Two Worlds Collided

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Two Worlds Collided Page 8

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  "I'm going to order lunch too," she announced. "When was the last time you've eaten anyway?"

  "I'm not hungry." He sounded like a petulant child.

  "I am." She made the call to wardrobe about the shoe situation first. They would have a few pairs sent up immediately. She ordered room service next. When she faced him, she found him slumped in the chair with a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. Bellamy looked to be a million miles away, or his silence was a way of avoiding her in hopes she wouldn't question him any further.

  Not going to happen.

  She strode over to the table reached for a chair and scooted it in front of him. He shifted his gaze as he took a drag of his cigarette to watch her movements. "You don't have to babysit me," he said. His voice had an edge to it. So he'd been sitting there stewing. "I thought we made that clear."

  "Yep, duly noted." She sat down.

  "Then what?" he asked. The walls were up and he was daring her to make a breach.

  "I know about you having the meeting because I get these impressions." She didn't think it would be a wise idea to say she was from the future and she was so obsessed with his life she could practically recite his last days to him. No, she was warned she couldn't. However, maybe a few hints would be all right.

  He took another puff on his cigarette as his eyes assessed her. "Are you shittin' me?" he finally asked and she could hear the sarcasm in his voice, not that the words weren't enough.

  "I can truly say that I am not shittin' you." She made quotation marks in the air.

  He leaned forward and ground out the rest of his cigarette in the ashtray situated on the table, but he didn't let go of his drink. "Tell me what I'm thinking now?"

  She took a deep breath and let it out again in a tired sigh. "It doesn't work that way. Though I have a pretty good idea you're thinking I'm full of it."

  He sat back in his seat. "Buzzzz…" He drew out the annoying sound. "I was thinking about how your tits would feel heavy in my hands, and wondered if your panties would get wet when I suckled each nipple nice and slow." He ran a tongue over his lips before lifting his glass to his mouth.

  Evie's eyebrows arched, and though she was pretty sure her face had flushed due to the heat in her cheeks, she refused to let him goad her. "How hard are you now for fantasizing about what's never going to happen?"

  He was in mid-drink and choked on a laugh. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and lowered his glass. "You keep surprising me, Book Marm. I just can't figure you out. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not."

  The knock on the door interrupted their delightful banter. "Most likely lunch." She stood and went over to the door and opened it. Flashes of light assailed her and she cried out, startled as the person dressed like a hotel employee pushed the tray in against her as the click, click, click, and flashes went off in succession.

  "Jesus H. Christ!" Bellamy bellowed and he was on his feet, pulling her behind him for safety. He then went after the reporter. "Get out!" His fists were raised and the reporter took off running down the hall. He slammed the door shut and locked it with an angry flick of his hand. She was leaning against the wall for support, feeling a little shaken at the assault.

  He gripped her shoulders and peered at her, his eyes searching her face. "You okay?"

  "Yeah." She took a ragged breath. "Yeah, I'm fine. He just startled me, is all."

  "Sometimes the bastards have no respect." He led her back to the chair. "Sit," he ordered, then turned to retrieve the cart, rolling it over to her. He lifted the covers on the plates. "At least he delivered lunch." He placed the plates on the table along with the utensils, the cups, and the carafe of coffee. He sat across from her. "You sure you're okay? If it would make you feel better, I could hunt the reporter down and punch him in the nose."

  His teasing broke the tension of the moment and she chuckled. "I'm fine, really."

  "I will do it. Just say the word." He gestured toward the door with his thumb.

  She bet he would, too. "No, I don't want to take the chance he'd mess up that pretty face of yours," she teased back.

  He lifted his chin and glowered at her. "Pretty? Maybe I need him to punch my mug a few times. Give me some character." He rose to his feet as if he was going to do just that, but she reached for his arm as he passed by her. He peered at her. "Well then, if you're okay with my mug as is…" He scratched his chin, "might as well leave my nose where it is." He patted her hand. "Let's eat, shall we?"

  He took the seat across from her again and lifted his fork and knife. She sampled the grilled salmon. "This is good." She glanced at Bellamy, who took a bite of his rib-eyed steak with less enthusiasm.

  She knew he couldn't taste it, but at this time no one realized he had lost his sense of taste and smell, which had added to his depression. He'd kept that well hidden from the press.

  He caught her staring at him and he shifted in his seat. "Steak is good too."

  She couldn't help but picture Bellamy as a sad little boy who'd been forced to eat vegetables while everyone else indulged in ice cream sundaes. She had an idea though, had read about it once when she'd researched about someone experiencing the loss of smell and taste. She'd never really thought about how it could affect a person until then. She took another bite of her fish and closed her eyes. "Mmm, mouthwatering and buttery with just a touch of garlic." She sighed and moaned at the same time. "The flavor– oh, the flavor, the way it dances on my tongue–"

  "What are you doing?" he snapped and she opened her eyes to witness his expression. Something between frustration and curiosity lit his features and he shifted in his seat.

  "Eating," she said innocently and licked her lips slow and deliberate, like he had done to tease her.

