Catching A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 3)

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Catching A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 3) Page 14

by G. L. Snodgrass

Bradford stopped as he looked back over his shoulder at his friends.

  “Could be any of a dozen young Lords,” Nathanial said. “We could roast each of them over a fire until we found the right one. But the Regent might get a little upset. Some of them are his friends. Or at least pretend to be.

  “I have a better idea,” Warwick said as he stepped around Bradford. “A way for this man to save his life in addition to certain body parts.”

  Bradford frowned at his friend. It was taking every part of him to remain in control. This man had hurt Olivia. Threatened her, ruined her life, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t want to.

  “You want the man behind this. It is the only way to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Warwick said as he put a gentling hand on Bradford’s shoulder.

  “He’s right,” Nathanial said as he stepped up next to him. “No matter how much I want to wring his neck like a chicken. I can wait.”

  Cooper swallowed hard, his eyes darting from man to man.

  “He said, I could save my life.”

  “Yes,” Warwick said. “Australia could always use more convicts. But kidnapping, that is a hangman’s noose. No getting around that.”

  “Then what,” the man begged, searching for any lifeline that might save him.

  “Oh, we tell the judge it was a simple robbery. Nothing too much, but enough to get you sent off to Australia. We can’t have you staying in England. It just won’t do.”

  The man nodded vigorously. “Yes, that sounds right. I agree.” His eyes danced from man to man silently begging them to agree.

  “You haven’t heard the terms yet,” Warwick said with a shake of his head at the man’s eagerness.

  “Warwick,” Bradford snapped. “I won’t allow this man to walk away.”

  “You will if it means getting the Lord we are after. It is the only way.”

  “What is your plan?” Bradford said. He would give his friend a chance.

  “Simple really, we need to find a Lord. This man knows what he looks like. We can’t parade him through parliament examining each one. It just wouldn’t be allowed. We could drag ourselves through all the dens and whore houses in London until we found him. While it might be a very enjoyable week, we might very well miss him. No, the only solution is to have a ball. A ball where Lady Bradford is the center of attention.”

  “I won’t have my wife used as bait,” Bradford snapped.

  “Here, here,” Nathanial said. “I agree with Bradford, Olivia shouldn’t be placed in danger.

  Warwick sighed heavily and shook his head. “Lady Bradford will be perfectly all right. She will be surrounded by two dozen servants and us four. No single man could break through us. We stash Cooper somewhere so that he can identify the Lord to us. Then pull him out of the crowd and deal with him.

  “And you’ll tell the judge it was only robbery,” Cooper said.

  Bradford looked at their prisoner and slowly shook his head. How could he trust this man? What if he escaped.

  Cooper studied the men for a long moment then said, “How can I know I can trust you?”

  Warwick laughed. “You can trust these men’s word more than the sun coming up tomorrow. You know that sense of entitlement you sneered at earlier. Well, it comes with a sense of honor. No man can go back on his word and be trusted by his peers.”

  Cooper continued to study them. Obviously having serious doubts.

  “Besides,” Warwick added. “What choice do you have? We can always let Jocko do his work.”

  The man swallowed hard then nodded. As the man said. What choice did he have?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Olivia continued to pace back and forth in the parlor. Two days. Two days without word. The man was a heartless scoundrel. How dare he do this to her?

  For two days her stomach had roiled and churned with fear and loss. She wanted to scream.

  Turning, she retraced her steps. Her world had come crashing down and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Should she order Evans to have the carriage brought around? John Stewart could drive her to London.

  No. She wasn’t ready to confront Bradford yet. No, that would take a few more days of boiling anger before she got to that point.

  Sighing heavily, she tried to bring her anger back under control. She could not have a repeat of yesterday’s disaster. She had snapped at Mary for no good reason. Of course, she had apologized immediately, heaven knew it wasn’t her maid’s fault. But the damage had been done.

  The servants knew that her husband had left her. Left for London and that she was upset by the matter. They treated her as if she might explode at any moment. Quietly going about their business. But, making it a point not to stay in her company for long.

  Evans had looked at her with sadness and regret. A look that tore her insides apart. She was not that woman. She would not be pitied. She refused to allow anyone to think that she was a victim.

  Yet, it was so obvious to them. Her husband had left after only two weeks. What kind of woman drives away her husband so quickly? She could see it in their eyes.

  What was this woman like? she wondered. This mistress that Warwick had discovered for Bradford. What made her so special that Warwick would call him away from his wife?

  Chewing the inside of her lip, she continued to pace as she silently berated herself. She had come so close to revealing her true feelings. The thought of Bradford having that knowledge sent a cold chill down her spine.

  Would it have stopped him? No, she was sure it wouldn’t have. The man was a bastard. Only concerned for his own pleasure. Only ever thinking about himself. No, he would have left her anyway.

  And why hadn’t he told her? He had promised that he would warn her before taking a mistress. She had made it clear. She would not share him with another woman. She would have thought the man would have waited at least until she was with child.

  Now, there would be no children. The thought sent a wave of depression over her as she realized all that she had lost.

  Never again would she experience a liaison with Bradford. Never would she hold her baby in her arms. Not unless she was already with child.

