Bought by the Lone Cowboy

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Bought by the Lone Cowboy Page 24

by E. Walsh

  “I just said that because I thought we were stating the obvious. Of course I look good, with or without a suit.” I said, and I laughed. He looked down at me with that frown still plastered on his face, and I looked up at him with my tongue sticking out at him.

  “Conceited.” He said after a while, and I just shrugged. I didn’t consider myself conceited; I was just confident when it came to how I looked. When the movie began playing, I turned my attention towards the TV. Jeremy put on “Love and Basketball” an ancient movie, but still one of my favorite movies. As the film played, in the corner of my eye I could see Jeremy watching me. I turned towards him then with a questioning look in my eyes.

  “What?” I asked. I was wondering what had to be going through Jeremy’s mind to have him staring at me this hard.

  “I was serious, Alysa. You look beautiful.” I blushed as I looked deep into his eyes.

  “Thanks, so do you.” I typically didn’t look at Jeremy like that, but I wasn’t going to be a douchebag and not compliment him back. I sat up then and looked at Jeremy. I felt like he had something on his mind and I wanted him to spit it out. “What’s wrong?” I asked Jeremy growing concerned. I wasn’t honestly trying to piss Jeremy off when I said that his father looked good. Jeremy didn’t answer me, though, he merely leaned his face down and captured my lips.


  The shock couldn’t explain the all of the emotions that were going through my body. I couldn’t believe that Jeremy had just kissed me, we’ve been best friends for so long, and I couldn't see him as more than that. I was confused because part of me wanted him to stop, but the other part of me wanted him to continue. He licked and sucked at my tongue, and he rubbed my arms. It felt like he was giving me a massage and the pleasure I got from his touch made me shiver in ecstasy.

  “What are you doing?” I asked Jeremy when he pulled away because breathing had become a necessity. I knew he wasn’t drunk because I couldn’t taste any liquor on his tongue or I couldn’t smell it on his breath. He grabbed my hand in his, and he placed my hand on the bulge that was forming in his pants.

  “I want you.” He cooed and kissed me again as he pressed me into him. Even though I knew where this was heading and that I didn’t necessarily want it to head in that direction, but I couldn’t help but to feel aroused. I massaged the growing tent in his pants until it was practically begging to breathe. I unzipped his pants and pulled his length out. I did want to celebrate, not the type of celebration that he had in mind, but it’ll do for today. I didn’t know what Jeremy was planning to get out of this, but since he made all of this possible for me, I’ll throw him a freebie. I pulled away from him and took off my tank top and bra, and he looked at my breasts in appreciation and admiration. I wasn’t the one to have the man do all the work, so I undressed until I was naked in front of Jeremy. Even though I knew I had a beautiful body, I was still nervous to be standing in front of Jeremy naked while his lustful eyes stared at me.

  “Take off yours too.” I said with my cheeks still burning up. He stood up and started stripping quickly. Once he was fully nude, he walked over to his bedroom door, closed and locked it.

  “Just in case,” He said, and I nodded. I would have died from embarrassment if his mother had walked in on us. Even though we were both twenty years old, nobody wanted to have their parents see them having sex. When he walked back over to me, I sat on his bed and wrapped my hand around his cock. He stood in front of me and trembled as I massaged him from his base to his tip. He shivered, moaned, and grew harder. When his moans started to come out more frequently, I wrapped my lips around him and sucked him slow and hard. “Ah, sh.…” he groaned but I kept going. I wanted to get him off to show him my appreciation.

  “Do you like that?” I asked him when he started to buck his hips hard into my bobbing mouth.

  “Yes,” he bit out and then pushed me away from him. Before I could say stop, he grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the bed, and he sat down on it. “Ride me,” He said, and I did. I was on birth control pills, and I trusted Jeremy with my life so I knew that everything would be alright. I gripped his shaft as I hovered above him. After I had him positioned exactly how I wanted him, I started slowly inserting him inside of me. I gasped and stood still, but after my breathing had got under control, I started grinding against him hard and fast.

