Snow Covered Moon

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Snow Covered Moon Page 33

by L M Adams

  I blow out a breath, well fucking wow. Now I understand so much about Jack. Every time he asserts his dominance, he feels like he’s challenging his father, even if the man isn’t around.

  “If you beat me, I feel like a good man, that I can be a good man.” More like he feels like he can be a good son. That he’s doing the right thing, putting loyalty above all else. Even if the man he’s giving that loyalty to doesn’t deserve it.

  What kind of man hates his son for being what he is, maybe even stronger than him? Even with Jack fighting with everything in his soul to not be a Blood Lord, he’s powerful. What would the man be if he ever just let himself be what he is?

  Like you do?

  Oh shut up, I think.

  It’s not the same thing.

  I can’t keep him now. But even I know it’s not the time to push. I finally get out. He’s standing looking off in the distance at the trunk of the car.

  I walk towards the elevator. I hit the button and turn to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because you’d act the way you are right now. I wouldn’t be just Jack to you anymore. How are you going to accept me as I am if you know I’m to be the next Blood Lord? Are you going to let me wash your hair and make your coffee? Are you going to make me kneel and punish me for being a bad little vampire? No! You are going to want to send me away to fulfill some destiny I never wanted!” The elevator door opens. He stomps in, barely containing his anger.

  I get in beside him and reach for his hand yanking it in my own. He holds my hand stiffly. I know all about destinies you don’t want to fulfill. People pushing you to be something you don’t want to be.

  “Well Capaneus Nicholas Jackson, Blood Lord or not, you’re still mine.” His hand relaxes in my own. I smile.

  We make good time picking up the things we still need. Jack drags me around from store to store nonstop; the man is a force of nature. He knows exactly what he wants and where to find it. I love the black coat he’s found. It buttons tightly under my breast and over my stomach and then flares out to my calves. It has a mock collar that comes just high enough it brush my chin when I turn my head. When I walk, it parts easily at the knee.

  “Lambskin,” he says. Soft as butter, the lining is rabbit fur.

  I would feel bad about the number of dead animals I will be wearing tonight, but I don’t like how much it costs and that is my larger concern. Under his angry eyes I keep my mouth shut; don’t argue with a Blood Lord if you don’t have to. Telling myself the Madame is really footing the bill in a convoluted distant sort of way makes it a little easier to stomach, but just a little.

  By the time we are ready to leave both of our hands are full of bags. But I smell freshly baked cookies and I refuse to leave without getting one. We’d skipped my coffee from the fancy coffee shop near Wycked Lust. I want a cookie, damn it.

  “Ok, Jae, but we need to hurry. Our pass runs out in thirty minutes.” Jack sighs, exasperated. I smile; the worst that will happen is we’ll get a fine. If we kept going over our time ticket we’d get barred from the city. I’m not so worried about that but Jack rushes us to the food court to get my cookie, agitated. Funny, the man could spend hours shopping for clothes but me taking time for a cookie is irritating him so much.

  Then I smell it… not cookie, no. Dead things and wolf. There was a not-wolf somewhere.

  “Do you smell that?” I whisper to Jack.

  He sighs. “I smelled it ten minutes ago. Maybe you’ll skip the cookie now?” I nod my head. We get out of line and start to walk towards the escalator. So much for not seeing any more not-wolves.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” I hiss to him.

  “It wouldn’t have changed anything. We can’t hunt for it, too public. I just wanted to lead it away from the humans,” he answers.

  “Still should’ve said something, Jack,” I say with a rush of hot anger. Since when did he decide to give or withhold information? I have half a mind to leave him behind.

  “I’m sorry, Jae. I was only thinking you’d want to split up. Or try and catch it or question it. I can’t let you get in danger like that. You think you’re invincible. Well last night proved you are not!” he says back just as angrily.

  “Ugh, doesn’t excuse you not telling me. We will talk about that later,” Letting him know punishment will come with our conversation about withholding information.

