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Gemini Page 18

by Dylan Quinn

  An older couple strolled along, holding hands.

  "Keep close, hon," he said. "It's getting chilly."

  She nudged him as they passed by.

  Growing old together was never something I considered. It was something I’d never done. And never would.

  For the first time, I was jealous. Of all the human things I’d never have: A wedding, a family of my own. I’d never be a mother, at least not a real one. I scarified everything human for some immortal existence I wasn't sure I wanted.

  What was growing up and growing old like? It was something no Zoe had ever done.

  Eve did—once, ages ago. But never Zoe. Once she was born, she lived a short, twenty-one years, died, and became immortal.

  It was a vicious cycle: Birth. Death. Repeat.

  My phone buzzed again, of course. Cade wouldn't stop until he heard from me.

  Cade: Zoe, please. Where are you? This is not smart, now text me back.

  Nope, I wasn't ready.

  I heard my name called behind me. Busted.

  I closed my eyes and took a cleansing breath to prepare for my surrender, then pulled myself up off the bench.

  Fine. I Guess I’d have to find another time to disappear.

  "There you are," a voice said behind me.

  A sharp pain pierced through my back.

  My legs shook, and I stumbled to my knees as a dagger was pulled from my shoulder.

  Azriel. The Fallen stood in front of me, freaking dagger in his hand. He grinned and tilted his head to the side, a red ring in his eyes flared to life.

  "We meet again, princess."

  I took a second to compose myself. Damn, that hurt. My instincts took over, and I got back up, jacked up my foot and clipped him in the chin.

  Didn't do a damn thing.

  Guess this human thing sucked. Not good for fighting ginormous demons who could knock me over with their stilted breath.

  Running was my only option.

  I threw a punch, not sure where I was aiming, but hoped to at least distract him so I could run.

  Nope. On to Plan B.

  I’d been training some with Cade and the Firstborns, and had taken enough self-defense classes to know the only other option would be my foot.

  I swung around, kicked like a ninja and put as much oomph into it as I could.

  He caught my calf, laughed, and knocked me on my ass.


  More voices came up from behind, and the Fallen sneered. As I sat on the ground, he hovered over me, scary sword in hand, and slammed it into my chest, just below my shoulder.

  Searing pain pierced near my heart, burned through my soul as the lights from the pier faded into the midnight sky.

  "Good night, sweet angel."

  So much for Plan B.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Six~


  I followed Zoe into the darkness, but she disappeared without a trace.

  I’d messaged her with the phone, but she wouldn’t respond. She was not safe out alone, particularly this late at night.

  I’d underestimated how she would react to news of the deadline. I thought we’d made progress, but I apparently misjudged the situation.

  "Let's go, old man. Boss lady's being jumped by Azriel." Julian came up behind me.

  A growl welled within my throat, and I picked up my pace.

  Azriel was a Fallen angel. Zoe had reported his transgressions to the Archangels ages ago, and he’d sought revenge ever since. We’d fought his threats for centuries. He’d most likely joined forces with Lilith. That only made her more of a threat.

  Being human was limiting. I had few of my powers, and I could not sense her in danger.

  I ran with Julian but couldn’t keep up in this condition. The closer we neared our deadline, the more vulnerable I became.

  Nate reached me, then he, Micah and Remie passed me.

  I slowed my pace, caught my breath, and scanned down the path to see where they’d gone. It was dark and my senses were weakened, so I couldn’t see well in the night.

  Julian’s voice echoed from up ahead, so I followed it.

  As I got near, I saw what the commotion was about.

  Azriel was engaged with Zoe.

  Everything all happened so fast.

  The Fallen lunged forward.

  Zoe made a poor attempt to kick him away, but he caught her foot and knocked her to the ground.

  He must have heard us calling. In that moment, he stared up and thrust a dagger into her chest.

  “Zoe.” I called from behind.

  She collapsed onto the grass. Her body lay still.

  Azriel picked her up, threw her over his shoulder like a rag doll, then spoke an incantation to open a bridge.

