The Mask of Omegon (Gwen Farris Book 6)

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The Mask of Omegon (Gwen Farris Book 6) Page 6

by P. S. Power

  Not that anyone would have stopped her from going into the nice wooden structure. It held gardening and lawn care tools, most days. In all it looked cute. Innocent. She’d been tortured in it though and sane or not, that meant she hated the place now. Not enough to burn it to the ground, but she wasn’t going to take her new guy friend on a tour of it either.

  She was huffing and puffing again, trying to recover just a little bit faster than the last time. That didn’t really work, since her body needed the oxygen. That was her bet anyway. That something in the trick of carrying two people across the kingdom, or even the world, just caused her brain to use up all the fuel in her blood. Including the air in her lungs.

  That, or just as likely, it did nothing. In that case she just imagined that she felt so out of sorts. Regardless, nothing she could manage at the moment prevented her from having to suck in huge breaths in that few minute time span. On the good side, it didn’t make her particularly tired, after that part was done. It was very much easier doing it on her own. So much so that it didn’t even cause her to feel it in particular. Not now that she could do it.

  Finally, after most of three minutes, she had control of herself again.

  “Home. I get that… Well, just come on?” She lived there. The Vernors did as well, having come back from the country. They’d basically exiled themselves after everything. Robert had to stay available for work, of course. That limited the good and effective hiding that might have happened. Ethyl on the other hand had become nearly a social pariah over the last years. They were ghastly rich still. Powerful as well. Nearly royalty.

  The thing there was that Katherine Vernor had so truly tainted the family name that they might just never be able to really recover from the shame. Even Gwen was feeling that a bit. Though, to be truthful, so far the people that had known she was herself hadn’t beaten or spit on her like she probably deserved for her failures. They’d been… Normal. Maybe a bit shy about her, but not condemning her part in things.

  Walking to the rather impressive front door, she triggered the bell. It was like a door bell from home, but worked using magic. That was a new thing however. One that she’d worked out about a month before. It was nearly never used, so the crystal pack on it would probably work for decades. It made loud chimes trigger inside. Turning she winked at her date.

  “Not to brag, but I made that. Myself. Even the radiatives for it. You took classes on that at University? I…” She was stuck suddenly, not knowing what normal people would ask then. For all she knew it was horribly rude to bring up anything even remotely like that. It hadn’t seemed like it with anyone else, but she was still kind of on a date. The rules might be a bit different for that.

  Thankfully, Tomas smiled at her as if that were a totally normal thing to go on about.

  “I did take a few. That wasn’t my prime area, naturally. Most of the art types actually major in traditional magic. It’s a bit more fluid and graceful than the more technical applications. Still, that’s impressive. Magical chimes? To alert the folk inside that we’re here?” There was a bit of nervous looking around then, as if they might not be allowed there at all.

  Except that moments later the front door opened. That showed a rather dapper gentleman standing there. He was decently tall, fit looking and attractive enough to get in trouble with the right kind of person. Charles Winslow was taken however. A thing that Gwen had long thought to be a shame. Gay as well, which would have gotten her right out of the running. Not that she’d have been in it, anyway. After all, he was a professional butler, as well as ex-special forces. If he’d been straight and in desperate need, he still would have turned down his employer’s daughter. Gwen wasn’t Katherine, but she looked just like her. That other girl was even in her head still. Subdued for the moment. Mainly at her own behest. Trying to stay alive. Or, just possibly, making sure that Gwen got to.

  After no more than a tenth of a second of hesitation, Charles smiled at her.

  “Miss Farris! Have you come for dinner? That would be lovely, to be truthful. I fear that there were plans, but… Rather a last moment cancelation. It isn’t grand.” He seemed displeased by that idea.

  Gwen didn’t have to ask however. It was a thing that happened to poor Ethyl now. She’d make plans, with an old friend or two, only to have them pull out at the last moment, due to social pressure.

