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Of Blood & Magic: Blood Descent Book 1

Page 34

by T. L. McDonald

  “Can I ask you a hypothetical question?” I take a seat on the edge of his bed and receive a growl from Coco for disturbing her slumber. She curls back into a ball on his pillow while glaring at me with one eye open and one eye closed.

  “Sure. What’s on your mind?” His hazel eyes graze over my features and I do my best to keep my face expressionless. If he even thinks for a moment I’m seriously worried about something he may take it as a sign things are getting too out of hand and involve Aunt Claudia and Uncle Caleb. I cannot let that happen. If they knew everything that’s been happening—all the secrets I’ve been keeping from them—they wouldn’t hesitate to find a way to wipe my memories again and move us all away. And while there is a very small part of me that kind of likes the idea of going back to a life a lot less complicated, it would only ever be a lie and a temporary fix. Eventually the supernatural world would find me again just like it did this time. Hiding in the dark isn’t an option anymore. Besides, it’s always better to be prepared for what’s coming than to be ignorant to it. Whether I like it or not—whether my aunt and uncle like it or not—I’m a part of the supernatural world and hiding from it, or erasing my memories of it, won’t keep me safe from it.

  Jack looks at me expectantly.

  “Um, hypothetically, what would happen if a witch cast a spell on a person to manipulate their emotions?” I keep my eyes on him while hopefully maintaining a convincing poker face… because on the inside my internal organs are trembling and my stomach is tying itself in knots. Jack’s eyes narrow, his gaze holding a note of suspicion toward my line of questioning. Crap. If he keeps looking at me like the way he is, I’m going to crack and he’s going to know I’m hiding something. “I, uh, watched The Craft the other day,” I add, hoping it’ll be enough to throw him off.

  The creases around his narrowed eyes immediately smooth out. “Great movie. The fight scene between Sarah and Nancy is awesome.”

  “Uh-huh.” I swallow non-existent spit in my dry mouth and pray my thudding heart doesn’t give me away. Between my cousins and Sebastian, Jack is the one least likely to make me elaborate on why I’m asking the things I am. If I’d went to Liv, she would have badgered me with a million questions until I caved and told her exactly what I did to Evan. And Sebastian is a chaser. If he were to find out I possibly cast a black magic spell on someone it might put us on opposite sides. I could become one of the chased simply because I was too stupid to know what I was doing when I’d cast it. “Anyway,” I continue. “It got me wondering what would happen if some of the spells they cast in the movie were cast in real life. For instance, when Sarah casts a love spell on Chris and he becomes dangerously obsessed, could something like that really happen?”

  Jack grins from ear to ear. “Why, Indiana, are you thinking about casting a love spell?”

  “What? No.”

  “I doubt you’d need one, anyway. I’ve seen what’s happening between you and Sebastian. I do occasionally pay attention to what’s going on around me, you know.”

  Heat rushes to my cheeks, and he laughs. If ever there was a time to melt into the floor, it’s now. My love life is not the direction I expected this conversation to go in. Nor do I ever want to talk to Jack about anything going on between Sebastian and me. That would just be so weird on so many levels.

  “I don’t want to cast a love spell… or talk about Sebastian with you. I was just curious if spells affecting someone’s emotions always end badly like they did in the movie.” Because I need to know how deep of a mess I’ve gotten myself into with Evan.

  “It depends on the intent of the spell used. But generally, no, you should never use magic to manipulate someone else’s emotions or free will unless it’s absolutely necessary. For instance, let’s say you felt threatened. In that case you may want to use a binding spell to protect yourself from the other person inflicting harm upon you.”

  I chew on the inside of my lip while my hands become a sweaty mess. “What if someone is really angry and in pain and you want to cast a spell to make them happy? Would that be bad too?”

  “Again it would depend on the intent of the spell. If you’re casting a spell to ask the universe to bring positive energy to you and those you care for that would be okay, but directly affecting someone’s free will is a big no-no. Any spell done to affect a person’s free will, be it a love spell on a specific person or some other spell to change how a person feels can backfire in disastrous ways.”

