All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love)

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All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love) Page 12

by Lane Hart


  It looked like Jonathan and Nathan would be okay for a few hours, and I figured Jess could use a break from the third degree. I stood up and grabbed her hand to lead her to the room they called mine here. Not that'd I'd stayed in it overnight but once or twice before.

  As soon as the door closed I was on Jess, my lips needing to feel hers. I backed her up until her legs hit the bed.

  "Oh!" she exclaimed when I guided her down onto the mattress, covering her body with mine.

  "Shh. I'm not going to fuck you if you can't keep it down," I told her with a smile. Her eyes were still wide in surprise from my sudden attack.


  "Baby, I'm joking. I don't give a shit how loud you are or who hears. I'm going to fuck you in this bed, probably several times tonight, and maybe a few more times tomorrow before we leave. I can't help myself. Every time I see you, or even think about you having my babies I get hard as fuck."

  "Wow," she responded, her amber eyes blinking up at me. I loved how I'd gotten her so aroused that I was only getting one word responses.

  "Now," I told her as I unzipped and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them and her panties down her legs. "I'm going to lick your pussy until you're dripping wet, then I'm going to sink my cock into all that slickness, and fuck you until I make you come again."

  "Okay," she nodded enthusiastically.

  I laughed while stripping her of her shirt and bra before I moved down between her legs.

  "Wait!" she said sitting up on her elbows, making me freeze.

  "What's wrong?"

  "You're still dressed."

  "I'm sorry. What was I thinking?" I joked, before quickly pulling my shirt over my head, then standing up to throw off the rest of my clothes and shoes off while she watched.

  "Is that better?" I asked when I climbed back up on the bed.

  "Yes," she exhaled heavily.

  My mouth started on the inside of her thigh as I worked my way up, kissing and teasing. When my tongue flicked quickly over her clit, her hand went up to cover her own mouth to mute her sounds. That only encouraged me to work harder to make her even louder. With a few well-placed tongue and finger thrusts she was almost yelling out her orgasm.

  I laughed as my mouth moved back up her body, pausing a little longer on her lower stomach (that was already growing), then a little longer on her breasts that were most definitely heavier, which was awesome. Finally I reached her lips. Her body still squirmed underneath mine, especially when my rock hard cock lined up and glided over her wetness.

  Jess's hands came up and pushed at my chest. "Tyler, stop teasing me," she panted.

  "Teasing you?" I asked, looking down at her hazy golden eyes. Her cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink color and her dark hair flowed all around her on the white sheets. "But didn't you just come?"

  "I need you in me. Now," she demanded, raising her hips.

  "You're already a bossy little mama," I joked before leaning down and kissing her. "But I like it."

  She reached between us and guided my cock into her. After feeling her tight wetness engulf my length that was all she wrote for teasing. I raised up and plunged in and out of her, slowly at first, until she complained.

  "Harder. Faster. You're not going … to hurt them, damn it!"

  I watched her face as I did as she ordered, seeing the pressure build within her by the way her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted with her moans. When she looked up at me, she reached and pulled my mouth down to hers again. I felt her pussy clamp around my cock before she pulled her lips away vocalizing her orgasm, but I covered them again to muffle her moans.

  After Jess came I leaned back to watch her body move beneath mine while I grabbed her hips and kept pounding into her. She wasn't done yet. Her eyes watched mine as she raised her hips to meet my thrusts. I felt my own release barrel down my spine until I exploded inside her. Jess's back arched off the bed when she came again, this time without my mouth or her hand to block her cries of pleasure.

  I stayed above her, watching her breasts rise and fall with her breaths until her eyes finally opened. She blinked a few times, like she was just waking up, then her eyes widened in panic and she covered her face.

  "Oh God," she said.

  "Yeah, I think you said that a few times. Along with my name, yes, and fuck, all several times each," I laughed as I lowered my chest to hers, bracing myself on my elbows.

  "Oh no! Your parents are going to think I'm a slut."

