The Scandalous Life 0f A Betrayed Heiress (Historical Regency)

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The Scandalous Life 0f A Betrayed Heiress (Historical Regency) Page 28

by Lucy Langton

  Sophia threw back her head in ecstasy, delighting in the sensation of Philip reaching even more intense depths than he had the night before. It was all so remarkable that Sophia was sure that she would reach climax much sooner than she had before.

  “Not yet,” Philip said, sensing that she was drawing near.

  “How do I prevent it?” Sophia asked innocently.

  “By slowing down,” Philip instructed her, pulling her off him and lying her on her back before rolling her onto her side.

  “Where are you taking me?” Sophia asked, wondering what position she’d find herself in next.

  “Right where you are,” Philip said, coming up behind her and quickly entering her, his chest against her back.

  “Oh,” Sophia moaned, wondering how many possible configurations Philip could come up with.

  In that position, Philip cupped Sophia’s breasts while he entered her from behind, at times reaching his hand down to stroke and massage her special moist flesh. The dual sensations were mesmerising and Sophia closed her eyes, willing herself not to bring it all to a finish.

  Amazingly, she was able to hold on for some time before Philip’s thrusts became more intense and he collapsed in bliss, Sophia reaching her climax just as he did so. Lying there with him behind her, Sophia wondered how it was that she was ever going to be able to get out of that bed, let alone request a cup of tea. But for the first time in her life, she felt that attending to the business of the day was of no importance. All she wanted was what she had lying behind her: the man to whom she would give her heart forever.

  Chapter 26

  The following morning, Sophia was greeted by a letter from the Regent, informing her that the tests matched her testimony and that she was finally a free woman. He had instructed the bishop to at once annul the marriage between her and Lord Timothy. Sophia was finally free, and she knew precisely whom she’d be with for the rest of her days.

  “The news has come!” she said with elation, throwing her arms around Philip’s neck.

  “It is official?” he asked, hope and expectation in his eyes.

  “Yes,” Sophia replied simply.

  They held each other for some time, the longing and passion from the night before – and that morning – not abating.

  “I fear I must ignore you for the rest of the day,” Philip said, “lest my life come to a halt.”

  “There is always tonight,” Sophia whispered into his ear, then pulled back to look at the pained expression in his eyes.

  “That’s a great deal of time to wait.”

  Although they had a delightful breakfast in one another’s company, Sophia did find that Philip behaved as he said that he would and disappeared for the better part of the day. At first, she wondered if there was a task he was attending to or if he was volunteering his time once more.

  As the day wore on, Sophia felt sadness within her breast. Had Philip already lost interest in the events of the evening before? Had he had what he wanted and moved on? Were there other matters that were of more importance? For Sophia, there was nothing else on her mind. All she could think of was Philip, how their bodies and hearts fit so perfectly together.

  It was only later that evening that Sophia discovered the true nature of Philip’s absence.

  “I have been making plans. All day,” he said curtly.

  “What kinds of plans?” Sophia asked.

  “We’re to be married at once. I will not tolerate any argument. I have been making arrangements and I will not rest until we are wed.”

  “But . . . ” Sophia began to protest.

  “No, there are no buts, as I just said. We’re going to finish this business so that our lives can finally begin.”

  “What arrangements have you made?” Sophia asked, still mildly in shock of Philip’s urgency.

  “We are to be married in a fortnight. The best of society is invited to attend. You can wear whatever gown you choose. Select the flowers. But please understand, Sophia,” Philip said, drawing her close and bringing his hand to her cheek. “I require haste in this matter. If you will allow me that, I will allow you anything that you desire.”

  Sophia looked up into his earnest eyes, seeing how desperate he was to be her husband. It brought a smile to her lips and a warmth to her heart.

  “Very well,” Sophia replied, bringing her lips to his. He held her tightly and then pulled away.

  “There is so much more that I must do.”

  “What about supper?” Sophia asked, seeing that Philip was already walking towards the door.

  “I’ll enjoy supper after the nuptials are done,” he said, kissing the air before exiting the door. “Till then, there’s only planning.”

  With that, Philip was out of the door and Sophia was left to a supper alone in her room. She didn’t mind it much, considering that her thoughts were filled with what was to happen between them that very night.

  Sadly, the hours wore on and Philip did not return home. Sophia fell asleep, alone in her bed, wondering what had happened to her cherished lover.


