Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Ciara Lake

  Xihirian Shifters 2

  Tallusian Nights

  Val Braeden is a seasoned Xihirian soldier hardened by the Realmist wars. He discovers his true mate while on his latest rescue mission. A lovely Tallusian woman’s touch awakens him as no other.

  While escaping the war-torn Tallusian capital, the Realmist take down Val’s spacedisk. He crashes into the Tallusian forest. There Zalora Zimbali and Val are determined to survive the wilds of Tallusia. Sparks fly, lighting a flame within them both. Their passion heats the Tallusian nights, binding them together forever.

  Clitax Tomron is bent on revenge—he’s determined to avenge his father’s death. Tomron strikes close to Val’s heart, taking his family hostage. Only one thing stands in Tomron’s way, the power of a beautiful Tallusian princess. Zalora wants peace and to put an end to these terrorists. She risks everything to save those she feels responsible for and the man of her dreams.

  Genre: Futuristic, Science Fiction, Shape-shifter

  Length: 69,708 words


  Xihirian Shifters 2

  Ciara Lake


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2012 by Ciara Lake

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-162-7

  First E-book Publication: September 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  With love to my parents and sons as my heart is always with them.


  Xihirian Shifters 2


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  The nearly deafening rhythmic boom, boom of the music made the floor beneath their feet vibrate. “Damn, how can they stand this freakin’ noise?” Val pressed his lips closer to Jerrian’s ear to be heard. He caught the cringe on his friend’s face at the raised timbre of his voice and offered an apologetic smile. Clubs didn’t always allow for those who had extra-acute hearing. The crowd pushed against them as they shouldered their way through looking for a place to sit or stand comfortably. “I think it’s seriously damaging to my sensitive hearing.” Val shook his head and patted his ear with his hand.

  “You’re too much like your father. Way too uptight. Too Alpha Prime.” Jerrian snickered as he ushered him past two scantily clad women.

  “Shame on you for talking about our Admoncor in such a way.” Val grinned.

  “Loosen up, cuz, enjoy the night life.” Jerrian’s eyes sparkled in the odd light. “We deserve a break.”

  They passed a dozen skimpily dressed women who were up on various stages swaying and gyrating to flamboyant music. Men gathered under each stage handing dancers currency or stuffing it into what little clothing they were wearing. The throng was so thick Val could hardly move through it. A woman bumped into him, rubbing herself against him.

  “Hey, baby,” she cooed, winking at him. “You feel good.” Her hands ran over his chest and arms. The strong smell of liquor nearly made him gag. Instead, he cleared his throat looking away.

  “Hey.” He nodded as he quickly moved away. Finally, Jerrian reached a table just as it came empty.

  “Let’s sit here.” He motioned to the table, grabbing a chair before anyone else claimed it. Just as they sat down, a woman with blonde, spiked hair, dressed in an extremely tight, short dress approached them. Swaying suggestively with each step, she put her hand on her hip as she looked down at them. Highly glossed lips smiled at them. He gaze had a come-hither-ness, which must frequently have worked on other men.

  “Hello, gentlemen.” She rocked on her feet as if moving with the music. “Welcome to Twisted Lady. What do you want to drink?”

  “Bring us Carvasses.” Val smiled up at her. “On ice.”

  “Sure thing, handsome.” She winked and turned, swiveling her hips, making her way back to the bar.

  “Jerrian, remind me again why we’re here?” He made a crooked smile. “I really don’t like this scene. First of all, it’s killing my head.” He ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. Three dancing patrons nearly fell into their table, giggling. Val took hold of one of one woman’s arm to gently steady her.

  “Thanks.” She giggled, stumbling some more. He nodded.

  “We’re attempting to have a good time while on leave from fighting a fucking war,” Jerrian shouted across their table, smiling.

  “Well, tell me when we’re having a good time.” Val looked out at the large mob, watching it move to the noise that was called music. Their server returned with their drinks.

  “Perhaps these will improve our time.” Jerrian held up his glass of Carvasses.

  “I doubt it.” Val drank down his glass in one gulp. He could feel his head begin to throb at the temple. “Nah, didn’t improve a thing.” He slammed his glass down, making the table shudder. “In fact, I believe I feel worse.” Loud shouts rang out from the other
side of the bar. “Shit, there’s gonna be a fight. I hate bar fights.”

  “Yeah, it’s coming this way, too.” Both men stood up just as a body came crashing into their table. A huge man staggered toward them, falling into their table, breaking it to the floor. “Damn, it’s Kade. What the fuck? We thought you were back at the palace with Kara.”