  He nods his head quickly. Something inside me settles down, I don’t feel such uncontrolled anger towards him. Maybe letting it out did do something to calm the ugly things inside me.

  I sigh thinking, “We need to lose whoever it is and quickly… since you don’t want to split up?” He shakes his head no.

  “Then I’ll have to glamour our appearance.”

  “You can do that?” he asks in shock.

  “Yes, glamour is one of the few things I can do easily; I’ve been living in the human world with horns poking out of my head for almost a year now. I don’t even have to think about it anymore. But I’ll need a lot of power to glamour both of us and the only way to do it is to feed her.” I whisper as he steers us towards the next escalator.

  The Veranda has six levels that wrap around to the shops in the building in a series of balconies looking over a large fountain that sits in the middle of the ground level. The building is mostly glass with large marble columns holding each balcony up. A skylight shines the sun down filling the place with cheerfulness. Real trees grow inside rooted on the ground level; the tops of the trees reach the fourth balcony easily. It is truly a beautiful building the humans had built here. It’s also always busy. Which would be a bad thing in a fight, but a good thing if all you need is to disappear.

  “Ok Jae, take it from me, I can handle it,” Jack says beside me as we step off the escalator onto the fifth level. He steers us to the next escalator.

  I can’t unleash my power on the humans; they’d fall on each other having the largest orgy ever seen. She feeds best on the release of the energy from the sacral chakra, an orgasm. But she can feed on the desire built there as well. And I can create desire like nothing else in all the worlds.

  “Jack,” my voice sounds strangled. “It’s going to be worse than anything I’ve done to you before, I’m not even sure how bad it will be I haven’t unleashed her in almost a year, not fully. You can’t stop walking, but you’ll want to, you’ll want to rip your clothes off and take every man and woman around you just to ease the burn. But you can’t, you have to keep walking and you can’t let go of my hand no matter what or the glamour won’t hold.” My voice is pleading, and worried. My powers do something to him, to vampires. Seducing his seven and taken us to Vayrá; what will this do? Goddess I should have paid more attention in my ‘So Now You’re a Vampire’ classes.

  “I can handle it, Jae. I can, just be quick. Whoever it is, is getting closer, I think they know we know now,” he says with a steel voice.

  I reach inside myself.

  I need you, I think to that part of myself I keep locked away.

  She laughs a full laugh, we are here, we will always be here.

  I nod my head; I know my eyes start to glow so I keep them downcast.

  Only Jack, I think to her.

  But there’s so much food around, we can eat better than ever before.

  Just then I brush against a man. I feel his desire. He likes little boys, there’s a group of kids in the daycare we walked by, plenty of little boys.

  No! I think full of horror

  Succubae feed on desires of all kind. Doesn’t have to be desire for me. She knows no right or wrong, she only knows what is. That man giving into his desire would feed her, us, her, us… well.

  Only Jack or I’ll wait another year before I feed again. She pouts but agrees. Now! I think.

  I grab Jack’s hand as the power rushes through me pouring into him harsh and unending like a river after a flood that’s been held behind a dam swelling and angry, it destroys everything in its path. I see his desire; his
true heart’s desires. A vision flashes through my mind as his hand convulses in mine. He stumbles; a keening noise, low and primitive, comes from his throat.

  In the vision, I see me and him. Just me and him, naked, covered in blood. He bends towards me, as if he’s hugging me, then I’m biting his neck and drinking his blood, he screams my name in release. I let his neck go and he bites me in turn. I scream his name in release.

  He lies down pulling me with him; I climb on top of him. I feel something warm and wet on my knees and the bottoms of my legs. Its blood oh god it’s a floor covered in blood and there’s such joy on his face as we roll around fucking in it.

  Whose blood is on the floor? I think it and the vision widens. He rolls me until he’s on top pumping into me with long hard strokes. I see another body. It’s obviously his father, lying beside us with his throat cut open. It seems so real, I feel my neck burn where I’d seen him sink his fangs in. I feel my Chi fill, but I can’t stop looking at what he desires.

