in England 38, 47
German leaflets aimed at 191
in Greece 145
in Malaya 251
in New Guinea 388
nurses 151
in Palestine 31
in Tobruk 115, 125, 127, 137, 149, 151, 166, 167, 172, 191–193
Austria, Austrians 157, 230, 252, 333–334
Autumn Manoeuvres 176
Avery, Hope 258
Awdry, Charles 150
Axis 157, 185, 189, 265, 299, 339, 359, 368
Baalbek 222, 240
Bacon, Sergeant 258, 289, 307, 320, 344–345, 357
Badia 238
Baghdad 185
Bailey, Betty 222, 244
Bailleul 425
Baisieux 435
Baker, Sergeant 408
Balaclava Charge 334
Balbia 226
Balkans 106
Banjaimara 114
Barber, Richard 111, 112
Barce 152
Barclay, Ione (later Cassell) 34, 64, 68, 99, 105, 114, 143, 150, 162, 166, 174
Barclay, Ursula 68, 75, 113, 162, 239
Bardia 122, 127, 128, 129, 134, 152, 155, 157, 158, 162
Bare Ridge 416
Barham (battleship) 229
Barley, Frank 91
Barona 148
Barrie, Major 304
Barrosa, HMS 184
Barrow, Cynthia 93
Barrow, Trooper 303, 352
Bartle, Sergeant Bill 319, 400
Basra 113
Bassen 505
Battle of Britain 86
Battle of the Bulge 479
Bayeux 384, 388–389, 398, 416–418
BBC 157, 452
Beatty, Peter 188
Beauvais 432
Becker, General Fritz 504
Beda Fomm, Battle of 133
Beddington, Hubert 470, 499
Bedell-Smith, General Walter 316
Bedhamm 505
Beds & Herts 111
Beek (dog) 462, 488
Beek (Nijmegen) 451, 456, 470
Beek (villages) 470–472, 481, 485
Beery, Wallace 95
Beirut 212, 222, 240
Belgium 435–449
annexed by Germany 38
German troops in 88, 376, 400–401
Bell, Trooper 275–276
Belmont Paddocks 2, 33
Belsen concentration camp 510
Ben Gardane 321, 323
Ben Shemen 116
Bence, Trooper 272
Benghazi 115, 127, 132, 144, 300
British troops in 129, 133, 135–140, 148, 152, 294, 327
captured by Germans 155, 243
Peter Laycock in 205
recaptured by British 237
Benha 118
Bennett, Major Wilfrid 24, 30, 36
Bennett, Trooper 319
Berjou 419–422, 424
Berlin 321, 368, 387, 511
Air Ministry 511
Reich Chancellery 511, 512
Berneville 432
Berry, Vivian 192, 193–194
Bestwood, Paul 112
Bethell-Fox, John 261, 275, 276, 375, 389, 400, 481
Bianchi 309
Biddell, Sergeant L. 403, 407, 462
Biddle, Major Lawrence 89, 198, 221
as acting adjutant 104
as acting captain 117
as adjutant 117, 130, 211, 212, 215
as brigade major 295, 301, 359, 395
character 13–14, 117, 225, 395
in Egypt 245, 256
and Kellett 90
at Nijmegen 483
in Palestine 39–40, 42, 46, 51, 52, 53, 68, 71, 80, 103, 132, 186, 194, 218, 227
plan to marry 412
as signal officer 14
skiing in Syria 239, 240
and Yarborough 16
Bielby, Trooper 344, 345, 346, 357
Billings & Edmonds 232
Billingslea, Colonel C. 454–455, 459
Bilton, Mike 266, 268, 269
Bingham, Sergeant 290
Bingham (tank operator) 268
Bir Hacheim 184
Bir Mataka 275
Bir Ngem 300
Bir Salim, Middle East Weapon Training School 46, 56, 89, 91, 92–110, 113, 128
Birch, Sergeant 449
Bismarck (battleship) 175, 177, 179
Bizerte 359
Black Sea 212
Black Watch 33, 76
Bland, Trooper (later Corporal) 357, 426
Blieby, Margaret 223, 243, 249, 250
Boer War 3, 393
Boket 482
Bombay Track 266
Bond, Corporal 31
Bonham, Tony 111
Borneo 237, 241
Boswood, Paul 217, 225
Bouficha 360
Bourg-Léopold 449
Bowler, Captain Frank 94, 316
Bowles (servant) 245
Bradley, General Omar 420
Breedon, A. C. 453
Bremen 503, 504–505
Bremerhaven 506, 507, 509
Brewster, Trooper 239, 245
