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Kozav (Scifi Alien Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 3)

Page 14

by Celia Kyle

  A chance to be mates.

  A blank mask descended over his mate’s face, hiding her thoughts from him. “I do want to move forward, but…” She shook her head. “We can’t start over.” She pulled her hands from his and he felt the loss down to his soul, his dragon recoiling with the withdrawal and his body growing cold with the loss of her warmth. “Everything that’s happened, everything we’ve experienced and every word we shared, will form our future. Do I hate the arguments and drama? Sure. But I wouldn’t forget them for anything.” She cupped his cheeks and he reveled in her soft touch. “Those arguments are just another facet of our relationship. Not a shiny facet, but still part of us. I can’t promise we’ll never argue again—”

  Kozav grunted. No, they would never argue again. He would not allow it.

  “—But I can promise that there will be no running.”

  He nodded his agreement. There would be no running. He would not allow it.

  “Good.” He pulled her hands away from his face. Any further touching would have him pinning her against the wall. His normally possessive half even agreed with that plan, aching to claim her here where all could see. Grace belonged to him and him alone. He would assert his dominance and taking so there could be no question.

  Though, word had already spread among the men, the witnesses to his mate’s rescue passing the story along from warrior to warrior. Kozav joi Grace Hall would kill any who thought to harm his mate and he had the strength and power to do so, no matter his opponent.

  His fingers tingled with the need to caress Grace, to explore her body and trace her curves. But low, baritone voices echoed from one end of the passage and he knew this was not the place.

  He had to remember he wished to get his mate to the senchamber. That was his goal. Then he could explore her at his leisure.

  “Then we shall go to the senchamber.” If he asked her, she could deny him. If he told her, she would not.

  Even after Dam Hall smacked him, she helped him.

  Without giving her a chance to say another word, he spun and strode down the hall, away from the approaching warriors. He did not want to be stopped and asked to tell the story of his mate’s rescue yet again. Later, after he’d sated his mate—and himself—he would recount the words over and over. Not now.

  “Kozav, don’t you think we should…”

  He did not slow. “We should do nothing but proceed to the senchamber. If your objection is related to your dam, I have given orders that we be contacted about any negative change. She has also given the same orders though I believe human curses were used as well.”

  Donna Hall had pointed at the healer, a scowl on her delicate features. “If you fucking comm them and interrupt them I will break off your arm and beat you with it until you cry for momma.”

  Kozav promised to protect the healer if he agreed to only contact them in an emergency.

  Grace’s tinkling laugh filled his heart with joy. “Did you think of everything?”

  “Of course.” He did not tell her that if he did not, the senchamber could provide whatever was required. He preferred her to see him as a fully competent mate. She could see his other flaws later. He could show his mate his worst after he “put a ring on it,” as Dam said.

  Kozav did not understand Dam Hall’s reference, but the female promised to explain once they’d finished their vay-kay-shun. A vay-kay-shun he was anxious to begin and he wondered if Grace could comfortably increase her speed. A quick look showed that she nearly ran already. Instead of slowing, he swooped toward her, bending and lifting her into his arms in one smooth move. He cradled her close, enjoying her surprised squeak and then the feel of her arms wrapping around his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh, and her moist, warm breath fanned over his skin. The wafting scent was enough to send his arousal flying high, his cock thickening and hardening within his katoth pants. His clothing became tight, the katoth unforgiving and not stretching to accommodate him.

  The arousal was joined by a pinching pain, but it was a glorious one. The ache was caused by his mate, his mate who he’d rescued and now held close. A mate he’d soon claim as his own.


  The word resonated with every step. Mine. Mine. Mine.

  Kozav ignored the warriors they passed during their race to the senchamber, only barely acknowledging them with a tilt of his head. When their gazes invariably turned to Grace, they quickly jumped away, some even hiding in nearby rooms. They did not wish him to believe they coveted Grace.

  He would laugh if he was not in so much desperation for his mate.

  Grace, on the other hand, did laugh. He should tell her that laughing at males was disrespectful, but… he could not ruin her joy. He would simply kill any who took offense to her giggles. That seemed to be the perfect answer and it would keep him in top condition.

  Excellent plan.

  It was not long before they stopped outside the familiar senchamber, the area prepared for them. It was pre-programmed with his desires for their vay-kay-shun, but he’d also had food stocked for the duration of their experience. They would not have to leave the senchamber and no others would have to deliver meals to them. This was their space alone for the next few days—longer if he could convince her to remain. He’d requested a full seven risings free of duties, but their activities would be at her discretion. Always.

  Kozav refused to relinquish her now that he held her close. He leaned down. “Reach over and place your hand on the identipad, shaa kouva.”

  His mate reached for the small pad, the stretch pulling her xina tight across her breasts, and his need for her grew. A whimper leapt to his lips and he pushed it back. Preor warriors did not whimper. They did, however, blatantly stare at their mate’s body whether the mate was aware of being seductive or not. The curve of her mounds were outlined by the sleek, thin material, the neckline pulling low with her movements, exposing the shadows between them.