  Jack knows in his heart, the deep dark corners of his heart, he wants his father dead. He feels guilty, so he lets his father and anyone around use him, keeping him submissive. Oh Jack, you are twisted and ugly inside.

  Just like us, like calls to like.

  “Jae,” Jack says, shaking me from my vision.

  Blood tinged tears are gathering in his eyes, he’s rubbing himself through his pants. I try to cover his movements, as he reaches down in his pants, with the bags in my hand. But it’s awkward and passers-by do a double take. Ok, old people, I want us to look like old people. What the fuck do old people wear in the human world? Think Jae, fucking think.

  I conjure up the picture of an old woman wrinkled face, in a flower-patterned dress and wide-brimmed straw hat with tightly curled gray hair peeking from underneath it. Orthopedic tan shoes and tan stockings, I even think of myself as a couple inches shorter. Jack, I think of him as an old man with a wrinkled face as well. Tan pants pulled up over a large belly and black orthopedic shoes on, balding with sprinkles of gray hair around the edges of his head and sun spots on the balding parts. I add glasses to both of us as an afterthought.

  Once I have the picture I want lodged into my head I say, “Ok Jack, just a little longer. We are going to head for the elevator and go right to the garage, when we get to this next group of people I’ll glamour us, don’t stop touching me whatever you do and try to walk like an old man.” He only grunts in response, his eyes keep flashing with lust at everyone around us. He’s leaking cinnamon and dark chocolate very badly, and my glamour won’t do anything to cover that. Hopefully the not-wolf won’t be able to track the smell over its own stench.

  We reach the small cluster of people, I feed on Jack’s pent-up desires tasting of chocolate cinnamon and shame. I feed on his desire siphoning his power like a parasite.

  I let the magic flow from me with the picture I made held fast in my mind. I feel the warm tingle of it. I add the thought to change my eyes color to blue, an almost dead, lifeless shade of blue. I layer the glamour over the one I always have in place to hide my horns. I feel it click in place. I hunch my back and start to shuffle.

  “Not much longer, Jae, I can’t,” Jack breathes through clenched teeth. I steer us to the elevator and push the button.

  The elevator has gold shiny metal doors which show our reflection. It’s not my best work, but I think it will do. Shit, I forgot about the bags. It’s too late to do anything about it now. The not-wolf wouldn’t notice the change. Glamour doesn’t work if the person you’re trying to trick sees the change. Their mind will be stuck on the before, not accepting the new thing you want them to see.

  I can smell the not-wolf very close. The door to elevator opens up and we both shuffle in. We turn around as a man with a hood pulled walks by in a hurry; his eyes look over in the elevator but glaze right over us, dismissing us. I know who that is; it’s the smaller man who’d attacked me and/or Peter the other night. He smelled human then, I’m sure. He isn’t human anymore. I hit the button to the level of garage we parked on, red dolphin. The door closes and Jack shoves me against the elevator wall, yelling.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  The makeover of a succubus

  Jack yanks my pants down, ripping off my new boots. Grabbing a handful of my panties, he pulls until they rip off, pulling me forward. Lifting me, I wrap my legs around his waist. Then he’s inside of me, ramming me so hard my teeth click. It’s as if he’s trying to reach the ends of the earth with the tip of his dick. He comes yelling my name to the heavens above.

  “Not enough,” he growls and sets me down on my feet.

  He turns me around and grabs me by my waist taking me from behind; I try to claw through the paneling of the elevator wall. Vicious isn’t the word for it but almost; he is mindless, brutal, primitive. No words seem enough to describe it. The elevator fills with the smell of sex, vampire, and succubus. To say I don’t enjoy every moment would be a lie, I let my succubus feed on him. The power that Jack lets us drink down with no caution for himself is horrifying in away, and beautiful in others. It is pure abandon. I realize suddenly that I could drink him dry and he wouldn’t protest. The mixture of our pleasure runs down my legs in rivulets. Still, he doesn’t ease up. He doesn’t slow.

