No Escape

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No Escape Page 9

by Tory Richards

  “What makes you think I’m joking?” He pushed the raft further into the lake until it was floating. By the time it was buoyant enough for him to get in, he was soaked up to his thighs.

  “Because I know you would never have asked me such a question, if you hadn’t already checked the raft out first.”

  He looked at her, and frowned. Things were going to be tight for a while, but there was no way he was going to stay in the water any longer than he had to. “I’m coming aboard.”

  “Thanks for the warning, but how do you propose I make room for you? Your bag is at my backside.”

  For a few seconds, Clint thought about positioning his bag between them. The last thing he wanted was spending any time nestled against her never-ending curves. But he knew she’d have to hold his bag because they needed every square inch. “Move forward as much as you can. Bend your legs and tuck your knees under your chin.”

  She did as she was instructed, scooting to one end of the raft and trying to make herself as small as she could. Clint handed her his bag, which she put on her feet. When he hefted himself into the raft, she squealed and grabbed for the sides. “You’re okay, angel,” he said against her ear, causing her to shiver against him.

  He settled behind her, positioning his legs on either side of her before pulling her back to rest against him. He knew immediately it wasn’t the smartest move he’d ever made. He had to ignore how good she felt nestled against the lower half of his body or he was going to go insane fast. Using his hands like paddles, he started steering the boat in the direction of the other side.

  “Would you like me to help?” The alluring quality of her voice alerted his senses to a thousand possibilities. He steeled himself not to react, but it was damn hard to do with the boat rocking gently beneath them, causing her bottom to move against his fly. Clenching his teeth, he tried to think of anything that would keep his thoughts off her and what she was making him feel.

  Nothing came to mind but the tantalizing thought of sinking his cock inside her tight hole and screwing her until she couldn’t walk. Tomorrow wouldn’t come quick enough. It would be a miracle if they made it off the island before he tasted more than just that impudent mouth. It took every ounce of strength he had not to reach around and take hold of the mounds stretching his T-shirt out of shape, massaging them until he got her out of his system.


  Shit! He quickly slammed on the brakes, but there was nothing he could do to cool the heat rising between his legs. Or the friction against his zipper. “Just relax,” he advised. “We’re almost there.” He had half a mind to get out of the boat and swim the rest of the way, damn whatever might be lurking in the depths. He’d stand a better chance of keeping his common sense that way, and it sure as hell would cool him off.

  For a change, Sarah did as she was told, but he was the one suffering the consequences. She relaxed fully against him until there was no way she couldn’t know he was as hard as steel against her ass. He waited for her indignant huff, but she surprised him by sinking against him even more if that were possible.

  If Clint had any doubts Sarah knew what she was doing, they were erased the second he heard her low purr of satisfaction as her head fell back against his chest. He stiffened before taking advantage of her surrender and doing what he’d been dying to do. If he misread the signals, he’d know soon enough. He pulled his hands out of the water, bringing them around until they cupped her breasts. She arched her back with a low cry of pleasure, quickly ending the tenderness he struggled for.

  His hands closed firmly over those quivering mounds as if he was kneading dough, caressing them roughly until her nipples hardened against his palms and Sarah was moaning. By the time his thumbs flicked across her stiff nipples, she was squirming against his arousal with enough force to drive him into losing control. He raked his teeth against the graceful arch of her neck until she trembled.

  “Sweet Jesus!” He hissed the words against her ear. “You’re going to make me waste a fucking load right here against your ass!”

  Her audible whimper enticed him into taking further liberties. Her arms snaked up behind her to wind around his neck, giving his hands better access to her killer body. Needing no further invitation, he let his hands leisurely travel over the tips of her breast and down her taut belly, lower still to the apex of her legs, until his fingertips could tease the hidden heat of her. He couldn’t believe the sweet response of her body as she opened up to him like a blossoming flower under the sunlight.

  Shifting the lower half of his body allowed Sarah to recline even more against him, while allowing him the opportunity to touch and tease her more intimately, until she was writhing and gasping in sweet agony. Her sensuous movements and mewling sounds caused a firestorm of need in Clint’s blood, a rush of sensation that promised a pleasure he’d gone without the last few months. It wouldn’t take much more to send him over the edge.

  He had no intention of quitting until they were both satisfied, but an unexpected movement jarred him back to reality with a force he couldn’t ignore. With it came the bittersweet knowledge of what they were doing. He removed his hands and with minimal movement slipped quietly over the side. They’d drifted to the other side of the lake and the boat was scraping against the bottom.

  The cool water felt damn good against his over-heated skin. He’d been ready to go off like the Fourth of July fireworks. Sarah had him so crazy with hunger that for a moment he’d been afraid he wouldn’t let her go. Clint suspected she was out of her element. She was probably used to the kind of men who wooed her with flowers and candy before they made love to her. He’d never been that kind of man. When he wanted something, he reached out and took it. Most of the women he associated with expected no less. They didn’t look for emotions or ties. All they wanted was a good time, and a little money. Women like Sarah wanted it all.

  He pulled the raft onto shore and up the embankment while she was still inside, deciding to pretend nothing happened between them unless she mentioned it. “Come on, we’re almost home.”


