Lauren's Barbarian

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Lauren's Barbarian Page 17

by Ruby Dixon

  It is an enticing thought…for them, perhaps. My L’ren is all that I need. I cup her face and brush my thumb over her full, soft mouth. My sweet, clever mate. How I have longed for her these last few days. The taste of her cunt still haunts my dreams. “Do we mate this night, or do we tease once more?” I murmur.

  She leans in to my touch and nips at the tip of my thumb with her teeth, eyes full of hunger.

  It is time to find out.



  I have so many emotions racing through my body now that K’thar is back, but the biggest one is excitement. Some of that is because I’m hopeful that they’ll pay attention to my suggestion to raft the hell out of Dodge, and some of it is just simple relief that everyone’s back together.

  Most of it is sheer joy that K’thar is back beside me.

  I slip my hand into his as we go walking along the beach. The big attacking birds haven’t been back in the last day or so and I feel safe at his side. He’ll protect me. We move to the treeline and he pulls me closer, brushing aside a long fern frond so it won’t touch me. My cootie’s singing non-stop and my entire body feels like it’s about to join the chorus.

  I’m just so…happy that he’s back.

  He’s been gone for all of three days and it’s felt like an eternity. There’s been a lot to do around the new camp, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t ached for him every second of every hour. Now he’s here and giving me looks that make my toes curl. My cootie’s going wild and all I can think about is that steamy kiss he gave me right before he left. It felt like a promise.

  Now that he’s returned, is it time to make that promise a reality? God, I hope so. With him gone, and seeing the situation that Mari’s in with T’chai, it makes me realize that there’s no reason to wait. What am I waiting for anyhow? Some sort of “yes, go ahead” from the universe? Isn’t that what the cootie’s for?

  And with every earthquake, no matter how small, it makes me realize even more that this might be it. We might never get off this island.

  Why not grab life by the horns? Or the four arms, as the case might be in this situation.

  K’thar chases Kki off before he can roost on his shoulder, and the bird-thing lets out an indignant squawk and flutter-hops his way back toward camp. My alien leads me deeper and deeper into the jungle, even though it’s getting dark. For the last few nights, I’ve slept inside the stone huts over on the shore, staring at the ancient carvings in the stone. The symbols there hint at four-armed ancestors that settled this place, and staring at them makes me miss K’thar even more.

  The others can say what they want about their cooties, but mine’s a damn good matchmaker. “I missed you,” I tell him, even though I know he can’t understand me.

  He glances back at me, blue eyes glowing, and there’s a smile on his face that makes me feel warm and sweet…and a little squirmy as well. He keeps walking, and the jungle keeps getting deeper and darker. How far are we going, I wonder?

  Where are we going?

  I’m not entirely surprised when we stop at the base of one of the big trees. K’thar points upward, and I see another one of the big woven platforms stretched between the branches. Of course there’s another platform here. This one’s high in the trees, though, and there’s only one. I wipe my hands on my grass bikini, eyeing it. It’s going to be a tough climb.

  Before I can put a hand on the trunk of the tree, though, K’thar puts a hand to my waist and hauls me against him. I make a startled sound at being drawn tight against his chest, my palms on his pectorals. Our bare skin is pressing together, and it’s making me lose track of the world around me. “Um.”

  He takes my arm and puts my hand behind his neck, then pulls me closer. One hand hitches against my ass and then he’s holding me tight as he climbs. I bite back my cry of surprise and latch on to him, my eyes closed. I guess tonight I’m not required to climb. I am, however, incredibly aware of my thighs squeezing tight around his waist. How can I not be? I’m turning into a raging ball of hormones around this man.

  We make it to the top and he gently sets me down, and I glance around. It’s not quite like the other tree, where the platforms are roomy and large, intended to move around on. This one’s narrow and hugs the tree itself, a bit more like a ledge than an actual balcony. Maybe it’s a lookout post of some kind. Whatever it is, there’s not room to lie down or set up a bed. Maybe I’ve mistaken why K’thar’s taken me into the trees—

  In the next moment, he pushes my back to the enormous tree and then I’m pinned between him and the trunk of it. I gasp just as his mouth covers mine, and then I melt against him.