  He pushes me to the tiled elevator floor on my hands and knees. “I want to taste your blood, Jae, I want to drink you in. I want you to taste me.” He comes again in a harsh cry; he’s gripping my waist and ass so hard I know I’ll have little Jack finger shaped bruises.

  I know what you want Jack; you want that and so much more my beautifully twisted vampire.

  The elevator stops with a jolt. We both turn as the elevator doors open.

  “Have you no decency! At your age, no less. You’re from the fringe no doubt! I’ll have you arrested immediately!” A woman cries out grabbing her daughter’s hand and stomping away, no doubt to call the CNAE guard.

  “Shit!” I say getting up and yanking on my pants. I grab my boots and stuff my feet in them. I snatch a sweater out of one of the bags and wipe the floor down, bleach would be better. No need to leave small pools of DNA everywhere. Hopefully they won’t take it that far and do a full forensics sweep. Jack gathers everything up. We walk towards our car; hurrying, me praying we won’t get caught. We are almost there when a voice rings out from behind us.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, sir; have you seen an older couple around?” I turn as a young-looking soldier walks up to us asking. I almost double over in laughter. That’s what she meant by ‘at your age.’ I snicker a little, looking away.

  “No, sir,” Jack says questioningly, looking around like he’s about to help with the search.

  “Ok, move on.” The soldier walks away.

  We make it back to the car. I barely make it in before I let my laughter out. I laugh until tears come out of my eyes. Jack starts chuckling and before long, he’s wiping blood-tinged tears from his own face, sniffling. He puts the car in drive and pulls out.

  “Thank goddess I kept the glamour spell locked in the back of my mind. This story could have gone very differently,” I say after a while.

  Jack clears his throat. “You aren’t going to ask about…”

  I cut him off, “No, a man has a right to his own secrets. When you’re ready talk about it, you will.”

  Ernie taught me that. I won’t push Jack into talking about him wanting to feed on me, or him wanting me to drink him. Not about the Blood Lord business, or him wanting to fuck me in a pool of his father’s blood. When he’s ready, he’s ready. What the hell can I say in response to any of it anyway? ‘Now Jack you shouldn’t want to slit your father’s throat and fuck your girlfriend in his still warm blood.’ Yeah, a conversation I will put off as long as fucking possible. I do denial very well.

  “How do you feel?” I ask.

  “Good, really good. Still a little horny. But I won’t rip your clothes off and take you in the car. So we’re ok,” he says.

  “I kind of wish you wou
ld,” I respond.

  He laughs. “I don’t think Peter would forgive us.”

  I laugh. “Probably not.”

  “He might not notice, the way he’s falling for Minx.”

  “What!?!” I ask shocked. “When did this happen?”

  He shrugs his shoulder. “I thought you knew; he’s staying in her room now. When we brought you in last night, that’s where he came running from, in boxers. They were on backwards.” Jack laughs.

  Ok, Lucien spent the night with me, Tabari stayed in the guest room. I close my eyes. I don’t feel hurt, I feel happy for them. They both deserve happiness.

  But, “A cat and a dog?” I can’t help the surprise in my voice.

  “I know, but they seem to work. They can’t have kids together, but I doubt they want that right now anyway. She’s been helping him with his wolf. You haven’t felt the pull have you?”

  I sit thinking. I haven’t felt his wolf since? Since we were at the impromptu cookout and Big Mike’s…. no, it was last night when I told him about the virus. But I thought that was something Big Mike had done to help him. I’d meant to ask, I know I did. My life has just been spiraling out of control. I haven’t hung with just Peter in so long. I hadn’t even noticed him falling in love? Shacking up with Minx? Does that make me a bad friend?

  “You have a lot going on,” Jack says quietly. I look at him. How’d he known what I was thinking?

  “Partially because you’re so easy to read, partially because whatever you did back there. Makes me feel more connected to you. Deeper somehow.” Ok that’s just fucking creepy. I turn and look back out the window.

  “We probably shouldn’t do that again,” I say, not turning from gazing at the beautiful clean streets of the City Proper.


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