All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love)

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All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love) Page 17

by Lane Hart

  "Come on, baby, let's go find our … seats," I told Jess, pulling her hand along to the front.

  "Okay. Bye guys. Sorry to bail on you, but who can pass up first class, right?" Jess told them. They all waved us to go on.

  We'd barely gotten our seatbelts on before the announcement came that we were ready for takeoff. Damn, I guess we had been stragglers.

  I leaned over to kiss Jess while they went through all the safety procedures, then pulled away when they actually mentioned us. This was downright insane.

  "… Congratulations to them as they fly first class to their marriage destination. It's great to have you flying Delta, and we are pleased to offer you a complementary roundtrip flight to the location of your choosing for your honeymoon." There were catcalls, applause and cheers, but I swear I heard groans from our group in the back.

  "I feel like I'm in the twilight zone," Jess whispered with a smile.

  "Me too. But I don’t want to leave it," I told her, then covered her mouth with mine as we taxied down the runway and took flight. When the seatbelt light dinged off I was hauling her up.

  "Tyler, everyone will know," she whispered.

  "Baby, the whole damn world knows what we've done, want to do, are going to do. The cat is out of the bag. So let's just say screw them all and do what we want, and what I want is to make you scream my name from thirty thousand feet in the air. Which is appropriate since that's how high I go every time I come inside you."

  "Um, well since you put it that way. Now I'm all hot and wet, lead the way."

  We were only two rows away from the back restroom, so only a handful of people actually saw us. Regardless, nothing was going to keep me from taking her right here and right now.

  I pulled her through the narrow bathroom, locked the door, and then I was on her. My hands went into her hair, hers went to my jeans, pulling my cock out in record breaking time.

  "I am so glad you wore a dress. That'll make this a helluva lot easier," I told her breathlessly around our kiss.

  "No panties will make it even easier for you."

  "Oh fuck yes," I said before my hands had to go down and confirm her admission. When I touched her bare, wet pussy I groaned and swayed on my feet. Hiking up her dress, I grabbed her around her waist, lifted her onto the sink counter, and then thrust into her.

  "Oh God," she moaned, and I pulled her mouth back down to mine to muffle her sounds. Turned out I could barely keep mine down. Every time I was with this woman it was even better, and this time was no exception. Only problem was, time was of the essence. While I plunged in and out of her I reached down and rubbed her clit, throwing her into her orgasm. That was all it took for me to let go.

  "Fuck that was good, even if it was quick. Sorry baby but I had to get that one out of the way. This morning was too long ago."

  "It was damn good, but I was ready to come before you touched me," she said with a smile, making me laugh.

  "Alright, I'm going to head out first and then you can come out in a couple of minutes so it's not so fucking obvious," I told her, zipping up my jeans.

  "Okay. I love you," she said, climbing down from the counter and still breathing hard.

  "I love you too, and the next time I take you, you might be my wife. No, never mind. I can't wait that long."

  She leaned up to kiss me then I slid out of the tight confines of the bathroom to head back to our seats.

  I tried to ignore the looks and knowing grins of the four or five other passengers. When I sat down the flight attendant suddenly appeared.

  "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "Yeah, a rum and coke would be great actually."

  "And for your fiancée?"

  Definitely not anything alcoholic. "Do you have lemonade?"

  "Sure, and I'll be right back with both."

  I turned around to look for Jess and saw her coming down the aisle. I smiled thinking about how amazing it would be to see her coming down another aisle soon.

  "Hey," I said as she slid past my legs to the window seat.

  "Hey. Is everyone looking at us?"

  "Yeah, but they were doing that before. Now we just gave them something else to think about."

  She smiled and slumped down into her seat.

  "So, what are we going to do for the next eight hours?" I asked.

  "Ugh. I'm so ready to be there."

  "Me too," I agreed, reaching to grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. Her left one with her engagement ring sparkling in the light.