  His kiss is just like I remembered it. Hot and urgent and so good that it makes my entire body come alive. His tongue slicks against mine as he strokes it into my mouth, and his arms cage me against him.

  We don’t need a lot of room, I realize. All we need is privacy and safety, and this little treetop roost will do it.

  I meet his kisses with equal fervor, showing him how much I missed him while he was gone. My cootie sings and purrs in my chest, and I know just how it feels—I’m going wild for this delicious alien man as much as it is. I drag my fingers through his thick hair as we kiss, our tongues thrusting and pushing and sucking as if our mouths are fucking, and god, that just makes me so wet between my thighs.

  “L’ren,” he murmurs against my mouth between kisses. “Llo.”

  I haven’t forgotten. “I’m yours,” I whisper back. “Lo K’thar.”

  He growls low in his throat and then buries his head against my neck, kissing there as his fingers rip at my grass skirt. It’s held together surprisingly well over the last few days, but at his tug, it tears and flutters to the ground. I can’t say I’m sad. I don’t care. All I know is that in the next moment, his hand is between my thighs, cupping my pussy, and I’m gasping with the intensity of his touch.

  His hands are all over me, stroking and caressing, and he pulls off my top, casting it down to the ground below. I’m naked against him in the steamy jungle, and with a single quick tear of his own loincloth, he’s naked, too. I’ve seen a lot of naked on this island lately, because the aliens here don’t seem to wear much clothing. It’s steamy hot all the time, the air thick and muggy, and so I don’t blame them for letting the breeze cool their bare skin. But seeing strangers naked is different than having K’thar naked and pressed up against me, his body as urgent as mine. I can feel the hard length of his cock pressed up against my belly, and I remember how it felt in my mouth.

  I can’t stop the moan that rises from my throat, and I reach for him automatically.

  He captures my hand before I can touch him, chuckle rising, and presses another kiss on my throat.

  “Oh sure, laugh at a girl in need,” I tell him, then whimper when he lightly bites at the side of my neck. That should not feel nearly as good as it does. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close as he flicks his tongue over my skin. Warm hands caress the sides of my breasts, and then he pushes one between our pressed-together bodies so he can tease my nipple.

  And oh god, does that feel amazing. I throw my head back and moan, arching against his hand as he caresses the tip of my breast. I never thought a simple touch could feel so good. Then he lowers his head and kisses down my front until he’s over my breast and gives my nipple a gentle lick.

  I nearly come off of the tree. “K’thar! That is so unfair! I want to touch you, too.”

  I’m panting with need, and he’s got his hands all over my body, caressing me and touching me like a starving man. One hand moves between my thighs again, cupping my pussy. He pushes one big finger through my folds, seeking my wetness…and his breath hisses as he discovers just how wet I really am. I’m so hot and needy that I can feel my juices slicking my inner thighs, and he groans against my breast, rubbing his face against it before kneeling and going lower.

  Oh, yes. “Boy, you just get right to the point, don’t you?” I press my hands against his broa
d shoulders as he lowers his head to the juncture of my thighs and then pushes his mouth right against my pussy. I have to cling to a small nearby branch when he pushes my thighs wide and then hitches one over his shoulder. It’s a good thing he’s supporting me because I don’t think I’d be able to stand on my own.

  His mouth is amazing. There aren’t words to describe what it feels like when he drags his tongue through my folds, lapping up my wetness and exploring me with his lips. His fingers stroke what his mouth can’t get to, and I gasp in surprise when I feel him push into me. K’thar’s finger feels impossibly huge inside me, but it also feels so, so good.

  I quiver against him as he nuzzles against my clit, going right for it and licking, slow and thorough and tender. No woman was ever so lucky, I decide, as one hand steals up to tease my nipple. He’s working me in ways that are impossible for human men—touching my breast, thrusting a finger inside me, and holding my thigh all at once while still keeping us anchored to the tree.

