you?" asked Myrna. "Instead of doing what needs to be done?"

  Cohen swallowed. "Yes," he whispered, his voice cracking. "But he'll be with Kathleen, and I know she won't hesitate. All right, I'm going down." He took a few gulps of air, and slowly lowered himself down onto the narrow staircase. A wet chill crept up from the earth and he looked up at Myrna, trying not to panic. "If Niall and Kathleen show up, tell them what's going on."

  "If I hear anything, I'm coming down after you," Myrna replied. "I hope you know what you're doing. You're certainly brave enough, I'll give you that."

  Cohen didn't know if he was brave or just stupid. He certainly didn't feel brave. As the light from above receded and he was enveloped in cold darkness, he felt more and more like he was on the verge of panicking. Just when he was about to give up and go back, he thought he saw a light ahead. It wasn't a lot, only a bit of moonlight, but when he reached the ground and turned the corner, he could see clearly.

  It was a vast chamber, carved from cold stone, and in the centre were statues, taller than any human, with blank stone eyes. The smell of dust and earth was nearly suffocating. He shouldn't be here. No one should be here. There was an altar of some sort at the base, and a man kneeling in front of it, breathing heavily.

  A gasp caught in Cohen's throat and he whipped his head back around the corner. Whatever Jacky had been doing, it seemed to be finished; the cold feeling was gone, left only by emptiness and the echoing noises of Jacky's breathing. He didn't see Niall or Kathleen anywhere. Hopefully that meant they were still safe, and Jacky hadn't done the last sacrifice yet. Either that or he had left their bodies somewhere. His stomach lurched at the thought. Either way, he should get out of here.

  "Hello." Jacky was in front of him suddenly, grinning widely, his hand around Cohen's neck. "Fancy seeing you here."

  Cohen tried to scream, but it was cut off as Jacky's hand tightened around his neck. He couldn't breathe, and Jacky's fingers were pressing into the bruises left from the branches earlier. His vision spotted and blanked as Jacky dragged him towards the altar.

  "I'd hoped I could use your heart, but you know how it is. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices." He laughed and slammed Cohen against the altar. His neck free, but the wind knocked out of him, Cohen tried desperately to breathe. He could smell blood and something rotten. "You'll be the perfect bait."

  Cohen choked and drew in a wheezing breath, desperately tried to get his brain working again. Bait. So that meant he was still waiting for Niall and Kathleen. They were alive. Niall was alive. But Jacky could kill Cohen right now. He had no reason not to. Cohen hadn't realised until this moment, breathing raggedly and shaking on the dirt floor, how badly he didn't want to die. He'd only just begun his transition. He didn't want to be remembered by his old name. Last night at this time, he'd been sleeping next to Niall. There was so much he wanted... but looking back, he knew he'd make all the same decisions again.

  Niall... he tried to think of Niall. He'd be coming soon. Jacky didn't know that Cohen had broken the wards. They, or the Guild, someone would come. He hoped they would get here soon, before Jacky had time to set up a trap, and before Jacky hurt him too badly. He'd been hurt so much tonight. He didn't think he could live through too much more.

  He choked back a sob. Stall, he had to stall Jacky. "They don't know where I am," he managed to cough. "They think I'm safe at home."

  "Really?" Jacky touched a hand to Cohen's temple, and there was a sharp, painful flash. He brought his hand away, hissing. "Goddamn Guild, they've got their teeth in everywhere don't they? Well, it doesn't matter if you're lying," he spat. "They'll figure out where you are anyway, eventually. They'll come, and I'll be ready for them." He slid a hand down Cohen's face, to the string around his neck, and pulled on it until it snapped. "I think I'll wait to kill you until he's watching. So he can see the light leave your eyes..."

  Cohen's head snapped back as the string broke, and he struggled to focus his eyes. He thought there was something moving behind Jacky. A light.

  "Jacky!" said a woman's voice, and then Jacky was thrown off his feet and backwards into one of the statues, narrowly missing the altar. It crumbled under the force, the stones hitting the floor heavily, and Cohen flinched. Jacky hissed and sat up from among the rubble, and Cohen caught sight of Kathleen's blonde hair as she rushed towards Jacky. There was a loud ripping noise and a large piece of the ground in front of him lifted of its own accord and flew towards Jacky. Cohen turned his head just in time to see Jacky throw his arms up, shattering the packed earth into pieces.

  Cohen had thought Jacky and Niall had been fighting before, but he saw now that it had only been a dance. Jacky and Kathleen were fighting, tooth and nail, like a clash between gods. Jacky was furiously blasting magic at Kathleen, destroying the walls and the ground around them. But Kathleen wa
s controlling that ground, ripping and shredding it and moulding it into a fierce onslaught of rocks and earth.

  Cohen jerked as a hand grabbed his arm, and he turned into Niall's embrace. "Are you all right?" Niall gasped, and Cohen shoved him away.

  "Don't worry about me, you have to help Kathleen!"

  "No, we've got to get you out of here!" Niall insisted.

  "Niall, no! Stop Jacky!"

  Niall gave a strangled gasp as Jacky appeared next to him and clamped a hand to the back of his neck. He screamed and tried to pull away, but Jacky had a vice grip on him and Cohen could see it burning Niall's neck. Cohen lunged forward to try and stop him, but it was too late. Jacky had wrapped a leg around Niall, and an arm, and the other was held between their heads and glowing like a miniature sun. "Stop!" he shouted gleefully at Kathleen. "Stop, or I'll kill us both."

  Kathleen froze. Cohen tried to dart towards them again, but Jacky turned and held him at bay as well. What could he do? Would Jacky really kill Niall? Could he risk it? Somewhere in the back of his mind, Cohen knew he must, but he couldn't make himself move.

  "Jacky!" screamed Niall, his voice thick with panic.

  "I'll do it, Niall," laughed Jacky. "Don't either of you doubt that I'll do it."

  "Kathleen!" shouted Niall. "Stop him!"

  "She won't," said Jacky quietly to Niall. "She won't stop me because if both of us are dead, then she's failed, and it's lights out for little..." he turned to look at Kathleen. "What's her name? Mina?"

  "Don't say her name," hissed Kathleen.

  "Right," said Jacky. "Well, Niall, walk this way." He took a step towards Kathleen, and then another. Kathleen stood still, her face twisted in rage. Finally they were close enough to touch. Jacky extinguished the light from his hands and pressed both hands to Niall, shoving him to the side. Cohen lunged forward to catch him as he fell, so he heard the noise before he saw what Jacky had done.

  A thick squelching noise, and a crack, and then a wheeze from Kathleen. Cohen turned and screamed, his hand flying to his mouth. Jacky had thrust his hand into Kathleen's chest. Slowly, they sunk to the ground, Jacky laughing as he dug deep. Kathleen heaved, and blood spurted from her mouth.


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