  His mouth opened and shut as his gaze focused on her lips a second longer. "I've never been with anyone who ate their food as if they were about to have an orgasm." He met her gaze now and she could see confusion, but also delight in those depths.

  Evie shrugged. "There's more than a few ways to enjoy food." She reached for a carrot stick on the salad plate and placed it between her teeth. "Firm, so firm and stiff." She took a bite. Snap.

  Bellamy's fork fell with a clatter on his plate and she again paused to gauge his reaction. His eyes were bright with interest. "Go on," he encouraged, and she did.

  By the time they were both finished with their meals, she was so turned on, she wanted to jump Bellamy. She firmly crossed her legs. The point of this exercise was to have him enjoy his meal, despite the fact he couldn't taste a darn thing.

  He pushed his empty plate away, leaned back in his seat, and stared at her from across the table. "Jesus," he said a little breathlessly. "Eating with you is like foreplay." His eyes darkened a fraction. Then he glanced at his plate with a frown.

  "What's wrong?" she asked.

  He shook his head but his lips curved. "It's the first time in a very long time that I actually cleaned my plate."

  "I'm glad you did. You could afford a few more pounds with the way you jump around on stage."

  There was a knock at the door and they both froze.

  "I'll answer it this time," he said and pushed away from the table. He lifted his arms and flexed his muscles. "I can take whoever it is on the other side."

  "My hero." She clasped her hands together at her chin and batted her eyes at him.

  He reached the door and peeked through the peephole. "No one of interest," he said and opened it.

  "Bellamy, I–" It was Leon but once he spotted her sitting at the table he stopped short of what he was about to say and changed gears. "I didn't mean to–uh, interrupt."

  He appeared flustered and Evie stood. "I'll leave."

  "No," Leon said. "I didn't know you and… I'll go," he said backing away and hitting the door jam.

  Bellamy laughed, full out laughed, making Leon blink in surprise. "Good Lord, dude, we aren't swinging from the chandeliers naked. We're having lunch." He pulled him inside and shut th
e door. "What did you need?"

  Leon gave Bellamy a once over. "I wanted to let you know the reporters have been ushered out, finally. We can have a rehearsal in the ballroom as planned. We're all set up to practice. And I brought you these." He held up a bag that had a logo printed on it from a store that sold boots of all kinds, from cowboy to combat boots, and everything in between. "Footwear," Leon said. "Kim from wardrobe said you ordered them. She'll have more for you tomorrow, but these should tie you over until then."

  Bellamy reached for the bag. "Since everyone thinks I should wear a pair, I guess I will give it a shot." His lips curved wider and Leon shook his head, though he was smiling too.

  Leon glanced her way. "Whatever you're doing to make this guy smile keep doing it. It's been way too long." He gripped Bellamy's shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "I'll see you downstairs."

  He left and Bellamy closed the door and leaned against it. "Keep making me smile…" The corners of his sensual mouth lifted in a lazy, half smile as he shook his head. "If Leon only knew... I tell you though if we have another meal like the one we just had, smiling won't be the only thing I'll be doing. I'll be taking you to bed and we aren't going to be sleeping." He lifted his brows up and down with meaning as he pushed away from the door.

  Her heart flip-flopped and she wondered if she'd forgotten to breathe. "Sounds promising," she teased right back, and was surprised her voice sounded so normal. If he only knew how much she wanted him. Not just for a tumble in bed, but for more, for the long run… But she knew Bellamy's flirtatious remarks were to shock her, and she knew if she let him take her to bed, there wouldn't be roses and promises in the morning. It would be just another night for him. One-night stands weren't her thing.

  "I'll let you get ready for your practice." She started for the door, but his hand snaked out, catching her arm. His eyes met hers, so blue, so intense, and so utterly beautiful. "You'll be there, right? I want you to be there." His voice sounded husky and whiskey smooth.

  She smiled. "Of course. Just ring my room when you're ready to go downstairs. I'd like to change into something more comfortable."

  He hadn't let her go, and it seemed there was an inner turmoil going on as his gaze slid over her with what appeared to be interest. He swallowed hard. She noticed his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Let's do lunch again soon, shall we?"

  Chapter Nine

  Strange Desire

  Evie left his room and Bellamy felt like all the fresh air had gone with her. What was with that woman? She was next-door-neighbor kind of cute, but her fashion sense sucked. The woman had curves. Tits he'd like to see more of, and her ass – oh, yeah, tight and something he could hold onto if he took her to bed.

  He shouldn't want her so badly, but after her performance at lunch... Good Lord, she didn't know how close she'd been to him clearing the table and having her right there. Sure, any man, who was a man, would be turned on by her display earlier, but there was more to it. He'd been drawn to her before they sat down to have lunch. If truth be-known, he experienced a jolt of awareness that first day when she yanked him away from the ledge.

