The King Brothers- The Complete Series

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The King Brothers- The Complete Series Page 86

by G. Bailey

  “You’re going to make me cry,” Allie says, resting her head on my arm as I slow down and turn into the driveway.

  “You are my world, Allie King,” I whisper to her, pulling the car up behind Harley’s red Land Rover. Allie turns my head with her hand, kissing me deeply for a moment before the twins start making a whole lot of noise.

  “Maybe we could sneak away from the party later and see how my old room is,” I suggest.

  “I’m sold,” she happily says, laughing before getting out of the car. I climb out next and open Henry’s door before getting him out of his car seat as Allie wrestles Jace’s shoe back on.

  “Daddy!” Henry shouts as I lift him into my arms, pressing a kiss on the side of his head before shutting the door with my other hand. I walk around the car, holding Henry close as I hear Harley’s dog barking.

  “This was my home. Now it’s your uncle Harley’s and Auntie Tilly’s, but we all lived here once. It wasn’t all fairy tales kid, but there were good times. I knew I loved your mum one day on that very doorstep. She was in her prom dress, and even though she wasn’t mine yet, she felt like everything,” I tell him, and he grins at me, sticking his thumb into his mouth a moment later. “I love you,” I say, kissing his forehead as I watch Allie chase after Jace who is running full speed towards the front door, somehow missing both shoes. “Let’s go and save your brother, huh?” Henry grumbles as Allie catches Jace, swinging him around and ticking his side as he giggles. Some moments in life are perfect.

  143 Epilogue- Sebastian

  10 years later…

  "Hey son," I say, sitting down next to Maisy as she skypes Jake at the university. He looks hungover, bless him. I will remember to talk louder. Jake is a good kid that calls his mum once every week in fear she will actually turn up at his dorm room if he doesn't.

  "Hey Dad," he greets me.

  "Jake was telling me about his girlfriend. He wants to bring her home for the holidays," Maisy tells me. There have been countless girlfriends since his first date at fourteen. I've lost count of them over the years. He’s a heartbreaker, just like his dad once was. Now, I couldn't look at anyone other than Maisy. She is the perfect woman, she always was. I glance at my wife, whose long black hair is all curled, and she has a lovely grey sweater dress on and knee-high black boots. She is beautiful and oh so sexy. I'm counting down until Isabelle goes off to university and I can have my Maisy all to myself. Though I will miss our little girl.

  "You serious about her?" I ask him, and he rubs his head of black hair.

  "I love her. I think you guys will like her, too," he says, shocking me a little but I see the smile he has. The way his cheeks are a little red. He really likes this one.

  "Anyone you love, we love son," Maisy states. "I can't wait to see you both, and she is more than welcome."

  "We have to go. It's Harley's birthday party remember," I say.

  "It starts at six," Maisy says.

  "No, five. We’re late," I reply.

  "Crap," Maisy mutters. "Sorry, babe, we have to go. I will call you next week, same time."

  "Sounds good to me, Mum. Bye, Dad!" he says, and Maisy says goodbye one more time before he ends the call. We quickly grab our coats, say goodbye to the cat and get into the car before making the short drive to Harley's.

  "With the way he talks about this mystery girl, we could have grandbabies sooner rather than later," Maisy says, her voice clearly full of hope, whereas the idea of being called grandpa doesn't sit well with me. No, my grandchild will call me grandad badass, which will make me feel better.

  "I'm sure they’re being safe," I reply, knowing it's too soon.

  "Or we could have a wedding! That would be so lovely," she says, clearly lost in daydreams.

  "You haven't even met this girl and seen them together, and you are already planning a wedding," I mutter, turning into Harley's driveaway.

  "Well Emilia would do the wedding for them," she says, letting out a little sigh. Poor Jake.

  "I love you; you know that May?" I ask her, using my nickname I know she loves.

  "I've always loved you. That hasn't changed," she replies as I park my car behind Elliot's. I scan the cars, seeing that Izzy and Blake aren't here unless they are walking over.

  "I think we aren't the last ones," I tell her as I take the key out the car after stopping it. Maisy surprises me by leaning over and kissing me. I slide my hands into her hair, and she climbs onto my lap, deepening the kiss.

  "Can we stay in the car for a bit?" Maisy asks, kissing me once more.

  "You know I'd never say no to that," I reply and kiss her. Nothing has changed from the first kiss to the kiss today between us. Kissing Maisy feels like coming home, and I know it always will.

