Bought by the Lone Cowboy

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Bought by the Lone Cowboy Page 82

by E. Walsh

  Within minutes she was exploding with pleasure, shaking uncontrollably as Tara sent her into one orgasm after the other.

  Collette pulled the blonde to her, Tara immediately wrapping her arms around her naked body and tracing circles across her breasts with her fingers.

  “That was incredible,” Collette breathed, eyes still closed as she let the pleasure she was feeling wash all over her.

  Tara chuckled. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since the bachelorette party,” she whispered, kissing Collette’s neck.

  Collette smiled at the blonde’s touch and squeezed her closer, the touch of their skin against each other electrifying.

  “You’re just full of surprises tonight, aren’t you?” Collette giggled.

  “I still have a few more tricks up my sleeves,” Tara teased.

  Tara sat up and straddled Collette, pushing her legs open and crossing one thigh over hers.

  Collette’s eyes flew open as Tara’s warmth pressed up against hers, overwhelmed as the other woman began to rock her hips slowly, the friction sending all new kinds of pleasure through her.

  She grabbed Tara by the waist as the woman moved against her, picking up speed, breaths coming out in gasps that turned to moans that quickly turned to screams as she quickened the pace.

  Collette felt another orgasm quickly coming on, and as she looked up at the blonde rocking against her, she could see that Tara was close as well.

  With their screams echoing through the small bedroom and cutting through the darkness, both women collapsed on top of each other and instantly fell asleep.

  * * *

  Chapter Eight

  Collette sat quietly in the large auditorium, legs crossed and purse on her lap as she listened to the man standing at the front of the room.

  She had opted for a seat in the back away from the group of people occupying the first three rows, feeling that if she sat any closer, she would be disturbing them.

  She watched the man at the front as he told his story, weaving through a tale he had obviously told several times.

  She had learned early on that it was all part of the process, and she had slowly grown to appreciate the struggles of each and every person who walked up to the front of the rows of eyes and told their story.

  Three weeks had passed since she had invited Tara to stay, and the woman hadn’t left since. Collette had urged her to relax, take it easy, not stress herself out with job hunting or the likes.

  She had even helped her move in completely, emptying one of the other rooms in her apartment that had once been occupied by Jackie and had since been the home of junk she couldn’t be bothered to organize or throw away.

  At first Collette had tried to convince herself that she was only helping the woman through a rough patch, but over the weeks their relationship had grown into more than just a casual friendship. She enjoyed having Tara around.

  “So, supporting or working up the courage to go up there yourself?”

  Collette was startled by the man who had suddenly appeared in the seat beside her, his voice a low whisper so he wouldn’t disturb the man talking up front.

  She watched him as he adjusted his suit jacket and crossed his legs, easing into his seat.

  “Supporting,” Collette answered with a smile. “You?”

  “My daughter,” the man replied. “Is this your first meeting?”

  Collette nodded.

  “It gets easier,” the man said with a smile. “In the beginning you can’t believe that you are actually here, but after you see how much good it does, you become the one pushing for these meetings.”

  “I’m going to take your word for it,” Collette said.

  “So who are you here with?” the man asked.

  Collette hesitated for a second before replying, “My girlfriend.”

  The man smiled and nodded. “All the best,” he said. “You’re a champ for doing this with her.”

  “She needs the support.”

  “She’ll need a lot more than that,” the man replied. “Just remember that if she were to do this on her own, she’d probably fall off the wagon sooner or later. Stay strong for her.”

  Collette was about to say something when the other attendees began to applaud the man.

  She clapped along with them, her eyes immediately falling on Tara as she got up from her seat and awkwardly made her way to the front of the auditorium.

  Collette turned to the man. “I completely intend to,” she said, the earnestness in her voice surprising her.

  The man nodded and smiled at her. “That’s good to know.”

  He readjusted his jacket, stood up and made his way down the rows of chairs.

  He sat behind a lean brunette who was busy biting her nails. He placed a hand on her shoulder and Collette smiled as she watched the girl visibly relax.

  Collette turned her attention back to the front of the auditorium where Tara now stood, hands in her pockets, shirt loose about her and her hair tied back in a high ponytail.

  She looked over at Collette and smiled, her hunched shoulders immediately relaxing and her stance suddenly more confident.

  “Hi,” she started. “My name is Tara and I’m an addict.”

  “Hello, Tara,” the auditorium echoed.

  Tara began her tale, and as Collette listened to her speak, a part of her relaxed knowing that eventually, everything was going to be just fine.