  “Ah.” I moaned as the pleasure shot through my body. I was a little surprised about how good Jeremy was; I honestly didn’t think that it would feel like this.

  “Slower.” He said and gripped my hips tightly as he forced me to slow down.

  “Why?” I asked trying to speed up my movement. The sex was supposed to be fast and hard, not slow and sensual.

  “I wanted this for so long, and I don’t want it to end soon.” I was surprised by what Jeremy just said because I realized us fooling around meant more to him than just a friendly quickie. I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship, but I also didn’t intend to stop either. So instead of protesting, I did what he wanted, and relief and satisfaction went through my entire body.

  “You’re… deep.” I said moaning as he lifted me off of him slowly and brought me back down slowly and hard. Running my fingers through his hair, I started to grind my hips in circles until I felt him shivering. “So good.” I moaned again when Jeremy’s breath started catching in his throat. When he let down his guard and moved his hands away from me, I sped up while screaming out my pleasure.

  “I’m coming!” he said quickly and moaned loudly as his body erupted in pleasure. I looked at him and came as well when I saw his face. I held onto him gently and slightly embarrassed. The sex was fantastic, but I knew that this “celebration” might affect our friendship in a way that I knew that I wouldn’t like.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  After Jeremy and I had caught our breaths, we got redressed and finished watching the movie. It was awkward, and neither one of us said anything, but I knew that we were thinking the same thing. I wasn't planning on sleeping with Jeremy, and we shouldn’t have done it to begin with, but it felt incredible.

  “Are you hungry?” Jeremy asked once the credits began playing.

  “That’s something you’re supposed to ask before we start the movie, not after.” I said and laughed awkwardly. Jeremy smiled and got up off of the bed. Even though his room was darker than it was when I first came over, I could still see the semi-hard bulge in his pants.

  "I was thinking about a lot, but eating wasn’t one of the things that I was thinking about.” I blushed when he looked over at me, and I couldn’t help but to look away. I wondered if we’re going to address what happened at all.

  “What do you have to eat?” I preferred to have gone home to eat, but I didn’t want him to feel bad. I also thought that if I would have said no, that would have been a blow to his ego. The longer that we stared at each other, the more I kicked myself mentally for giving in to temptation.

  “Leftover pizza or I can make something if you don’t want pizza.” I was getting tired of eating pizza, but if he cooked something I’d be here longer than what I needed to be so I was starting to think that pizza wasn’t that bad.

  “Pizza’s fine.” Jeremy nodded his head and unlocked his bedroom door.

  “Can’t steal any of the booze, my mom’s been watching it like a hawk.” I laughed. Jeremy took his mother’s alcohol on a regular basis, so it wasn’t a surprise that she finally caught onto what he was doing.

  “Water is fine.” I think that drinking right now would be a bad idea regardless, so I was happy to have a nice and cold glass of water to cleanse my mind. When Jeremy left out of the room, I fell backward onto his bed. “This is going to end badly.” I said to myself.


  When I got home from Jeremy’s house, all I could think about was the fact that we slept together. I didn't want to think about it but trying not to do so made me think about it more. When we ate dinner with each other, our eyes were locked onto each
other’s but we didn’t say anything. The way that Jeremy looked at me scared the hell out of me. I didn’t have too many people in my life that I could trust, but Jeremy. I told Jeremy everything that went on with my life, and I ran to him whenever something was stressing me out. I didn’t have to worry about Jeremy wanted one thing from me because I knew that he loved me as his best friend. But after today I didn’t think that I could look at Jeremy the same way.

  “Stop thinking about it Alysa.” Thinking about it didn’t change the fact that we slept together. If I didn’t know what to make of the whole ordeal, it’ll probably be best if I just stopped thinking about it. “What I need to think about is how to make sure Mr. Stevens is happy.” Saturday was going to be a big day for me financially when I babysit Jeremy’s little sister, Justice. I needed to think of things that would make me look favorable in the Stevens’ eyes. Their daughter wasn’t old enough to go outside to parks or anything like that, but I had to come up with fun activities for Justice that’ll make me look like an amazing babysitter.

