The Missing Pieces

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The Missing Pieces Page 19

by H. S. Strickland

  We have now figured out that Dexter got higher up the mob chain, and was now the ‘leader’. He is leading the mob, and when we took him down the whole mob fell with him.

  There isn’t much more that I can tell you without giving too much away. Just know that I am safe, and if you wish I would love to have a relationship with you when I get out of this mess. I don’t know how long that could be, but when it’s over I’ll come see you. In that time, you can decide for yourself what you would like to do.

  Please know that I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant for you to be dragged into all of this. I wanted you to be far away from it. I’m sorry I had to bring you into it. I love you, big brother. I hope we can have a relationship eventually.

  I set the papers down with shaky fingers. I couldn’t believe everything she had just told me. Our Dad was messing around with a loan shark? Wasn’t he smarter than that? It would have been safer dealing with a bank.

  And Sloane or Charlotte having to see it all? That had to have been hard on her. How did she deal with the pain of all that loss? God, I wished I could hold her right now.


  I walked into my condo building, ready to put the day behind me. Since Sloane left, all of the guys at work had to do our own paperwork. I had a mountain of it sitting on my desk when I walked in the office this morning. Mace wouldn’t hire another receptionist and had good reasoning, but the fucking paperwork was killing me.

  “Sir!” I heard someone say. I glanced behind me and saw the guy manning the front desk holding an envelope up, trying to get my attention.

  “Yes?” I asked impatiently.

  “Someone brought this in today, said it was for Ryan Huntley.” He waved the envelope.

  “Thank you,” I said, striding toward him and taking the envelope.

  I wonder who would have brought this in. Everyone I associated with knew my PO Box, so why would they have dropped it off here? I rode the elevator up to my floor, and unlocked my door. I set my keys and wallet down on the island then dropped onto the couch.

  I put my feet on the coffee table and opened the mysterious envelope. I pulled out several pieces of notebook paper, and almost crumpled them when I saw the handwriting. Sloane. She had been gone for three months and was still wreaking havoc on my life. Putting it mildly, I still hadn’t gotten over Sloane’s deceit. It was still a fresh wound. I must have been a masochist because I leaned further into the couch and started reading.


  I know I am the last person you want to hear from, but please read on. I sent Mace a letter, explaining what exactly happened when we were younger. I also told him how I ‘died’. I felt that he deserved the full truth, not the half-truth he got in the warehouse that night. Please ask him if you can read the letter, and if he lets you read it, please do. It will explain more about what happened. You will understand more. At least I hope you will.

  This is really awkward for me because I know you’re probably going to ball these papers up and throw them in the trash, therefore I’m likely talking to the trash can. Well, writing to the trash can, not talking.

  Anyway, I wanted to tell you that you were wrong. You said that I didn’t love you, that you were just a case to me. You were wrong. So very wrong it makes my head spin every time I think about it. I loved you; still do with every piece of my heart.

  When I met you, I wanted nothing to do with you because I knew you would make me feel things that I couldn’t have felt while on a case. I’m not supposed to fall in love with someone, especially if they are so close to a case. When I first moved to Florida, you weren’t my case. I was looking into other stuff around you. Then the night of Araylia and Mace’s wedding happened. It was the best time I had ever had. I know I ran out on you that night, and I apologize for that. I should have at least told you I was leaving. But I couldn’t help it. I started having these intense foreign feelings. Feeling for you. I knew I already had feelings for you previous to us having sex, which is the reason I didn’t want to jump into bed or a relationship with you. I knew having sex with you would intensify those already present feelings.

  Then when you laid down the law about me avoiding you and I agreed, it was because I had gotten a call the night before. It was from Boss telling me I had to get close to you. The reason for that is because Farrah. He had connected Farrah doing drugs to you. Because y’all were together when she started. I didn’t want to do it, get close to you. I know it sounds horrible, but I didn’t want to get close to you and fall in love. I knew that I would eventually have to leave you and you would be upset, angry, and most of all hurt. I didn’t want to do that to you. Besides Mace, you were the last person I wanted to hurt. But, I couldn’t abandon my case. I didn’t want to disappoint Boss. I thought I could be strong and not let my feelings get in the way, and hopefully have let you down easy. Obviously, that was the opposite of what I did. I am so sorry. I should have told Boss no. I should have gotten out of there before your feelings started to grow for me. I should have never strung you along like I did.

  But then I think if I never would have said yes to Boss then I wouldn’t have had my time with you. I would have never fallen in love with you. I wouldn’t have been able to experience things with you. I wouldn’t have healed. I know this all sounds selfish, and maybe it is, but I would like to think that you would think the same way at some point. I would like to think that you would have rather had your time with me than to have not gotten it at all.

  You healed pieces of me that I didn’t even know were broken. You also filled in pieces that were missing. You are my missing piece. I love you Ryan, and I hope you forgive me one day. You are a good man, and regardless of what you decided to do I will respect it.