  The End

  28. Sally's First Touch

  By: Naughty Nicole

  Sally's First Touch

  © Naughty Nicole, 2016 – All rights reserved Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains explicit content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  Janice Peters couldn’t feel her feet.

  It had been a long flight, almost seven hours from New York to London, and all she could think about was how much she really needed a long night’s rest.

  She knew that she would only get a few hours of sleep before having to hurry back to the airport for the return flight home, and the prospect of dealing with another one hundred or more passengers, that usually became restless three hours into the flight, made the forced smile on her face feel more strained than it should have been.

  She thanked every passenger that walked past her, carry-ons bumping into her already sore feet or pushing up against her face as they nodded back.

  As was customary, she hoped to see them again, although deep down inside there were a few of them, especially the business man from first class, she was silently wishing would have a heart attack and die while waiting for their luggage.

  When the last passenger had gone through the jetway, Janice immediately dropped the fake smile and massaged her temples as she kicked off her heels and walked back into the plane, slumping into one of the seats.

  “We need to go, sweetheart.”

  Evelyn Snow patted Janice on the shoulder lightly and smiled as she idled past; checking the overhead compart
ments in case any of the passengers had mistakenly left something behind. Janice eyed the older woman, envying the Chief Purser’s ability to easily shrug off the agony of long flights.

  Evelyn had basically mentored Janice through her entire career, and if it weren’t for her, Janice would have given up on the job completely years ago.

  “I need a rest,” Janice sighed, massaging her feet as she shifted in her seat. “I need a long break from all this.”

  “We all do,” Evelyn smiled. “We’re getting a week off soon, though. Holiday season and all that.”

  “My mother had always told me to stick to the ground,” Janice complained. “She said a woman’s place wasn’t in a tin can in the sky.”

  “If we all listened to our mothers,” Evelyn chuckled, “we’d still be taking care of the kids and cooking meals for our husbands who were screwing their secretaries.”

  Janice laughed despite herself, curling her legs underneath her as she rested her head against the seat.

  She could already hear the captain and co-pilot rummaging about, as eager as every other flight attendant on the plane to get out of the narrow confinements and smell some fresh air.

  “Airport hotel?” Janice asked.

  Evelyn nodded briefly as she looked over her checklist and began ticking things off. Some of the other flight attendants had already gotten their things together, their chatter soft and tired, their restlessness apparent.

  Janice stood up slowly, pulling her heels back on as she looked for her crew. She was the Purser of the First Class section of the plane, and she had to make sure the two crew members under her supervision had signed off.

  “The new girl,” Evelyn cut into her thoughts. “What’s her name?”

  “Sally,” Janice answered, stretching.

  “How did she handle herself?”

  Sally was the newest addition to the crew, a replacement Janice had begged Evelyn for after her last crew member had decided that she had had enough of the world and wanted to start a family.

  The airlines were always happy when a crew member quit and they could cut down on costs, but Janice had been insistent on not handling First Class with only two stewards.

  “She handled herself pretty well, all things considered,” Janice nodded.

  Evelyn looked up from her pad. “Really?”

  Janice knew what the look meant. “She might be inexperienced, but she’ll do just fine.”

  Evelyn shrugged. “I’ll take your word for it,” she said. “Just don’t come complaining when she doesn’t pull her weight.”

  “We all have to start somewhere,” Janice reminded her of her own words.

  Evelyn smiled at her before turning around and mulling over the rest of her checklist.

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  Janice found Sally Webber laughing and joking in the galley between First and Business class, the other girls around her listening intently as she retold stories about her trips on other airlines.

  Janice smiled to herself, knowing how exciting being with a new crew could be in the beginning, the opportunity to share flight experiences always a hot topic to kill time.

  Sally definitely knew how to captivate a crowd, though. Janice watched the brunette as she spoke, working off the energetic stares of her crowd as she weaved her tales.

  Janice remembered when she had first joined the crew, her own stories limited to a few uneventful national flights that had bordered on dull.

  When Sally caught sight of Janice, she instantly broke away from her fans and skipped to her, reminding Janice of an excited little girl. Sally clapped her hands together, her smile wide.

  “We’re roomies!” she whispered excitedly.

  This had been Sally’s second flight with the crew, and Janice had spent little time with her during both. It took Janice some time before warming up to new people, and it was even harder when she was supervising them.

  The notion of rooming with Sally didn’t thrill her at all, and she felt her body suddenly tense up.

  Sally seemed to read her body language and giggled. “Don’t worry, I don’t snore, and I won’t keep you up.”

  Janice smiled quickly, trying to hide her embarrassment at being read. “It’s not that,” Janice said. “I think it’s great. At least we’ll get to know each other more.”

