The King Brothers- The Complete Series

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The King Brothers- The Complete Series Page 26

by G. Bailey

  "Yeah, I'm moving on." He nods in the direction of an attractive red-head and blonde dancing together on the dance floor. I don't think it's a good idea for him to use those girls, but, fuck, I did the same. How can I judge him for being me a week ago?

  "All right," is all I say.

  Elliot only glances at me briefly before leaving to go over to the girls. He dances with them both for a little while before he whispers something into the blonde’s ear and pulls the red-head to his other side as he then whispers something to her. It takes him maybe one minute of whispering before they both nod, and he walks to the back with them.

  A few girls try to speak to me but give up as I ignore them or move out of their way.

  My phone goes off, and I excitedly pull it out only to see Blake’s name. I wanted it to be Maisy so fucking bad that it’s sad, but Blake is my best friend. We may have had problems with him secretly dating my sister and them both hiding it for over a month, and it took me a while but I know he loves her and wouldn't hurt her. Even I had to agree that he would be good for her.

  Blake: Sorry I couldn't come and see you today dude. If you need anything, let me know. It will be all right and tell Luke good luck.

  Me: no problem and thanks. I have no idea what I'm doing right now and May fucking hates me bro.

  Blake: she can't and she will forgive you if you explain.

  Me: yeah, I’ll have to get her to listen first. She’s just as stubborn as I remember

  What I don't say is it turns me on more than anything when she is like that; my angry, stubborn Maisy. Just the thought of her pouty lips when she doesn’t get her own way goes straight to my cock.

  My phone vibrates again, and I swear my heart stops at the sight of her name. How bloody desperate do I sound? Even to myself?

  May: I'm all right and the baby too. He has been kicking lots today. Maybe he will kick at the scan and you can feel. They were fine x

  She sent a kiss at the end, and I hold in the urge to do a fist pump into the air. I believe it’s progress. The idea of feeling my baby move inside the woman I love, there are no words to describe how amazing that would be. I quickly reply.

  Me: I'm happy you both are good. I haven't stopped thinking about you both all day. I hope so too and can I see you tomorrow? I finish uni at one x

  May: I'm at work six-three, but I could meet you somewhere after X

  Me: can I take you to mine? I can order food and I want you to meet someone x

  I know she will love Izzy if she agrees to come over. I can just imagine Izzy’s excited face at meeting Maisy. I oddly want to show Maisy off to my family.

  May: I'm not sure and who? X

  Me: Please? And someone important to me x

  May: Ok, see you tomorrow but I'm off to sleep. Being pregnant is hard x

  Me: I wish I could help more x

  May: I know. See you later Sebastian, and have a good night x

  Me: sweet dreams, my May x

  I know she won't reply as that's what I always said to her before she fell asleep in my arms. I miss her so much it fucking hurts at times. I rub my chest to get rid of any feelings and look back at the bar.

  The buzzer goes off indicating the fight is starting, and I turn in my seat to see Luke walk into the fighting cage. This reminds me of that night, the one I lost Maisy. I shake my head clear of my thoughts and focus on the fight. The other guy is a young, Chinese man, and he looks as slow as I have heard. I also heard he throws weak punches, so Luke shouldn't have too many problems.

  The crowd cheers loudly as most of them make their way to stand around the cage, and soon the sound of, "King, King, King," is shouted as it always is. I don’t understand their love of watching these fights, its fucking brutal and rough. Most of the time, the opponents walk away alive, but there are those times I try to forget. I hate to fucking admit it, but I know some of mine are losing their lives on life support in hospitals somewhere. I shudder as I remember each of their faces. I hate fucking fighting like this, and it’s never a fair fight. We are always more trained and faster than whomever they put in with us. To our boss, it’s a fucking game, and we are his knights knocking down his pawns.

  Elliot comes up next to me as he starts watching the fight, and I see Harley leaning against the cage near the door with his eyes glued on every move Luke makes. I can tell that if Luke makes even one mistake, Harley will show him how to correct it, but not like our father did.