  My heart rate soared. I moved as quick as I could to reach them, but I wasn’t quick enough.

  Fortunately, Nate was.

  He took out his dagger and threw it into the portal, temporarily disabling it, while Julian lunged at the Fallen.

  Azriel dropped Zoe’s body to the ground, spoke his bridge call once more, then slipped through before Nate or Julian could stop him.

  I ran to Zoe’s side, slid on the damp grass, and sank beside her.

  She lay unconscious, her shoulder bleeding profusely.

  “Zoe, love. Wake up.” I gathered her into my arms and stroked her cheek. “Please.”

  I held her limp figure and tried waking her to initiate healing, but she was in a deep sleep. "Zoe, please. Wake up."

  Julian ripped off his shirt and put pressure on her wound to slow the bleeding.

  Azriel must have hit an artery, perhaps. Zoe never bled this much.

  Crimson drops trickled out, soaking her shirt. No amount of pressure slowed the bleeding, as Zoe’s top turned a dark shade.

  "Zoe, you must wake up. Can you hear me?"


  "Can you lift her, boss? I'll go get my car. We can take you home, and maybe she'll wake up soon."

  Julian and Nate ran off while Micah and Remie stood guard.

  "I thought she healed herself?" Micah asked.

  "She must be awake to do so."


  "Zoe’s powers are intellectual," I said. "Her healing is induced by purposeful thoughts."

  "So, like when the computer is shut down, it won't charge your phone?"

  "Something like that, I suppose."

  I worked tirelessly to rouse Zoe while we waited for Julian and Nate.

  My heartbeat would not sync with hers, and the bleeding continued. I’d not seen her bleed this much before. Something wasn’t right. I needed to get her home straightaway.

  After about ten minutes, Julian pulled up nearby.

  He helped us into his vehicle and within minutes, we were promptly back at my apartment, but I still couldn’t wake Zoe. The wound continued to bleed out, though at a slower pace.

  Julian climbed the stairs with Zoe in his arms, and I followed close behind.

  Raz let us in. Phoebe and Rainah sat on the couch then rose to their feet.

  "Put her in your bed," Raz said. "I’ll heal her."

  I followed Julian into our room. He laid her on the bed, and I sat down beside Zoe, gathering her into my arms. "Can you hear me? Please. Wake up Zoe."

  She stirred slightly, then her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment.

  "Cade?" she whispered. Her eyes closed again.

  "I'm here, love. You need to wake up to heal."

  Raz came in, ripped off her shirt, and placed his hands over her shoulder. He let them hover, one hand over the other.

  The Firstborns stood at the door, watching curiously.

  Remie's eyes widened at the light coming from Raz's hands.

  Phoebe brushed past him, towel in hand to cover Zoe’s chest, and settled on the other side of her. She stared intently.

  Raz's hands lit up stronger as his healing light radiated into Zoe's body.

  Her tanned skin began to glow a strange greyish-blue tone from
her shoulder to her elbow. The wound turned a light pink and began to close.

  "Hmm." Raz narrowed his eyes and continued to heal Zoe. After a moment, the wound was as sealed as it could be with her asleep.

  "That should do for now." Raz dropped his hands, and his healing light dissipated.

  I yearned to heal Zoe, but I couldn’t. Not until the Convergence was complete. She was protected, but only until the Winter Solstice. After that, true humanity would kick in, and we could both become ill and even die.

  December twenty-first changed everything, and with every passing day, we were one day closer to death.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Seven~


  Beams of sun streamed in through the bedroom window, assaulting my eyes. Cade was sound asleep, yet held me with a grip of death, his warm breath scattering over my cheek.

  What happened?

  Sketchy memories drifted through my head, but the throbbing in my temples made concentrating impossible. The last thing I remembered was walking down the pier to get away from Cade.

  Oh crap.

  Memories flooded back. Azriel. Thankfully, he didn’t kidnap me again.