  He would worship her breasts. No, he would worship her entire body… as many times as she would allow.

  She righted herself in his grip, arms sliding back around his neck and those tempting breasts nestled against his chest. Hard points prodded his flesh, telling him that his mate was aroused as well. He’d read about human females extensively, staying away from vids at Jarek and Taulan’s suggestion. Apparently, the vids were not accurate. Human females did not require the presence of another male or female in order to receive pleasure from mating. Some may enjoy those attentions, but it was not a necessity.

  Which pleased Kozav. The killing fire burned in his heart when he thought of others joining in their matings.

  Now he would not have to.

  The senchamber door parted, revealing a dimly lit space, twinkling stars high above them and the full moon illuminating the area.

  “Are you prepared, shaa kouva?”

  Grace’s attention drifted to the scene he’d designed. When she turned her head and met his stare, eyes filled with wonder and joy, he knew the hours he spent researching and crafting their vacation was worth each moment of worry and frustration.

  “What…” her hoarse whisper held a hint of disbelief and he took the single word as permission to enter the senchamber.

  He stepped across the threshold, his strides taking them deeper into the scene. The doors whooshed closed behind them, sealing against any intruders other than those he’d placed on his approved list. Kozav would rip the ship into small pieces if it allowed any other than his superior, his mate’s dam or Skala to interfere.

  “You created…” She wiggled and he carefully lowered her to the ground, snatching her hand before she could stride away from him and explore. “That’s the cabin…” She pointed in the distance, her steps slow. “And that’s…”

  His booted feet sank into the pale sands, the near white material reminiscent of Tampa’s beaches. It was just one part to the whole of the senchamber. Dam Hall gave several locations as a basis for the senchamber and Kozav… Kozav took them al
l to create this.

  “These are the beaches of Tampa.” He gestured in front of them.

  “The cabin is my grandfather’s. Before…” Tears filled her eyes and he glared. He would shout at Dam Hall—softly because he did not wish to battle Skala—for lying to him. “I didn’t think I’d ever see it again and there it is.”

  “If it displeases you, I can have the senchamber remove—”

  “No!” She whirled to face him, placing her palm on his chest. “No. I love it. I have so many good memories there and I can’t believe you brought it back.” Good. It meant he did not have to shout softly at Grace’s dam. Or fight Skala. “Show me everything else.”

  Grace’s joy and excitement was infectious, suffusing him, and he led her along the beach path to explore.

  To the left, he pointed out a replica of his personal aerie, the pillars rising high above the clouds instead of the mountaintops he normally called home. He did not wish to trek across a mountain to show Grace his caves. When they traveled to the planet, they could see much of Preor from the very top and he was anxious to reveal the planet’s beauty. To the right, they ambled past the cabin, the sand transitioning to grass and Tampa’s sea becoming a smooth, placid lake. Grass soon gave way to craggy cliffs, water lowering until it formed a thin river far below. A gentle breeze whipped at their hair and he breathed deeply, enjoying the scents of the outdoors even if they were not real.

  They stopped at the edge, staring down at the twining ribbon of water.

  “The Grand Canyon.”

  “Your dam stated you always wished to explore, and after seeing the twists and turns, it is not a challenge I could miss.”

  “Challenge?” She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, eyebrows raised.

  Kozav tugged her into his arms, pressing his front to her back. “Can you not imagine, shaa kouva? Racing along the paths, testing your strength against the winds and rocks? We shall explore the lands on foot, but I wish to take time to try myself against the great rocks.”

  “You can’t get hurt in here, right? I don’t want you to get hurt.” Her worry lifted some of the remaining worries.

  “Of course not, the senchamber does not allow its visitors to come to harm.” He did not tell her that he’d also asked for permission to visit the site on the planet. Her dam mentioned something about asking for forgiveness instead of permission, however. He would ask her more after this time together.

  “Good.” She turned and laid her hand on his chest, over his heart. “I don’t think I could handle you getting hurt.”

  “And I feel the same way, shaa kouva.” He laid his palm atop her hand, rubbing the back gently with his thumb. “I would lose my mind should you be injured.”

  Memories plagued him, images of her condition when he’d finally shifted back and gotten her inside a shuttle. The swelling and bruises combined with the bleeding cuts nearly sent him back over the edge and into his dragon’s scales. The only reason he’d resisted was because his mate needed hands, not claws, when she huddled against him.

  “I nearly lost myself to the skies when you were taken from me, rasi.” His fierce jungle cat who’d fought Impe despite her injuries.

  “What does that mean?”

  Kozav grimaced and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I almost shifted into my dragon form in my anguish and it would not have ever let go if you had not been returned to me.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose,” she grumbled.

  “I know this, but that did not lessen my rage. In truth, it magnified my feelings. Knowing another had his hands on you…” He shook his head, unable to finish the thought.

  “Kozav,” she sighed his name, her eyes going soft and lips forming a small smile. “I won’t leave you. And if I’m ever missing, know that it wasn’t by choice.”