  “Like how Chris became obsessed with Sarah in the movie.”

  “Exactly. It’s why you should always follow the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  “Let’s say, for the sake of curiosity, someone did cast a spell to affect someone’s free will? Could they undo it?”

  The suspicious look he gave me a few minutes ago returns to his eyes. “You’re asking some really weird and specific questions, Indi. Are you sure this is only about the movie? You’re not in some kind of trouble or something are you?”

  “Nope, not in trouble.” I’m in so much trouble. “Just trying to learn all the rules is all. Witchcraft is new to me. Remember? How else am I supposed to learn things if I don’t ask?”

  He stares at me a few minutes longer and I can all but see the wheels turning in his head as he considers my reasoning. “Then in the name of learning things, technically yes. But if you want all traces to be gone the caster would need to do a purification ritual on the person the spell was cast on as well as on themselves to rid them both of any negative energy associated with the original spell.”

  “Good to know. I’ll uh, let you get back to your game now.”

  “Are you sure everything’s okay?” Jack asks again when I reach the door.

  “Yep. Everything’s peachy.” I slap a hand on the wall outside his door as I turn back to face him. “I was thinking about going to Hammond’s Bakery for some raspberry filled donuts. Do you want me to get you something?”

  “Mmm, an Éclair would be amazing. Thanks.” He picks up the gaming remote and turns to face the TV. “Wait.” He swivels back around. “You’re not going alone, though, are you? With supernatural forces targeting you, you shouldn’t go anywhere by yourself. It’s not safe.”

  “It’s barely even noon, the sun is high in the sky, and the bakery is only four blocks away. I can make it there and back in no time on my bike. Besides, when you take into account the protection spell you and Liv cast, add it to the magic I’ve been learning to control over the past few weeks, and then combine that with the training I’ve been doing with Sebastian, I think it’s safe to say I can handle a donut run.”

  Jack looks at me like he’s contemplating tying me to the chair he’s sitting in. “I don’t know, Indi. The last time I let you walk out the door you were attacked by a vampire.”

  “True, but I didn’t know then all the stuff I know now. So…”

  Emotions war over his face until the only thing left is an uneasy acceptance. “I guess you have a point. At least take something with you though so I’ll feel better about it.” He disappears into his closet, returning a moment later with a thin wooden stake in one hand and a silver bladed knife in the other. He thrusts them toward me. “And don’t forget your phone in case you need to call.”

  I glance down at my skinny jeans and tight sweater. “Uh, where am I supposed to hide these?”

  “I don’t know. Wear a hoodie with inside pockets.” He forces the weapons into my hand then snags a dark gray hoodie hanging on his closet doorknob. “You can borrow mine.” He holds it out and I stare at it. Jack is a lot taller than I am. His hoodie is going to go down to the middle of my thighs. “Are you going to take it or do you want me to drive you?”

  “Fine. I’ll take it.” I snatch it from his hand. Hammond’s Bakery isn’t my only destination and I don’t want to explain to Jack why I’m going to Books and Brew if he were to drive me. Especially since I just found out I’ve broken a rule casting the spell Ivy gave me on Evan.
  I glance over my shoulder for the umpteenth time. There’s no one there, just like there wasn’t anyone there the last time I looked. Still, I can’t shake the feeling of there being eyes glued to the back of my neck, watching my every move. I wrap my arms around myself as I take another look around. There’s nothing out of place. No creepy shadows darting behind buildings. No slow-moving cars. No curtains in windows falling closed. Maybe I’m being paranoid.

  Or maybe Jack was right and going out on my own was a bad idea. Just because the sun is high in the sky doesn’t mean there aren’t things hiding in the shadows on the ground. The prickly sensation along my nape intensifies, raising every single hair on the back of my neck and down my arms. My whole body screams to turn around and run home, but my guilty conscience keeps me moving forward. I have to fix the mess I’ve created with Evan. It’s only a few more blocks until I reach Books & Brew to get the reversal spell to whatever it is I cast on him. I can do this.