  "Here you go," the flight attendant appeared with our drinks and sat them on our trays.

  "Thanks for getting me lemonade, but do you feel the need to get drunk in order to marry me?" she asked eyeing my glass after the attendant walked away.

  "What? God no. I'm just trying to relax. I'm all antsy with nowhere to go."

  "Antsy or horny?"

  "Both," I told her with a grin.

  "Well, since we're going to really do this, let's make sure we've covered all our bases. You've got your suit?"


  "Dress shoes, dress shirt, and all the other parts of the outfit?"



  I patted my pants pocket and felt the small box.

  "Yep. Do you have everything?" I asked.

  "God, I hope so. Dress, shoes, ring, lingerie. Yeah, I think that's it."

  "Lingerie?" I asked.

  "Ah, yeah! For after."

  "Baby, you're not going to have anything on after."

  She squirmed in her seat and cleared her throat. "New topic. So where are we going to live?"

  "Where do you want to live?"

  "Well, since the babies won't be here until May, I was hoping to stay in our apartment so Jon will be in the same district and can keep riding the bus until the school year ends."

  "Sure. So you want me to move in with you?"

  "Well yeah. You're going to be my husband."

  "Okay. I'll move in when we get back. Actually, when did we decide to go back?"

  "Joe said I could take the week off but I hate to do that since I just started. I thought I'd go back to work Wednesday."

  "So you want to fly back Monday, then I can move Tuesday before we go back to work Wednesday? I don't have to move everything right now, just the necessities."

  "What about your furniture?"

  "Ah, I guess I could put it in storage until we get a bigger place."


  "Are you going to change your name?" I asked, hoping she'd want to be Mrs. Evans.

  "Of course," she said with a smile, like there was no question.

  "Good. I want you to be Jessica Evans."

  "I can't wait to get rid of Dodson. That name only reminds me of the fucked up family I came from."

  "What about Jonathan?"

  "What about him?"

  "Are you his legal guardian? Did you ever make it official?"

  "You mean did I legally adopt him? No, the school thinks he still lives with our parents. Getting guardianship would require my parents’ permission, and I'm never going to talk to them again."

  "Not necessarily. He could get emancipated and then we could adopt him legally."

  "We? You ... you want to adopt my brother?"

  "Only if that's what you and he both want. He could lose his name too, and take mine."

  "But why? Why would you do that?" she asked, brow furrowed.

  "We don’t have to. It's up to you. I just thought he might want to leave behind Dodson too. I don't want him to feel left out when we get married and have the babies, like the four of us are a family with him on the outside, you know?"

  "I hadn't thought about it like that. He's almost sixteen and then he'll be going to college in two years."

  "You'll still be his family. The only one he has."

  She nodded. "Okay. Let's ask him and see what he thinks."

  "Okay. Shit. I'm about to marry you and I don't even know when your birthday is."

"May second. Ah, when's yours?"

  "May the fourth."

  "Really?" she asked with a smile.

  "Yeah, Star Wars geeks are so jealous of my birthday. When's Jonathan's?"

  "March twenty-fourth."

  "Do you have a middle name?"

  "No. Do you?"

  "Oddly enough, no. I thought I was the only person that didn't."

  "Jonathan and I don't. It's surprising that our parents went to all the trouble to give us first names."

  "My mom had decided on naming me Tyler and didn't think Robert went with it, so they said screw it, you don't need one anyway."

  "They are sort of unnecessary. Are we going to give our babies middle names?"

  I shrugged. "Not unless you want to. Have you got any names in mind, boy or girl ones?"

  "No clue, much less two."

  "Then how about I name one, and you name the other," I suggested.

  "Okay, as long as it's not something crazy like Piper or Joffrey."

  "Ooh, let's name them after Game of Thrones characters!"

  "Hell no!" she laughed.

  "What? Come on. We're both fans. If it's girls we can name them Brienne and Daenerys, and if it's boys we can name them Tyrion and Hodor."