  My entire body ached. My shoulder, my back. Now I was wrapped in a Cade cocoon.

  What the hell did Azriel do to me?

  "Zoe?" Cade pulled back, giving me room to breathe. “How are you feeling?”

  “Not so hot.” I admitted.

  “You’ve been asleep for days.” He ran his hand over my hair.

  “What? No way.”

  “Do you remember what happened?”

  “I was sitting on the bench and then that demon, the same one from the other day, showed up."

  “What do you mean the same one?” Cade sat up, something I said got his attention. “You’ve seen him before?"

  "Yeah, he was there with your demon, with Lilith the last time. Same guy, I'm sure."

  "You must be more careful. You can’t run off like that, it's too dangerous. What if he had taken you again? He nearly did. Nate threw a dagger into the bridge wind to stop him."

  "What's a bridge wind?"

  "Promise me you’ll not do that. Ever. I can’t lose you. There’s more at stake than our relationship. And if the Fallen are after you—"

  "The Fallen? Oh, yeah. He told me.”

  "They’re much more dangerous than demons,” Cade started. “Demons are humans who chose to become dark light, but Fallen are much more precarious. They retain much of their powers and can strip you of all your pure light. I could never see you again. If he was there the last time, then we have greater troubles than I anticipated."

  "Well, I'm fine so forget about it." I peeled his arms off me and dragged my limbs to get out of bed, but burning tremors shot though my back and shoulder. I pulled up my sleeve and inspected the wound, which should have been healed.

  It hadn’t.

  "What—why is this still here?"

  Cade stared at my shoulder.

  "Azriel. He stabbed you with a dagger.” Cade narrowed his stare and pursed his lips. “No." He tilted his head and gently pressed his fingers against my shoulder.

  I winced. Damn, that hurt.

  "We must speak to Raz."

  "What is it? What's wrong?"

  Cade got up and disappeared out of the bedroom.

  I took my good arm and pushed myself up in the bed then stared at the wound.

  My shoulder was burning, and I could hardly move my arm. I fingered it lightly and noticed a dusky grey tint covering my skin.

  A few minutes later, Cade and Raz came into the room.

  "Good morning, Zoe. Glad you’re finally awake. How are you feeling?" Raz sat beside me.

  "I'm okay, I guess."

  "How’s your shoulder?"

  "It hurts," I said. "Achy."

  "May I see it?" He shifted over and pulled up the sleeve of my T-shirt. "I need a closer look, maybe you can put on a sleeveless top?"


  "Meet us in the front room." He got up, and they both left.

  I changed into a black tank top. On closer inspection of my shoulder, there was dark grey pus seeping through the mangled scar. And it smelled like day-old trash. Ewe.

  I'd never had a wound not heal before. I'd never been sick either, so it was weird this would scar so badly. The one on my chest from Lilith was just bruised, no icky pus like this one.

  I examined the marks on my ankles and wrists. Same thing. Bruised.

  When I came out, Raz and Cade were deep in conversation on the couch. I attempted to eavesdrop, but Raz took notice.

  "Come sit, Zoe. Let me have a look."

  I sat down next to him. "This has never happened before.”

  "Cade filled me in. The wound is infected. Humans often get illnesses.”

  "I thought I wasn't human."

  "Technically, you will always be partially human. You have gifts normal humans do not. Like your ability to regenerate and to designate Gemini, but other than that, your true powers will not become active until you Eternalize. And you need to be pure in order to do that."

  "Pure, as in a virgin?"

  "No.” Raz laughed. "In order to Eternalize or become immortal, your body must be pure. Free of any illness or infection, which is why you don’t get sick. We can’t risk you becoming immortal with any ounce of darkness inside you. It could risk, well." He let out a breath. "It wouldn't be good. Evil can’t be allowed in the Eternal City."

  "I’m evil?"