  Hopefully Ivy will have what I need, especially since I’m still not one hundred percent sure there wasn’t some kind of compulsion thrown in there too. Who’s to say my own whacked out abilities—angelic in nature or attained from being bitten by a vampire and dying—isn’t what’s causing the weird, creepy vibes I keep getting from him? If I did compel him, maybe it wasn’t strong enough, or it’s mixing badly with the happiness spell so now cracks are forming and his true emotions are mingling with the ones I’d forced on him, causing it to mess with his head. Making him possibly do insane things like putting a snake in a teacher’s closet because he’s twisted our friendship and the need to be happy in some dark unfathomable way.

  The wind kicks up a notch, blowing fallen leaves in circles over the sidewalk. The sensation of being watched continues to crawl along my neck and I curse my bike for picking today of all days to have a flat. If things had gone as planned I’d already be on my way back home and not worrying about vampires, witches, or potentially even angelic bounty hunters spying on me from the shadows. A cold chill slithers down my back, leaving my body shivering in its wake. Hoping to shake it off, I zip up then tuck my hands inside the long sleeves of Jack’s hoodie.

  Taking another cursory look around, I grip the charm around my neck. Please let this charm work like it’s supposed too and I can make it to Books and Brew and Hammond’s without incident. I’ve only got three more blocks to go and then I can have Jack come pick me up when I’m done before the feeling of being watched progresses into something more.

  A branch snaps somewhere in the graveyard to my left. I squeeze the charm even tighter as my heart shoots straight up into my throat and my feet freeze to the pavement. Turning my head takes ten years. And in that time my imagination fills with horrific images of vicious fangs tearing into warm flesh—specifically mine.

  There’s no one there.

  A huge sigh rushes past my lips. Get a grip Indi, it’s probably just an animal, I tell myself. And not some freshly made super sun resistant vampire, breaking branches while digging his way out of his grave, because that would be crazy and super ridiculous. I laugh it off, sounding a little like a deranged lunatic who’s hoping for relief, but not really finding any.

  I force my feet forward, but the feeling of being watched doubles. I spin in a circle, my gaze bouncing all over the place. The graveyard, up the street, down the street, the old lady walking her dog on the opposite sidewalk who’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  Maybe I have.

  Maybe I’m letting Jack’s warning about going out on my own fuel my paranoia and there’s really nothing out there watching me right now…

  Or there actually is someone out there, and I shouldn’t discount what my roiling gut is telling me.

  I pick up the pace until I’m almost at the point of jogging. I round the corner nearing the wooded area near the back of the cemetery, which runs along the sidewalk before opening up into the city park. Several more branches snap and this time something catches my eye from within the trees. My feet stop without my wanting them too. A familiar face emerges from within the shadows, a ray of sunlight reflecting off the hoop pierced through his eyebrow.


  Fight or flight kicks in and I take off at full speed without paying attention to where I’m going and end up darting straight into the empty park when I should be going the opposite way. Unable to turn back, I force myself to go faster, my heart slamming against my ribs with every hurried step. If I can make it to the other side, I’ll be okay. Paige lives over there. He wouldn’t dare rip my throat out on the middle of her porch. Would he?

  I pump my legs harder, my lungs filling with a burning fire as every breathing exercise Sebastian ever taught me to utilize while running is forgotten along with everything else I’ve learned over the past month. Now I’m alone in the park with a vampire thirsting for my blood and I’m probably going to die because despite my badass notions of being able to face Seth and fight my own battles, the truth is I’m in way over my head and I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m so stupid.

  The toe of my Chucks catches on a small dip in the ground, sending my arms flailing to correct my balance. I stumble, going into a partial lunge before breaking back into a full run. My heart crashes into my ribs so hard for half a second I fear it may break through bone.