  I’m glad he’s holding on, because I can’t. Every muscle I have is focused on riding his face, pushing my pussy up against that glorious, insane tongue of his. He knows just how to move it to make me crazy, and as he drags it along the side of my clit, I can feel my body tightening like a bow. I’m losing control, and the more I whimper and moan, the more determined he gets. He groans low against my folds and I swear I can feel that noise against my skin. His finger pumps inside me, thrusting hard and fast, and then I’m riding his hand even as I’m arching my hips to push my clit against his mouth, and when he pinches my nipple—

  I’m done.

  I cry out, gasping with the intense force of my orgasm. My entire body feels as if it’s drawn up into one tight muscle, and then just explodes It’s completely unglamorous to think about, and I can feel how wet my release was—and I can hear the slick sounds my body makes as he touches me. K’thar doesn’t care, though. He just keeps licking my folds and tasting me, determined to wring out every bit of that orgasm from my body.

  Eventually I catch my breath and shudder, pulling his head away from between my thighs. If he keeps licking there, I might fall right off of this tree. “Please,” I pant. “I need a break, K’thar. Let me rest.”

  “Llo K’thar,” he murmurs thickly, and rises to his feet with fluid grace, as if we’re not perched on a platform high in the trees. Sure, it’s a few feet wide, but it doesn’t feel big enough for two people intent on what we’re about to do. He moves up against me, his big body dragging against mine, and I feel every inch of his suede-soft skin against mine. My nipples feel like diamonds, they’re so hard, and when he starts to play with them again even as he licks his fingers clean of my release, I whimper.

  A man with four hands. God help me. I don’t have enough body to keep him occupied. It’s the best kind of problem for a girl to have, I think, as he palms one of my breasts and teases it, fascinated by the way my nipple responds.

  “L’ren,” he whispers, cupping my face and kissing me gently. I can taste myself on his mouth, and it’s fascinating. I’m lost in his kiss, twining my arms around his neck once more. I’ve never felt so good, so sexy.

  He hitches one of my legs around his hips and holds it in place there. My thighs are open for him, and I feel exposed as he presses his cock up against my folds. He rubs his length up and down against me, and I can’t stop the frustrated noise that builds in my throat. It feels amazing…and yet I feel hollow and aching in places I’ve never ached before. I want him inside me, but he keeps teasing me with each drag of his cock against my pussy, between my folds.

  K’thar’s skin feels insanely soft against my own, which is strange given how hard and muscular he is. I want to stroke and pet him, but he captures my hand and pins it to his chest. His intense gaze captures mine and I’m breathless as he watches me.

  My eyes are locked to his as he reaches between us and in the next moment, I feel the head of his cock press against my entrance. I suck in a breath, waiting. Will he take me fast? Or will he go achingly slow? Will it hurt? Or is he going to stop altogether and leave me wanting again, like he did the other night?

  In the next moment, I have my answer as he cups my chin with a hand and then pushes ever so slowly into me. My breath hitches in my throat as I feel his length press, inch by inch, into my core. He feels impossibly large and yet at the same time, I can feel my body yielding to his. It’s a tight fit, and I’m afraid to breathe for fear that something somewhere is going to stretch too tight. I’m overwhelmed by the intensity of sensation, though, and a small whimper escapes me.

  “Shhh,” he breathes, and presses a finger to my lips. He gestures below the platform and before I can ask what it is, I hear it. Something big and heavy crashing through the ferns below. “Kaari,” he murmurs.

  I remember kaari. They’re the big crocodile-like lizards that are four times the size of any normal crocodile. Awareness and fear prickle through my body, and I give him a wide-eyed stare. Should we stop? Move higher?

  K’thar just rubs his finger over my lips and pushes deeper inside me.

  I bite back the moan building in my throat. Must be quiet. Must not make noise. But that is more difficult than it seems. I feel pinned to the tree by his weight—and his cock deep inside me—and nothing in me wants to move in the slightest. I’m still adjusting to the sensation of his body piercing mine.

  And then he moves his hips, thrusting against me.

