The King Brothers- The Complete Series

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The King Brothers- The Complete Series Page 59

by G. Bailey

  "When the fuck were you going to tell me about all of this?" Sebastian says from the door, with an angry-looking Izzy at his side. The two of them look fucking scary when they are glaring at you.

  Luke jumps out of his seat, landing on the floor, and I can't help but chuckle, which makes Allie laugh. Soon, we are all laughing, not being able to help ourselves.

  "I was so worried when Harley called." Izzy comes over, holding my hand and squeezing Allie’s shoulder.

  "Blake is pissed at you guys, too. He is on his way," Izzy directs that to Allie, who cringes a little.

  "We knew he would keep you safe, which is why I didn't call him," Allie says.

  “Did you really jump off a bridge? A bridge over a river, Allie! I just don’t know why you didn’t tell me. I could have lost my best friend and my brother on the same night,” Izzy says, her voice full of anger.

  “You couldn’t have helped me. I did what I had to. And I’m not sorry for it,” Allie replies, and Izzy deflates with a nod. She must understand Allie did it out of love and nothing else.

  "Why wasn't I called? You’re my goddamn, fucking, twin!" Sebastian shouts at me, standing at the end of the bed with a glare that would make a lesser man shit his pants. Allie just looks up at me.

  "Maisy needs you. That’s why you weren’t called," I say simply, and his face gets angrier, if that’s possible. At least, it’s aimed at me and not Allie this time.

  "You needed me more right then, and Maisy would have understood. We are Kings, and we do things together. Do you think I could deal with losing you while I sat at home?" Sebastian asks sharply.

  "I'm sorry, Sebastian, but I still think Harley, Luke, and Allie were right," I say honestly, understanding his side. I couldn’t cope in his situation, and his face softens before he comes over to my side and pulls me into a hug.

  "Shit, that hurts." I gasp as pain rattles my ribs.

  "You deserve it, you bastard." He grins as he pulls away, and I chuckle.

  "How's Tris?" Izzy asks, holding Allie’s hand next to the bed.

  "He will be okay. I'm going to move into his apartment for the next month to help him. His leg is broken in three places and getting about will be difficult in a full leg cast. I'm hiring a nurse to live in for four days of the week, while I have work, and I will be there the other three days," Allie says.

  "Call me if you need help," Izzy insists, and I smile at how close they are.

  "Excuse me, there are too many people in this room. Only two are allowed, and I need to do some checks on Mr. King," a voice says from the door, startling everyone. I look over Allie’s shoulder to see a, maybe sixty-year-old, nurse tapping her foot, looking very annoyed with us all.

  "Sorry, we will wait outside," Luke says with a big smile and walks past the nurse with everyone following, except Allie, who looks worried.

  "I've just got you back, I can't leave you just yet, and Tris is being checked over," she says. I place my hand on her cheek.

  "I'm not going anywhere," I whisper back.

  "You can stay, little poppet, if you like, but sit your bum on that chair over there," the nurse says, making me chuckle.

  Allie presses a sweet kiss to my lips before grinning at me and hopping off of the bed.

  "So is he okay?" she asks the nurse, standing at the end of the bed instead of sitting in the chair as directed.

  "Perfectly. Well, for someone who jumped off a bridge after his girlfriend. Now, tell me, how did you get so dehydrated?" She raises an eyebrow at Elliot, who shrugs.

  "Elliot has a partying habit. Just before we went to the woods for a campfire, we had a three-day house party. I think Elliot wasn't drinking the right kind of drinks," Harley says, walking in.

  "I'm sure, Mr. King. You've always been good at your secrets." She winks at Harley, who smiles.

  "I have no secrets, Miss." He grins and spreads his arms, making the old nurse chuckle.

  "I was there when you were born, lad. You came out with a secretive look on your face. That much hasn't changed," she tuts at him.

  "I didn't realise you were there," Harley says, looking a little shocked.

  "Oh, yes. Your mother was so happy when you were born. I had to ask her several times to let me even check you over. Now, your father was the quiet one, like you." She waves at Elliot. The room goes silent as the nurse does her checks, and just before she leaves, she says, "Do say hello to your mother, lad. I am sure she is worried by now."