  On the good side, she was hungry, not having gotten anything to eat that evening. She really did need to gain some weight as well, so that part just made sense, if the food was already there. A bit mean, dragging poor Tomas along to meet her mother and father like that, but he was the one that didn’t seem to get that she was really herself yet. Not totally.

  “That sounds great. If it really isn’t any trouble? I’m mainly here to show off for Tomas. The new door chime and all that? We’re dating, so, you get the idea, I want to make a good impression.” She winked, trying to be conspiratorial and a bit teasing. It wasn’t like the man wasn’t standing right there with her.

  Winslow bowed toward the fellow.

  “Very good, Miss. Please, come in. I’m certain that we can arrange a suitable meal, even if plans fluctuate again. Would you be pleased with the sitting room? Mrs. Vernor is entertaining in there, this evening.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Charles.” She reached out and took Tomas by the hand, as they walked away. It wasn’t that bad of a trip down the large hallway to the left, but it was still a bit of walking. Park Street could be a tiny bit overwhelming at first. At least if you weren’t a Duke or better.

  In the sitting room there was a bit of a surprise for her, since there was a Duke there already. Her friend, Groundling. He was technically second in line for the kingdom’s throne at the moment. At least if Marianna didn’t pop out a kid soon. The king and her were trying though. Both were healthy enough even, so it wouldn’t be that long.

  The large man was there alone it seemed that evening. Normally he brought Gloria along with him. Gwen hadn’t really thought about it, since they were of different social strata, but the ship’s Engineer and the Duke seemed to be an item. Which was good if it was the case. Gwen actually liked them both, after all. If nothing else it would make dinner parties easier on her.

  “Hey! Duke Morten.” She held her arms open, but was a bit shocked when the man actually stood up from his sofa and managed to give her a credible hug.

  “Curly! Gloria was just asking after you, not yesterday. Actually, she ordered me to see about getting you in for a run? We’re two loaders down for our next trip out, otherwise. Smitty actually went and got himself promoted, of all things. Darnell…” There was a sad look then, along with a head shake that felt both real and fake, at the same time. “There was an accident at the last port. Paris? In Europa. I’m afraid he didn’t make it back to the Peregrine on time, so has to find his own way home.”

  It sounded like that was a sad thing, but given who had been left Gwen had to figure that it was done on purpose. The man was an idiot. Worse, he probably wasn’t even stupid, which could have been worked with. Slow was a thing and its own excuse at times. Darnell just thought he was cleverer than he actually was, which made problems.

  It had to be pretty bad though, if they stranded him like that. It was close to the last thing that anyone in the shipping business would do, on purpose.

  “What did he do?”

  The tall man, who was bald on top, and a combination of silver, black and gray on the sides, all trimmed nicely, sighed.

  “Liberties with our cook. Rather got a bit out of hand about it. I mean, a woman on a ship gets patted a bit more than is proper at times, naturally. Hazard of the job. He was trying to force her, though. Just with words, or he wouldn’t have been getting off the ship at port. We’re keeping that part quiet, for the lady’s sake. Anyway, are you in?” He looked at her closely, kindly not mentioning how thin she still was. That played behind his eyes, but she could work.

  “I should be free? I think I actually wore out my we
lcome with Ferdinand. Not that he hasn’t been a dear about everything. At least I don’t think I pissed off Marianna or anything.” They were short on female watchers for her. The Special Service had some women, but only four of them now, and Beth was down, since being pregnant meant not being in combat armor. Not that they lived in the stuff, but if it came up, she couldn’t fit in hers, or wouldn’t be able to soon.

  Groundling, her old ship pal, just grimaced at her a bit.

  “He called me up on that one. It isn’t what you’d think. You came back and then spent six months on duty. Straight, without taking so much as a single rest day. That’s your entire duty set for the year. Given you worked sixteen hour days, that’s your whole contract at once. Stupid rule, if you’re willing to do more, but that’s the civilian way for that sort of thing. You’re the only non-Westmorland in the job on the women’s side, so they have to treat you like a girl.” He smirked a bit, then looked over at Tomas, nodding. It was very nearly a casual thing.