  “Right?” Sally smiled, quickly touching Janice’s arm before turning back to the rest of the crew.

  Janice smiled to herself, adjusted her carry-on and made her way to the passenger door.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  “Are you sure?”

  It was almost nine p.m., and Janice could already feel a headache coming on, her temples throbbing as if someone were slamming a jackhammer against them, and all she wanted to do was take a long, hot shower and sleep the few hours she had left.

  Sally begging her to join the rest of the girls at the hotel bar for a few drinks was the last thing she needed right now.

  “Pretty sure,” Janice said, forcing her famous stewardess smile. What she was also sure of was that she wanted the girl out of the room so she could get some rest.

  “It’s going to be fun!” Sally smiled, checking her make-up in the small commode mirror before grabbing her clutch and making for the door.

  Janice eyed the brunette, her curves standing out in the dress she was wearing, the low cut offering ample view of her breasts as her long legs seemed to extend forever from the short skirt.

  She looked gorgeous, and Janice felt a slight pang of jealousy at how easy it was for the younger girls to go on night after night in this job without feeling like they would shoot themselves.

  She remembered her starter days when the thrill of being somewhere exotic and different was enough to keep you going on for weeks on the adrenaline alone.

  Now, though, she felt like she needed gallons of coffee just to maintain the airlines’ amiability policy without strangling a passenger.

  “You’re missing out,” Sally argued.

  Janice waved her off. “I need a shower and sleep,” she said. “You enjoy yourself.”

  She watched Sally shrug and blow her a kiss before disappearing out the door.

  As soon as the girl was gone, Janice sighed and threw herself onto her bed, closing her eyes against the throbbing in her head and feeling her muscles crawl and position themselves for comfort.

  She felt the world around her spin about, and, for a split second, almost fell asleep right where she was.

  Janice quickly opened her eyes and forced herself to her feet. Shower. She needed a shower.

  She quickly undressed, meticulously folding her clothes and placing them on the chair beside her bed.

  She looked at herself in the mirror, clad only in her underwear, raising an eyebrow as she took in her own curves.

  She didn’t know what Sally had to go through to keep her physique, but for Janice, it was endless hours at the gym coupled with a diet fit for rabbits.

  Still, she was of the opinion that she had to keep up, despite Evelyn’s assurances that it didn’t have to involve sadistically working herself into the ground.

  Janice trudged into the bathroom, turned on the hot water and quickly stepped under the streams.

  The touch of the water against her body immediately made her purr, and she could feel the anxiety and stress of the entire day wash away.

  In another twenty minutes she was under the covers, naked, and fast asleep.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  Janice was jolted awake by the sound of someone stumbling around the bathroom.

  She sat up with a start, squinting against the light coming into the room through the half open door.

  Inside, Sally was on her knees, heaving, her stilettos awkwardly lying near her feet as her short skirt rode up to her lace black panties.

  She was hugging the toilet as if it were her lover, and Janice could already see the scrutinizing eyes of Evelyn Snow the next day when Sally
would step onto the plane, hung over and far from ready to do her job.

  Janice was never going to hear the end of this.

  Pulling on a robe, she made her way into the bathroom and knocked lightly on the door, wincing as Sally looked up at her with a face that looked like it had taken one too many hits, the drunk smile adding to the unpleasantness.

  The brunette was a mess, and Janice quickly helped her onto her feet and out the bathroom.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Janice chided, looking at the watch on the night stand between the beds that glared five am. They had to be on their plane in less than four hours.

  “Janice, you missed out on a wonderful night!”

  “I can see that.”

  Janice set Sally down on the bed and watched the girl slump down onto the pillow, already curling up and falling asleep.

  Janice pulled the covers over her, scolding herself for not having had gone with the rest of the girls, if only to make sure this didn’t happen.

  Then she reminded herself that she wasn’t a chaperon, and if Sally Webber wanted to keep her job, she’d have to be a lot more responsible than this.

  Janice watched the brunette for a few seconds before shaking her head in dismay and pulling out her cigarettes from her carry-on.

  She stepped out onto the small balcony, tied the robe around her tighter against the soft breeze and lit a cigarette.

  There was definitely not going to be any more sleep for her tonight.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  “So on a scale of one to ten, how much trouble am I in?”

  Janice briefly glanced at Sally as she sheepishly stood beside her in the galley, her hair tied back in a ponytail because nothing else would tame it. Her eyes still bloodshot.

  They were halfway across the Atlantic, and most of the passengers had turned in, especially the three in her section.

  It was Janice’s favorite part of the entire trip, and she usually looked forward to the hour or two of shut eye she could get during this time, especially after last night.


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