  The End

  (Nah, I’m just kidding)


  Ryan – a year later

  I pulled on a pair of nice jeans and rummaged through my dresser trying to find a semi decent shirt. I was getting ready for Mace and Araylia’s almost second year anniversary party that Araylia’s Nanny was hosting. I was sure it was going to be a fucking blast since Nanny was hosting it. She was a damn hoot, that old woman.

  I found a shirt and stood back up, noticing the Mason jar sitting on my dresser. I smiled at it, remembering when Sloane gave it to me. I never mentioned to her that I had seen it that day, but she knew. Remembering what the card said, her giving me some serenity at home I realized that she was right. She did give me peace, without having to go to the beach. For the last year I had stared at the jar filed with sand, inviting in the memories of what Sloane and I had.

  I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror to make sure my hair wasn’t a complete mess. I heard a name on the TV and stormed back into my bedroom. On the TV was my Sloane. She was walking out of a court house with a giant smile on her face. On one side of her was a woman and the other side was Boss.

  “A man that committed homicide 17 years ago is finally being put behind bars. The daughter of the homicide victims was there that tragic night, being able to testify against him in court. Charlotte Jones, how do you feel about the man responsible for your parents’ murder finally being behind bars?” A news woman reported.

  Sloane smiled nervously at the camera and shifted. “It feels great. I’m grateful that justice was served and that he is where he’s supposed to be. I feel like I can finally move on with my life.”

  The news woman tried asking a few more questions, but Sloane denied them saying she had somewhere to be. My heart fluttered at seeing her for the first time in a year. I felt like I had finally breathed my first fresh breath of air since her leaving.

  So that’s what she had been doing for the last year. She must have gone back into the Witness Protection Program so she was safe for the trial. My smart girl.

  I arrived at Araylia’s Nanny’s house about an hour later and immediately went in search of Mace. I hoped he would have more news on Sloane’s whereabouts. I knew he had been trying to track
her down since she wrote him that letter nine months ago. Quite honestly, he had been obsessed with trying to find her. Not that I could blame him, if I had a not so dead sister that just disappeared I would be hunting her down as well.

  I searched the entire house but couldn’t find him. I walked into the back yard and swear I had stepped into some fairytale land. But, I had no time to stop and take in the décor. I was on a mission. I spotted Mace on the other side of the yard with his arm firmly wrapped around Araylia’s waist. Araylia was looking up at Mace with the biggest smile, like she had a secret she couldn’t wait to tell.

  I strode as quickly as I could to him. He smiled at me when he noticed my approach.

  “Do you mind if I steal your husband for a moment?” I asked Araylia when I bent down to kiss her cheek.

  “Be my guest. He’s annoying me anyway,” she snickered and winked at him.

  Mace watched as his wife walked into the house and then turned to me.

  “Sup man?” He asked casually.

  “Did you see the news earlier?” I inquired.

  “Sure fucking did, man. My sister finally put that bastard behind bars!” Mace was so excited I thought he was going to fist pump his way around the yard, but to my surprise he didn’t.

  “Have you heard from her?” I dared to ask.

  Mace knew it was rocky when he talked about her around me. After she sent that letter to me all those months ago, I had begun to think about what she had said to me. I wouldn’t have changed a damn thing in our relationship. Sure, she shouldn’t have lied to me, but she had no other choice. I now knew she was doing what she thought was best. It took a couple of months after she sent the letter for me to realize what a huge mistake I had made when I let her walk out of my front door. I knew she loved me, but I was too blinded by anger to see it.

  After I had come to that place, I had asked Mace if I could read the letter she sent him. He readily agreed, and it furthered my decision that I was going to fight for her love when she came to see him. I was hoping now that she was done with the trial that I would see her soon. I figured she would think it was safe now.

  “Haven’t heard anything, man. I’m sorry. I’m sure she’ll come around soon though. The trial is over and Dexter is locked up.” He clapped my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  “Where did my wife go?” He asked, looking around the yard.

  “She went in the house when I stole you. I’m betting she’s still in there,” I told him, and laughed as he took off for the house.

  I sat outside and found a cooler that held all the beer. I twisted the top off and threw some of it back. When I titled my head back down Araylia’s Nanny was standing next to me with a smirk on her face. Did I happen to inform you that Nanny was also a feisty woman?

  “Oh don’t stop drinking on my account. I like the way your throat works when you swallow,” she said, causing me to break into a coughing fit.

  “Woman, you could be my mom,” I informed her of something she already knew.

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a nice looking man when I see one. Araylia has brought all these hot men into my life and damn it I’m going to enjoy it.” She waggled her eyes and cackled when I looked at her with wide eyes.

  That woman was really something else. She had no filter whatsoever. Or she did have a filter and it just flew out the window as she got older. She didn’t care what she said or who she said it to. One thing I loved about her. She was also one of the reasons I realized that I was a dumbass when I let Sloane go. She knocked some sense into me.

  “She’ll come back, you know that right?” Nanny said, leaning into my arm. I thought it was more for comfort than it was for her hots for me.

  “Who?” I asked, playing dumb. I knew damn good and well who she was talking about.

