Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Ciara Lake

  Everyone was overly respectful to Zalora as if she were a Xihirian princess and not one from a world practically destroyed. Vera had a smile glued to her face, making Zalora uneasy. She seemed overly happy, but sweet. Before they took off, Val sat next to her as promised. After a quick trip, the loaddisk entered into the gigantic spaceship and came to a stop. She could hear mechanics moving and doors closing as the loaddisk came to a secured rest. After they were fully secured, the pilot announced their safe arrival. Val stood and faced the other passengers. Everyone began to exit. Val escorted Zalora out toward a reception area. Vera waved then went the other direction. Val, she, and some others walked down a long narrow corridor. The walls were made of shiny metal. They gleamed and mirrored her reflection. The ship was spotless. She’d noticed she looked so small next to him. When they entered the waiting room, a carpeted, comfortable room full of chairs and tables, she saw her father waiting next to her stepmother.

  “Father.” Zalora ran to him. He stood to greet her, hugging her tight.

  “Oh my precious daughter, I was so worried.” His expression was distressed. “You’re so headstrong, Zalora. You should’ve obeyed me and come with me. Obedience is very important. Never mind all of this. I do forgive you.” He waved his hand. ”I love you. I’m so happy you’re safe.” He kissed her cheek. “I want our surgeon to give you a physical exam. It’s protocol. I want to make sure you’re okay. I can’t believe you crashed into the planet. Go on now. Go be evaluated by our surgeon. We’ll talk over a meal. I’ll meet you in Captain’s dining area. They’ve prepared a nice meal.” His kissed her cheek again. Before she left, she turned to greet her stepmother.

  “Zalora, I’m so happy you’re safe.” Colletta embraced her. Her protruding belly poked Zalora.

  “How’s my brother?” Zalora patted her belly.

  “He’s good.” She smiled. “Missing you.” Colletta hugged her again. “You’re so brave, but disobedient.” She looked sideways at Zalora’s father. “But mostly brave, I think,” she whispered in Zalora’s ear.

  “Thank you.”

  “We love you. Go now, and get a clean bill of health. We’ll see you in a bit. I want to hear all about what you’ve been through.” Zalora followed another Xihirian soldier. She was a tall woman, beautiful, as all Xihirians seemed to be. “I’m Tantia Tantrick. It’s a pleasure to know you, Princess Zalora,” she respectfully greeted her. “We’re all very fond of Captain Braeden. He’s an exceptional leader and an excellent pilot. He’s one of our very best.” Zalora followed Tantia down winding hallways.

  “Yes, it’s a good thing.” Zalora nodded. Uniformed soldiers passed, all politely acknowledging her. Doors swished open then closed, and beepers and buzzers went off all around her. A computer voice spoke to others at various times, and they responded. This ship was an amazing and busy place.

  “We’re almost there. This is a big ship.” Tantia looked back at her. “Am I walking too fast?” She slowed.

  “No, you’re fine. I’m just looking around. Val is remarkable,” Zalora added. “This ship is huge. It’s really marvelous.” Zalora paused and turned to look all around.

  “I’m pleased you’re impressed.” Tantia’s smile broadened. “I’m taking you to one of our med clinics. Your father’s surgeon or medtor is waiting for you. Your father insisted on using his medtor. I hope it’s all right?”

  “Yes, I know Surgeon Triller. He’s taken care of me all of my life.”

  “This is standard procedure to be examined after a crash. By the way, the Realmist have all left Tallusia.”

  “Oh, wonderful news.” Zalora put her hands together in her excitement. “Thank our Creator for sending you. Finally, their destruction has ended. How is the Med-Vac camp?” Zalora touched Tantia’s arm.

  “Doing well.” Tantia smiled. “We have several Med-Vac camps now. There are thousands of survivors who have been helped.”

  “Val promised to take me to the one where my friends are at.” Zalora hustled to keep up with the long-legged woman. “Will Val be examined, too?”