  Almost home?

  Sarah was wondering how he could switch gears so fast. She closed her eyes to the raspy sound of Clint’s voice, confused at what had happened. Settling back against his hard-on had sent a blast of scorching heat throughout her body, so powerful she’d been helpless to resist. It had no longer mattered who he was, a man who could kill another man in one minute and desire a woman the next. When his strong hands had taken hold of her aching breasts, a rush of liquid fire had swept through her body, demanding he continue.

  She’d willingly allowed Clint liberties she didn’t allow most men until after knowing them for a very long time. All that mattered was he’d made her feel alive like never before, pushing her toward the highest pinnacle of pleasure. With shocked disbelief, her eyes had bolted open when he’d left the boat. She’d nearly bitten off her tongue to keep from verbally protesting, mortified at how easy she’d made it for him. Without half-trying, he’d reduced her into a mindless mass of wanton need.

  “Give me your hand.”

  She realized he mistook her hesitation, giving a prayer of thanks he wasn’t going to make any comment about what had taken place in the raft. Accepting his hand, she let him pull her to her feet and over the side. Before they left the bank, he pulled out his knife and sliced the raft in several places, deflating it. Once it was flat, he rolled it up and tossed it under a bush, covering it with dirt and leaves.

  “I guess we won’t need that again.” Damn…is that my shaky voice?

  Clint reached for his duffel bag and walked back to her, taking her arm. “If we do, we’re in trouble.” He stared at her for a long moment; making her wonder if he wanted to kiss her. But if he did, he ignored it. “Come on.”

  She fell in step behind him when he let go of her. How could he just pretend nothing happened between them? His lack of interest irritated her, causing her words to come out harshly. “Are we going to st
op tonight or is it your intention to starve me and push me until I pass out with exhaustion?”

  He didn’t bother turning around. “We have another ten minutes before we reach our destination.”

  He didn’t mention anything about food. Sarah clamped her mouth shut, determined to keep going if it killed her. Thank God by this time tomorrow she’d be off the island and heading back to civilization. She couldn’t wait to see Susan and make sure she and the boys were all right. Then she was going to the Pantry and gorge herself on their buffet.

  It soon became apparent the mountain they were heading for was actually a huge boulder formation, looming like a monster in the darkness against the darkened skyline. As they neared it, Sarah could hear what sounded like running water. A waterfall? Her hopes rose that she might actually have a chance for a shower of sorts. When they came to the base, Clint paused for a moment, looking up as if to gauge its accessibility.

  “Home sweet home,” he remarked, beginning to climb the slight incline. The ground was dry and hard, made up of loose rocks and dirt, which made it difficult to find sure footing.

  Sarah stopped, glancing up in awe. She’d been sure her ears were deceiving her before, but now she was certain she heard a waterfall. It was a big one by the sound of it. She could feel a light mist falling on her from where she was. She started up the incline behind Clint, excited now and trying to catch up.

  “A waterfall!” she gasped with pleasure, struggling to find her footing.

  “Give me your hand, it gets steeper as we go.”

  Sarah was grateful for the help. “How far do we have to climb?” She stepped on a stone and it rolled out from under her foot causing her to slide, Clint saved her from tumbling down the way they’d come.

  “Safety is up. Our hotel room is behind the falls,” he explained, pausing to glance up once in a while to see how far they still had to go.

  Behind the falls? Sarah didn’t care if it meant climbing all the way to the top if it meant a chance to get clean again!

  Chapter Ten

  The meaning behind Clint’s words became clear when they reached a platform tucked behind a thick curtain of water. The narrow ledge took them to the mouth of a dark cave. He continued inside without hesitation, but Sarah found herself mesmerized by the unexpected beauty of Mother Nature. She held out her hands, letting the silky water cascade over them, before cupping her palms for a drink.


  The tone of Clint’s voice told her he wanted her to follow him. She turned reluctantly, entering the cave. He’d already started a small fire and was crouched down next to it. His gaze shot up to hers, his expression unreadable, yet she sensed what he was thinking. She was thinking it too, remembering what they’d shared in the raft, what didn’t get finished between them. Was he expecting them to continue what they’d started?

  She glanced away to examine the rest of the cavern, suddenly nervous at being alone with him in such primitive conditions. Although she hadn’t known what to expect, the cave seemed much bigger than the small entranceway implied and appeared to have corridors leading away from the main room. “We have a suite,” she quipped, not willing to venture any further.

  “The honeymoon suite,” he added, with a wolfish grin. “Complete with a shower.”

  Sarah watched as he dug around the bottom of his bag for something, mildly surprised at the teasing quality of his voice. When he pulled out a small can of fruit, she almost pounced on him. Her mouth began to salivate, her belly rumbling so loudly it was a miracle he couldn’t hear it from where he was.

  “Care to eat first?” The heat in his eyes made her wonder what he had in mind after they ate. However, hunger overcame caution, and she dropped eagerly to the ground next to him, taking the offered can. Popping the top, she brought it to her lips, eagerly drinking some of the sweet juice before sticking her fingers inside to snatch a piece of pineapple.