  “Baron Harrison. Good to see you out. Last I heard you were consumed with your latest art project? Children’s novels, wasn’t it?” There was no particular condemnation over that being what the guy was doing.

  No hesitation about the Baron part either. It could have been a bit of a shock to her, but Gwen figured that the man had probably hidden who he was from a lot of people. Really, that was likely for the same reason that Groundling did on the ships. At least he used to, before being shown as nobility to the masses. It was so he could do his work, without being bothered all the time.

  In this case it could also have been about something else. Like the fact that he’d figured that Gwen was playing make believe when they met. He had been, apparently. Doing a better job of it than she would have figured at the same time. After all, he had calling cards made up with a different name on them. Also a man to pretend to be him on the telestator. That took real planning and skill.

  She glanced at him and shrugged.

  “Ah. I see. I think that Ferdinand was setting us up then. At least to meet, if not for a bit of mystery. Anyway, Tomas and I…” She stopped then, and waited for the name to be corrected. Still holding his hand.

  Rather than act goofy the guy smiled and squeezed her hand gently.

  His words were even and calm then.

  “Miss Farris and I are seeing each other? I rather hadn’t told her who I was yet. Just Tomas the legal clerk and artist. She did say that she’d read my books however, so that makes at least one person! They aren’t really for children however…” He seemed a bit embarrassed about that part, but was interrupted when Ethyl Vernor walked up and hugged Gwen.

  “This is wonderful! I’ve been a bit worried about you, to be honest, Gwen. It’s good to see that you have a friend.” She looked at him and nodded, a bit forcefully.

  Robert stuck his hand out at the guy, smiling.

  “Robert Vernor. This is my wife Ethyl. Gwen’s parents, more or less. Just so you get the situation?” He seemed happy enough about it however and Duke Morten slapped the Baron on the arm.

  “Don’t worry, Tom. They’re good people. Better than you might have heard, to be honest. We should sit. Talk and catch up. Mainly with Gwen, since she’s far more interesting than the rest of us.”

  She blew a raspberry at the man. Oddly, that translated well enough to get a laugh from him. Along with slightly scandalized look from Ethyl, though it wasn’t unkind.

  “Interesting is another word for odd, right? I’ve worked out your crafty alien codes, you know.” She paused, then shrugged. “I guess I’m the alien here? Anyway, I mainly came so that Tomas would get that I’m actually me and not just roleplaying at being Gwen Farris. I know that sounds insane but…” She was willing to go on, but Groundling nodded at her.

  “Too true. I can see that one. She’s the real deal however, Tom. Different than you’d heard as well, I bet. For instance, I wasn’t kidding or joking about having her on as a loader. It’s part of why I’m here tonight. That and the company, of course.” He bowed, sitting already, toward Ethyl and then Robert. “Your parents were worried that people would think you were being forced into hard labor. Again. Missing the part where you plan to take over the shipping concern someday. Really, if you get the chance, you should start doing some duties that way. I’d suggest the military as well, but Special Service has to count for that part. Then we just need to find some nice young man for you to marry.”

  Gwen glared a bit then, though Tomas managed to not react to the words in the slightest.

  “Way to ruin my date, Groundling. Just keep this in mind when it’s your turn to be needled. Just so you get what’s going to be happening then.” Not that she knew it would ever happen, but it made a better threat than storming out would. Besides, she wasn’t entirely certain that doing that kind of teasing wasn’t just the norm there. Or if it was teasing at all. It could well have been a simple attempt to bring the subject up.

  It was a bit early for that. Tom seemed like a nice enough guy. Also like he could be slightly unbalanced mentally. Sure that wasn’t a deal breaker for her, but just being Gwen Farris meant that she couldn’t blame the man if his goal was to get lucky a few times and then dump her. That might be happening even sooner now that she’d shown herself to be who she was.

  A badly broken, totally tainted, bit of flotsam cast off from another world.