  Luke lets his opponent get three hits in, and I can tell from just watching how weak they are, they barely touch Luke’s skin, hardened from years of fighting. One to the ribs, one to the face, and one to his side before Luke grabs him so fast it’s hard to watch, flipping him over onto his back. Luke lands a nasty kick into his side, and I swear I can hear the ribs break from here. Luke isn’t stupid enough to hit him anymore, he will be a lucky bastard if he can breathe after a hit like that.

  Luke knows he can't finish this too soon or it won't count for us. So he backs off while the Chinese guy gets up, holding his side, and they circle the cage facing each other. The other man is dripping sweat and is just barely standing.

  The other guy eventually runs and tackles Luke using the last of his strength. I'm guessing he meant to push him to the ground, but Luke is far stronger than that, and, instead, Luke pushes him back and lands a hard punch to his face. Luke doesn’t waste time as he lands another hit, and one more final smack, before the other man collapses and the crowd goes wild. I don’t look at the man on the floor bleeding out as I know no one will help him. I watch as Luke looks down at him for a second. I know that look, and I recognise his grief over what he has to do.

  I breathe a sigh of relief as I drink my beer, and Luke holds his hands up as the crowd cheers louder and the music blasts away again. Harley opens the cage, and Luke walks out of the cage, joining him. I grimace as the cage bouncers drag the other man out of the cage by his legs.

  I watch the lights on the screen above the bar showing Luke’s win and that another fight will happen in one hour, and I want to be gone by then.

  "I'm off, bro," I say to Elliot, and he nods at me. I look him over thinking, if anything, he looks fucking worse after being with those girls.

  I place my hand on his shoulder. "Are you doing okay, bro?" I ask as gently as I can after watching my younger brother fight and knowing I can’t do a fucking thing to stop it.

  "I could ask you the same," Elliot says darkly.

  "We are both fucked up, right?" I ask with a short laugh.

  "Yeah, but I know you will work it out with her." He looks away, hiding any emotions on his face.

  "I hope so, and you will find someone much fucking better. A word of advice from your best brother, don't spend too much time with easy girls. I think I will regret it for a long time."

  He looks at me for a long time before grunting and nodding with a small smirk at the ‘best brother’ comment.

  I send some quick messages to Luke and Harley before leaving the fucking place. I sit in the car, quickly checking my messages, before I drive home, and I remember I have to text Izzy.

  Me: Luke’s fight went well. Could you be at home tomorrow around three? Maisy is coming over and I want to introduce you x

  Sis: Thank God, I’ve been so worried. I would love to! Allie knows she is here and will come too I bet. Is that all right? Xx

  Me: If I say no, she will come anyway. So yes x

  Sis: You know us too well, love you bro x

  I smile at her text, and I can't wait for them to meet. Their personalities are so alike, and I guess that's why I got along with my sister so well when we first met.

  As I head home in my car, knowing Luke will get a lift with someone, I can't help but grin at the thought of them meeting.



  “Sebby, stop it.” I giggle as Sebastian tickles me in the back of his car. It’s my sixteenth birthday, and I know what I want from him. We have done everything but the one thing I want,
and I know it’s because he doesn’t want to push me. I love him so much, I know it’s only him I want.

  “How did this happen?” I frown, looking at his bruised-up face in the dim light from the street light.

  “It’s nothing, my May,” he says, kissing my neck. I frown a little, remembering he hasn’t been in school for three days, but Elliot said he was fine. Sebastian did text me, but he has been acting strange since his dad passed away three months ago. I guess he must be grieving more than I thought, even if I know he didn’t care much for his dad. I sigh, getting drawn into Sebastian’s body as he pulls me closer, running his hands up my back.

  “Seb, come back to mine tonight. My parents messaged me earlier that they are out-of-town,” I say, moving to kiss his neck and working up to his lips. Our lips meet, and the kiss deepens before he pulls away, as breathless as I am.

  “It’s your birthday, where else would I want to be?” he says with a cheeky grin.