  "Will do," Harley says with a tight smile.

  Elliot shakes his head at me, and I agree silently not to say anything. I know Harley did that to save having to tell the lady the story of where his mum really is, not that he even knows.

  "The police have cleared everything. Well, our lawyer made it clear there isn't anything they can do," Harley says and sits on the end of my bed.

  "Did you see my dad at all?" Allie asks.

  "No. I think that's a good thing. The minute Elliot jumped, he got into his car with his guys and drove off," Harley tells Allie, whose face drops.

  "He sent me a text saying he was sorry," Allie tells Harley.

  "I'm sure it’s guilt. Don't go anywhere alone for a bit,” I say with a worried frown growing on my face.

  "I don't think he will do anything. We could threaten him with telling the police that he pushed Tris," Harley says, rubbing his chin. It’s only then that I notice how stressed he looks. His hair is messy, pulled into a knot at the back of his head. He has started to grow a beard, and his clothes look days old.

  "Man, you look like shit," I say, glancing at Allie.

  "I looked worse, but the river bath I took helped," Allie jokes.

  "Mine helped too," Harley chuckles, making me laugh with him. Luke comes into the room to see us all laughing.

  "What did I miss?" he asks with a smile.

  "Nothing much," I reply.

  "I'm going to get back to Tris so he isn't alone when he wakes up. I will be back in a bit," Allie tells me and comes to give me a kiss. She still seems reluctant to leave.

  "Luke, can you go with her?" I ask.

  "Sure, Izzy has gone home to get clothes for everyone, and Blake is with her," Luke says, searching his pockets.

  "Smile," Luke says, pulling out his phone and flashing a picture.

  "Sorry, Seb told me to get one as Maisy wants to see that you’re okay. Seb is getting us all food."

  "Tell her I’m good." I smile.

  "Sebastian has, but she still wants to come here. With Jake, it's not a good idea. Oh, Allie, apparently you’re in a lot of trouble with Maisy. Good luck there," he says.

  “Thanks,” Allie mutters.

  "I will leave you and Seb to sort a worrying Maisy out," I say.

  I pull Allie by her hand over to me, and she kisses my cheek. I turn at the last second to give her a proper kiss considering she is leaving for a little while. She winks at me as she pulls away, and Luke follows her out, his hand in the air for a wave goodbye. Luke looks no better, I notice, with his hair all over the place, his clothes wrinkled, and his clothes look slept in.

  "I was so fucking worried about you, Elliot," Harley says, patting my shoulder.

  "How long was I gone?" I ask quietly.

  "A week. Allie was going mental. She didn’t sleep or eat unless we forced her. We were all losing it. I thought he might have killed you. I was going to kill him," Harley says darkly, looking away, out the window. "Maybe we still should," he adds, and I wonder if it would solve a lot of our problems.

  "No, we aren't killers. He can't make us like our father," I tell him firmly, and Harley looks at me with a small grin.

  "I should have guessed you were the calm and responsible one, even after what he did," he replies.

  "Someone has to be." I laugh and flinch when it hurts my chest.

  "I will get the nurse, maybe she can give you some more pain meds," Harley says, walking out.

  I rest my head back on the pillows, knowing Allie is safe. The door opens, and I
expect it to be Harley. I shoot up off the bed when I see Arthur walk in like he hasn't got a care in the world. "I just want to talk, no need for the dramatics," Arthur says, closing the door behind him. He stands in front of the door, playing with the cuffs on his suit.

  "Keep her safe. I'm warning you, Elliot. She doesn't understand, but I love her. I always did, but my work . . . ." he stops.

  "Is more important to you," I finish darkly. Arthur doesn't disagree with me, answering my unsaid question.

  "Just keep her safe, boy," he says before opening the door. "Tell Allie–" he stops mid-sentence. "Never mind. I expect to see you at the next fight, Elliot. I may not hurt you because I want you to look after Allie, but your brothers are something else," he says as he straightens up, reminding me of the few fights we have left.

  "Leave," I say, crossing my arms. Arthur pulls the door open and laughs as he walks out.