  "Stop! That's not funny. Our kids will get picked on," she said, still laughing.

  "Fine. We've got plenty of time to decide, and first we need to know their genders."

  "Yeah, that would help narrow it down," she agreed with a smile, running her hand through her long chestnut hair. God she was beautiful, and she was going to be mine forever.

  "I love you," I told her before grabbing the side of her face and kissing her.

  I raised the arm rest between us, then pulled her over until she was sitting sideways in my lap.

  "Tyler!" she gasped, but I slanted my lips over hers and stopped her protests.

  Seven hours later I thought my cock was going to explode from the pressure. Jess wasn't in much better shape, and she didn't have panties on. I'd never made out with someone for so long without coming and it was painful.

  "Excuse me ma'am, but you're going to need to return to your seat, and fasten your seatbelt," the flight attendant interrupted, and we finally pulled apart panting. Jess's face was flushed, her eyes were glazed over, her lips bright red and swollen, and her hair was all messy and sexy.

  "Are you ready to marry me?" I asked.

  "Oh yeah," she sighed. "I forgot all about that, I was so … distracted."

  "You forgot?" I laughed.

  "It's all coming back to me now. Let's do this!" she exclaimed, and several passengers looked at us.

  "That's what I'm talking about."

  "Okay, what time is it?" she asked.

  "Almost ten."

  "Alright, after we get our luggage there should be a hotel limo waiting for us. They'll take all of us to the Clark County Marriage Bureau to get our marriage license, then drop us off at the hotel. Then you'll go get ready with Caleb, and all the guys in your parents' room. Lauren and your mom and I will get ready in Lauren and Caleb's room. We'll have until eleven forty-five to get downstairs, then its show time."

  "You and my mom have been planning together?" I asked, happy that the two of them seemed to get along so well. Not just because I wanted my parents to like the woman I was marrying, but because I wanted Jess to have what she'd been missing for so long. I wanted her to feel like she had a family again, and one that wasn't volatile.

  "Ah, yeah. Your mom and I had to get everything all lined up."

  "My mom likes you. My dad does too, but my mom actually loves you, and she just met you less than a week ago."

  "She's just giving me the benefit of the doubt," she said with a shake of her head.

  "No she's not. She always wanted a daughter, and both of my parents can see that we're perfect together."

  "Do you think your parents would actually tell you if they didn't like the woman you were going to marry?"

  "Hell yes. They'd go along with it for my sake, but they'd bitch and complain. They seriously like you. They’ve gone out of their way to plan this weekend for us. They'd sit back and just tag along if they weren't happy about us, not buy plane tickets, hotel rooms and limos."

  "They are really nice, and not because they paid for everything," she said with a smile. "They've already made me and Jon feel like we belong."

  "Because you do."

  "Attention passengers. We are now landing in Las Vegas, Nevada, and will begin disembarking soon, beginning with section A."

  "That's us baby."

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  "Oh Jess, you look amazing! That dress is perfect, and I can't wait to see Tyler's face when you walk down the aisle," his mom said when I finished dressing.

  I looked down at the beautiful dress, and then in the mirror. I'd left my dark hair down and Lauren had put big, spirally curls all through it, holding them with what felt like an entire can of hairspray. I'd done my own makeup, just putting it on a little heavier than normal.

  "You are a beautiful bride, Jess," Lauren said.

  "If you'd told me a few weeks ago that I'd be marrying Tyler tonight in Vegas, I would have said you were nuts," I told them, then thought about how that must have sounded to his mom. "Not that I didn't want to, I just, I didn't think we could be together without me always wondering if it was just for the babies. But now I know without a doubt it's more than that."

  "Of course it is, and every person that's seen that picture, all four million of them, can see it too," his mom said, blinking back tears.

  "So we've got five minutes before we need to head down. Anything we need to do? You got Tyler's ring?" Lauren asked

  "Um, no. You've got Tyler's ring."