  “No. I mean, well, I want you to stay over.” I blush, looking down at my lap. Seb lifts my chin with his fingers as he looks at me in a way that makes me wet in seconds.

  “Tell me what you want, May.” He kisses me gently, making me breathless and unable to remember what I was going to say.

  “Sleep with me tonight.” I sigh with my cheeks flaming red as he pulls away to look at me.

  “Are you sure? I can wait.” He smirks, pulling me onto his lap, and I grind against his hard bulge in his jeans, making him moan.

  “Yes, Sebastian. I love you,” I say for the first time, and he stills under me, looking me in the eyes.

  His green eyes, which draw me in, seem to freeze me in place as he says, “I love you too, May.”

  Seb kisses me again, drawing me closer to him. We kiss for a long time before driving back to my place in his car. We waste no time unlocking my door, and Seb picks me up as I wrap my legs around him, our kisses becoming desperate as he finds his way to my room and throws me gently onto the bed. The moonlight from my open window shines on him as he slowly takes his clothes off, until he is standing completely naked and hard in front of me.

  “Seb,” I plead as he smirks, leaning over my body as his warm breath falls on my ear.

  “Let me undress you,” he asks, and I feel myself nodding. Seb takes his time, pulling my dress off my shoulders and slowly down my body. I blush as he leans back to stare at me in just my bra and knickers.

  “May, you . . . there are no words,” he stutters, seeming so nervous that I move to hold my hand on his cheek. I kneel on the bed in front of him as I unclip my bra and let it fall to the bed as he stares at my breasts. His look is pure desire as he reaches, his hand going through my hair and pulling me by the back of my neck into a blinding kiss.

  Our bodies merge together as he uses his fingers and mouth to explore my body. Just when I think I will explode with need, he pulls back and slowly pulls my knickers down. Our bodies line up as he hovers over me, and I feel the first press of him against my folds. Seb slowly pushes inside me as I hold back a scream from the sharp pain, but his words distract me more.

  “Nothing is ever as perfect as you, my May,” he whispers seductively into my ear as his hips start moving and pleasure fills my body. Our moans fill the room throughout the night as we explore each other and whisper words of love. In this moment, I think nothing can ever break us.

  I frown at myself for thinking of the past, and I know it’s because I am so nervous. Actually, ‘very nervous’ would be a better way to describe how I’m feeling. I haven’t seen his house since I last walked out, but the memories of us together there are sure to appear. I’m not sure if I can handle being in that place now.

  I just finish work by swapping my cash drawer with another employee, and I change my top in the washroom because I can’t see him wearing my work shirt. I walk out of the washroom, wringing my hands, and I’m glad I let my dark hair flow down my back today as I can hide behind it a little for comfort. It's a little wavy from being in a bun all day, but I like it that way. My baby boy kicks in agreement with me, and I smile.

  My phone buzzes as I pull it out of my pocket.

  Baby daddy: waiting outside the store x

  I quickly throw my work top into my bag and look in the mirror. I chose a maternity top, which I treated myself to, and it says ‘hands off the bump’ with two big handprint marks in the middle. It makes me smile. My work lets me wear black jeans, as they are the only things black I have that fit me now.

  I walk over to Sebastian, who is standing by the door, and he has a massive smile on his face as he reads my top.

  "Hey, that is one cool top," he says with a wink. I notice the cash out girls giggle at him as they watch him like they would pay him to strip off his clothes. Well, I can’t deny he looks good today; his short hair is styled, and, in typical Seb fashion, he is wearing designer jeans that showcase his amazing legs. The tight, blue polo shirt isn’t helping as it shows off his chest, filled with more muscle, and memories of how comforting it is to lie on slips into my mind.

  "Glad you like it, so who am I meeting?" I ask, because this is the reason I'm so nervous. What if it's a girlfriend? I don't think I could handle it, but I guess I need to accept that he will have girlfriends or get married. Hell, I feel like I can't breathe at the thought, and I’m sure my face shows that.