  Without thinking, her hand went to her stomach. Could she already be increasing? No, she thought. For some unknown reasons she didn’t believe she was. She couldn’t have explained how she knew, but she knew. She was not carrying Bradford’s child.

  Sniffing back a tear, she flopped onto the settee and groaned. The man had ruined everything. And he didn’t even have the courage to face her. Instead, sneaking out like that. She would have thought he was better than that. But then, what did she really know about her husband?

  A soft knock at the Parlor door pulled her away for a moment.

  “Yes,” she said as she adjusted her dress around her and quickly wiped a tear away from her eye. No need for the servants to see her like this.

  “My Lady,” Evans said as he stepped into the room, “Mr. … Jocko.” The butler stepped aside as Jocko pushed past him.

  “Jocko,” Olivia exclaimed as she jumped up and rushed across the room. “Is everyone all right? Alice, the baby? Bradford. Is Bradford well?”

  The old sailor stopped for a moment and smiled. “Everyone is well, Miss.”

  Olivia relaxed. She was still furious with her husband, but she didn’t want him injured. At least not severely.

  “Why are you here?” she asked.

  “I’m here to take you to London Miss,” he said with a soft smile then blanched for a second. “Sorry Miss. I know I am to call you My Lady now, but it just won’t work. You will always be Miss to me.”

  Olivia smiled and sank into his arms for a deep hug. “You must always call me Miss,” she told her oldest friend. “The world wouldn’t seem right unless you did.”

  For a long moment, she rested her head on his chest and let his arms hold the horrors of the world away from her. Her mind skipped back to the day her mother had died and how this man had been the only one
able to comfort her.

  Jocko, the one constant in this world.

  He gently patted her back then pulled away and said, “We need to hurry. I told Evans to have the carriage ready and your maid to make herself useful and get your things. But it is best we hurry.”

  Olivia frowned. Why must they hurry? What was the rush?

  “Why?” she asked.

  Jocko shrugged. “It is best that your husband explain, Miss. I learned long ago not to get between a man and his wife. That course be filled with shoals and rocks if there ever was one.”

  Olivia’s stomach dropped. So, this was about Bradford and his mistress after all. But why the rush?

  “I will hurry Mary along,” she told Jocko. “We won’t be but a minute. I still have a full wardrobe at Nathanial’s. I will leave Mary here and send for my things if necessary.”

  Jocko stared back at her, oblivious to the ins and outs of female fashion and what was necessary. “Yes, Miss,” he said, making Olivia laugh inside. The man would never change.

  Besides, she thought, he didn’t need to know the real reason she was leaving her maid behind was to avoid embarrassment. Mary didn’t need to witness her humiliation. No, the fewer people who saw that, the better.

  Taking a deep breath, she set her shoulders and nodded her head. Yes, she would have to confront Bradford. There would be no other way. And once he had told her the truth she could return here to Basingstoke and live out the rest of her life.

  A long lonely life, she thought with a deep sense of sadness.


  The carriage rocked as John Stewart obviously tried to avoid a dip. Olivia stared out at the countryside. It was so beautiful, she thought. The rolling green hills. The hedgerows. Neat and orderly. The beauty of it all left a hollow empty feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  With every mile they drew closer, her heart broke a little more. Soon, it would all be over, she told herself. Any dream of happiness. Any sense of accomplishment. All of it would be over.

  Jocko coughed across from her and shot her a frown.

  “Are you all right, Miss?” he asked, obviously concerned.

  Olivia tried to smile back at him as she told him that everything was just fine. Does he know about Bradford’s mistress, she wondered? Men talked amongst themselves obviously, but had Bradford shared the news with Jocko?

  Surely Warwick and Nathanial knew. What must her brother think? Like Bradford, he had been a notorious rake before he had met Alice. Oh, why couldn’t she have a marriage like theirs? One filled with love and laughter.

  Despite everything, she knew that at least once in this world, two people, Alice and Nathanial had found the perfect match. All anyone had to do was watch them together and it became obvious.

  The realization that no one would ever look at Bradford and her and see that same love was devastating. Such a waste, she thought.

  “It is just that you seem troubled, Miss,” Jocko said. “Is there anything I could do? You know I don’t like to see you upset. It makes an old man’s heart hurt.”

  She laughed. “No Jocko, there is nothing you can do. Sometimes, it is just the way life works out. Some things cannot be fixed.”

  He frowned for a moment then said, “Is it the Earl, Miss. Lord Bradford?”

  She smiled back weakly. “It is complicated, Jocko.”

  He frowned and slowly shook his head. “That is something I will never understand about you English women. To a French woman, it is never complicated. They know what they want and know how to get it.”

  Her insides tightened up with the realization that Jocko was trying to give her advice about her marriage. What had the world come to?

  “Yes, well we aren’t in France,” she replied, then turned to look out the window. What did she want? And even if she knew, she realized she had no concept of how to obtain it.

  He studied her then let the matter drop, obviously unwilling to attack an insurmountable problem.

  At last, John Stewart pulled the coach to a halt in front of Nathanial’s home. Not my home, she thought. No, my home is now at Basingstoke.