  "Shit, that's right. Let me double check my handbag."

  "Jess, um, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to wear my mother's pearl necklace, you know, something old and borrowed?" Tyler's mom asked, pulling out the strand.

  "I'd love to, thank you," I told her, turning around and holding up my hair to let her fasten them on.

  "My dress is new, these are borrowed and old. Now all I need is something blue."

  "Actually, here you go sweetie," she said pulling out a small, perfectly wrapped gift box from her luggage. "Go ahead, and open it. It's something blue."

  "Thanks, you've thought of everything." I pulled off the paper and lifted the lid. Inside was a pair of shimmering blue butterfly earrings. "Wow, these are so beautiful," I told her, wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome honey. We're so glad to have you and Jon in our family."

  I blinked and sniffed back the tears so I wouldn't ruin my makeup. Putting in the earrings I thought about what it meant, marrying Tyler, starting our new life together. I wasn’t just lucky that I was getting him. "It's nice to have a family again," I told her.

  "You look perfect," his mom said, giving my shoulders a squeeze.

  "Okay ladies, you ready?" Lauren asked.

  "Yeah, Jonathan's supposed to meet us in the lobby, and Tyler and the guys should be outside and in place by now."

  I grabbed my bouquet, and then we headed down in the elevator.

  All eyes turned toward us when we stepped out into the lobby. You'd think they'd be used to seeing women in wedding dresses running around this town. Guess not.

  I looked around and finally spotted Jon in his tux. He was fidgeting with the sleeves, but straightened when he looked up and saw us.

  "You look great, sis. You ready?" he asked.

  "Yes. We'll see you out there, okay?" I told Lauren and Tyler's mom, as they nodded and went on ahead of us. "You clean up nice, little brother."

  Jon looked so grown up and handsome in his tux and white dress shirt. Him, Caleb and Tyler had all gone and got suits together.

  "I know, right," he joked, but I saw a flash of sadness cross his face. I remembered what Tyler had said about me being his only family. I didn't want him to feel like h
e was losing me, or like he was an outsider in our life.

  "Hey, Jonathan?"

  "Yeah?" he looked down at me since he was a good six inches taller.

  "How would you feel about me and Tyler becoming your legal guardians? I know you'll be an adult soon, but in the meantime …"

  "Tyler probably can't wait until I graduate, and get out of your way."

  "That's not what he wants at all. It was actually his idea."

  "Tyler wants to adopt me?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

  "Well, he and I both would, but yeah. You could change your name if you wanted or leave it-"

  "I want to get rid of Dodson," he said quickly, and I saw the pain of our past in his eyes.

  "Me too."

  "I'm happy for you Jess. I'm glad you've marrying Tyler. He's a good guy."

  "Yeah, he is. Now let's go. I need to hurry up before he comes to his senses and changes his mind."

  We stepped out the door into the warm evening on the patio, and my breath caught. It was absolutely beautiful.

  Rows of white chairs were on either side of the aisle where a white runner was covered with red rose petals. The chairs at the back were all filled with people I'd never seen before which freaked me out. Shit, we must have entered the wrong wedding.

  At the end of the aisle there was an actual waterfall that caught my eye. The water looked like it was changing colors as it flowed straight down into a lighted pool. Then I saw him.

  Tyler was standing in front of the waterfall with a sexy smile, looking even more incredible than the most romantic scene I'd ever envisioned. The police uniform was nothing compared to the tailored black tux, crisp white shirt, and black tie. He was the hottest man I'd ever seen, and I still couldn't believe he wanted me.

  I linked my arm in Jonathan's, and when a violin started playing the wedding march, he walked me down the aisle to give me away.

  The sounds of the waterfall were soothing and relaxing, washing away the last of my nerves caused by the unknown guests. I looked into Tyler's blue eyes and there wasn't anything else. I barely noticed the minister or heard his words.


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