Bridgford, Technical Adjutant 469–470
British Airborne Division 451
British Expeditionary Force 145
British Guard of Honour 509
British Somaliland 62, 63
Brittain, Corporal 40
Brocklehurst, Corporal 427
Brocklesby 16, 23, 27, 96
Brooks, Corporal 420
Brooks, Dr Geoffrey 82, 110, 117, 133, 150, 200, 201, 204, 210, 246, 256, 279, 283, 429, 478
Brothero, Bob 233
Brown, Captain 67
Brown, Lieutenant 183
Browning, General F. A. M. 458–459
Brunssum 474
Brussels 443–444, 460, 475
Carlton restaurant 444
Bucholz 505
Budner, Sergeant 499
Buffs 45, 252, 286, 294, 297, 301, 310, 328, 333
Bulgaria 143–144, 157
Burma 237, 241, 368, 430
Frontier Force 33
Toungoo airfield 33
Burroughs, Stan 303
Bush, Reggie 214
Bushell, Roger 49
Butler, Corporal (later Sergeant) 269, 331, 353, 472
Byelorussia 413
Caen 385, 398, 406, 410, 420, 496
Caesarea 40, 218, 227
Cagney, James 460, 483, 492
Caillouet 430
Cairo 59–62, 70, 196, 205, 208, 217, 219, 252, 258, 260, 292, 297, 394, 514
Continental Hotel 59, 61, 68, 112, 205, 253, 256
Gezira Sporting Club 60, 61–62, 112, 204, 256
Greeks in 148
Jules (club) 61
Kellett (colonel) in 145, 148, 181, 213, 246
leave in 111–112, 145
Player in 211
St James 39, 256
Shepheard’s Hotel 59, 204, 248
Tart Club 253
Turf Club 59
workshops 277
Calabria 105
Battle of 151
Calais 49
Calvert (driver) 335, 336
Camberley 404
Cambridge, Officer Training Corps 89
Cameron (officer) 474, 479, 480
Cameron, Sandy 356, 406, 415
Camp Warminster 55
Campbell, Corporal 93
Campbell, Lieutenant 414
Canada 204
Canadian Pacific Steamship Company 95
Canadians 38, 47, 420, 484
Cap Bon peninsula 359
Cape Matapan 178
Cape Town 82
Carmel Camp 50, 69, 71
Carmel Range 250
Carmichael, Dr Alex 19, 22, 23
Carter, Trooper 506
Casablanca, Anglo-US conference 299, 310, 313, 321, 322
Cash, Corporal 258
Caspian Sea 215
Cassell (Ione’s husband) 99
Cassidy, Sergeant Major 24,
Castel Benito 307
Castelvade 306
Caucasus 222
Caumont 411
Cavallero, General Ugo 241
Cazatte (officer) 240
Chadwick (tank driver) 268
Chamberlain, Frank 100
Chamberlain, Neville 99, 100
Chambois 425
Changi camp 251
Charing Cross (Egypt) 259, 287
Charity, Sergeant 344, 447, 462
Charles (officer) 460
Château de la Reynarde 19, 20
Cherbourg 410
Chéreng 435
Cheshire Yeomanry 111, 247
China 171, 216
Chippenham Park 369, 370–375
Chouain 399, 406
Christopherson, Alma (mother) 77, 78, 79, 85, 87, 99, 108–109, 150, 162, 174, 218, 225, 229, 369, 514
Christopherson, Anne (cousin) 239
Christopherson, Bungy (cousin) 229, 230
Christopherson, Cynthia (formerly Smith-Dorrien) 513, 518
Christopherson, David (son) 1–2, 225, 332, 513, 514–515
Christopherson, Derrick (brother) 6, 75, 105, 109, 139, 143, 369
Christopherson, Douglas (father) 2–3, 6, 48, 68, 85, 88, 97, 99, 100, 105, 108–109, 114, 139, 150, 151, 166, 175, 197, 216, 225, 369, 513
Christopherson, Kenneth (uncle) 143
Christopherson, Malcolm (cousin) 85, 404
Christopherson, Pat 73–74, 114, 143, 162, 225, 232
Christopherson, Sara Jane (daughter) 513, 514, 515
Christopherson, Stanley 1–5, 6, 517
appointed to command Regiment 398–399
awarded Bar to his Military Cross 337
awarded Military Cross 288, 289, 511
bad knee 108
becomes captain 142
becomes major 208