  I need to get out of here.

  I try whooshing, flying, teleporting, or whatever it is I can do, but it’s impossible to concentrate when all I can think about is Seth’s fangs ripping into the side of my neck. The searing sting his initial bite will bring as his fangs sink in. The bone crushing grip of his hands as they hold me down so I can’t fight back. The rush of blood being pulled from my veins in greedy slurps. All while the twisted effects of vampire venom fills my system with bliss so I willingly let him drain my life away.

  And now he’s back to finish what he started at Night Life and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to stop him from succeeding where he failed last time. The only reason I made it out the first time around was because of Sebastian.

  God, how I wish Sebastian were here with me right now. With him, I’d have a shot of making it out of the park. On my own…

  My heartbeats respond to my thoughts by pounding harder and harder within the confines of my chest until all I hear is the sound of my own blood rushing through my ears. It screams for me to go faster before I end up being viciously murdered in broad daylight in the middle of the park while the bliss Seth’s bite brings makes me enjoy it.

  Maybe I can reach Sebastian. Maybe if I’m lucky, he’ll get to me in time.

  Risking the possibility of slowing down, I pull my phone from my back pocket, hoping against hope I can send a message. I swipe my thumb across the screen, my hands too sweaty to keep a proper hold. It slips from my fingers, sending my heart ricocheting to my feet and back. Time slows down as I watch my phone—my one and only lifeline—inching toward the ground. I fling my hands out… It hits the tips of my fingers bouncing back into my hand. Testing my luck, I try texting again typing in 911 and park, praying the signal is strong enough for it to go through. The blue line slowly moves across the top of my screen only to stall three fourths of the way there.


  The sound of Seth’s voice yelling my name breaks through my panic induced sound barrier, reaching my ears. It sends a fresh wave of adrenaline through my already flooded system. I run faster than I can maintain and end up tripping over my own feet.

  I hit the ground hard, losing my phone in the process as I skid and tumble several feet over the grass. Digging my nails into the dirt I push myself up just enough to see Seth nearly upon me. Another dose of adrenaline hits me right in the chest and with it comes clarity as everything I learned from Sebastian and my cousins over the past month finally rushes to the surface.

  I will not be a victim again.

  When he’s only a few feet away I jump up into a crouch. Swinging my leg around, I catch Seth right behind the knees. The moment his back hits t
he ground, I pounce.

  I will not die here today.

  He will.

  Pressing my hand against his chest as I sit on his legs, I pull out the stake Jack gave me and rear my arm back to plunge it straight into his heart.

  Seth’s eyes widen, the tip of the stake fractions of a second away from tearing through his ribcage when I pause.

  He has a heartbeat.

  Vampires don’t have heartbeats.

  “How?” I stare down at him with fresh eyes, noting the way his skin is flush and his hair is curled around the edges with sweat from chasing me through the park. As a vampire he should have had me in the blink of an eye right from the beginning.

  But he’s not a vampire anymore.

  He’s human.


  “Because of you.” He holds both hands up, palms out. His dark brown eyes meet mine, seeking mercy. His gaze flicks to the stake still pointed at his chest. I tighten my grip. I have no intention of yielding. Not until I figure out what’s going on. Just because Seth’s not a vampire anymore doesn’t mean he’s not still dangerous.

  “What do you mean because of me?” How can he be human because of me? It makes no sense.

  “It’s why he wants you dead.”

  “Who is this mysterious he? Is it Ludvikas?”

  Seth shudders at the mention of his name, giving me my answer.

  “Why does he want me dead?”

  “Because you’re special. I didn’t know the specific reasons before when he sent me to kill you, but now there is no question in my mind. You, Indiana Grace Bellamy, are a cure.”


  As always I want to thank my family for supporting me in realizing my dreams as an author. Without you guys I wouldn’t be where I am now. Your faith in what I can accomplish inspires me more than you’ll ever know.


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