  "Hey, you okay? Do you need to sit down? Can I get you a drink of water?" Sebastian asks quickly, moving to my side and rubbing my arm. I gaze up at him and try not to smile as he looks so panicked.

  "No, I'm fine. It doesn't matter, let’s go," I say gently, smiling up at him.

  "Are you sure?" he asks, and I notice he still hasn't taken his hand off my arm. I can feel the heat from his touch, and it makes me dizzy.

  "Yes," I say sharply, pulling my arm away before walking to his sports car, which I can’t remember the name of. Sebastian opens the door, and I hop in. I blush as I remember the things we used to do in his back seat, my gaze fluttering to the back seat as Seb gets in. Seb notices where I’m looking and a small grin stretches across his lips as he clearly knows where my thoughts have gone.

  "You know this car won't fit a car seat in; well, not easily," I say, hoping to distract him and to remind myself once more why I’m even talking to him right now.

  "I've realised that, and I’ve got plans for a new car." He smirks.

  "Wow, you’re planning ahead," I mutter, a little annoyed at how well-planned he is when I’m not.

  "I have a lot to do in a short amount of time. I want everything to be perfect when our son arrives."

  My throat catches at him saying ‘our son.’ I look out the window so he doesn't see my tears, which I’m willing not to fall.

  "I'm looking at some new houses on Saturday. Would you come with me?" he asks, sounding scared of my answer.

  "I don't know, Seb," I say honestly.

  "Look, I know you don't trust me. I wish you would let me talk to you about that night.” I flinch, and he exhales deeply before continuing. “Nonetheless, our son will spend a lot of time at the house I choose, and I’m hoping you spend time there, too, so please help me," he asks, and I look over at him throwing me a hopeful face, which I have trouble saying no to.

  "All right, I will. It just hurts still to be around you, and my emotions are all over the place," I tell him, and I see his disappointment for a second before he hides it and smiles.

  "I read about that. I also have a baby names app on my phone that I hoped we could look at together. Unless you have any ideas?" He looks at me then with a grin.

  "No, I haven't thought about names yet, and I would like that." I smile.

  He looks me over before looking back at the road. "How is it possible you look hotter pregnant?" he asks with a little laugh.

  I don't answer, but I can't help the smile as a small chuckle escapes my mouth.

  Ten minutes later, we pull up to Sebastian's house, well, ‘mansion’ would be a better word, and park right outside the front doo
r. The massive, grey stone walls and massive bay windows remind me how much I love this house; it’s the perfect mix of old and new. The last time I was here was the night before I left, and my breath catches at the painful memories. I have to look down for a second to breathe.

  "May, look at me," Sebastian commands, and I can't help but look up at him as he undoes his seatbelt and turns to me.

  "I know how much I fucked up, and we need to talk soon, but this is your home, too.” He stops, watching every emotion that is clearly running across my face right now.

  “Think of the good memories, please. It’s fucking killing me to see that look on your face," he whispers as he guides his finger down my cheek. I can't stop staring at his mesmerizing, green eyes, and then my eyes drift down to his perfectly shaped lips. Those amazing lips haunt most of my dreams. Seb was my first kiss, and I know there couldn't be anything better.

  Seb leans over, and I know he is going to kiss me, but before he can, my car door is pulled open. I break away in shock, turning to see the face of my old best friend, Allie.

  "You! Get your pretty ass out of this car now, Maisybear, and let me hug you!" she shouts, and I grin at her very angry face. Allie is as beautiful as ever, with an hourglass body, which she always makes look amazing, and dark-blond hair that falls to her shoulders. Allie is, and always has been, stunning.

  The minute I step out, she hugs me as tight as she can with the baby bump in the middle of us. She takes a step back and places her hands on my bump.

  "Hey, you! I'm your Auntie Allie. Don't worry, I’ll teach you everything you need to know." She smiles, but I see the tears on her cheeks as she looks at me. I'm crying, too, as we both stare at each other, and I feel the baby do a big kick.


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