  She brought it to her mouth, freezing upon finding Clint was watching her quietly. The fire danced upon his features, making him appear as uncivilized and wild as their surroundings, turning his eyes blacker than she’d ever seen them. He reminded her of a picture she saw once, of a hungry wolf hiding in the brush, his eyes intent on something that caught his attention. She almost choked as the food slid down her throat, something telling her it was just a matter of time before they stopped denying the sexual pull between them.

  “Would you like some?” She offered him the can.

  “I’m hungry, angel, but it’s not for any fucking fruit.” His eyes fell to Sarah’s mouth, the look on his face clearly saying that was the only thing which would satisfy his appetite. She caught her breath.

  Whether it was by accident or unconscious choice, she licked the sweet juice off her lips and was rewarded with a flare of sharp desire in Clint’s eyes. He reached for the can though, his fingers brushing hers and sending an electric shock straight through her. He must have felt something too, if his savage expression was any indication. He finished off the contents in one swallow, not taking his eyes off her.

  “Are you going to eat the can, too?” She decided it was best to ignore the sexual pull between them.

  Clint grinned, tossing the can aside before moving on to the Vienna sausage. “I tried that once; it’s hard on the gums.” He popped the top, digging out a few before giving Sarah the rest. She knew she was obvious about avoiding his touch when she saw his lips twitch.


  His lazy gaze followed Sarah as she scooted back against the cave wall. She leaned back wearily and closed her eyes, munching contentedly.

  “Don’t go to sleep yet, angel. I have a surprise for you.” His rough voice sliced through the silence in the cave, echoing beyond the corridors.

  She opened her eyes to see him getting to his feet. “How can a man so big, move so silently? And in boots no less.” Her eyes started at his feet, traveling slowly up his long legs, solid thighs and further, taking in the rest of him. He was a healthy specimen. She meant to skim over the fullness behind his zipper but found herself intrigued by the sheer length and size of him.

  “You’d get a fucking rise out of a dead man looking at him like that. Are you prepared to back that look up with action?” Clint’s low words seemed intimate in the confines of the cave.

  Sarah met the hard look in his eyes with surprise. She hadn’t realized she was so obvious. “I don’t…”

  “You’re playing with fire, angel,” he ground out.

  She tried to ignore the heat creeping up to her cheeks, embarrassed. “What am I doing?” she asked innocently.

  “Looking me up and down like you want me for dessert.”

  She jumped to her feet. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It was a mistake getting to her feet, the action putting her in close proximity to him. She crossed her arms in a defensive gesture, damning him with her look. “You’re imagining things.”

  “Liar,” Clint said softly. “And I never back down from a dare.”

  He took a step forward, and Sarah lost her nerve. His bark of laughter echoed through the cave interior as she flattened herself against the wall. “You…you…” She wrinkled her nose. “Stink!” She finally got out, unable to come up with anything better.

  His head fell back as deep laughter peeled from his throat. He reached forward, fingering the dirty hair hanging at the side of Sarah’s streaked face. She knew it was stiff and caked with dried mud and looked more brown than blonde. “You don’t exactly smell like roses, angel.”

  Sarah’s eyes glanced at the waterfall with longing, her anger extinguished with the thought of being clean again. The next thing she knew Clint was reaching for her hand and pulling her behind him.

  “Come on. We’re dirty and tired, I have a remedy for both…something I discovered the first day I landed on the island.”

  “Where are we going?” Her startled whisper filled the chamber.

  Clint stooped to grab a flashlight out of his bag before lead
ing her into one of the dark corridors. She tried to pull back. “Afraid of the dark?” His soft chuckle echoed around them.

  Sarah didn’t give him the satisfaction of a response. She had the impression they were traveling down a slight incline. The beam of light they followed revealed a narrow tunnel that gradually widened as they went along. By the time they reached their destination, it opened up into another cavity—and a nice surprise. She gasped with pleasure, only getting the chance to appreciate the sight of the natural hot springs briefly before Clint flicked off the flashlight, cloaking them in darkness.

  It wasn’t total darkness though. She glanced up instinctively, surprised yet again. Mother Nature had seen to everything. She stared in wonder at the skylight directly above them, letting in the subtle glow of moonlight and stars that created an intimate atmosphere. All they needed was a few romantic candles and wine.

  “You coming in or are you going to stand there all night with your mouth open?”

  Sarah’s gaze fell on Clint’s dark silhouette, wondering how he saw her. She heard him hit the water, squinting to see if he’d removed his clothes. “You didn’t waste any time,” she snorted, bending to untie her sneakers. “Did you, ah, take your clothes off?”

  “Of course. Is there any other way?”

  She hesitated a moment before slipping off her pants and shirt, leaving on her bra and underpants. “Yeah, there’s my way,” she quipped with sass, moving into position to lower herself in the water.

  “It’s hot!” he warned.

  She tested the temperature with her toes. It was hot. Sitting down on the edge of the pool, she swung her legs around and lowered them gradually into the water. First her feet, then her legs. She was up to her knees when she reached behind her to brace herself by flattening her hands along the edge. Slowly, she let the welcoming heat swallow her up.


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