  "No they won't. I'll tell them the pregnancy makes your really horny if that'll help you feel better."

  "No, it won't."

  "Seriously, don't worry. You enjoyed yourself right?"

  "Well yeah, you made me come three times."

  "I aim to please," I joked, then kissed her under her jaw.

  "Arrogant bastard," she muttered. I just raised up and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, you can at least back up your cockiness," she said with a smile and an eye roll, then a yawn took her over.

  "Did I wear you out?"

  "Yes. I've been tired all the time lately."

  "Your body is growing two people, that's got to be exhausting work," I told her, as I rolled us to our sides. "Rest for a little while and I'll wake you up when it's time to go, okay?"

  "Okay," she said around another yawn, then she fell asleep in my arms.



  I woke up alone in a strange room, but I didn't mind. It was such a comfortable place. The walls were a peaceful, serene light blue. The plush bed I was curled up in had a soft, thick, down comforter with cozy high thread count sheets. It was like being in a classy hotel. Then I remembered I was at Tyler's parents' house. Their huge, beautiful house, high up on their very own mountain. But Tyler was right, they both seemed nice, and did handle the news of the pregnancy well. His mom more so than his dad. They were such a normal, happy family. A family where no one probably ever yelled, and certainly didn't inflict any sort of physical abuse.

  I sat up and stretched my arms over my head, then found our overnight bag and got out a change of clothes. There was a full bathroom connected to the room, so I went in and freshened up. When I came out I set out in search of Tyler and everyone else.

  I headed in the direction of the voices and laughter. When I found them I stopped to take in the Norman Rockwell perfection before they noticed me.

  Tyler, his parents, my brother and Nathan were all sitting around a long, wooden farm table in the middle of a huge kitchen. They each held a handful of cards and had piles of what looked like miniature Reese cups stacked in front of them.

  I smiled as I watched Tyler unwrap a peanut butter cup and pop it into his mouth.

  "Tyler, you're going to go bankrupt even faster if you keep eating all your chips," Jonathan teased him.

  "Hey, if you'd quit taking all mine, I could afford to eat them," Tyler responded with a smile.

  Jonathan looked so happy, and like he had been born into their family instead of just meeting them today. God, I wished he could’ve had this growing up.

  I felt the wetness on my face and wiped it away but I couldn't hold back my sniffle, which was so loud my hiding place was given up.

  "Hey baby, you're awake," Tyler said, jumping up to head for me. He stopped short when he got a closer look at my face. "What's wrong? Is it the babies?" he asked, suddenly worried. I smiled and shook my head at how sweet and caring he already was when it came to our unborn children.

  "I'm fine. Just allergies," I told him. He gave me a look that said he didn't believe me, but let it go. He wrapped me in his arms then pulled back to give me a quick kiss.

  "Come on. We're playing poker, you want in?" he asked, leading me by the hand over to his seat.

  "Oh no. I can just watch," I assured him. I thought he'd grab another chair for me but he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I blushed, worried about what his parent's would think, but his arm was snug around me, keeping me in place.
  "Reese cup?" he asked with a smile, holding one up to me from his small pile. I nodded and took it from him, unwrapping it as I watched the game go on.

  Jonathan's pile of cups was the largest, and I wondered when he'd learned to play so well.

  It was Tyler's turn to check, raise, or fold, and he showed me his cards. He had a pair of jacks.

  "What do you think?" he asked.

  "Raise?" I asked.

  "Alright, I'll see your two and raise you three," he told the group.

  His mom folded, his dad, Nathan and Jon checked. Then it was time to show their hands.

  "Shoot, he actually won a hand," Jonathan joked.

  "Damn right. I've got my lucky charm on my lap now. Pay up suckers," Tyler told them, pulling in his winnings and handing me another cup from his winnings.

  Tyler was way too optimistic with his next few hands and lost some of his cups. Nathan and Tyler's dad went out, so it was just Jonathan, Tyler and his mom left in the game, with only ten minutes to go before the time we'd planned to leave for the football game.

