Two Worlds Collided

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Two Worlds Collided Page 14

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Once Anton had left the room, she turned toward Bellamy. "I can't thank you enough."

  His lips curved, and those blue eyes sparkled. "You already did. Now for the dress and shoes."

  An hour ago, wardrobe had brought up a rack with dresses and boxes of shoes were in the bin below. "Pick a dress you like, but I'm kind of partial to the color blue if that helps with your decision."

  She laughed. Blue it would be then. There were four blue dresses there among the red ones, two white, and a gold, sparkly strapless number. It was like Fourth of July in an array of silk and satin. She chose the dark blue dress and prayed her curvy body would fit into it. At five-four, she wasn't particularly tall, and these dresses were probably meant for the long and lean. She glanced at Bellamy with uncertainty. "What if nothing fits?"

  "You won't know until you try."

  She held the dress out in front of her and sighed. He was right. She wouldn't know until she tried it on. She hurried towards the bathroom and Bellamy's chuckle followed her. "Don't hide away on my account. I think I've seen it all."

  She ignored him. She wanted a little privacy to make sure she didn't appear completely ridiculous. She slid the garment on, careful not to damage her hair in the process. Soft against her skin, the dress had been made from a material she'd never felt the likes of before. Surprisingly, it was not too tight around the waist and it flowed loosely to her knees, but the top seemed a bit snug and it showed way too much cleavage, more than she was used to revealing.

  "Well?" Bellamy called from the other side of the door.

  She reached for the doorknob and peeked her head out, ready to tell him she needed to try on one of the other dresses, but he was having none of her hiding and gently pushed his way in so that she had to back up a step.

  His gaze swept over her with appreciation. "I knew Kim would get it right if I sent her a pair of your slacks and told her how your breast fit in my palms."

  "You did what?" she asked, horrified.

  He shrugged. "Didn't know how else to describe what size you were."

  "You could have sent her one of my blouses along with the pants."

  "Hell no, I wanted the dress to compliment your figure, not hide it. And look. Just look," he said in admiration. "You flatter the dress."

  She pursed her lips and raised a brow.

  "What? You don't believe me?" He took her hand and brought her into the bedroom where she could see herself in the mirror over the dresser.

  She smoothed a hand down the fine material as she stared at herself. The bodice felt snug, but not uncomfortably so, and the cut made it appear as if she had an hourglass figure. "I feel like a fairy princess."

  Bellamy leaned near and peered at her in the mirror too. "Well, Cinderella, our chariot awaits. Let's go to the ball."

  Bellamy wore a suit and tie, fashionable for the 90s with a large cuffed white dress shirt and loose-fitting jacket, but the slacks were formfitting. He really rocked that suit.

  Once they entered the lobby, they spotted Leon, Clark, and her brother. They appeared to have just come in from the pool. They were dressed in swim trucks and towels were draped over their shoulders.

  Clark let out a slow whistle. "Damn, Evie, you're a knockout." His eyes did a slow appraisal as his lips curved. "If I'd only known…" he said with a sigh of regret.

  "Been telling you," Bellamy said with a shake of his head. "She's not only smart, she's a hottie, too."

  Leon nodded in agreement, but Evie's brother just stared at her with his mouth open as if she'd grown two heads or something.

  Bellamy took her arm and whispered. "Own it, girl. Head held high and sashay those hips."

  "Sashay?" She stared at him, though he appeared a little blurry since her glasses were in her purse.

  "Think you will be overdoing it too much?" he asked, making her chuckle.

  "I can sway my hips if you'd like." She did and she heard Clark whistle.

  "Dammit, Clark, that's my sister you're whistling at." Bryce had apparently found his voice.

  Bellamy opened the door to go outside as he said, "Oh, Clark's in trouble now. Glad it is him and not me."

  "Never knew Bryce to be so protective," she said with a shake of her head, but all thoughts about her brother were forgotten when she spotted the limo parked at the curb. Bellamy really had gone all out for this date.

  At the Italian restaurant, decorated as if they'd walked into a Tuscany villa, they were given a private table at the back of one of the dining rooms, adorned with a red tablecloth, white cloth napkins, and candles. Very romantic and hopefully discreet.

  Before they even had a chance to order, two teenage girls kept passing by the table in one direction, then another, as if she and Bellamy wouldn't notice them or their giggling. Finally, the tall brown-haired girl had the courage to venture forward. "You're the singer from Civilized Heathens, aren't you?"

  Bellamy put on the charm and leaned back in his seat wearing one of those killer smiles. "I am."

  The girl did a little dance of delight and she waved the other girl over, who had big blue eyes and straight blonde hair. Evie could tell the two were related. They had similar features, and despite the different hair color, their eyes were identical. She guessed they were sisters. The blonde gripped a camera and Evie thought the girls must be tourists, but they were too young to be out by themselves. She glanced around and spotted a couple looking their way. They were seated at a table for four.