  I hear his fake laugh as he walks away down the corridor.



  "Are you doing okay?" Tris’ voice slightly wakes me from my thoughts of our dad. I still can’t believe what he has done to Tristan. His whole face is covered in blue and yellow bruises. His one eye is just about open. The long cut from the corner of his eye to the edge of his mouth is a constant reminder of that night. Tris doesn’t say it bothers him, but he won’t look at himself in a mirror. He just doesn’t care about anything anymore, other than pain meds and beer. He gets pissed when I don’t let him take them together. Tris is looking a lot better now than the first time I saw him, his bruises have started fading, and it's only been two weeks since the bridge, that's what I call that horrible day. I couldn’t be more thankful to Blake’s mum, who found a great local nurse who is slowly cheering my brother up.

  "It's me who should be asking that." I chuckle, looking over at my brother who’s sitting on the sofa in his apartment.

  The apartment is on the ground floor, and there are two more floors above us. The best part is that it’s right in the middle of the village. The building even has its own swimming pool. The rent must be high because it’s a gorgeous apartment. Everything has been done in a cosy theme, with large fireplaces in the lounge and two bedrooms. High ceilings, and most of the rooms are painted a warm-brown. The place does not suit my brother, with his black hair, tattoos, and piercings. It has his own personal touches though, like his guitar in the spare room.

  "I told you I'm good." He laughs humourlessly.

  "You’re not," I point out because I've been staying in his spare room since they let him out of the hospital a week ago, and I know he is having nightmares. Luke is over constantly, they used to be really good friends, and they wind each other up like no time has passed since they last talked.

  "Don't, Allie." He groans, playing with his phone. Tris looks a mess with his baggy clothes, and his hair is all over the place as he sits with his leg on a cushion on the coffee table.

  "Maybe you should see someone," I say gently.

  "Look, Allie, I love you, but please leave me to deal with my daddy issues alone," he says bitterly.

  "Our dad is–" I start, but Tris’ angry voice stops me.

  "He isn't my father. He told me that."

  I fall back on the sofa next to him in a quiet state of shock. I don't say anything, but I feel like Tris has taken my head with this news. It doesn’t change anything for me, it doesn’t matter that we have different dads. Blood does not make family; you make family with the people who care the most. The people you know are there for you.

  "We may be half-brother and sister, but you’re my closest family. I love you all the same," Tris tells me, and there’s a brief glimmer of pain in his blue eyes until he looks away. I should have known; Tris doesn’t look anything like me or Arthur. I guess part of me guessed, but I couldn’t admit it to myself.

  "I'm sorry. Honestly, he is no dad to me anymore, and I just have you for family. Screw the rest of them," I say to him, thinking of everything my dad has done. I know calling him ‘dad’ isn't a good idea anymore; he won't be my dad again after what he did.

  "Has he contacted you?" Tris asks.

  "No, and I hope he doesn't," I say in a flat voice. Elliot was right, I can’t stop caring about him, but I won’t allow him in my life anymore.

  "Allie–" Tris starts, but I get up.

  "No more about him. He isn't worth it. The nurse will be here soon, and I'm meeting Elliot at his club," I say with a smile, thinking about the fact that tonight is Elliot's opening night. I glance at the clock, seeing it's nine and knowing the nurse is staying tonight anyway. She should be here any moment as she knows I'm staying at Elliot's tonight.

  "You look great. Have a good night," Tris says with a genuine smile.

  I know he has come to like Elliot, who has been bringing beers over with Luke or Sebastian to keep him company. They don't make him feel bad or say anything too serious, but they wind each other up. It's good to see Tris look happy when he’s around all of us. I glance at the mirror by the door, looking at my silver, tight bandage dress. It’s a little short, but it shows off every curve. My hair is flowing down my shoulders, all straight, and I've got a little makeup on. My favourite part of the outfit is the high, silver heels. They have silver-leather wraps going up to my lower calves.

  "See you later," I shout before shutting my door.

  The village is small enough that the club is only a ten-minute walk down the road into the main part of town, and it's pretty busy with people outside the local pubs. There's a massive queue when I turn up, making me smile knowing how happy this will make my Elliot. I know my name is on the VIP list, and the huge bouncer just smiles as he lets me in.