  A new tension thrummed in his veins, nerves sparking to life and catching fire with excitement. “You are staying with me.”

  Statement, not question. She could tell him no if he asked questions.

  “Yes,” Grace’s voice was a breathy whisper.

  “You are my mate.” He kept his words hard, leaving no room for disagreement.

  “Never doubt it.”

  Kozav grunted as he thought. He knew she would agree and any who asked him, that was what he would say. He would not tell them he lied and had truly been worried over her agreement.

  The colors of the sky gradually changed, the midnight retreating while the pinks and purples of sunrise slowly unrolled for them. The stars retreated, hidden behind the sun’s emerging rays, and Grace stepped away. He quickly snatched her hand, unable to tolerate her putting space between them. “Where are you going?”

  The smile he received was peaceful, her eyes reflecting contentment, and happiness seemed to surround her. “I’ve never sat on the beach and just watched the sunrise, relaxing and with nowhere else to go.”

  Pride filled him. He provided her with something she’d always desired. “Then we shall do so.”

  They would do whatever she desired because Kozav was content being in her presence. He would feel better within her, but he would find solace in the time they spent together.

  And his hand since bluh ballz had not yet killed him.


  Grace leaned against Kozav, enjoying the feel of him strong and sure at her back. He’d sat on the sand, knees bent and spread, with his feet on the ground. He leaned back and put his weight on one hand while he waved at her.

  “Vids show females resting with their mates in this way. You are to sit here between my thighs and I will protect you with my body.”

  He saw the position as protection while she looked at it as sweet affection. Well, she’d let him keep thinking whatever he liked while she enjoyed their closeness.

  She welcomed the enveloping quiet, the comfortable silence only broken with the gentle murmur of the ocean. The water seemed to stretch out into an endless expanse and she was breathless by the time the edge of the sun kissed the horizon.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. She knew it wasn’t real, the senchamber reflecting its programming, but it was created by Kozav, which made it real enough for her.

  “Not as beautiful as you, shaa kouva.” His lips ghosted over the delicate skin on her neck, sending a shiver of desire racing through her.

  “Are you cold?” Her mate growled and she opened her mouth to… what?

  Tell him that she was ready to get down and dirty? The question was still a question in her mind, the events of the last couple of weeks still whirling through her mind. There was the Knowing and all that came with it as well as the differences that formed a wall between them. There was both good and bad in both their pasts, events that shaped them today but still caused problems as well.


  Grace half-turned in his embrace and laid her hand on his arm to get his attention. “It’s fine. I’m not cold.”

  “Ill? Ship—”

  “Or ill.” He was cute in a very over-protective way.


  If she was going to do this; be present in their relationship and move forward with honesty, she had to lay it all out. “Your kiss.” She stroked the small spot where he’d touched her with his lips. “I liked it. When human females become aroused…”

  Yes, she chickened out. Sue her.

  Kozav’s smile was slow, a gradual curling of her lips. It started at the outer corners, a slow procession until it was so wide, his teeth were exposed. “You wish to mate with me.”

  “My body does.” It so did. Ever since their shared passion, her body craved him. She wanted his mouth on her, his hands caressing her skin and his cock deep inside her pussy.

  “And your heart, shaa kouva?”

  That sweet endearment whispered so effortlessly. Did her heart want him? Even if it was fast, even if their “courtship” was hardly the thing dreams were made of, and even if… Excuses were pointless at this point. They’d promised to speak the tru
th and that’s what she’d give him.

  “Yes.” Her voice was firm and even when she spoke. “Yes, my heart wants you, too.”

  He grunted as if to say, “I knew that” and she resisted the urge to thump him.

  Cocky males. “And what about you?” she demanded.

  Kozav chuckled, his deep laugh shaking them both. He closed his legs, holding her still, and then grinded his cock against her ass. “My cokh has been hard for you from the moment I sensed you. Never doubt that I crave you, shaa kouva.”

  She glared at him and this time managed to suppress her trembling. “And your heart?”

  He’d better say yes or she’d…

  “You should never doubt that you own me, shaa kouva, body and soul. Never.”

  Grace released the breath she’d been holding, the air coming out in a low whoosh of relief at his declaration. “Good.”

  Kozav leaned down, his lips caressing hers with a barely-there kiss. “It is good. It will be better when I have you in my arms. When I can witness your passion and stare when you come apart for me.”

  Grace shivered and didn’t bother holding back that time. “That sounds…” She imagined herself beneath him, his massive body pinning her to the bed as she screamed his name. “I like the sound of that.”

  He trailed kisses along her jaw, tongue flicking out to sample her skin and teeth scraping the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He ran his nose up her throat and nipped her earlobe. “I can smell that you do, my rasi.”

  She stiffened. “What?”

  He widened his knees and leaned forward, arms sliding around her waist, and his palms came to rest just above her mound. Her pussy ached, heating with arousal and need. He scraped her with his fangs once more, scratching her skin and she whimpered in response.

  “I can smell your desire. Sweet.” He licked. “Salty.” He nipped. “Mine.”


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