Snow Covered Moon

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Snow Covered Moon Page 61

by L M Adams

  I turn to the room; each of the boy band is finishing their killing up easily. Humans really don’t stand a chance against my kind. I remember once in my life thinking, we could rule the world but if only for our grace. Now I love the human world. It has taken me in when my kind turned their backs on me. Yet fact is fact, and it is only by our grace that they live.

  I look out the window, wolves. Real werewolves, huge and hunting. The not-wolves have no chance against them now, not with a full commune to a very pissed off deity.

  The wolves ride the abominations to the ground and take their heads in their powerful jaws, shaking until they come loose, or crush, mostly a little of both.

  I see two huge black wolves working together. Peter and Big Mike. I smile, I haven’t seen them since the beginning. I resist the urge to knock on the window to get their attention, they are busy.

  Peter has the leg of a not-wolf. Big Mike has its head like they are playing tug-of war. The not-wolf is losing, definitely. Oh, you’re still here? Of course.

  The vampires have been assigned to the human soldiers, it seems, and what a bloody mess they are making of them. I see Valentine rip out an esophagus one handed. I think parts of the lungs comes out with it; I’m not sure, biology has never really been my thing. I hadn’t known she’d come either.

  She’s beautiful even while she’s killing, her Asian features twisted in her own blood lust. Red leather body suit, fitting her small body tightly. Red wedge leather heels zipping up to her knees, red leather gloves cover her hands blending perfectly with the suit. Her hair is in a high pony tail as she jumps in the air landing on the shoulders of a soldier that tried to shoot her, she wraps her legs around the soldier’s neck tightly as he tries to shake her off. She grabs his head with both hands and pulls it until it snaps and keeps yanking the head, pulling out the spinal cord with it, she steps to the ground lightly as he falls, dropping his head.

  I smile at her when she sees me; she smiles a bloody smile back. It’s then I notice, those aren’t red gloves at all. Oh yes, I will give her a nice treat next time we are together; she has made her Mistress very happy.

  I turn back to my own battle, there’s only one small group of five left by the front entrance; they drop their weapons and get to their knees. No safety inside, no safety outside, so they give up to become our prisoners. I guess no one told them, Reapers don’t take prisoners. We reap.

  Even if that wasn’t true, I don’t have anywhere to put prisoners of war. The house is already crowded. Then I feel the cool push of logic run through me. We need to question someone, we can’t kill them all. I sigh.

  “Tie them up or something,” I say to my bloodthirsty band of men.

  Lucien looks at me like I’m crazy. He’s a Reaper. But I’m the Grigori.

  “No Lucien, no killing them. We need people to question.” I say in a voice like we’re arguing about what to have for dinner.

  One of the soldiers reaches for his gun. I turn to throw a knife, but before I can three throwing stars whiz past me, two in the eyes one in the hand he was reaching with for the gun. I turn to Jack. Damn it, I didn’t get to see him throw them. The soldier screams bloody murder. He won’t die from having his eyes poked out, but he probably wants to.

  “That is so cool Jack, I’ve been waiting forever to see that. You are so teaching me how to do that.” He grins like a loon. I smile back. Maybe he isn’t angry, really.

  “Ok, but the one that reached for the gun has to die at least.” Lucien says taking a step with his sword. The one with the ninja star eyes tries to move back but doesn’t make much progress.

  I sigh, “No Lucien, no killing them until I say.” The six foot six demigod pouts. Actually pouts.

  Tabari sighs like he’s exasperated, but the corner of his mouth is turned up. He waves his hand and the soldiers collapse, asleep. He didn’t even pull on the field for that one. Most powerful Magi of our Generation, damn right. I step over the sleeping bodies into the vestibule. Time to go finish killing, I want to go home.

  The rest of the battle moves quickly between us, the wolves, and the vampires. There really isn’t enough flesh to go around after a while. We try to share nicely though. There’s blood all over me. Some of it mine. I’d been shot in the shoulder at some point. I really don’t remember when.