  "It's him, Lisa," the brown haired girl said to her sister.

  Lisa? Evie's gaze riveted to the blonde, who couldn't be more than fourteen years old. It was Lisa, now that she really looked at the girl, a younger version than the vibrant woman she knew in her time. She remembered Lisa had said she met Bellamy when she was a teen. She assumed it had been at a concert. She hadn't thought it was in a restaurant in New York.

  She frowned. How could that be? Lisa would have seen her then. She would have known she had dinner with Bellamy, or at the very least would have remembered he'd been on a date. Right?

  "Can we take a picture with you?" the young Lisa asked Bellamy. "I'm the president of your fan club."

  Evie stared at Lisa and wondered if she were just making that up.

  "We have five hundred followers so far on the website," Lisa beamed.

  Evie shifted in her seat uncomfortably. As far as she knew the only Bellamy Lovel fan club had been the one she and Kelsey started long after Bellamy had died. Or had something in the past changed again? But in truth, hadn't she been changing history the moment she time traveled? She took the assistant job to be near Bellamy. She became his friend, his lover, and now she could add tonight's events to the list, along with all the other little things that hadn't happened the first time around.

  How could she be so dense? She'd been so focused on being there for Bellamy, if he should need her, that she missed the grander picture. Of course, things had changed. Bellamy's choices had changed. He was taking small steps down another path. God, how she hoped they would lead him to a curve in the road, teeter him in the right direction, the one that would make him choose life over death.

  "I have a fan club? Wow," Bellamy said and appeared just as shocked as she was, though for entirely different reasons. "I'm so grateful for your devotion."

  "She has your pictures all over her bedroom wall," the other girl offered.

  "Jeanette," Lisa gasped and her cheeks flamed red.

  "Well you do," Jeanette said. "What's wrong with that?"

  Bellamy smiled at Lisa and placed a hand over his heart and bowed. "I am honored," he said.

  This seemed to make up for Jeanette revealing her secrets. Lisa's smile grew wider and those blue eyes shined.

  "Let me take the photo," Evie volunteered. Lisa practically thrust the camera at her. She was so excited. Evie looked in the viewfinder and centered the photo on Bellamy as the girls took their place on each side of him. Bellamy put his arms around the girls' shoulders. "Say cheese," she told the
trio. They all grinned and she pressed the button and a flash went off, illuminating the room.

  "Thank you so much," Lisa gushed at Bellamy. She barely gave Evie a second glance as she took the camera from her, but she remained polite with a quick thanks to Evie also. Then both girls ran back to the couple, obviously the girls' parents, who had been staring their way.

  When she returned to 2007, would Lisa remember this moment differently? Her head hurt just thinking about the timeline and how her being here with Bellamy could also influence other events, like Lisa starting the Bellamy Lovel fan club. She knew it was minor in the scheme of things, but she wondered what else had changed in her future?

  She glanced at Bellamy. Heavens, he was something to look at, and that handsome face broke into a smile. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

  "Just wondering if this happens to you often? Girls wanting to take a photo with you?"

  "Sometimes more than I wish it would. I used to like going out to dinner and to a movie, but now, I more often than not reconsider and dine in and rent a video instead." He reached for the menu that was in a red velvet folder and positioned it on the table so it would hide them from view.

  "You have a fan club," she said. "Pretty snazzy, don't you think?"

  "I'm impressed they have a website too. Sonya's still working on having an official website for the band. Maybe I should hire my fan club."

  She chuckled and glanced at the table where the girls were sitting with their parents. "You know you just made those two little girls' night. Something they'll talk about for ages."

  He smiled at her, his blue eyes dancing in the candlelight. "I'm more interested in making another girl's night." He reached across the table for her hand. "Now where were we? Oh yes, did I tell you how beautiful you are?"

  After dinner, they headed to the theater to see the Broadway production of Jekyll and Hyde. She enjoyed every moment of it, but she knew it had mostly to do with the company she shared.

  There had been reporters who greeted them, though Vaughn, who had been assigned security duty for their night out, kept them at arm's length. Bellamy was gracious, though. He posed for a photo, bringing her close to his side, kissing her, not caring it would hit the newsstands in the morning. Just another tidbit that had not originally happened in her time, but she went with the flow and smiled at his side. Being in the limelight had never been her thing. Made her nervous, but Bellamy held her close. "You're fine," he'd tell her. "I've got you." He was in a really good mood, and it rubbed off on her too.

  They didn't arrive back to the hotel until late, well after midnight. Bellamy kissed her as soon as they left Vaughn behind and they were in the elevator, alone. "Come back to my room," he murmured between kisses. "Yours won't be cleaned until tomorrow morning." Earlier, they had shooed away the maids, since at the time, she'd been in the process of a total makeover. The hair salon chair was still there, and the discarded products used on her hair sat on the dresser, and not to mention the wardrobe rack that would be in the way, and the bed that was rumpled and well used – maybe it would be best if they stayed in his room tonight.