  Philip was behaving like a madman. He knew it full well. If his behaviour were examined by a doctor, he would be sent to the insane asylum. But, as he told Sophia, he would not be able to rest until the marriage was official.

  This was for several reasons. For one thing, the physical chemistry that he had merely tasted between he and Sophia that morning and evening before made him a man desperate to officially have it recognised by the state that she was his. Secondly, his love had grown so intense and deep that marriage to Sophia seemed like the only reasonable goal to have in life.

  Sadly, to undertake the preparations in a hasty fashion, it would need to be done on his own. His reasoning was that, Sophia being the thoughtful woman that she was, it would take her a great deal of time to organise all the details. Philip thought that if he were to allow her to do that then he might go quite mad, so instead, he underwent the painful decision to remove himself from her in order to be able to think, and to plan.

  That night, Philip left Sophia to her bed and worked on the preparations, sending word that Sophia should be transported to Willow Grange in the morning. With that time and space to actually be able to form thoughts, Philip would visit everyone that he knew in town who would be able to help him to organise a hasty event that was at the centre of his universe.

  The business at hand only took a few days, but once it was all complete, Philip felt as though he were free to return to Willow Grange and be under Sophia’s captivation yet again. He would inform her of all the details and apologise for his absence.

  “Sophia,” he said, stepping into the garden, admiring her in her wide-brimmed hat.

  “Philip,” she replied, but she seemed unsure of what else to say.

  “You’re angry at me,” he said, drawing near.

  “I suppose that . . . I’m confused.”

  “Don’t be,” he replied, taking her in his arms. “Please understand that, were you to remain in town, I could never finish the preparations.”

  “Would it really have been that difficult?” Sophia asked humorously.

  Philip looked at Sophia, her marvellous bosom resting against his chest.

  “Yes,” he replied with a smile. “Yes, it would have.”

  They kissed, and Philip placed his hand on the small of her back, pushing her into his chest.

  “Please, tell me that you are not angry with me,” he said.

  “I’m not angry. You’re to be my husband.”

  “I fear that I shall give you plenty of reasons to be angry with me, in good time,” Philip said humorously.

  “But I will always forgive you.”

  “And why is that?” Philip asked.

  “Because I’m hopelessly in love with you,” Sophia replied.

  It was all too much to bear. Having some time away from Sophia had at least given him a moment to collect a decent thought to two, but once she said things like that in his presenc
e, there was no hope for transcending the amazing pull that she had upon him.

  “Come,” Philip said, taking her by the hand.

  “There are matters that I must attend to,” Sophia protested.

  “No, there are not,” Philip replied, continuing to pull her.

  “M’Lord,” Sophia protested yet again.

  “I am your lord, and I’m instructing you to come.”

  Sophia stopped and lifted her brow, refusing to be told what to do.

  “You’re not my lord until you’re my husband, and I’m given to understand that that is a fortnight from now.”

  Philip became downcast and sullen. Although he knew that Sophia was teasing him, it was yet another reason to make sure that the wedding happened as quickly and efficiently as possible. Once it was done, he would be her lord, and should he crave to have her fully in the middle of the day whilst she was engaged in other affairs, then so be it. He would feel no guilt in commanding it.

  After a moment’s peace, and quiet contemplation, Philip came to the conclusion that he was thinking and behaving like an ass. It made him laugh to himself. For the past two days, he had been a crazed man with only one mission in life. Seeing all of it so clearly, and delighting in Sophia’s delicious defiance in the garden, Philip came to what he considered an important conclusion: he would never be able to control Sophia, nor should he want to. She was free, and in a way that Philip found exciting and intoxicating. He would not try to control her, nor would he wish for her to do the same. He would merely love her to the end of his days.


  The pristine morning was cool and inviting, a gentle dew upon the grass. Although Sophia knew that the garden was not quite ready for another wedding, she was willing to accept her future husband’s haste and decided to remain calm throughout the proceedings. Wearing a sumptuous yellow gown, Sophia felt as bright and happy as the sunshine itself, which was just beginning to peek through the morning clouds.

  During her preparations, Sophia looked in the mirror as Arabella fixed her hair, and she couldn’t believe how far she had come since that fateful morning when she married Lord Timothy, future Duke of Clumber. On this divine morning, she was marrying the actual Duke of Clumber, a man she was sure would be devoted to her for the rest of her days.