  I let the blood lust carry me through. But I don’t torture, I only kill, baby steps. I wonder if the ones falling beneath my sword know how nice I’m being. I figure they don’t. Old Jaevia would want a little torture to go with her death, I’ve decided to work on me.

  I find Gram, the one who spit on me, in the woods trying to escape as the battle turns against them. He sees me, and tries to run. I allow myself a little of torture; it is, after all, a special occasion.

  To the victor go the spoils of war.

  I throw my head back and yell to the sun covered in blood, I tell it of my victory, I tell it of my triumph. The wolves howl, the vampires scream their offering.

  Chapter Fifty-five

  Forgiveness in death

  “If you are not hurt, please pair off; one wolf one vamp and search the area for those that would hide from our vengeance!” I look for Tabari , I find him already walking around healing those that need it.

  I see vampires and wolves pair off with one another. Who would have ever thought, mortal enemies for centuries united under one cause. I feel movement on my side. I turn to see Jack with a small black duffle bag slung across him.

  “Jae, sit down so I can see to that wound, I have to pull the bullet before you can heal,” Jack says, already poking at me. I’d been shot earlier, I guess it didn’t go unnoticed. It doesn’t even hurt.

  “Jack, has anyone told you that you are the most meddlesome man in all the worlds?” I don’t want to be bothered.

  “I told him that all the time,” Valentine says, laughing.

  I turn to her, smiling. I bend, kissing her bloody mouth. Blood and sex and cinnamon and dark chocolate fill my mouth. I pull back, her eyes twinkle with delight. I hum with womanly satisfaction. I bet it’s been awhile since anyone kissed you without your permission. I won’t be apologizing for it either.

  “Thank you for coming, Valentine,” I say sincerely.

  She laughs a wicked laugh. “You were too hard-headed to listen, someone had to come save you from yourself.”

  “I owe you,” I say.

  “You can repay me,” she smiles looking me up and down in a way a woman does when she wants you, “later.” Then she turns on her heels and glides? walks? switches?... something… away. I laugh to the sky. Vampire and vampire-succubus really do make for one hell of a party.

  “Jae sit down, I’m serious,” Jack says urgently again. I sigh and sit down on the stairs of the building I’m closest to. The man really won’t let it go until I do as he says. He sits behind me. Where the hell had he found a medical kit?

  He takes off my sword sheath, ok, so the shoulder hurts now. Without the blood lust to numb me from it, the wound starts hurting bad; shit, the fuckers had silver bullets. Getting off my shirt makes me grit my teeth.

  “The bad news is your skin has already healed over the wound, so I’m going to have to cut it out. The worse news is, it’s moved close to your spinal cord so if you move, you are going to have a lot more healing to do.”

  “Any good news?” I ask, hanging my head.

  He holds a bottle of the good vodka in front of me. I do love the man, he thinks of everything. I wonder where he lifted it from.

  I stand up in my bra and bloody stretch pants, my abs and breasts stained with blood. It’s going to take a few minutes to get drunk and I see Annette in human form tending to the wounded wolves. I want to say hello. I’m glad to see she made it, everyone didn’t.

  “I’ll be back, you help the vampires who are hurt. When I’m good and drunk, I’ll come find you,” I say walking away before he can stop me.

  He sighs like he wants to argue. “Fifteen minutes, or I’m going to get Luci
en to hold you down.”

  Those two always in cahoots nowadays. I’ll be back in fourteen minutes though. Lucien having to hold me down? Hell no, I’m done with that man holding me down, for the day at least. I’m tough enough to handle a bullet getting cut out of me. I’m hot shit Jae. I may need another bottle of vodka though.

  “Annette!” I call walking over to her.

  She turns at her name. She has on light blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and a pink tank top. She must’ve brought clothes with her. Trucks and vans pull in filled with supplies and weapons. Ok, maybe they did plan things out better than I did.

  “Jae!” she hugs me tightly, not minding the blood on me. I wince when she brushes my back. Damn silver bullet feels like it’s burning a home out inside of me.

  “How many did we lose?” I ask her softly, pulling back, looking down.