  I had been content and happy on Tyler's lap, watching them play and joke with each other. His hand teased and lightly caressed my sides, my legs, but mostly my stomach when no one was looking. Between those touches and his soft quick kisses on my neck and cheek, heat was spreading through me, filling me with need. I was almost ready to beg Tyler to stay home with me and bag the football game, but his parents seemed too excited.

  "Alright, what do you say we go all in, winner takes all on his round so we can finish up?" Tyler asked. I knew why he was so eager to go all in, he had a pair of queens and three fours - a full house.

  "I'm in," Jonathan agreed.

  "Fine, me too," his mom exhaled, which made me thing she probably had a shitty hand.

  Once everyone had added to the pot Tyler laughed and threw his cards down. "Read 'em and weep!"

  "Crap," Jonathan muttered, and Tyler's mom only shook her head and smiled.

  "All the cups are mine, losers!"

  "Be nice, Ty," his mom chided him and everyone got up from the table except us.

  "Honey, I think we're going to head on and do a little tailgating. Jonathan and Nathan, you're both welcome to come along with us if you're ready to go get some food. There's always cornhole and other games to play too."

  "Heck yeah. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Evans," Jon told Tyler's mom.

  "We'll head on out with you," Tyler told her and I raised an eyebrow at him to say why can't we stay and head back to bed for another round.

  Reading my mind, he whispered, "Baby, if I take you back to bed again, we won't come out until morning," against my ear.

  "Oh good! Jess how about you ride with me and we can talk babies while the men take the other car and talk football?"

  "Sure," I agreed since his mom looked so hopeful and excited.

  "Great, so Tyler why don't you drive your SUV and we can take the convertible. It's so nice out we can even put the top down."

  "This really okay?" Tyler asked softly and I nodded. "Okay, then we'll see you there," he said then kissed me. Not a quick kiss on the lips goodbye like I was expecting, but an open mouth, tongue seeking, scorching hot kiss.

  "Ugh. At least we're not riding with them together," Jonathan said, bringing me back to where we were.

  I pulled away and smiled up at Tyler, nearly melting from his sexy grin.

  "It's only a fifteen minute drive, Ty. You're not being deployed, going to risk your life fighting in a foreign country," his dad laughed, and then ushered the three guys out the door.

  "Alright honey, I'm ready if you are," his mom said, and I followed her to their garage. Not just any garage, but a three car warehouse that connected to their home. There was a black BMW convertible, a nice new blue SUV of some sort, and a big shiny truck.

  I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up while his mom put down the top and opened the garage. She put on a pair of sunglasses, offered me a pair and then we pulled away from the house.

  The drive was so perfect. The temperature was great, and the scenery was beautiful since all the trees were just starting to change to the fall colors. The speed limit through town was no more than thirty-five miles per hour, so the wind didn't overwhelm us.

  "I've never seen Tyler so happy," his mom said when we came to a stop at a red light. "He thought he was happy with Lauren, but I knew within minutes of seeing her and Caleb together that Tyler was going to end up getting hurt."

  I nodded but wasn't sure what to say.

  "You've helped him move on and let go of what was never there to begin with. And now he's going to be a father."

  "I've told him I don't expect anything from him. I mean, the babies were my decision."

  "Oh honey, you and the babies are more than just a responsibility to him. If that's all you were he'd be miserable, and I know Tyler. He is anything but miserable."

  "He might be miserable once he has two babies screaming and crying all the time."

  "Having two babies is a miracle. Tyler has always said he wanted several kids after growing up an only child. But that wasn't our choice. We wanted more children. Unfortunately, when Tyler was only a few months old I had to have a hysterectomy. And just like that, the choice was taken from us."

  I remember Tyler once saying he wanted at least two children, but of course he couldn't understand what it would mean to have them at the same time.

  "Tyler would step up just because it was required of him, but I know that with you, he's doing it because he wants to. And I can't wait to be a grandma."