citation for Silver Star 471, 511
as dancer 391–392
dental problems 32, 109, 110, 149, 159, 221, 223
as first lieutenant and battery commander 104
in hospital with dysentery 294
joins Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry 13
marriage 513
memorial service at Nijmegen 518
mentioned in despatches 511
on month’s leave in London 368–369
neck pain 179
presented with DSO by Montgomery 445, 477–478, 511
in South Africa after war 513
tributes from friends and colleagues 518
29th birthday 176
Christopherson, Stanley (uncle) 105
Churchill, Randolph 188, 189, 313
Churchill, Winston 289, 361
and Auchinleck 261
criticism of 189
and France 38
and Freyberg 174
speeches 77, 133, 158, 163–164, 508
Stanley on 100, 185
in United States 239, 260
visit to Tripoli 312–313, 314
and Wavell 34, 63, 119, 197
Churchman, Bert 298, 303
Clark, General Sir George 221, 244
Clayton, Mark 111
Cloppenburg, Battle of 500–501, 502
Coad, Colonel (later Brigadier) Basil 419, 507
Coastal Defence 45
Cohen, Major 127
Coleman, Dick 472, 487, 518
Collis, Sergeant 456, 469
Colls, Derek 40, 431, 436, 440–441, 488, 497, 508
Commando force 188, 189, 192, 193–194, 205, 206, 238
Conches 430
Condé 415
Congrave, Barbara 28
Coningham, Air Vice Marshal Arthur ‘Mary’ 317–318
Conrad, Joseph 513
Consolidated Goldfields 2, 513
Cook, Trooper 343
Cooper, Freddie 284, 297, 303–304
Coppam, Francis 49
Corney, Colonel 243
County of London Yeomanry 259, 398, 406
Courage, Captain 58
Court, Captain 93, 95
Courteilles 425
Cousins (driver) 457
Coventry 101
Cowan, Admiral Sir Walter ‘Titch’ 182–184
Cowan, Lieutenant 415
Coward, Noel, Cavalcade 65
Cox, Pat 49, 230, 241, 250, 251, 252
Cox, Stan 382
Craigmyle 108
Cranley, Arthur 356
Craycroft, Brigadier 395, 411
Creforce 174
Crete 163, 482, 498
British troops in 100, 115, 116, 117, 118, 148, 173–174, 180, 229, 327
evacuation from and losses in 175, 181, 182, 185, 190, 192, 198, 208, 219
fall of 178, 180, 211–212
Hildyard’s lecture on 247
Kellett in 145
Cribben, Sergeant 419, 433
Crimea 224, 368
Crisp, Squadron Leader Bob 270
Cristot 399
Crockett, Kenneth 174
Crooks, Sergeant W. 403–404, 407
Crosbie, Lieutenant 460, 468
Cruikshank, Squadron Leader 260
Crusaders 40
Culley, George 477, 480–481, 483, 487
Cunliffe-Lister, John 240, 349
Cunningham, Lieutenant General Sir Alan 225, 226, 230, 231
Cunningham, Admiral Andrew 141, 150, 151, 163, 178, 225, 229
Custance, Brigadier 229, 310
Cyprus 180, 198, 211, 327
Cyrenaica 133, 155, 225, 237, 241, 257
Czechoslovakia 38
D-Day 1, 3, 374, 380–385, 398, 421, 444, 449, 467, 468, 485, 487, 495, 511
D-Day 1 387, 388–389
Dainty 141
Damascus 184, 185, 189, 219, 222
Dangu 432
Dare-Smith, Bob 488
Darlan, Admiral François 289–290, 299
Darnie, Corporal 192
Davis Escape Apparatus 374
Davis, Trooper 276, 282
Dawkins, Bill 68
De Gaulle, General Charles 44
Deane, Trooper (later Corporal) 238, 303, 408
Defender (destroyer) 201, 203–204
Dekkerswald 450, 451
Delamore, Colonel 467
Den Heuvel 456
Denekamp 498
Denmark 38
Dentz, General 217
Derba 261
Derna 135, 150, 152, 155, 157
Desert Air Force 318
Desert Victory 363
Deutsches Afrika Corps 226, 241, 263, 280
Devonshire Regiment (Devons) 376, 409, 411
Digby, Sergeant W. 407
Dinxperlo 495–496