  The blast of loud music hits me when I walk in, as well as the heat from the amount of people in here. I can see the bar, which is lit up from some cool lights Elliot had fitted into the glass. It changes colour from red to green as I look around.

  I know the dance floor is behind the bar, and there are people littered at tables, with stools, in front of me. I spot the staircase in the corner with a bouncer at the bottom, so I know that's the VIP lounge where everyone else is. The bouncer checks me off his list before letting me past, and I walk up the spiral staircase. The room upstairs has a bar on one side and black-leather sofas facing over the glass partition, which looks over the dancers on the dance floor.

  I see Luke and Emilia talking near the end of the bar. I barely recognise Emilia in a sweet, little pink dress; it's not too tight but shows how amazing she looks under those hoodies she always wears. I walk over, stopping when I realise Emilia is shouting.

  "No! You don't understand anything, Luke," she says while Luke leans into her so they are only a breath away.

  "I know you felt what I did. So why didn't you tell them that? Why the hell won’t you talk to me?" he shouts back, gaining a little attention from the people around them.

  "I didn't feel anything. It was just one night, get over it, Luke," she replies loudly, her teeth gritted together in anger.

  "I want to help you. Don't lie to me," Luke says loudly but more gently.

  Emilia storms off, not even seeing me as Luke watches her go. Luke smiles at me before walking away, leaving me wondering what the hell happened.

  I look around, finally spotting the man I came to see. Elliot is standing at the bar chatting with some man in a suit and hasn't noticed me yet, giving me time to look him over. He looks so hot in black chinos and a simple, black shirt. I watch as he plays with his cuff links before picking up his drink, nodding at the man talking to him. His green eyes look around until they land on me, and even in the dark room, with the music blasting, everything goes still.

  Elliot's lips twist into a smirk before he speaks to the man in front of him quickly and leaves his drink to walk over to me. I lean my head up at the same time he gets to me, and his large hands wind into my hair, pulling my face into a smouldering kiss. When we finally break away, our bodies are pushed against each other, and I can feel he w
ants me as much as I want him.

  "Allie, you look beautiful," he says, like a secret whisper.

  "Thank you," I reply, with a blush I'm sure he can see, even in the dark.

  "It makes me want to bend you over one of those sofas and fuck you in front of everyone so they know who you belong to," he whispers into my ear.

  "I might let you, cookie," I say back, running my hands up his chest.

  "You two should get a room," Blake says, interrupting whatever Elliot was going to say back to me.

  I turn, smiling at Izzy and Blake, who have just arrived.

  "We will," Elliot all but growls, making me chuckle.

  "Izzy, your boobs look great in that dress," I say with a whistle. Izzy is wearing a tight, red dress with a bow in the middle, which is pushing up her breasts making them look huge. Her hair is up in a bun with curls hanging out.

  Eliot coughs, hiding a laugh, and Izzy just winks at me.

  "I agree," Blake says, pulling Izzy into his arms. They start kissing, so I turn around as Elliot pulls me to him.

  "I have something to show you, let's go." He winks and walks us down the stairs. When we get to the front door, Elliot whispers something to the bouncer, who nods, and then we are walking across the empty street.

  "Where are we going? It's your opening night," I say, pulling on his hand. I'm glad it's not too cold out, even during this time of the year.

  "It's a surprise, and we will go back," he says, letting go of my hand to put his arm around my waist and pulling me to his side. I'm a little surprised when we get to his apartment, and I wait as he unlocks the door. Elliot switches the lights on, tugging on my hand so I follow him into the bedroom.

  "If the surprise is your cock, well, I've seen that before," I joke, making Elliot laugh.

  "No, but we will be seeing to my cock issues before we leave," he says, winking at me. I laugh, surprised by his joke.

  "I think I'm rubbing off on you," I say while Elliot opens one of the very large wardrobes at the side of his bed.

  "Come here," he says, and I move in front of him, wondering what the hell he is doing. My mouth literally drops open at the sight of all my clothes in his wardrobe. My shoes are lined up at the bottom, too.


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