Wake Me

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Wake Me Page 5

by Jill Sanders

It took almost two minutes for her to catch up with Rafe. By then she was winded and there was more than one bead of sweat rolling down her back. Walking in the sand was a bitch, especially since it was almost a hundred degrees out and she was chasing the man of her wet dreams for the past two years.

  “Hey,” she said, catching up to him. Of course, she had no clue what she was going to say beyond that, but she was saved when he turned towards her and his smile doubled.

  “Forget something, again?” he asked easily.

  She held up her phone. “Can I get your number?” she stammered. “Um, for references?”

  His chuckle was quick, but he took her phone and started typing on the screen.

  “You know, if you want to apply at UMH, I’d be happy to put in a good word with Mark Hallberg. He’s the director…”

  “I’ve already applied for a position there,” she broke in, feeling her nerves kick in even more.

  “Oh?” He handed her the phone back. “Then I suppose I might see you around soon.” He winked. “I think your friends are leaving you behind.” He nodded over her head and when she glanced around, sure enough, Jamie and Rod were packing up their things.

  “You could come,” she added. “Tonight, that is, if you don’t really have to work.”

  He paused for a second, then leaned closer. “I never say anything that isn’t the truth.” His voice was soft, but she understood he was hinting at more than just his work schedule. Emily swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ll see you soon,” he whispered, then he turned and walked across the street.

  Two weeks later she was standing in a long white corridor, more nervous than she’d been on her first day of college. It was official. Emily was employed. Well, at least a paid intern for now.

  In the past weeks, she’d gone on more interviews than she cared to think about. Some were at smaller family practices, where the pace was a little slower than she desired. She’d been offered several of those positions almost immediately but held off answering them until she’d heard back from the jobs she really wanted.

  There were three major hospitals in the Miami area that she was interested in working in. Of them, Jackson Memorial Hospital was the only one she had scratched off her list after her interview. There wasn’t anything wrong with the facility, but she could tell almost immediately that the staff were unhappy.

  Mercy Hospital was her second choice, after UMH, which was one of the best facilities around. The fact that Rafe worked there didn’t sway her in the least. But it was a perk. A big one.

  She hadn’t texted or called him after that day on the beach, but she had stared at his name and digits in her phone multiple times, daydreaming the entire time of what that puzzling night had actually been like. She could only remember pieces of the time after they’d arrived back at the apartment. For some reason, none of her memories included her stripping for Rafe.

  Thankfully, Jamie hadn’t asked for her dress or shoes back yet either. Emily had the dress dry cleaned and had hung it in the back of her closet. The dry cleaner’s stark white plastic bag reminded her of her wild night every time she dug around her closet for something to wear.

  Not that her vast wardrobe was going to be much of an issue now. She’d gotten a call two days ago telling her that she’d been offered paid intern position at UMH, so most of her days were going to be filled with scrubs. According to her new boss, Karin Talbert, every intern was brought in at entry-level until they proved their worth. Which, of course, she planned on doing in record time.

  “Well?” Tanya, a rather large nurse who had been given the task of showing Emily around on her first day, waved for her to follow her. “This is the break room.” She opened one of the last doors in the hallway. “So, that’s it.” She sighed. “We’d better head back down to the nurses’ station before Karin gets her panties in a bunch.”

  Karin didn’t seem like the type of supervisor to yell and scream, but Emily still didn’t want to get on her bad side on her first day. She’d been introduced to so many staff members as Tanya showed her around, she was sure she would forget her own name by the end of the day. Thankfully, everyone was wearing name badges on their scrubs, for the patients’ sakes.

  By the end of the day, she was half wondering why she’d been so quick to turn down those family practice jobs. Not only did her feet and back hurt, but every part of her body hurt as well.

  Karin had warned her about the short transition period, but she’d believed she’d have a few days before jumping into it with both feet.

  Emily had several large stains from various body fluids on her scrubs, as well as a sticky spot on her left shoe, which she was pretty sure was gum, since there was currently a piece of paper stuck to it. Her hair, which she had braided very neatly, was now coming loose and falling in her face.

  As she rode the elevator down to the garage level, her backpack slung over her shoulder, she realized that she’d never had a better day in her entire life. She’d helped save at least three lives that day and thankfully hadn’t lost anyone during her first shift.

  She knew that loss came with the job, and she thought she was prepared for it, but she was still glad she hadn’t had to deal with it yet.

  Even Karin had said she’d been impressed with her performance. Emily had gotten along great with all the other staff and had become instant friends with several of the other interns.

  It was seven in the morning and she should have been completely worn out, but she was on a natural high. She doubted she’d be able to settle down for the next few hours. Her mind was racing.

  The thought of swinging by her father’s new place popped into her head. She was pretty sure he was still busy unpacking and could use her help. In the end, even with her mind still spinning, her tired body won out and she headed back home.

  Her eyes were half closed when she unlocked her front door, after fumbling with her massive key chain and wondering why she had so many stupid charms on the ring that only held three keys: one to her front door, one to her dad’s new place, and one that she had no clue what it was for, only that she’d told herself to never get rid of it.