Dockrell, Major 194, 197
Dorset Regiment (Dorsets) 376, 414, 418, 453
Douglas, Captain Keith
at Alamein 275, 276–277, 278
character 390–391
gets lost 281–282, 285
injured in action 303, 357
killed in action 390–392, 395
lecture by 300
mentioned in despatches 502
at Mersa 287, 288, 290, 291
in Normandy 389
paintings 358
in Syria 222
unofficial return to squadron from Division 273, 292
From Alamein to Zem Zem 5, 391–392
Douglas (hairdresser) 15
Douhet, Giulio 51
Doullens 433
Downing, Ian ‘Guns’ 93, 102, 128
Dragoons 48, 210, 392
Drew (naval officer) 151
Drift, Commander 134
Dring, Corporal (later Sergeant) 266, 269, 330, 344, 353, 362, 390, 402, 413, 449, 468–469
Duchess of Alloa 111
Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 431
Duke of Wellington’s Regiment 399–400, 402
Dunkirk 39, 45, 49, 53, 88, 112, 122, 126, 132, 342
Dunlop (officer) 127
Dunn, Brigadier Keith 67, 82
Durban 112
rham Light Infantry 395, 404, 406, 446
Dutch East Indies 251
Dycie 241
Eadie, Colonel Jim 349
Eardley, Charles 54, 214
East Africa 119, 131, 157, 174
Eate, river 432
Ecos 431
Eden, Anthony 90–91, 133–134, 251
Edinburgh 47, 93, 214, 404
Redford Barracks 13
Edwards, Corporal 481
Egerton (officer) 289
British attack on 105
as British ‘colony’ 18
British troops in 38, 39, 91, 98, 99, 165, 169, 193, 203–205, 262
Germans and 157, 191
Italians and 77, 81
Mitchell in 56, 91
see also Alexandria; Cairo
18th Army Group 322
18th Lancers 153
Eighth Army
demonstration of 318–319
and Mareth line 334
Montgomery and 262–263, 265
Rommel and 322, 323, 324, 326
and Tunisia 313, 314, 359
see also Alamein, Battle of; Tobruk; Wadi Zem Zem; Western Desert Force, etc.
8th Armoured Brigade 240, 376, 387–388, 408
demonstration by 316–317
disbanded 369–370
Freyberg and 330–331, 361
Kellett as second-in-command of 322, 329
Montgomery addresses 342
in Normandy 389
and Operation KITTEN 425
Regiment as part of 221, 225–226
training 264
Eighth Air Force 321
82nd American Airborne Division 449, 451
84th Infantry Division (US) 465, 466, 467
87th Airborne Division 457–459, 518
Einbeck 511, 512
Eindhoven 450
Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 314, 315, 316, 322, 377
El Adem 153, 160
El Agheila 155
El Gubi 154
Elbe, river 509
11th Armoured Division 449, 498
Elmore, Denis 400, 481, 498, 503
Else, Trooper 272, 290
Empress of Britain 94, 95, 97, 98, 103, 109
Enderby, Captain William 381, 487, 488, 492
Enfidaville 348, 349, 356, 360, 363, 370
cemetery 355–356, 355
ENSA 107, 229, 416, 464
Enschede 497
Erskine, General (divisional commander) 310, 311
Escault Canal 449
Esme, Brigadier H. 423–424
Espaubourg 432
Essex Yeomanry 370, 380, 384, 388, 412, 431, 449, 451, 477, 483, 496, 498, 508
Ethiopia 157
Eton College 165, 393
Evans, Corporal 491
Evans, Sergeant 462
Evreux 430
Falaise Pocket 420
Fany, Jack 101
Far East 39, 368
Farouk, King of Egypt 246
Farquhar, Michael 362, 448
Farquhar, Tony 6
Fashoda Incident 184
Fearn, Neville 331, 342, 369, 463, 477, 480–481, 488, 496
Feversham, Anne 81–82, 84
Feversham, Major Jim 84
Field Ambulance 449
Fiennes, Lord 258
15th Panzer Division 262
5th Cavalry Brigade 41, 70
5th Panzer Army 314
5th Seaforths 495
An Englishman at War Page 52