  Maybe it was her eyes that kept him mesmerized, though he had to admit they were a distraction at first. Two different colors, her left had a splash of blue, whereas her right eye was only green with gold flecks. It wasn't the oddity of them not matching, but the intensity of her stare. It was as if she could read him like a book. It was uncanny, and his lips curved. "Miss Book Marm," he murmured, and then the spark of an idea for a song sprung to life in his head. He rushed over to the dresser where he'd seen a pen and paper. He plopped down on the chair and began to jot down the words bursting forth from inside of him.

  The woman inspired him, distracted him, and hell yes, she lifted his spirits as well. He reached for his cigarettes and tapped one out of the box. Placing it between his lips, he brought the lighter closer. Inhaling, he took that first puff. He used to love the first inhale the best, the taste on his tongue, the tobacco filling his lungs. Now, he just went through the motions. It was habit more than enjoyment. His body may crave to have one, but he no longer enjoyed this simple pastime as he once had. Maybe he should quit. His doctor recommended it. Said it was messing with his voice.

  He inhaled again as his thoughts returned to lunch today and how Evie had, in a sense, tasted everything for him. One sexual mouthwatering bite after another. He hadn't experienced something so erotic in ages. Meals to him were simply going through the motions. Food had become just a necessity to keep his body alive and nothing more. But today... His lips curved as he imagined what those lips of hers could do. "Jesus," he murmured with a hiss as his gaze riveted to his lap. He was hard all over again just thinking about her.

  They shared only a meal and he was rock hard. How would sex be with the woman? Good, so very good, he imagined as he rubbed his hand over his cock and groaned. "Shit." He lifted his hand away as if he'd been burned. He had to stop this fantasy. She was off limits – for sex anyway. A woman like Emerson Violet Reid would want forever and he wasn't interested in such commitments.

  He liked sex. He liked women. Lots of women. He didn't become too close to just one, and he chose the women he slept with carefully. He chose women who were one of his kind, women who weren't looking for tomorrow, but for the rush of the moment.

  If he ignored his rule and took Evie to bed, he would end up hurting her. He hadn't been faithful for a long time. Didn't know if he could or if he even wanted to try. He chuckled, amused at where his thoughts had gone. "I'm getting ahead of myself." The sexy Miss Book Marm would most likely turn him down. She probably was the only woman who could see through his facades, and he had plenty. He didn't believe she'd agree to a tumble in bed just so he could scratch an itch, an itch that was a curvy five-foot-four woman.

  Bellamy glanced at the words he'd scrawled on the tablet. The lyrics were about her. Would she know it if she heard the words?

  He took another drag on his cigarette. Since sex was out of the question for now, he went back to composing.

  Chapter Ten

  Hear that Sound

  Once she left Bellamy's room, Evie had changed into a pair of blue jeans, a loose-fitting white blouse, and sandals. She read until Bellamy knocked on the door for her. When she opened it, she found him leaning his arm against the doorframe with his typical careless charm that drew women to him, as if they couldn't resist his magnetism. His lean, long body was clad in black jeans, and he donned a dark shirt unbuttoned to the third one, leaving plenty of muscled flesh visible to the naked eye. Luckily, she caught herself before she sighed in admiration.

  "Are you ready?" There was humor in his voice, as if he knew darn well what his presence did to her. He obviously got his jollies from it.

  She nodded, went back to grab her purse, then closed the door to join him in the hall. He gave her a once over, but didn't comment until they were in the elevator. "You're smokin' hot in those jeans, Book Marm."

  Her gaze riveted to him, but he was looking straight ahead, as if his comment was no more significant than stating the weather outside. However, the compliment made her smile.

  The elaborate ballroom, located on the bottom floor off to the right of the lobby, was where dances and receptions were held when reserved well in advance. However, tonight the room had been transformed into a music studio, of sorts, with all the band's equipment and sound system hooked up.

  Security had been stepped up a notch once Bellamy informed the guards about the reporter, who was able to sneak past everyone wearing one of the hotel's uniforms. Anyone who entered the ballroom had a pass, either pinned to their shirt or hanging from a lanyard. No one was entering the room without one of those babies.

  She'd never been to a jam session or any kind of professional band rehearsal. What a rush! How she wished she could call Lisa and Kelsey and tell them all about it. She knew Kelsey in 1997, but she couldn't share what was going on, for fear she might jinx the reason she'd gone back in time in
the first place. As for Lisa, she was only fourteen years old right now. They hadn't met as of yet since she met Lisa through the fan club. She worried if she managed to change Bellamy's life, would she even meet Lisa? What if the fan club didn't exist when she returned home? As much as she hoped to put Bellamy on a healthier path, she didn't want to lose her friends in the process.

  "Take it from the top," Bellamy said, who raised his hand then brought it down. The intro to the song began again and he waited for his cue, then bellowed the song in the voice the fans craved to hear, "Give me time and I'll show you the world."

  Once the song was finished she could see it in the band members' faces that they were pleased with the results. It couldn't have been more perfect, in her humble opinion, but she was probably biased.

  The band ended up rehearsing three more songs, stopping and restarting when they thought the sound was off, until they finally took a break. Maury stood and moved around the drums to stretch his legs. Clark wiped his brow with a towel he'd left draped over a chair. T.C. indulged in something he'd poured into a glass.


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