  “Oh yes, we’ll take good care of him. Don’t worry.” Tantia smiled again. “I know how it is to worry about your man.” She grinned. Zalora blushed hot then cast her eyes down to the floor. “I’m sure he’ll do as he’s promised you. Our men normally do.” A double door swooshed open. They entered a sterile-looking room filled with medical equipment. A strong medicinal odor made her feel queasy. She swallowed hard to keep from retching. Her sense of smell was stronger than usual. “This is our main med clinic.” Tantia motioned. “Most of our staff is on the planet helping survivors. So I’ll stay with you while your male medtor examines you.”

  An older man greeted her, “Good to see you, Zalora.” He’d been sitting at a desk at the other end of the room. He got up to meet them in the middle of the room. “Here, sit up here on this table.” He patted where he wanted her to sit. Zalora complied.

  “Hello, Surgeon Triller. It’s good to see you.”

  “Thank you. You’ve been through a lot.” He touched her arm.

  “Yes,” Zalora agreed. She did as he instructed. Triller ran several tests, taking her fluids, running machines. He pinched and poked at her. He asked many questions. Tantia stood nearby as her chaperone, not letting her out of her sight. By the end of her examination, Zalora noticed Surgeon Triller’s happy deposition changed. He had a deep frown on his wrinkly face. His concerned emotions washed over her, making her stomach upset and tighten into a ball. Sometimes I wish I could turn off this gift of feeling other’s emotions. Val is a relief to be around. Children’s emotions are simpler. Xihirians are easy to be around, too. She looked at Tantia. Their emotions don’t attack me like this. She watched Dr. Triller.

  “I’ve concluded your testing.” He walked over to her to stand in front of her. His expression was bleak.

  “So how am I?” Zalora tried to lighten the mood. “I feel good.” She shrugged.

  “Healthy. You’ll live.” His succinct answer worried her more. He was usually a jolly man, overly talkative.

  “Officer.” He turned to Tantia. She nodded, stepping closer. “Please escort Princess Zalora to her quarters. She needs to shower then change into clean clothing before meeting with her family.”

  “Yes.” Tantia nodded, looking puzzled by Triller’s change in behavior. Zalora shrugged, following Tantia out of the clinic.

  “He usually talks me to death.” Zalora shrugged. “It seems he was worried about something.” Zalora followed Tantia to her assigned room.

  “He seemed fine to me, and then he got strange, almost impolite. Never mind his behavior. You’re fine. Nothing else matters.” Tantia looked back at her. She slowed, turning the corner. “Princess, here are your quarters. A change of clothes are on your bed. Enjoy a shower then change into the clothes provided. I’ll wait here to escort you to our dining area. Your father is waiting there. ” Zalora immediately saw the clean clothes laid out on the comfortable-looking bed. There was a long-sleeved yellow shirt with black pants. A pair of slippers parked near the bed.

  “These will be a comfortable change from my boots.” Zalora sat on the bed’s edge. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a comfortable bed.” She pulled her boots off then undressed. She walked into the cleaning chamber. She showered and changed. The water felt wonderful as it rolled over her sensitive skin. When she stepped out of the shower, she studied her reflection. She looked thinner.

  There was some colored lip balm, blusher, as well as facial lotion on the counter. She applied some of the makeup. “Much better.” She smiled into the mirror. She fluffed her drying hair and arranged it in an attractive way. She wanted to look nice for Val. “All I can do is think of you.” When she was all finished, she opened her door. Tantia was waiting, leaning against the wall outside the room.

  “Those clothes are rather large on you. Sorry, they’re mine. We’ll find you something better later.”

  “Oh thank you.” Zalora smiled. “Yo
u put all those cosmetics in my room, too.” The woman nodded. “I appreciate borrowing the clothes and thank you for thinking of all the other things, too. You were very kind.”

  “My pleasure.” Tanta grinned. “We girls understand each other.”

  “Yes we do.” Zalora grinned, too.

  “Follow me.” They walked a distance then took a lift three levels up. When they walked off the lift, they walked into an enormous room, full of windows looking out into space. The view was magnificent. Zalora looked around to see out of the windows.

  “This is glorious.” Zalora spun around. “I’ve never seen anything like this. I love this room.”

  “This is the captain’s deck. This ship and this deck are outstanding. This way to the dining area. A special meal has been prepared. Captain Val Braeden’s suite is on this deck as are his offices.”