  “Thirty-eight so far, and a lot of silver bullets needing to be pulled. I was going to get a kit and start in so they can heal.” I turn and walk beside her towards one of the vans.

  “I am so sorry,” I whisper.

  “Their deaths were honorable; broken things will mend, their deaths have been avenged,” she says, repeating my words to me. I nod my head once.

  “Thank you for everything,” she says after a bit. “You risked a lot coming back for Michael after Sheba was dead. He told us about her.” She shakes her head and then takes a deep breath.

  “Wolf Mother didn’t give me much of a choice, Annette.” I don’t want her to feel gratitude for what I’d done. I’m not sure if I would’ve done the right thing for the sake of it without her threat hanging over my head.

  “There is always a choice, Jae. Know that you will always have the wolves’ loyalty, and my love.” She says, rummaging in the back of the van. I feel shy with her saying that. I haven’t done anything to deserve it, or the vampires’ loyalty. They came because of Jack, because of Valentine.

  “Thank you, Annette.” But she’s already busy gathering her supplies, distracted by the bloody chore ahead of her.

  I look over and see Reapers and Minx. I’m assuming its Minx, she’s the only werepanther I know. She’s fucking huge, her head comes to maybe five foot six. The sleek muscle on her rippling under the smooth velvet of her black pelt, emerald green eyes glow out to me as I stumble towards her, stunned. The emerald on the collar around her neck is twinkling in the sun. She pads forward softly. I wouldn’t be able to hear her coming if I tried.

  She nuzzles my neck. I feel the wet coldness of her tongue licking me. I laugh and wrap my arms around her muscled neck.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. I feel a rumbling run through her and hear it. Is Minx purring? Can a panther purr? I step back and she huffs and then she’s off, probably to find Peter.

  I look up into the eyes of three Reapers, Peterus, Tajhar and Yaistein. We always travel in three, like the three-headed dog our house is named after, Cerberus.

  Peterus is tall, thin and handsome, with an easy smile. He has pure white skin and buzz cut through his black locks. He looks much like the last time I’d seen him, gentle lips with an easy smile like he found everything amusing but nothing truly funny. I’ve always liked him. He was one of the few people who had supported me when most hadn’t. I don’t know Tajhar or Yaistein well.

  Tajhar is my height; stocky build, always stands with his arms crossed over his chest like he’s the baddest motherfucker in the land and no one can tell him differently; he’s the enforcer of his team.

  I guess he’s never had a conversation with my Lucien. I can’t help the mine is better than yours feeling that courses through me. Tajhar wrinkles his brow as usual. The bald head with unforgiving features along with the perpetual frown always make me think he needs to get laid, or have a drink. Maybe both, at the same time.

  Yaistein is somewhere between the two men in height. Average build and skin that’s been in the sun too long without sun block. Flat eyes that see, watch, and observe everything. He smells of magic, but only slightly. I guess the Kindred will be getting a full report of everything if I wish them to or not. Got to be on my best behavior now. Not a good start, half naked with a bottle of booze in my hand.

  “Hello, Grigori Knightley.” Peterus nods his head to me with respect and stiffness but there is a warmth in his eyes too. He used my formal title. I guess we were doing this by the book. Isn’t this grand? I’m half naked.

  “Hello, Peterus. Long time no see.” I smile to him and then he’s hugging me tight. I guess not so formal then.

  “Hello, Peterus…” I hear a very deep voice from behind.

  Yup, I know that voice. It’s Lucien when he wants to kill something but knows he shouldn’t.

  Here I am hugging a very attractive man without a shirt on. Someone I’ve been known to flirt with from time to time, although Peterus is very much gay. Not even bi, just gay. We have had a threesome of sorts but he’s never touched me like that. I only enjoyed the view, used my power and had, I can’t remember her name, between my thighs the entire time. Lucien only knows about the threesome part though. I think Peterus and I both enjoy teasing Lucien a little. I pull from the hug and step back, turning around.

  Lucien is bloody all over; some is even in his hair. Something tells me he didn’t even bother shooting anything, preferring slicing through flesh with his sword. I walk over to him and wrap an arm around his waist. His back is warm, burning hot, I guess he’s angry. I try to hide my smile.