  The decorations and preparations were lavish, and Sophia wondered how it was that Philip was able to undertake it all so quickly. She knew he had friends in ‘high places’, but Sophia was not aware of the extent of his connections.

  “You look beautiful, M’Lady,” Arabella said.

  “I thank you,” Sophia replied, tears in her eyes.

  It seemed incredible how she had come so far. That morning was a re-creation of when she married Timothy, and yet it was so different. There was a glowing smile upon her face that was not there on that other occasion. What’s more, she was painfully in love, as she had not been before.

  Looking out of her bedroom window at Willow Grange, Sophia could see the guests arriving for the ceremony, followed by the wedding breakfast. There were some distinguished faces, including Lady Hortensia Castle, several of the patronesses from Almack’s, and even the prince regent himself. When Sophia had asked Philip days before how it was that he secured the prince to attend, Philip had stated that it was His Highness’s wish to be an example, proving to others that Philip and Sophia should be accepted by society.

  “Are you nervous?” Arabella asked.

  “I am not,” Sophia replied with a delighted smile.

  “How can that be?”

  “I’m marrying the man of my dreams.”

  As the guests continued to arrive, Sophia could see that Aunt Emily was there, already shedding a tear and holding a handkerchief to her eyes. She could always rely upon Emily to make the journey, though the same could not be said for her mother and father. It did not pain Sophia in the slightest. She had a new family to look forward to.

  Ready to walk out into the garden for the ceremony, a letter was handed to Sophia, which she opened with haste after she saw Kitty Carmichael’s name.

  Dear Friend,

  Didn’t I tell you you’d marry the soldier? I cannot express how happy – and jealous – I am. Please understand that I wish that I could be there for the ceremony, but I’m pleased to report that I’m engaged in a bit of romance of my own here in Scotland. I’m sure that you’re not surprised. That being said, you did mention that your honeymoon is taking you on a tour of Great Britain, and I’m wondering how far north you can convince your handsome husband to travel.

  All my love on this special day,


  Oh, it was amazing to Sophia how much turmoil Kitty Carmichael had helped her through. She would convince Philip to travel to Scotland on their honeymoon, where she could meet the no doubt strapping man who Kitty had fallen for.

  “Are you ready?” Arabella asked.

  “I’ve never been so ready,” Sophia replied.

  As Sophia came to the hallowed place where she and Philip were to say their vows, she blushed at the handsomeness of her husband. Although Philip always told her that she was beautiful, Sophia still couldn’t quite believe that she was marrying a man so breath-taking.

  “It’s just the two of us now, Sophia,” Philip whispered into her ear, taking her hands before the ceremony began.

  “I’ve never been so happy,” she whispered back.

  “I will make sure that you are always this happy. Every day. I promise this, Sophia.”

  Chapter 27

  When Sophia was married the first time, the following morning she had dissolved into tears. The same could be said for her second marriage, only this time they were tears of joy.

  The wedding had been sumptuous and joyful, all the guests so pleased to see Philip and Sophia wed. Some of the most important members of high society had approached Sophia, already extending invitations to future balls and teas. Although it pleased her to receive this kind of acceptance, Sophia wished to spend as much of her time as possible with her new husband. Society could wait. Sophia had a happy life to attend to.

  The Duchess of Clumber also received well wishes from the prince regent, who seemed to be in rare form at the wedding breakfast. It was scarce noon when the monarch needed to be escorted back to his carriage to return to London, for he had drunk too many spirits too quickly.

  Unlike her first marriage, Sophia’s husband did not drink many spirits that day. When she asked him why, Philip explained that he wished for a sober evening alone in her company. It warmed her heart, and also filled her with delicious anticipation for what was to come.

  The wedding breakfast itself had been delectable, with all of Rudolph’s favourite creations that were au courant, including pastries and, of course, quiche. Rudolph felt so joyful on that occasion, he also baked up some of his best Prussian delights to impress the guests. It was culinary magic, and Sophia couldn’t wait for the delicious life that lay ahead of her.

  Sophia couldn’t help but feel excitement for the honeymoon that lay ahead as well. Although it was perhaps more fashionable to travel abroad for such a celebration, Sophia thought it fitting that they should explore the British Isles. There was so much about British culture and history that Sophia wished to learn, especially now she was a duchess. She felt as though she owed it to the British nation for giving her a new life, one that was much more wonderful than she ever imagined.


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