  "There is now dark light within your human body. We must rid you of this. We can’t allow you and Cade to complete the Convergence if you have darkness inside you. That’s what happened with the dagger. Fallen carry daggers tainted in their shadows. Just as Eternal daggers carry your pure light, theirs carry shadows. They pierce the bodies of pure souls, and the souls become dark. You can understand why we can’t allow darkness inside the Eternal City. Within the walls of Aravot grow the Trees we protect. If darkness took hold of the impending souls or had access to the wisdom of the universe, all would be lost."

  "So what do we do with this?" My chest got tight, and I nearly hyperventilated.

  "Breathe." Raz placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I closed my eyes, took in a breath, and blew it out slowly.

  "Better?" Raz asked.

  "What was that?"

  "One of his gifts is mood alteration," Cade said. "He just helped you relax."

  "Huh. That was weird, but I feel better." I did. My heart slowed, and my breathing steadied.

  "You, too, will have this gift once you Eternalize. It’s grounded in your intellect. I’ll train you."

  While I had to admit, the prospect of gaining supernatural powers was exciting, I still wasn't sure I was ready to leave my life behind.

  "So what do we do about this infection? And how long does it take to wear off? I’ve got a lot going on now with this record deal. Especially if I’ve been passed out for a week. Has Lucci called?"

  Even if I wasn't ready to become some immortal Guardian, this disgusting mess needed to heal. I could hardly move my arm. How was I supposed to play piano or pick up a guitar? Or write or record for the album?

  Wow. I was really going to do it. There would be things to work out, of course, but still. It was going to happen. Cade would understand how much I needed this. I’ll make him understand.

  Cade and Raz exchanged looks.


  "There are specific—methods to heal you," Raz said. "At least he didn't reach your heart. It would have spread through your entire system by now, and you would likely not—"

  Cade cut him off. "Tell her how we will heal it, Raz."

  Raz pressed his lips together. "We must discuss your work. Among other things."

  “The record deal?”

  "I’m sorry, love." Cade picked up my hand.

  “No.” I ripped my hand away.

  "You can’t risk it. We need to take you away."

  "Where? For how long?" My pulse raced a
nd my hands trembled, clenching into fists. “Cade, please.” I fought back tears. “You promised.”

  "It's the only way to heal you." Raz set his hand on my shoulder.

  "You." I pointed at Raz. "You said I’d always have a choice.”

  "We're not trying to keep you from recording. But you need to be healed, or—"

  "Or what?" I prepared to stand.

  Raz stopped me, his hand gently braced my shoulder. "Sit down."

  I faced him and recognized what he was doing.

  "Oh no, you aren't doing that mood thing again.” I grabbed my elbow to steady my arm and stood, then headed toward the balcony.

  "Wait. It's important you understand what's happening."

  "What?" I turned around to face them and went to cross my arms. When I pulled my shoulder, a sharp burning sensation shot up into my neck. I winced and pulled my arm to my chest.

  "If this infection does not heal—"

  "I thought I couldn't die."

  "There are exceptions. A Fallen dagger is one of them.”

  “This can kill me?” My heart thudded in my chest.

  “It could've killed you had it reached your heart, but at this point, it’s your light we’re concerned with. It must be purified, or else it could be damned for Eternity."

  "What does that mean?”

  “Your light has already begun to shadow,” Raz said. “It’s only a matter of time before it all disappears.”

  “How much time?”

  “Weeks at best.”

  My heart dropped into my stomach. This damn wound was already throbbing, and something inside me definitely felt—off. My mind wandered to places it shouldn’t. Like this deal. Lilith’s offer.

  Raz was right. I had to get this out of me.

  “What do we do?”

  "We must return to Eden."

  “Okay, I can call Lucci. Postpone things a few weeks if necessary.”

  Cade shook his head. “I’m sorry, love. That won’t be possible.”

  “What are you saying? How long will we be gone?”

  “You won’t be returning before the Convergence.”

  ~Chapter Twenty-Eight~


  After a couple weeks of mourning my life, Cade and Raz finally convinced me there was no way out. In order to heal, I had to leave Chicago.


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