Fresh in the Kitchen: The LUSH Restaurant Sweet Romance Series (The LUSH Restaurant Series Book 2)

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Fresh in the Kitchen: The LUSH Restaurant Sweet Romance Series (The LUSH Restaurant Series Book 2) Page 13

by Olivia Burke

  Tom exited the stage, coming back over to them. He shrugged at her. “I lied – I read the article as soon as Seth brought it inside.”

  She laughed while he first accepted his father’s enthusiastic handshake. As soon as he pulled away, Aubrey flung her arms around Tom, planting a kiss on him.

  “Congratulations, Chef,” she whispered. “I love you, too.”

  He grinned and they broke apart as he rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “That was embarrassing.”

  “You were great!” Aubrey said. “Trust me.”

  Tom’s lips twitched a little as his face came close to hers. “I trust you.”

  Aubrey leaned in to meet him again, but they were interrupted by the woman with the microphone.

  “…and now it’s time for the cover reveal!” Courtney said, beaming at the audience. “Could our amazing cover couple join me onstage for the big moment? Aubrey Walker and Tom Flanagan of LUSH, everyone!”

  A spotlight scanned the floor before landing on them, their near-kiss caught in front of everyone. Is this what a deer in headlights looks like? Aubrey couldn’t help but burst out laughing, Tom joining her, and the audience chuckled.

  Courtney gestured wildly for them to get up there with her. “C’mon, you two lovebirds!”

  Tom reached for her hand, grinning down at her. “What do you say, Aubs? Go back to being my fake girlfriend?”

  “No deal,” Aubrey said, interlacing their fingers. “Now I’m your real girlfriend.”

  Tom’s smile widened, brown eyes sparkling at her. “Finally.”

  A week later, Tom prepared for service, giving orders to his guys and keeping everyone on track for a great evening. They had dozens of reservations on the books, promising a busy and lucrative night. Rock music pounded in the kitchen as they worked. Up front, Aubrey and the others prepared front of house with the usual duties. She was on the end, close to the kitchen opening, restocking her small supply of silverware.

  Daniel popped his head in the kitchen. “Tom, Dinah wants to know if you might be up for an event.”

  Tom ticked his head at the general manager. “Like catering?”

  “Uh, not exactly,” Daniel said, glancing down at the notes on his clipboard. “It appears to be some sort of local celebrity bachelor auction.”

  Tom’s hand immediately went up, waving back and forth. “Nope, no, thanks, Dan. Even if I wanted to do that, I’m happily spoken for.”

  When Aubrey looked up at him at that exact moment and grinned, Tom knew she’d been eavesdropping. He spotted Hunter cutting limes behind her and a lightbulb went off.

  “But tell you what, I may have a better suggestion …” Tom shared his idea with Daniel, who already wore a big grin.

  “I like it, Tommy,” Daniel said, waving his clipboard around. He turned and left the kitchen, enthusiastically trailing out another, “I like it!”

  Seth raised an eyebrow at him. “You sure you don’t want to be in the limelight?”

  Tom shrugged. “Let the food speak for itself. I’ve had just about all the paparazzi I can handle.”

  Aubrey appeared in the doorway, smiling widely at him. “Me too, but at least he got the girl out of it.”

  The kitchen guy groaned in unison, quickly turning back to their stations at Tom’s mock glare.

  “Got a sec?” Aubrey ticked her head at Tom, who came around his station to stand with her in a little corner of the hallway.

  “Mum called this morning,” Aubrey told him.

  He grinned. “Saw the magazine, didn’t she?”

  “Yep. She bought a box of ‘em from the publisher already. She’s ecstatic, says she can’t wait to show it off to all their friends.”

  “Shipping to Australia might be pricey.”

  Aubrey laughed. “True, but I don’t think it’ll stop her. She also asked if we’d come over to their house for dinner next week.”

  Tom pretended to mull it over. “I think I can swing it.”

  “And Cody and Logan asked when we’re going to visit them,” Aubrey said hesitantly, raising an eyebrow.

  At that, Tom grinned widely at her. “A chance to drink with your cousins in Australia? I’m definitely willing to spend the rest of my vacation days on that.”

  Aubrey threw him a pretend-hurt look. “All your vacation days for the year just for them?”

  “Well,” Tom drawled, putting an arm around Aubrey and pulling her close, “they’re more like a bonus. I’ll take any opportunity to travel with you.”

  Aubrey leaned in for a light kiss. “Good answer.”

  “Besides,” Tom said, brightening, “just think of all the restaurants we could visit while we’re there.”

  Aubrey lit up. “I already know the first place we have to go; it’s like the Australian equivalent of LUSH and you’ll love it.”

  Tom planted another kiss on her. “Remember when you asked me about my ideal girl?”

  “And you described a laid-back lady who loves to eat and understands your schedule? Yeah, I think I remember.”

  He chuckled. “You know I was describing you, right?”

  “I didn’t at the time, no,” Aubrey replied, placing her head against his shoulder. “But I’m glad I get to be your dream girl.”

  “I feel like I snuck into your dreams,” Tom joked.

  “That’s the thing,” she said thoughtfully, tilting her head a little. “You are my dream guy, have been this whole time. I just didn’t realize it until recently.”

  He brought his forehead down against hers, breathing in her clean, bright shampoo. “I love you, Aubrey.”

  Before she could respond, Seth poked his head around the corner. “Hey Chef, I just took care of lineup for you, but I’m gonna have to tear you away from the bartender now.”

  He disappeared back into the kitchen and Aubrey laughed. “Wonder if everyone noticed our absence.”

  “Oh, without question,” Tom answered. “But that’s okay … I think they’re willing to excuse a chef madly in love. At least for a little while.”

  Aubrey stood on her tiptoes for one last kiss before service. “I love you too, Tommy.”

  Tom ’s heart felt as if it grew ten sizes at the words. He’d never tire of hearing them leave her perfect lips. He ticked his head to the front of house. “Let’s get to work, beautiful. We’ve got a lot of things ahead of us.”

  And he wasn’t just talking about Friday night feast.

  Don’t miss the third book in the LUSH Restaurant Series

  Love in the Kitchen, starring playboy bartender Hunter Stone and event planner Victoria Mitchell, releasing in June!

  Haven’t read Book 1 of the LUSH Series yet? Read all about Natalie and Seth in their second chance romance story here.

  Sign up for Olivia’s newsletter now to get an exclusive Crystal Springs short story!

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  Read the LUSH Restaurant Series, beginning with new server Natalie and sous chef Seth in their second chance romance story here.

  Want to read more from Olivia Burke and learn about more great sweet romance titles? Sign up for her newsletter here!




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