  “We didn’t go to Bradford’s house,” she said to Jocko.

  He shrugged. “I was told to bring you here, Miss.”

  She sighed internally. It might take a while to discern what exactly was happening. But eventually she would confront Bradford and they could start their life from there.

  “Welcome home, My Lady,” Benson said as he opened the door for her.

  “Thank you, Benson,” she replied as she removed her gloves and bonnet. “Where is everyone?”

  “Olivia, you are home,” Amanda said as she rushed to give her a hug. Olivia’s insides crumbled. Did Amanda know that Bradford had taken a mistress?

  She returned her friend’s hug then quickly stepped back. “Is Bradford here?” she asked, fighting to keep the quiver out of her voice.

  Amanda frowned as she nodded. “In the blue room.”

  “Thank you,” Olivia said to her friend as she handed her gloves and hat to Benson. She then took a deep breath and began to march towards the blue room. She needed to finish this now before her soul broke into a million pieces.

  Opening the door without knocking she stepped inside. Her heart immediately lurched when she saw Bradford staring down into the fire, his broad back and wide shoulders to her, a glass of whiskey in his hand.

  “Who is she?” Olivia demanded as she slammed the door behind her. “I want to meet her.”

  Bradford turned, his face lighting up when he saw her, then instantly turning into a deep frown as her words registered.

  “Who?” he asked. “And by the way, it is nice to see you as well, Olivia.”

  “Don’t be charming,” she said as she stepped towards him. “Who is she, your mistress? Do I know here?”

  His face lost all color and her heart broke as she saw the truth in his eyes.

  Then, without warning, he barked out a laugh. A loud laugh. No, she thought, he couldn’t be so cold. So mean and heartless that he would make light of this. No, that would be impossible.

  Bringing his laughter under control he smiled gently and shook his head. “I have no mistress. I assure you.”

  Olivia’s heart began to beat again. A small flicker of hope buried deep inside of her began to grow. Bradford had never lied to her.

  “Then why did you leave without talking to me? What ‘Desire’ did Warwick find for you?”

  “I left you a note. On the bedside where you would see it when you woke. I didn’t want to disturb you. You were resting so peacefully. And after our … Activities… I thought you could use the rest.”

  Her cheeks erupted with embarrassment at his words and the memories that flowed into her.

  “What note? I saw no note. Only the one Warwick sent you.”

  He took a deep breath and smiled at her. “I promise you, it is there. And I promise you, I have not taken a mistress.”

  Her world skipped for a second as she fought to understand. There was no mistress. She needn’t have spent the last two days tearing herself apart. She needn’t have exposed just how upset the idea was to her.

  “Then why?” she said as she slapped his arm. “Why rush off? All the way to London. Especially after such a wonderful night together. Why?”

  Bradford smiled, then reached down and took her hand in his as he pulled her to an adjoining room.

  “Prepare yourself,” he said as he opened the door.

  There, sitting in a chair, with Henderson the footman standing behind him was her kidnapper.

  “Hello Princess,” the man said with a smirk.

  Olivia gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth. What was the man doing in Nathanial’s house? She turned to her husband and raised an eyebrow in silent request.

  “Warwick, Jocko, and Nathanial found him for me.”

  “Why hasn’t he been turned over to the authorities,” she shooting her assailant her best evil stare. “And I must be honest with you Bradfo
rd, I thought if you ever caught him he would never make it to the gallows.”

  The man winced.

  She turned away from the kidnapper and looked up into her husband’s eyes.

  He shrugged. “We need him to help us find the person behind this.”

  She nodded as her mind raced itself over the fact that there was no mistress. Bradford had not abandoned her. At least not yet.

  “And,” he continued, “unfortunately, I will need your assistance in capturing the mastermind.”

  Olivia contemplated his words. At least he was being honest and open with her. He hadn’t declared his love. Even when she had accused him of having a mistress. He hadn’t said the idea was ridiculous. That any man who loved her as much as he did would not need a mistress.

  No, he had simply laughed and brushed the idea aside.

  She sighed heavily. “Of course, whatever you need of me,” she said, replying to his statement about capturing her enemy. But deep inside, she wanted to tell him the truth, he could ask anything of her because she loved him.

  Instead, she stepped out of the room before he could see the truth in her eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lord Bradford glanced at Nathanial who nodded back in return. It was time.

  Lady Weston, who would be acting as this evening’s host took her place in the receiving line. Lady Alice had remained upstairs, refusing to let anyone see her in her condition. Bradford smiled to himself. Nathanial had readily agreed, he much preferred keeping his wife as far away from drama as was possible.

  At the far end of the hall, Cooper, dressed as a footman, stood with Warwick at his side. Cooper had the perfect vantage point to observe everyone as they entered the Caldwell home. Once their man arrived he would give the word to Warwick who would signal Nathanial and himself.

  It was a good plan, he thought. The best they could come up with. Benson and the footmen had been warned. Jocko remained out front in case their quarry bolted before they could lay their hands on him.

  Everything was in place.

  Taking a deep breath, he glanced down at Olivia, the woman was as beautiful as a sunrise after a dark night. His heart turned over at the thought of anything going wrong.


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