  Everything in my body lights up. I inhale sharply, stunned at the sensations that ripple over me. I can feel him deep inside me, but more than that, I can feel the knob above his cock, moving against my clit when he thrusts. Oh Jesus. Is that what that’s for?

  Unfair…and magical.

  His tail winds around my ankle, keeping my one leg locked at his hips. It’s not like I could move it anyhow. I’m wedged between K’thar’s big body and the tree, and every time I move a muscle, I feel it deep in my pussy.

  It’s making me crazy.

  His eyes seem to glow like beacons as he watches me, finger still pressed to my lips. I can hear the big kaari below crashing away, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters outside of K’thar and the way he touches me. My cootie’s singing so hard it feels as if my entire body is shaking, and when my alien thrusts again, I prickle with the intensity of the sensations.

  So good.

  A moan builds again, and he pumps into me once more. I can’t tell what’s killing me more—his cock or the knob that pushes against my clit, teasing it when he thrusts. He starts a slow rhythm, his hips rocking against mine, pushing into me in shallow, maddening little thrusts that feel like a tease more than satisfaction. I need…something. Something more. I don’t know what, but each time he pushes into me, I feel a little more unsettled, the pit of my belly curling with a slow-building sensation. It’s maddening and frustrating and I lift my hips to meet his, to make each thrust a little stronger, a little rougher.

  His eyes gleam. His hand shifts and then it’s his thumb that rubs against my mouth. I part my lips, take the tip of it and then suck on it, like I would his cock.

  He bares his own teeth and I can tell that little movement excites him. K’thar’s cock slams into me, harder. The next thrust feels as if it’s hollowing me out, it’s so deep and good. I whimper against his thumb and suck on it, our eyes locked as he pounds into me.

  It feels like his cock’s the only thing anchoring me into my body. My world has stopped existing beyond the relentless pounding of his cock into me, the thrust of my back up against the bark of the tree, the feel of his tail coiled tight around my ankle…and arms holding me everywhere. There’s one on my butt, one pressed against the tree, one anchored at my waist, and one hand on my jaw. I feel enclosed in his warmth, like I’ve become part of him.

  It’s incredible. I’ve never felt so…loved. Cherished. Even in the midst of a sweaty, rough fuck against a tree, I’ve never been held so tenderly.

  I’ve never been so mad with lust.

  I bite down
on his finger, thrusting my hips against his as his movements become fiercer. Our bodies are slamming together, and the tree is shaking. I don’t know if the kaari’s still below. I don’t care. All I know is that his cock is deep inside me and his knob keeps sliding against my clit and if I don’t come in the next few moments, I’m going to lose my mind.

  He growls low in his throat, and I think it’s my name. Fuck, that’s so sexy. I swipe my tongue over his fingertip and then suck on it harder, showing him my need. I want this harder, and faster, and—

  And oh god, I’m coming.

  I close my eyes, the breath escaping me as my entire body locks up with the force of my orgasm. My heels dig into his lower back and I feel my spine arch, my nipples tingling as my everything seems to come apart. He growls my name again, and then he’s pumping into me harder, his movements jerky and uncontrolled. Instead of letting me come down from my orgasm, he spirals me into the next one, and then I cry out as it hits me.

  Through the haze of pleasure, I realize dimly that he’s come as well, that his movements are slowing down, and that when he pumps between my thighs, our bodies are slick with release. Oh. Oh boy. He came inside me, and there’s not a single condom on this planet.

  I wonder if that means I’m pregnant now.

  I’m too tired to even go down that line of thought. He leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead, and I’m too dazed to do more than cling to him. “My muscles are dead,” I protest with a whisper. “I’m not gonna be able to climb back out of this tree.”

  “K’thar Llo,” he murmurs, rubbing his nose against mine.

  “Okay, good. I’m glad we’ve got that covered,” I tell him, patting his chest. “Just keep holding me.” I lock my arms around his neck and rest my cheek against his chest. His cootie’s still vibrating a mile a minute. Come to think of it, mine is, too. Wasn’t resonance supposed to end after we had sex? Maybe we have to do it a few times. I should have asked more about my new alien biology.


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