  “Well, I am pretty good already.” I’ve never received a complaint so far and all of the families who’ve I’ve worked with loved me. I shook my head, I just need to be myself and I’ll be just fine. I undressed and threw the clothes into the dirty clothes basket that was at the entrance of my dorm room. I’ve had a long day today, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I always felt my best when I slept naked and tonight was no exception. My body relaxed into the crisp sheet, and I drifted off to sleep quickly.

  When I woke up the next morning, I was stiff all over almost like I’d been hit by a train or something. The sun shone brightly into my window, and I heard students talking outside my room. I sighed as I stretched my arms over my head. I wanted to take a long bath, but when you live in a dorm, you have to give up some of what you’re used to. If I get this job and if I watch Justice on a regular basis, I’d probably be able to afford to get an apartment on my own. I remembered that Jeremy and I used to talk about getting a two bedroom apartment, but he was never successful at getting a job.

  “Jeremy,” I said out loud as I thought about him. I still felt odd from yesterday, but I was sure that I’d feel comfortable when I think about him sometime soon. I stood up and grabbed my robe, if I couldn’t take a hot bath; I'll take a hot shower. “Maybe I should go home this weekend?” I missed having my bathroom to myself, but I loved the freedom that I currently had. My mom called me every day to make sure that I’m doing alright, but other than that I lived by my rules. I knocked on the bathroom door several times, and when I was sure that it was empty, I hustled inside of it.

  “I’ll make this quick.” I turned on the shower and threw my robe to the side. All of my necessities was in the bathroom already so I was glad that I wouldn’t have to go back and forth when it came to getting my things. As the hot water ran down over my shoulders, I forgot about everything that was troubling me. All of my sorrows washed away and in its place was a sense of ease. I stayed in the shower with my eyes closed as the water washed over me until someone knocked on the door.

  “Are you almost done?” Tatiana, a freshman student, called out. I turned off the shower then and got out.

  “Yeah, give me a minute to grab my things.” I needed to be in there just a little bit longer, but I understood that it wasn’t just me there. “All yours!” I called out and shut and locked the bathroom door leading to my bedroom. I hope that one day the school can have a room with its bathroom instead of sharing with another room because that got annoying. I dried off quickly in my room and put on some clothes. I didn’t have anywhere to be today; my class got canceled because my professor’s sick. I honestly didn’t want to go anywhere either; I was up and about every day, so I just wanted to stay in bed. “But that’s boring.” I said to myself and just when I thought I’ll probably go crazy from boredom on my day off, my cell phone rang. I answered it on the first ring.

  “Alysa?” a low, sexy, and familiar voice said, and I straightened my body.

  “Yes, this is Alysa.” I said and moved my phone from away from my ear to look at the caller ID, and I was surprised to see Mr. Stevens’ name.

  “Good morning, Alyssa. Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday.” He said, and I began thinking the worse. I started thinking things like maybe he interviewed somebody else and he liked them better. I absolutely could not have this happen to me.

  “Good morning, Mr. Stevens.” I managed with a more professional voice. “Thank you for interviewing me. I’m interested in possibly working with you, and I’d love to meet little Justice.” I had to make it seem like I’d be the great fit for her.

  “That’s why I’m calling. Would you be interested in watching Justice this afternoon? My wife decided to go out today, and I wanted some time to rest today because I’m off.” I smiled. What Mr. Stevens just asked me was the best news that I could have possibly gotten today.

  “Of course I can babysit today. My class just got canceled, so I’m free.” Mr. Stevens gave me his home address, and I quickly typed it into my phone so that I can use my GPS to get to their house. As soon as we got off the phone, I quickly changed my clothes into something more professional but also baby drool ready.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  I was shocked when I arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Stevens’ house because of how nice the community was. The environment, the houses, and the streets looked as if they were all just recently built and each of the homes on the block looked like they were taking care of in a way that one would have thought that a king and queen lived there. When I was allowed to enter their residence, after a thorough search from security, I felt like my run down 2002 Grand Prix shouldn’t have even made contact with their pavement.