  “Hey, guys. Nope.” He shook his head as he grinned up at them. “I decided to get out on the town. Have a good time.” Kade winked, looking up at them with a bloody lip. “So here I am.” He gestured to himself as he stared up at them. “I pissed off a Gerial.” He pointed in the direction of a massive green male who was glaring at them. “They’re strong assholes. I guess they don’t like it when you smile at their females. Hey, dude, peace.” Kade waved as he got up. The Gerial eyed Val and Jerrian standing next to Kade and then huffed as he turned back to the bar where he was sitting. The female Gerial cozied up next to him, hugged the large man, then looked back at Kade, giving him a seductive look.

  “So why the fuck did you smile at her? And just now, too.” Val put his hands on his hips. “She has two huge noses. They drip nasty mucus.” Val grabbed his elbow as Kade stumbled a bit to regain his balance.

  “The mucus is a sexual stimulant.”

  “Kade, I don’t want to know how you know about their mucus. It grosses me out.” Val bowed his head. “Let’s get out of here. I feel my vid-com vibrating in my pocket.”

  “Damn, it’s probably your father.” Kade rolled his eyes. “My dear older brother Admoncor Braeden ordering us to do something I’m betting. Whatever happened to leave status?”

  “I can’t get my vid-com out here to listen, so let’s go. I can’t stand this scene anymore.” He started toward an exit, again maneuvering between the dancing patrons next to their table.

  “Can’t we ever get away from being summoned? Someone’s constantly calling us to do something.”

  Pressing their way through a mass of people, they made their way outside. It helped they towered over most of the people. A wave of heat hit them as they exited. Sweat poured down Val’s back, making his uniform cling to him. To make matters worse, as he stepped out from under the club’s portico, he became drenched from the pouring torrents of rain. “Let’s shift then run back to the palace.” Kade’s eyes blazed amber. Val noticed Kade was clenching his jaw, obviously in an effort to control his emotions.

  “Uncle Kade, you’ve had too much to drink. Pull yourself together. We can’t shift here.” Val put his hand on his arm. “Let’s get back to the palace.”

  “Damn it, Val, don’t call me uncle.” He pulled his arm away from Val. His pupils elongated, his face slightly distorted. “I’m fucking less than nine months older than you. You just call me uncle to piss me off.”

  “Fine, Kade.” Val paused for a second, inhaling deeply. “Get your beast under control. Then I’ll call you anything you want.” He held his hands up in surrender. “Let’s get to my transport. Then I’ll listen to the vid-com message.” All three men made their way to their transport.

  “I’m sorry, Val.” Kade sat back in one of the transport seats. “I’ve been a fucking mess since our last mission. All of those bodies of children in the streets of Gerialia sickened me. I can’t get the image out of my mind. I can’t bloody stand this fucking war anymore. The Realmist have to be stopped.” Within seconds, Kade was snoring.

  “Like I told you, Alpha Primes are hard to deal with.” Jerrian shook his head as he buckled in Kade then himself. “Kade’s always getting into trouble. You’re always uptight. Between you two, Uncle Kael, and Grandfather, I’m a nervous wreck. I just wanted to have a relaxed night out. ”

  “You call what we were doing relaxed?” Val turned on the engine to get the cool air circulating. He tossed Jerrian his vid-com. “Here, listen to my father’s message.”

  “Of course it’s Kael.” Jerrian flipped it open, frowning.

  “Val, it’s your father, I need you to gather up Jerrian with Kade. Get to the palace. We have an urgent situation. Call me back when you get this message.” Jerrian hit a button to return his call.

  “Val.” Val’s shoulders tensed at the sound of his father’s voice.

  “No, Uncle Kael. It’s Jerrian. He’s driving. Kade’s in the back. We’ll be there shortly. We’re on our way.”

  “Very good. I’ll be waiting in my office.” The communicator beeped as the call terminated. Jerrian clicked it shut.

  Val cursed as he peered through the onslaught of rain hitting the windshield. He was going to be glad to be out of the city. Glancing over the shoulder, he huffed. “Hey, better get up, Kade. Admoncor Braeden will be pissed to see you passed out from drink.” Val glanced in the mirror, which showed the rear passenger area. “Even though you’re his brother, his patience is growing thin with your drinking.” Val gazed at Jerrian. “Is his lip healed?” He looked back over his shoulder to examine him. The lights as well as the shiny stone of the palace illuminated the dark night as they approached. He landed their transport under the family entrance portico. Two other transports were parked there, too. “It looks like others have been summoned. It must be serious.”