  144 Epilogue- Luke

  10 years later…

  I wait outside the shopping centre, looking back at the car clock once again and then back to the front door as more people walk out. Emilia and I just closed the tattoo parlour before picking up Lily from Auntie Meg’s house. It was about three years after my recovery that Emilia and I decided to open a shop, and hired some professionals to teach me. Emilia runs the accounts as well as her full-time wedding planner work she loves to do.

  “Maybe we should go and see where he is?” Emilia suggests and I shake my head.

  “It’s his first date, we can’t interrupt sweetheart,” I reply, and she sighs, leaning back in her seat. I reach over and tuck a strand of her wavy black hair behind her ear, before cupping her cheek.

  “I guess it’s a good reason as any to be late to Harley’s birthday,” she says. Emilia hates being late for anything. Part of her job as a wedding planner, I guess. Being late isn’t a good thing.

  “Everyone is usually later than we are, so don’t worry,” I say, leaning over and kissing her gently. I look back into the backseat, seeing our beautiful five-year-old daughter, Lily, sleeping soundly. Her black hair is curly around her face, and she is the spitting image of her mum.

  “Oh, there he is!” Emilia whispers and I turn back, seeing Parker walking out the main doors with his date. I smirk when he pulls her in for a hug before gently kissing her, and I look away at Emilia who is smiling at me.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “I’m lucky, that’s all. We have two amazing children, and we’re free. I never pictured our life, but this is everything,” she admits. I think back to when her divorce came through all those years ago, and I asked her to marry me the very next day. We had a big wedding a year later, surrounded by everyone we loved. Even Eric and his new family got an invite.

  “I love you,” I say, leaning down and kissing her once, loving how she still reacts the same way to my touch as she did when we met. We pull apart as Lily lets out a little snore and we both chuckle. Lily is always sleeping. She tells us every day that sleep is life. I look back at the girl as she gets into her parents’ car and Parker jogs over to us. He pulls the back door open and gets inside.

  “Looks like your date went well,” I say, and Parker grins.

  “I have another date next Saturday,” he replies, and I lean back, high fiving him before turning the car on. Parker’s phone rings as I start the car and drive to my brothers.

  “Hey, Dad. Yeah, I’m coming to yours tomorrow night. Yeah, I will tell him. Okay, bye!” Parker puts the phone down. It’s always been difficult to hear him call Eric dad, but we both got used to sharing Parker over the years. I wouldn’t say me and Eric are friends as such, but we both get along.

  “Dad asked if you would drop me off at his tomorrow after school because his car wouldn’t start this morning,” he asks.

  “Sure, I can,” I reply, smiling back at him as he looks at his sister and rolls his eyes.

  “Should we wake her up?” Parker asks.

  “You know better than to wake your sister up. Are you suddenly feeling brave?” Emilia replies, and we all laugh which has the effect of waking up Lily. She groans, stretching her arms out and I look back at her to see
her usual unimpressed with the world expression.

  “Are we at Uncle Harley’s and Aunt Tilly’s?” she asks. “Is there food here yet?”

  “Nope,” I reply.

  “Then I’m going back to sleep,” she says, and we all can’t help but laugh at her. It’s a fifteen-minute drive before we get to Harley’s house and park behind Elliot’s and Sebastian’s cars. I see that Izzy and Blake aren’t here yet, so we aren’t the last ones. Awesome. Emilia picks up the bag of gifts before getting out. Parker undoes his sister’s seatbelt before escaping the car at the same time as we do as she wakes up. I wait for Emilia to get a sleepy Lily out the car before I wrap an arm around her waist and follow her up to the house. The kids run ahead, heading straight for the smell of the BBQ in the back.

  “Hey, you two!” Tilly happily says, smiling at us as we come into the kitchen. “Could you help me a second, Em?”

  “Of course,” Emilia says, handing me the gift and going to help Tilly with the prep of the food by the looks of it. I walk out into the garden, seeing Elliot and Seb chasing the twins around the treehouse. Harley is standing with Parker and Jake at the BBQ, showing them the food. Lily has joined Hope and Isabelle who are sitting on a blanket on the grass, watching a movie on their iPad. Maisy is sitting with Allie, talking quietly with big smiles on their faces.

  This is what family is about, and I’d do everything again to get here. To have this, it’s perfect.