  “Uh… thank you.” I said when a valet driver came around to my car and greeted me. He held the door opened for me and took my car to some unknown area. I stared after the man riding off in my car in awe. I couldn’t believe that Jeremy’s father was living like this while he and his mom were living an average life.

  “Alysa!” I shivered when my name was called out by that mature and sexy voice. I turned around and saw Mr. Stevens standing at the door wearing a suit. I was surprised to see him in a suit when he was supposed to be off today.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Stevens,” I said walking up to greet him. He had a big smile plastered on his face and the closer that I got to him, the more I could smell his cologne that smelled amazing.

  “Come on now, Alysa.” He said and pulled me into a hug instead of taking the hand that I extended to him. “Just call me Alexzander.” I blushed but nodded my head. “You don’t have to be so formal, try to act the way that you normally would.” I didn’t know if that was a trap or not, but it wasn’t as if I acted like a complete ass or slob on a regular basis. I cleared my throat trying to relax some of the unease that was forming throughout my body.

  “Alright, your place is beautiful, Alexzander.” His smile widened.

  “Thank you. Christina hired designers to design this place, all I did was provide the money.” I didn’t have a response for that, I didn’t know if he was bragging or if he just didn’t think too much about what he just said. “I am pretty tired, but I’m here to answer any question you might have. Justice is sleeping so I would more than happy show you to her room.” I tried to listen to Alexzander but my eyes were roaming each and every crevice of his massive house. It was absolutely incredible, but the majority of my consciousness screamed, “You cannot possibly need all of this stuff!” Alexzander led me up a long spiral staircase to the second floor of the house.

  “Do you ever get lost in here?” I don’t know why I asked him that stupid question. It was his house so of course he never got lost in it. From all of the stops and turns that we made, I was pretty sure that I’d need a guide to lead me back to the main floor.

  “I did when I first moved into this place. I asked Christina why she needed this big of a house, and she just told me because she’d ne
ver had a beautiful house growing up.” I listened to him talk and I came to the conclusion that he didn’t like all of these ‘flashy’ things. He told me that he’d be perfectly content with having a standard size house. In my mind, I saw Christina as being a hole inside of Alexzander’s perfectly stitched pants' pocket.

  “Why not go with a few of your ideas for the house since you’re the one who has to pay for it?” he shook his head.

  “Sometimes a man has to do things in order to keep their women happy.” He looked down at me a smiled. I could tell that Alexzander was a good husband to his wife, which kind of made me feel sad that he wasted his kindness on Christina instead of Jeremy’s mother who wouldn’t have required such expensive things. “Here’s Justice’s room,” He said once we got to a door. Alexzander opened it softly, and I was impressed with the decorum of the room. The room was painted pink and lavender, and the little girl had a lot of furniture that she honestly didn’t need. Her room looked exactly like princesses rooms looked in fairytales. Justice had unicorn stuff animals littered on the ground, and she had a small pink flowery table with teacups on it.

  “I wish my room was like this.” I unthinkingly said out loud. I blushed, but Alexzander didn’t pay me any mind.

  “It’s not like she can really appreciate it though.” Alexzander led me over to her crib and I smiled widely when I saw the bundle of joy wrapped up in a pink sheet.

  “She’s beautiful.” I said as I looked at her rosy cheeks as her chest was rising up and down with every breath that she took.

  “She looks just like her mother.” I’ve never seen Christina before, but I heard that she was gorgeous. As I looked closer at Justice, I was able to see some of Alexzander’s features in her as well.

  “She favors you too,” I said then. “She has your nose, eyebrows, and she has your skin color.” I saw Alexzander look at Justice for a bit, and then I noticed his godlike smile.


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