  It sounded pretty sad to her. Also likely as to what would be happening in the next few minutes. Except that the others just acted like the conversation were real, then changed it after the first hint had been dropped. That or her vow of revenge against the Duke.

  Which hadn’t been meant in a bad way, but still might have people worried, she realized. After all, she’d gone after only a few people there, in the Western Kingdom. Well, in that whole world. All of them were dead now. They might not get that she was capable of things like just being funny, or sabotaging his next date with fake wedding announcements. Not the she really would.

  No, she was far too kind for that. Worse, she actually wanted the best for her friend. Which could have been his point as well. Still, there was no glaring, or even clever looking away to make certain she got the point. That was a thing that people did there, from time to time.

  Ethyl changed the topic then. It was a bit less than perfectly well done, which all the men in the room, including Robert, seemed to understand.

  “I hear that there’s a book with you in it out, Gwen? One for children? Gwen Farris, Girl Detective, or something along those lines? I must say, it sounds interesting! I haven’t read such a thing for oh… Nearly twenty years now.” She was probably being coy, since it had certainly been closer to thirty for the woman. She didn’t look all that old or anything, but wasn’t forty any longer either. Not unless she’d had Katherine at thirteen.

  Robert turned a bit red then, which was in upset, not embarrassment. Duke Morten actually seemed to be a bit deadly suddenly and Tomas looked away. Just like she’d figured someone would have been doing at her a few moments before.

  Gwen just snorted.

  “Ah. Gwen Farris Investigations…” She smirked a bit and then shook her head. Honestly, she managed to sound like she was fighting a laugh. “In which she mainly investigates her friend Beth West. I don’t know if I should be happy that Beth’s reputation was spared or upset that they didn’t point out she was a Westmorland? It’s… Is smut a word here?” She’d never heard that one that she recalled.

  Oddly, making a face, Ethyl nodded.

  “Rather! That’s… Well, I suppose I shouldn’t have brought that up then. Do we know who put that out? Also, should we have them killed for it?”

  There were several different responses then. Tomas looked troubled, as if the suggestion was a real one. Robert looked annoyed, which was probably about the books existing, rather than his wife finding out about it, she guessed. Groundling nodded, a bit forcefully, as if that were just an honest idea and a thing to take seriously. Then, the man would straight u
p kill a person if he had to. He’d taken off a Baron’s head for her once. In retaliation for the man having tried to sacrifice her to end the world. They’d only known about the knife to the heart at the time, however. Still, he’d killed the guy without blinking. Just because she’d said it needed to be done.

  For her part she shook her head.

  “Eh… Probably not? I’ll just find whoever is doing them and see where that goes? It… Honestly, they’re just pictures. Not even photographs of me actually doing those things. The likeness isn’t even that good.”

  That got a low growl from Robert.

  “That isn’t the point. You don’t need any more abuse from us. This entire world owes you too much for that kind of thing. Even if you were doing those things, it would be improper to bring it up. Being innocent of them…” He stopped then, but didn’t seem to be questioning that part of things. Which was nice of him.

  She flipped a single palm, turning it over in her lap. If she had that right, one palm being flipped was a sign that you really didn’t care. Not even bothering to lift it up showed even less concern than that. In this case it was pretty much her telling the whole room that she honestly couldn’t be bothered to put any energy into the effort at all.

  Winslow came to the door, standing there for a moment before speaking. Looking good while he did it, as well.

  “Dinner is now being served, if you please?”

  That was the polite way to do it. If you were just hanging out casually with a few friends. It would have been even more so if it had just been family. They all more or less sauntered to the next room, where plates were already on the serving carts. Carlisle, who was the large, powerful, Native American looking footman, gave a slow nod in her direction. There was no smile to go along with it for her. That was probably due to her having a date, rather than anything else.

  Not that the man wanted her for himself or anything. Or, well, she’d never even considered that. He was handsome and not old or anything. About thirty. The guy had simply never shown more interest in her than his job required of him. Most men hadn’t, in her life.


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