  “Really? Nice.”

  “Yes, you’ll like it.” Tantia grinned. Zalora tensed.

  Do I still smell like Val? He told me I would. For sure, Tantia knows there’s something between me and Val.

  “They’re all waiting for you. You’re our guest of honor.” Tantia smiled. Zalora could smell the food, and her stomach growled. Tantia heard it, too. “It does smell good. You must be starving for a good meal. We have excellent chefs.” When she entered the room, her father did not look pleased. Hostility, anger, and confusion mixed with more negative emotions attacked her like weapon’s fire. He stood rigid next to his wife. Colletta looked troubled. Then a wave of worry combined with fear entwined with her father’s emotions bombarded Zalora. She stumbled as if they pushed her back. Tantia quickly grabbed her arm. “Are you okay, Princess?”

  “Yes.” Zalora coughed. “Call me Zalora.” She turned to look at Tantia. Surgeon Triller, Kade, Val, and two other Xihirian men she did not recognize stood next to her father at the other end of the room near one of the immense windows. In the distance, Zalora thought she saw Tallusia. Even though it had suffered much, it still looked like a beautiful blue ball.

  “Daughter.” His tone was sharp, curt. Instantly, her stomach clenched as she felt impending doom. “I have some distressing news.” Her father’s lips pressed tight together. She hated it when he gave her that look. It was never good. Val looked at her father then to her.

  “Yes, Father?” She could feel him seething with anger. Now her stomach boiled up into her chest, giving her indigestion. For a second she thought she might vomit. All of the Xihirians looked at him as if puzzled, too, by his proclamation and tone. Colletta looked down at her belly, rubbing it in a soothing motion. Zalora thought for sure she saw tears in Colletta’s eyes. “What is it, Father?”

  Damn, I knew Triller was holding back something. Emotions from Triller attacked her as well. Her ability to read emotions had signaled her earlier regarding him. She should have insisted on what had changed his mood after the exam. Worry assailed her emotions. Mixed with everyone else’s, she was overwhelmed. For a moment, she felt as if she could faint. She placed her hand on Tantia’s arm to brace herself. Tantia moved closer to her.

  “Surgeon Triller tells me you are with child.” Zalora felt as if she could melt into the floor. “Did you hear me?” The rest of the room stilled. “Did you hear me, Zalora?” He insisted she acknowledge him. “You are with child.” Her father grew louder. He stepped closer to her. The humiliation of this public announcement was too much. Zalora put her hand over her stomach as she felt sick.

  “I heard you.” Zalora looked at Triller. The old man looked down. Then her notorious temper rushed out of her in a flood of heated words. “Well.” Zalora put her hands on her hips, turning to face Triller. “Surgeon Triller.” Her tone was curt. She could feel his indecision and embarrassment. “You”—she pointed at him—“had a duty to tell me first. After all, I am your patient. I am an adult woman.” She shook her finger at him. He continued to look down. “Regardless of my father being your king, this is my body. Not his,” she raged. “You’ve violated my privacy.” Zalora never raised her voice, but the sharp edge in her tone could cut stone. The entire room remained silent, and no one moved. “How dare you tell him first?” She glared at Triller. “How dare you tell him at all. It’s my decision to tell others. You have betrayed my trust.”

  “Shut up,” her father yelled. His expression was furious as he interrupted her lecture of Triller. Zalora immediately silenced, and she sensed Val’s as well as the other Xihirians’ eyes were on her. Heat rushed to her face, heat of rage, embarrassment, and more.

  “King Zambali, do not speak to Zalora in this way.”

  “You shut up too.” In a flash, her father focused his anger on Val. “You do not speak until spoken to.” He pointed his finger at Val. His hand shook. Zalora had never seen her father so worked up. Val, too was ready for battle. His eyes gleamed and he made a noise low in his throat, making her hair stand up at the nap of her neck. Zalora implored Val with her gaze and put her hand up, motioning him to back down. Obediently Val retreated.

  “Respectfully, Father.” Her tone was hushed and tense. “Do not tell me to shut up.”