  145 Epilogue- Izzy

  10 years later…

  "This way!" Blake instructs Finley and Melissa, and they both run back onto the path towards Harley's house. Finley is eight and Melissa is ten, but Melissa is short for her age, so they almost look like twins when they are next to each other. They both have Blake's white-blonde hair and my green eyes. Though Blake swears they’re both the image of me. Blake wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to his side as we walk down the path.

  "How was work?" Blake asks me.

  "Long today," I admit to him, resting my head on his shoulder. I've bounced around in a lot of jobs over the years, but I've finally come to find a job which feels like I've always meant to be there. Social work. I enjoy helping the children and working with the families that need help.

  "At least you have a week off now," Blake says, kissing my forehead.

  "Yes, I'm looking forward to some time with you all since you got back from your work," I reply.

  "Mum wanted to bring the kids over to make cupcakes or something tomorrow. Either way, we will have a free house," Blake whispers, brushing his lips against the top of my ear and making me shiver.

  "What do you have in mind?" I ask him, and he goes to say something when Melissa shouts.

  "Uncle Harley! Happy Birthday!" she shouts, running in her yellow dress into the middle of the garden we have come out into and handing Harley his present bag. He leans down and says something to her as Finley runs off to say hello to his favourite Uncle Luke. I walk up to Harley, hugging him tightly.

  "Hey, Izzy," Harley says.

  "Happy birthday big brother," I say, looking down at the food he is cooking on the BBQ.

  "Yeah, happy birthday old man," Blake says, grinning and walking off before Harley throws something at him.

  "How is your birthday so far?" I ask Harley. He turns around, and I follow his gaze, seeing all our family together.

  "How could my birthday be better?" Harley asks. I agree, there really is nothing to make this day any better.

  "I have a way," Tilly quietly says as she steps in front. of us, holding out a little box with a pink bow on top. "Open your present from me. Please."

  "Sure," Harley says, frowning in confusion as he opens the long box and pulls out a pregnancy test. "Are you pregnant?" he asks.

  "Yes. I wasn't sure, but the doctor says it’s a miracle considering we have been trying for years and they thought you couldn’t have a child. I don’t know how, but it’s real," Tilly says. Harley drops the box and picks Tilly up, swinging her around as tears fall down my cheeks. This is the ending we all wanted.

  146 Final Epilogue


  Watching your son get married in front of all your friends and family is something I didn't expect to feel so much. I'm proud, excited, sad and a million other emotions as Jake kisses his bride and everyone stands to cheer. Maisy softly cries next to me as she holds our grandchild's hand as Jake and Lottie walk down the church and to the door.

  "I need a wee!" Noah demands.

  Maisy sighs. It's been the fourth one in about two hours. Someone might suggest he is bored. "Come on then, little man."

  "I'll wait," I tell Maisy, who squeezes my hand once before walking off into the crowd heading out of the church behind the new married couple. I sit down, crossing my arms as I look up at the stained glass window, casting bright purple and blue streams of light across the church. I hardly notice as Harley, Elliot and Luke sit next to me on the bench, watching the same light flicker as me.

  "We got old, bro," I say.

  "Talk for yourself. My daughter is never getting married, she said so herself," Harley grumbles, and we all laugh. I'm certain that won't always be the case.

  "Becoming old isn't that bad, not when our lives are so fucking amazing. We all have beautiful and smart women at our sides, lovely kids and stunning homes. What could be worse?"

  I glance to my left, and Luke softly grins at me. Maisy's shadow casts a dark shadow over us as she steps into the light and I look up at her. The purple and blue hues of the light surround my wife, though she doesn't need the light to make her any more beautiful. She simply is."Ready to go to the party?"

  "Yeah," I lamely say, standing up as Noah runs off down the church.

  "I'll catch him," Elliot grumbles, jogging off the giggling kid. I step around the pew and wrap my arms around Maisy, tugging her to my chest. I kiss her before she can ask me anything, just so I can taste her once more as I know is my perfection.

  "Ready for the rest of our lives, Maisy?"

  "With you," she leans closer, brushing her lips across mine in a way that makes me wonder if church sex really does get you sent to hell. We might find out soon. "Always."

  Thank you a million times over!

  G. Xoxo

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  About the Author

  G. Bailey is a USA Today and international bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures.

  G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children, three cheeky dogs and one cat who rules them all.

  A few random facts about her...

  She loves tea. (She may be a little obsessed but what Brit isn't?)

  Chocolate and Harry Potter marathons are her jam.

  She owns way too many notebooks and random pens.

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