  She let out a few choice words as she fought with the lock and just when the right key slid into the lock, her front door was yanked open. Emily blinked a few times as she stared up into the sexiest blue eyes she’d ever seen.

  She wasn’t sure what happened next, since she was on the verge of falling asleep on her feet, but she thought she sighed and smiled up at Rafe before she came to her senses. She might have said something under her breath about how beautiful he was, but she dismissed that thought as he leaned against the door frame. Her doorframe. It took her mind almost a full minute to register that he was standing in her apartment.

  In that time, his sky-blue eyes ran slowly down her body. Suddenly everything became clear. She was standing in the hallway in her dirty blue scrubs, covered in bodily fluids and some of her lunch, which she’d spilled on her lap. Her hair was a tangled mess, since she’d pulled it free of the braid on the bus trip home.

  For his part, Rafe looked like a beach god. You know the sexy tanned men who wore beach shorts, a tight tank top, and looked sexy as hell playing volleyball in slow motion? Yeah, that good. She felt her mouth water just looking at him.

  “What…” she started, then shifted her bag on her shoulder until her mind clicked into full gear. “What are you doing here?” she finally got out.

  Instead of answering, he smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “So, you’re part of the UMH family?” he finally said after a moment of quiet.

  Since her feet were hurting, and she’d gained some of her senses back, she stepped past him and dropped her bag inside the doorway. When she looked around and found the apartment empty, she frowned. Turning back towards him, she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Well?” she said. “What are you doing here?”

  His smile grew. “Visiting.”

“How did you get in?” she asked, feeling frustrated. Sure, her heart leaped at the thought of Rafe wanting to see her, but there was a hint of worry that he’d be in her apartment alone.

  Just then, Jamie walked out of her room, followed closely by Blaine. They were laughing and when they spotted her, they stopped.

  “You’re just in time,” Jamie said, setting her large beach bag down on the ground.

  Her face threatened to turn bright red when Blaine’s eyes ran over her, but when no hint of attraction crossed his face, she relaxed a little. Maybe all the attention he’d given her that night had been a fluke? Maybe he was just playing it cool in front of Jamie? She shoved that thought into the back of her mind for a moment.

  “For?” she asked, rubbing her forehead and getting the feeling that a hot shower and falling face-first into bed weren’t going to happen anytime soon.

  “We’re heading to Surfside. There’s a concert,” Jamie said, walking over and tossing her beach towel into the bag. “Go change.”

  Emily sighed and looked between her and Blaine, wondering what was going on there. Blaine’s eyes kept going back to Jamie as if she were the last piece of pizza in the box.

  Man, she was tired and hungry. Emily felt her stomach growl and sighed.

  “Jamie, I’ve just come off—”

  Jamie took her arm and pulled her into the kitchen as she smiled apologetically at the two men standing in their living room.

  “You have to go.” Jamie dragged out each word. “Please. I know you’re probably tired and all, but I simply can’t go with them alone. This is important to me.” She couldn’t remember her friend ever saying those words to her before.

  Giving herself some time to think, Emily walked over to the fridge and pulled out a yogurt. When she turned around, Jamie held out a spoon.

  “Please.” She gave a very impressive pathetic look. “Eat, shower, then come with us. You can lay on the beach, if that’s all you want to do.”

  Rolling her shoulders and thinking about it, Emily caved. Half an hour later she sat in the back of Jamie’s classic cherry red Volkswagen Beetle next to Rafe as Jamie drove to Surfside. Emily had changed into shorts and a tank top with her teal swimsuit underneath.

  Rafe’s knees bumped hers as Jamie twisted through the crowded streets. Her roommate drove like Jason Bourne, one of the reasons she never rode in the car with her unless it was absolutely necessary.

  Even Blaine reached up and grabbed the handle over the door several times.

  “Does she always drive like this?” Rafe leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  Emily chuckled and nodded, not trusting herself not to scream in fear if she opened her lips.

  When Jamie parked, Rafe helped her out of the back seat, then took the beach bag and threw it over his shoulder. She’d packed a few sandwiches, since she doubted that she’d get another chance to eat something. Jamie tended to forget about food when she was near the water and men.

  They followed Jamie and Blaine as they hunted the sand for the perfect spot. There was an area more than two hundred yards down the beach where crews were setting up a large stage.

  Thankfully, Jamie picked a spot far enough away that she could relax without being trampled by the crowd.

  Emily took her time settling down on her towel and pulling off her shorts and a tank top. She was very aware that Rafe chose the spot closest to her to lay out his own towel.

  She tried not to sigh with pleasure as he pulled off his shirt and lay back on the towel next to her.

  “Was this your first day?” he asked when she was all settled.

  Before answering, she took a drink of water from her bottle.

  “Yes, it was incredible.” She decided to keep it vague.

  He chuckled and shook his head slightly. “Really? After my first day, I was questioning my career choice.”

  Emily smiled and for the first time since seeing him in her apartment, she relaxed.

  “Okay, so maybe it’s not just me.” She leaned back.