  “I can tell you what I wish. Now, be silent then.” He waved his hand. “Has someone forced himself upon you? Perhaps a Realmist?” He eyed Val. “We will terminate this unfortunate event.” Her father’s face twisted with fury as he turned his eyes to Zalora. His emotions fueled her own.

  Her controlled calm evaporated completely. “No, you cannot do such a thing,” she shouted. Her response surprised even her.

  “Zalora?” Val turned to look directly at her. His voice sounded gravelly, less human. She shook her head, pleading with him for patience and then turned to confront her father.

  “No one has forced me to do anything, except the Realmist blowing up my home, making me leave to survive.” She glared at Triller. “And for sure, no one is terminating my child.”

  “Well, what have you done? Have you been a disreputable woman? A harlot?” Her father stepped closer. For a moment, she thought based upon his surge of emotions he was going to hit her. She moved back, flinching. Val stepped closer to the both of them, his hands clenched at his side. It seemed he might grab her father. Urgency set in. She quickly intervened. “I can take care of this situation.” She implored Val then turned back to her father. “No, I have not. I am not a harlot.” She defiantly held her chin up. Val growled low. The sound was frightening, full of loaded intimidation.

  “It appears so to me. Whose child is it? Do you even know? Are you such a whore?” He leaned toward her. Zalora’s mouth gaped open, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She could not believe her father would ask her if she knew or call her whore.

  “Of course I know.” She looked at him incredulously. “I am not whore.”

  “You have obviously behaved as such.”

  “Mine.” Val stepped forward. “The child is mine.” His jaw was clenched tight.

  “Of course I know.” Zalora ignored Val. So astonished by her father’s question, she had a surge of anger overcome her. At first, she did not even really hear Val’s statement. When she looked to Val, his eyes were blazing amber as he assessed her father. Zalora could feel her father’s sudden apprehension or fear of Val’s reaction. The man bared his teeth. Colletta blushed deeply and stepped behind her father.

  “The child’s mine.” The man standing next to Val placed a hand on his shoulder as to calm him. Val growled again, and this time it echoed in the room, making others tense. “The child’s mine as is Zalora.”

  “Captain Val Braeden, get your father on the communicator now! This is an outrage,” her father shouted. He was so angry it was pushing his fear down. Again, Zalora was sick from the immense emotions floating around her. “I want to discuss this with him. Now! Do you understand me? I want to talk to your father now.”

  “What does his father have to do with this? Val’s a grown man as I am a grown woman.” Zalora stepped closer to Val.

  “Daughter, I’ve told you to be silent. I do not want to hear
your voice again until I ask to.” He pointed his finger at her.

  “I won’t be shut up!”

  “His father”—her father pointed at Val—“is the reigning Prince of Xihirah, Admoncor of the Xihirian fleet. His son will not disgrace my daughter in this way. This must be made right,” he yelled to the room. “How dare he disgrace us in this way.” Her father shook his fist. Val seemed to grow larger. His muscles bulked out.

  “I have mated with your daughter. She’s mine. The child’s mine. Do not be insulting to my mate.” He made another aggressive sound. “I don’t intend to allow her to be apart from me.” Val stepped closer to her father. This time, Kade stepped closer to Val, and his shoulder bumped his. Kade glared at him. Val glared back but seemed to cool. Kade’s action was an intentional move to redirect Val. The other Xihirians tensed, too, seemingly ready for battle. Kade growled low, hardly audible.

  “It’s okay, Val.” Kade spoke close to his ear. Zalora could hear him clearly. Her hearing had vastly improved. Kade noticeably soothed Val’s growing temper. “He wants you to marry Zalora. Be at ease. This will all work out. This is a simple misunderstanding.”

  “Misunderstanding, I’ll be damned.” Her father stomped.

  “Your father’s the reigning Prince of Xihirah. You did not tell me.” Zalora looked into his eyes. “I was telling you what it’s like to be a princess, and you already know. All your sisters are princesses, and you’re a prince.” Val eased more at her comments to him. She relaxed, too, almost forgetting her father’s ire. Still Val’s eyes glowed wild. The pupils were long slits. It was obvious Val was a beast bent on protecting what he claimed. Foolishly, her father was too enraged to see the situation clearly.


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