  "Mr. Evans doesn't seemed quite as … thrilled," I responded.

  "Oh, Rob is old school, and he's just worried that Tyler isn't married, and is so young, but he's not our little boy anymore. Watching your kids grow up and not need you anymore is tough. I'm sure your parents feel the same way."

  Oh no, anything but that topic.

  "How do they feel about being grandparents?" she asked with a smile.

  "Actually I'm not in contact with my parents anymore."

  "I'm so sorry honey. That's a shame." Oh, no it wasn't.

  "I moved out with Jonathan when I was seventeen, and we've been on our own ever since."

  "Goodness, that's terrible! You poor things. You must have sacrificed quite a lot to take care of your brother and yourself so young."

  "Not really…it was tough at first, but it hasn't been so bad."

  "Well, it's been so nice meeting you and Jonathan, and I hope you'll both come back again with Tyler, and bring our grandkids of course."

  "Thank you for having us. I think Jonathan enjoys being here, and your house is beautiful and so … comfortable."

  "You and Tyler are welcome here anytime, and the beach house is available whenever you'd like a weeklong or just weekend getaway."

  "Thank you. I'd love to see it sometime."

  "Did you know you're the first girl Tyler's ever brought home to meet us?"

  "Really?" I asked with a smile.

  "Yeah, and I know he's dated a lot of girls, but none serious…well other than Lauren, and he never brought her home. Although I guess 'dated' is a generous term for his social life."

  Can't get more serious than babies' mama, I thought, instantly deflating when I realized that was the only reason I'd met his parents.

  Chapter Twenty


  We were almost to the stadium and I couldn’t stop worrying about Jess. I hoped my mom wasn't going crazy talking about weddings or anything else to freak her out. Oh shit! I should have warned my mom not to ask about her parents.

  "So, are you really ready to be a father?" my dad asked after we pulled open the trunk hatch and climbed in to sit on the edge. Jon and Nathan had gone their own way to explore, in other words, to try and meet some girls.

  "Yeah, I mean, I don't really have a choice."

  "But you want to?"

  "Yeah, I do. I didn't plan on it so soon, but hell, I want them."

nbsp; "Them. You don't do anything half-assed do you?" he laughed, handing me a beer from the cooler.

  "Nope, never."

  "She's nice, and her brother is too."

  "Yeah, Jon's cool, and Jess is …" I lost my train of thought and my breath when I saw her and my mom walking toward us.

  "Everything?" he laughed.

  "Everything, what?" I asked, but then she was in front of me and I needed to touch her. Taste her.

  "Hey," I said before covering her lips with mine. What I intended to be a quick kiss escalated into more, just like it did every time with her.

  She pulled away first. "Hey," she said with a smile.

  "Come sit up here with me," I told her, sitting down and sliding back far enough to leave room for her between my legs. She climbed up and I wrapped my arms around her waist. Once she was settled I looked up and noticed my parents were staring at us.

  "What?" I asked.

  "You two are just so adorable together. Our grandkids are going to be beautiful," my mom said, tearing up again.

  "Carol, what is this I hear about grandkids?" a lady my mom's age approached from the crowd and asked. The two women hugged and emitted high pitched squeals, like they were teenagers.

  "Judy, this is my son, Tyler, who I talk about all the time, and his girlfriend, Jess."

  "Hi, nice to meet you Judy," I said, holding my hand out for her to shake.

  "Oh yes, the police officer I've heard all about. And you actually are as handsome as your mom claimed, with an absolutely gorgeous girlfriend. Nice to meet you Jess."

  "Judy, guess what! Tyler and Jess are expecting!"

  "Oh wow! Congratulations. When are you due?"

  "May twenty-fifth," Jess answered.

  "Aw. Do you know what you're having yet?"

  "Twins, but we don’t know the genders yet," I told her.

  "Twins! Holy cow. You are going to have your hands full. My sister has twin boys and they are something, I'm telling you."


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