  Rafe pulled out a bag of chips from her bag and held them up.

  “You must be starved and tired,” he said as she took a handful of chips.

  “Does it get any easier?” she asked before shoving a few chips in her mouth to satisfy her hunger.

  “Yes and no.” He took a few chips himself. “But would you want it to?”

  She thought about it and shook her head. “No, I guess not. I mean, I love being challenged.”

  His smile grew. Just then Blaine and Jamie got up from their spot on the beach blanket. “We’re heading over to play volleyball.” Jamie nodded towards a very loud group of people playing at the nets across the sand. “Want to come?”

  She instantly shook her head no. She was too tired to even stand at this point. Her plans consisted of falling asleep in the sun and working on her tan, even though she knew that she’d probably end up with a burn instead.

  “I think we’ll relax a little. I worked a late shift last night too,” Rafe answered.

  When they were gone, she turned towards him. “You were working last night?” she asked, wondering why she hadn’t seen him around.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, just not at the hospital.”

  Instantly her face heated and she turned away, trying to hide her reaction.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked, causing her head to jerk back towards him.


  “That I have another profession?”

  She couldn’t read what was behind his blue eyes, but something told her that her answer mattered to him.

  “No. I mean, there are a lot of people in school that have other professions.” She shrugged slightly.

  “Yeah, but not like this.” He sighed and looked out at the water as he slipped on a dark pair of sunglasses.

  “I don’t know.” She thought about it for a moment. “Do you know Liz?”

  His eyes came back to hers. “The redhead?”

  She nodded. “She works at the Purple Dragon.” He relaxed slightly at her words. “And I think there are a few others in the class who strip. Liz even has a kid. I mean, you’ve got to do what’s necessary to pay your bills.” She thought about what she might have had to do if her father hadn’t started saving for her college when she was born. “If I was in your shoes, I’d probably…”

  He broke in by taking her hand in his. “Seeing you at the Sunset Strip once was enough for me.”

  Something shifted inside her chest and where his skin touched hers, it sizzled.

  “I can’t really remember much of that night,” she finally admitted as her face heated further. His hand was still holding hers lightly.

  “That’s too bad.” His eyes heated and ran over her face as her heart did a funny little jump in her chest. “Because I remember every detail of how you looked in that black dress,” he whispered.

  Chapter 4

  Standing in the breakroom as he scarfed down his cold sandwich, he replayed the conversations he’d had with Emily.

  Hell, when he’d spotted her out on the semi-crowded beach in front of his place, he knew it would throw his work schedule off just to go out and talk to her.

  Still, he’d crossed the sand to spend a few minutes with her even though it had cost him his first break at work. But spending more time with her and watching her face flush had been reward enough for losing part of his lunch break.

  He remembered watching her eyes heat and her skin flush when he had reminded her the next time they were at the beach together how sexy she’d been in the black dress all those weeks ago.

  It was strange, knowing that she was now working at the same place he was. Still, school was about to start up again, which meant he was probably going to be seeing a lot more of her in classes again.

  Still, one of the first things he’d done when arriving tonight was to swing by and check his schedule against hers. They would be working the same schedule twice a week. Somehow, that lifted his spirits all through his shif

  Even when a ten-year-old with a high fever threw up all over him while he was taking his vitals, a smile was pasted on his face.

  “Someone’s in a good mood tonight,” Barb, one of the long-standing resident RNs said as she assessed him over the rim of her thick black glasses. The woman was just shy of sixty, always jolly and kind, and reminded him of his own grandmother.

  Rafe leaned on the counter and looked down at her. “Is it a crime?” he joked with her.

  “No.” The woman’s eyes stopped at his. “She must be one lucky lady.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Who?”

  Barb chuckled, the warm sound causing him to smile even further. “Whoever has you walking around on air tonight.”

  He thought about it. If anyone was lucky, it was him. In all his years, he’d never had a woman make him feel this way. Hell, they hadn’t even kissed yet and he was acting like he had in middle school when he’d had a crush on Tessa Richardson.

  Taking a deep breath, he shrugged. “You know I’m too much to handle for one woman.”

  Barb laughed even more. “Until the right one comes along.” She patted his hand. “And trust me, she will come along.” The woman leaned back and winked at him. “Now…” She handed him a folder, her smile slipping. “You’ve got a fractured radius in room two that needs a cast.” He groaned and Barb smiled. “I know how much you like to work with plaster.”

  He chuckled. “I only messed up that one time,” he replied.

  “You put a cast on the guy’s wrong arm.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, but in my defense, the guy let me put a cast on the wrong arm.”

  Barb waved him away. “It says the left arm,” she called after him.

  “Your left or mine?” he joked.

  “Be careful with this one,” she said, and he stopped in his tracks. She nodded to the file, and he could see the concern in her eyes.

  He glanced briefly down at the chart before stepping into the small ER room. He stopped when he saw a small girl of around five huddled on the big hospital bed. The rest of his smile disappeared from his lips. She was covered in bruises, and he could see a black eye was brewing on her right eye.


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