  "Good thing we have two rooms." She smiled and he kissed her quickly on the lips as the doors to the elevator opened.

  "Good thing, though I'm sure we would have managed with just one." He pulled her along.

  "I need to stop by my room first to pick up a few things."

  "You don't need anything," he said and kissed her hand and danced around her. Then twirled her into joining him in the dance.

  She chuckled. "I need pajamas."

  "This isn't a sleepover." He drew her closer. "You'll be naked and in my arms so I can do sinfully naughty things to you." He dipped her back and kissed her neck, her chin, her lips… "You smell divine."

  "Yeah," she said with a sigh. "What was I thinking?" Then it registered what he said and she stopped him from twirling her again.

  "Is something wrong?" he asked with concern.

  "You don't have to say things like that, you know."

  "Like what?"

  "I smell divine. Remember, you told me your secret. I know you can't smell anything… As far as you know I could smell like cow manure."

  His eyes crinkled with laughter, but then he sobered. "Emerson, I've never lied to you."

  "But you can't smell."

  "I don't know why, but I can smell everything about you. Your perfume…your arousal," he said and lowered his voice. "I can taste you too."

  She opened her mouth and then closed it again. "That's… that's impossible."

  "I know. Drove me crazy wondering why, but then I just chose to accept it. You may be the only woman on earth where all my senses work." He leaned close and inhaled. "And let me tell you, your scent in no way shares any similarities to cow manure. Been on a farm before, and it's not a scent you soon forget."

  She laughed, but it still had her puzzled. Did it have something to do with her time traveling? In a sense, she was piggybacking with her younger self. Would this cause her senses to be heightened? What did it mean? Heck, did it mean anything at all?

  "Stop over thinking this," he said as he took her earlobe in his mouth. She giggled because it tickled. "I love your laugh," he said and kept her in his arms and opened the door to his room.

  True to his promise it was a long night of fondling and talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. They fantasized about how it would be if they stayed together. He never mentioned marriage and she didn't either. She knew it wasn't meant to be, but the fantasy was lovely while it lasted.

  She was only hired on until the band officially started their tour. There would be no need for her to keep him on schedule when he'd be traveling most of the time in a large luxury motor home with the other members of the band, sometimes staying at lower end hotels, in questionable areas. Bellamy said he was glad to see there weren't too many of those venues on the list. As their popularity increased through the years, where they performed also improved.

  Neither one of them touched the subject that she'd be going home soon. However, she still worried about Bellamy's future. Had any of her time with Bellamy influenced him to take a different path? She'd know the moment she returned to her time in 2007.

  Sleep evaded her due to her thoughts dwelling on Bellamy and if her time had helped him to see another way out from his depression. If he did survive, would they ever see each other again? Her head turned toward Bellamy, who slept on his stomach beside her with one hand under his pillow and one on top near his face. His hair curled carelessly over his brow, and in the dim light, his skin appeared tawny-velvet with only his chin sporting dark stubble. His breathing was slow and even, indicating he was relaxed and sleeping soundly. He didn't sleep much, he told her, but when he stayed with her, he eventually found peace.

  She didn't want to disturb him and carefully pulled back the covers and scooted out of bed. Naked, she reached for Bellamy's shirt he'd haphazardly tossed on the chair and slipped it over her head. The soft fabric floated down her body like a warm caress, covering her to her knees. She lifted the shirtsleeve to her nose, loving how the shirt smelled like him, both woodsy and masculine. Her lips curved as she walked barefoot over to the dresser where the coffee pot sat at the end of it. She added the filter and coffee packet into it, and then water from the sink.

  As she waited for the coffee to brew, she glanced at the table and frowned when she found traces of white powder. Bellamy never blatantly used in front of her since that one night, and she would be foolish to believe he stopped because of that talk. There was no stopping such an addiction without help. He would have to be weaned, and he would still experience withdrawals. Besides, she knew Bellamy didn't want to stop. He told her it made him feel bolder and gave him confidence. She wished he would see he could have all of those things, without self-medicating by using addictive substances. The euphoria of being bigger than life always had a downside. Can't achieve a magic cure-all without eventually paying the price. Her heart f
ell as she stared at that white residue.

  She turned and went over to the paper towel dispenser over the sink in the kitchenette and returned to clean off the table, but paused in throwing the towel away when she caught sight of something else. Words scrawled on a paper in Bellamy's handwriting titled: Life, Death, We Dance the Tango. Curious, she read the rest of what had been written.

  Seductive in the way she moves.

  Like a dancer, her arms come around me.

  Holding me closer before she twirls away.

  Her hand never leaves mine as we dance the tango.

  Life, Death, we dance the tango, with dips and sways and long smooth glides.

  Shadows loom all around me.

  Death encourages, guides me.


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