  “Looks like we missed most of the party, we picked off a few trying to escape. Not more than fifty,” Peterus says. Not even a good offering to Abbadon, but still helpful.

  “Thank you for your help.” I take my arm from around Lucien and bow towards them. “There are paired wolves and vampires doing searches of the surrounding buildings. If you could help in that effort, I would appreciate it.”

  All three bow their heads and move off. Peterus brushes my arm as he walks by though. Lucien’s body tightens as he turns. I hold out my right arm to stop him and wince, I put extra oomph into the wince to distract him. The man really is a possessive bastard.

  “Jack told me you needed healing, Wench, and yet I find you rubbing your naked body on Peterus. This is not the time to anger me, love. Not right now. Death still rides with me searching for more lives to claim.” His back flares with heat again.

  “Lucien, I was giving him a hug, not rubbing my body on him,” I say, trying to placate him.

  “Come, we will find a room and get Jack to cut that bullet from your flesh.” He grabs my hand and tugs me along behind him. I try to greet and wave to the vampires and wolves I see, it’s hard to do holding a bottle of vodka and Lucien doesn’t slow down. I sigh and give up trying to be polite.

  He yells for Jack, taking me back in the main building. We have to step over the comatose bodies of the soldiers Tabari put a spell on. Lucien picks up a table and puts it back on its legs. The bodies of soldiers surround us in bloody ruin. Parts that should never see the light of day are getting a wonderful view of it now. Lucien doesn’t even blink at the carnage around us. I shake my head at him. He will always be a beast.

  “Lucien, please wait. I’m sober.”

  “Then you’ll have to go without, Jae. You are pale, that bullet has been in there too long. Check your Chi, it’s almost empty again isn’t it? Why? Because your body keeps trying to heal over the silver bullet in there. Yes, you were rubbing on Peterus why? Because you’re fucking hurt. Now lay on this goddamn table!” Lucien finishes yelling at me. I jump at the last bit. I reach inside, yes my Chi is empty and drained. I don’t feel tired though.

  “I don’t feel tired though, Lucien. It’s usually how I can tell if I’m empty.” I say in question.

  “Because you are still high on the blood lust.” He stares at me, golden eyes getting brighter, breathing becoming more pronounced, and now I realize how thin the string of control he has really is.

  Then I’m in his arms and he’s kissing me deeply and harshly punishing me wit
h his lips. He reaches around unhooking my bra, freeing my breast. He rubs my left nipple with his strong fingers. I moan in his mouth. He turns me around bending me harshly over the side of the table taking my right wrist twisting it around to my back holding it there. He doesn’t have to spank me again, I’m already wet. He holds my left wrist flat on the table. His legs lock mine, holding me still.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Lucien says deeply. My eyes fly open. Jack is standing there with a scalpel in his hand.

  “You tricked me!” I yell to them.

  “You wouldn’t have listened otherwise. You’re always stomping around too hardheaded to listen to anyone. You would’ve fed your Succubus, filling your Chi and let that poison sit in your back if I fucked you. Tell me I’m lying and I’ll let you go.” I buck against him but he doesn’t budge an inch the fucker.

  I can’t tell him he’s lying, it might be true. Still didn’t give him the right to trick me.

  “You both will pay for this,” I say with all the wind knocked out my sails. I turn my head into my left, away from Jack with a scalpel.

  “I know, Jae,” And then he’s cutting and I’m biting my lip. Oh, fuck that hurts, it’s a silver scalpel, it’s the only way to keep a wound open long enough to do the work, I know. But still, the cutting, the burning. It hurts.

  “You waited so long, Jae, the bullet worked itself further in. I can get Tabari to put you to sleep,” Jack whispers.

  “No. Just hurry the fuck up.” My voice cracks in pain. I try to breathe through it.

  I cry as he works, cutting me more and more. I don’t scream. I’m very proud of myself for not screaming. I don’t want to struggle but I can’t help it and Lucien has to hold me down. Then I feel a pulling at the wound. I refuse to scream and so I get angry, I let rage fill me.


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