  Jerrian looked out the window, “It must be. There’s Thyson’s transport.” Then he glanced around at Kade. “Yeah, Kade’s lip’s healed. He must have had a ton to drink to be this pissed to the wind. He’s gonna have more than a split lip if Kael sees him like this. Wake up, Kade. Your brother’s waiting to see us. Now! Admoncor Braeden has summoned us.” He slapped Kade on the arm.

  “Damn, my head feels as if it’s full of rocks. Could you hit me harder?” Kade sat up straight.

  “You asking?” He glared at him.

  “I can pull it together.” Kade ran his hands through his damp hair. “I’m sorry, guys. I’m glad you found me.”

  “Well, you ran into us. Literally.” Val chuckled. “It’s amazing in a huge city you’d break down our table. What are the odds?”

  “The three us together till the end.” Jerrian smiled. “I think your mother calls us the Three Musketeers after some Earth story about warriors who fought together.” He patted Kade on the back more gently. “So we take the good along with bad. Come on. Let’s get inside. I hope Admoncor Braeden doesn’t smell liquor on you. Don’t get too close to him.” Jerrian shook his head, scrunching his nose up. “Can’t fool his sense of smell, so you’re probably screwed. You’re overwhelming stinky.” He waved his hand in front of his face.

  “Maybe you should stand out in the rain some more.” Val laughed. “Get washed off.”

  “Nah, that won’t change his stinky breath.”

  “Nope, I might as well face Kael now.” Kade led them up the stairs. He stumbled on the last two steps. “Damn, I’m going to have to go back for my transport. I left it in Ferileson.” The three of them walked down a long corridor to Kael’s office. Lightning lit up the dark sky, making the lamps flicker. Turning the corner, they ran into Thyson, who was also making his way to Kael’s office.

  “Good moonrise, Uncle. I see you’ve been summoned, too.” Val followed him to his father’s office.

  “Yes.” Thyson opened the door leading into the office.

  “Come in. Sit down.” Kael pointed to chairs from behind his desk.

  “What’s your rush, Kael?” Kade sat down in a chair furthest away from his desk.

  “Drinking too much again, Kade? I could smell you before you walked in.” Kael shook his head. “Well, little brother, it’s time to stop.” Kael threw his pen down on a pile of papers. “You’re all going on a mission. So, pull yourself together, sober up. I know you had a hard time on Gerialia, but we need you.” Kael gave Kade a hard stare. “You and Val are our best pilots. Jerrian keeps you both in line.” Kael paused then picked his pen up again. He fiddled with it. “The Realmist have attacked Tallusia.” Kael stood up and came around his desk with his hands on his hips.

  “No way, they went to Tallusia?” Jerrian’s mouth hung open. His eyes grew bigger. �
��It’s on the other end of the Fiaxe Galaxy. It’s about two weeks from here in our fastest ships.”

  “Yes, King Zimbali has contacted us, begging for our help. The attack was very unexpected. Their entire planet is under attack. His daughter has gone missing. Fortunately, they haven’t used poisonous gases or radiation. But, the Realmist are bombing Tallusia from spaceships, leaving hardly any spot untouched. It’s as if they’re trying to annihilate them. King Zimbali with his advisors have left Tallusia. He’s concerned about his people. He’s frantic over his daughter who refused to evacuate, wanting to help survivors.”

  “Another strong-headed woman?” The Admoncor cleared his throat.

  “You should understand that.” Kade winked at him.

  “Why the hell Tallusia? They’re a peaceful, delicate people.” Val stood up to pace in front of his father’s desk. “Why would they attack Tallusia in such a way? They’re defenseless. It is a gorgeous place, a paradise. Felix Tomron must be stopped.”

  “Yes, he’s worse than his father, by far. Clitax was insane, but his son’s even more so.” Kael walked over to the balcony, watching the rainfall.

  “It happens when you’re raised by an insane father. Can’t beat the genetics and the training.” Jerrian leaned back in his chair.

  “Tallusia is much like our planet only colder.” Kael leaned against his desk.

  “The Realmist attacked Gerialia because their warriors are a true threat. It was in revenge for their assisting in locating members of the Realmist group. It doesn’t help they don’t look at all like Earthen humans. But, Tallusians look like Earthen humans. They’re artists as well as musicians. They’re a peaceful people at the farthest end of our galaxy. What kind of threat could they have been?” Kade expressed frustration evident in his voice.


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