  “Boy, don’t play stupid! You know who I’m talking about,” she grouched.

  “I know she will, I’m not worried about that,” I informed her of something I rarely talked about.

  “Then what’s the problem?” She asked.

  “If she’ll take me back or kick me in the balls,” I answered, chuckling to hide my discomfort.

  “I think she’ll do both.” Nanny patted me on the shoulder and cackled at my ash colored face. I really wanted her back, but I didn’t want a kick to the balls.

  “I need to go inside and find something harder to drink. All the sappy shit is about to start,” she mumbled and ambled away toward the house.


  I smoothed the lines out of my sky blue dress and looked up at the house. A ton of cars were pouring out of the driveway and into the street, heightening my nerves. There were a lot of people here that could see me eventually get kicked out. I was terrified of not being wanted, but the old woman insisted that I come. She also insisted that everyone would want to see me.

  I walked up the path until I reached the front door, and knocked. A few seconds later the old hoot opened the door and drew me into a hug.

  “Why they hell are you knocking? As far as I’m concerned this is your house too,” she said when she pulled back. She grabbed my cheeks and gazed at me lovingly.

  “You look beautiful, dear. I’m so happy you’re here.”

  I hugged her tightly, trying to overcome the tears threating to spill. She may be an old hoot, but she was an amazing old hoot.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked when I pulled away.

  “They’re in the backyard. I’m hoping I can sneak you out there without anyone noticing first,” she smirked.

  “How in the hell are you going to do that? I’m not exactly hideable.” I felt a frown form on my lips. I wanted to go out in the backyard, and say my speech like I had planned when Nanny had told me about the party.

  “Honey, you don’t know me well at all. I’ve got that part covered. Just get to your post on my go,” she said with a devious look in her eyes.

  “My post? Seriously? Are we in the military?” I chuckled, walking with her to the back door.

  “I’m trying to speak your FBI language. Sounds good, right?”

  I shook my head at Nanny and looked into the backyard. My nerves started to grow the longer I stared at everyone. What if Mace sent me packing? What if he never wanted to see me again after all the lies I had spewed and destruction I had caused? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he walked away from me. But, I kept having the thought in the back of my head that he would understand. He would understand why I had to lie. Mace was a rationale person, he understood things on levels some people couldn’t. I hoped that was the case here today.

  And Ryan. He was so mad at me. He didn’t even believe that I loved him. When he told me that he didn’t believe that I loved him, I felt like a knife had been drove into my heart. Sure, he was part of my case, but my feelings for him were all real and true. They had nothing to do with my case. I had hoped he would believe that, but I was wrong. I was hoping that I could convince him of that while I was here.

  “Hide for a minute, child. I’m creating your needed distraction,” Nanny told me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I moved to the wall that was beside the backdoor so no one would see me when Nanny opened the door. I had no idea what she was going to do, but I figured I was in for a surprise. Nanny opened the door and whistled to get everyone’s attention.

  “Ryan, Mace, can you go help my neighbor? I think I just saw him walking around his yard naked. He has Alzheimer’s and often forgets where he’s at. Ray, honey, go with them in case something happened to him.”

  I swear if I weren’t so nervous I probably would have pissed on myself from laughing so hard. Where in the hell does she come up with shit? I would never understand what went on inside her head. She was truly one of a kind.

  “Thanks!” She yelled then slammed the door shut.

  “Alright, it’s go time! Get your skinny ass out of that door,” she said, taking me by my shoulders and shoving me towards the door.

  My doubts started creeping bac
k in. “What i–”

  Nanny cut me off by covering my mouth with her hand. “No ‘what if’s’. You need to go out there and be the strong woman I know you to be. You are never going to find out if Mace wants a relationship with you if you don’t put yourself on the line. Now, go!”

  She opened the door and shoved me over the threshold, almost making me teeter down the stairs since I was wearing four inch strappy gold heels. I glanced around at all the people still lingering in the yard. Most of them I didn’t recognize, but a few I did. Kota, Cade, and all the guys from Jones’ Security. Kota’s eyes went as wide as saucers when she noticed who was walking to the top of the yard. She started heading for me, but I shook my head no. She looked at me with a frown marring her otherwise beautiful face, but took her spot back.

  I stood at the head of the yard, waiting for Mace, Ryan, and Araylia’s return. I kept wringing my hands together and shifting from foot to foot.

  I was too sober to do this.

  As if Nanny could see the words written on my face she came out of the house with a flute of champagne. I drank half of it in one gulp, and Nanny chuckled.

  “Slow down or you’re going to be drunk before they get back.”

  “Was your neighbor really outside naked?” I whispered to her.

  “No, but it was enough to create a distraction.” She winked at me, and walked away to stand in the crowd.

  Shortly after she left my side, Mace, Araylia, and Ryan showed back up. They looked around the yard for Nanny. When they spotted her they charged toward her, but Araylia stopped short and I saw her inhale a large breath. She had noticed me, and was surprised. Mace turned back, looking for Araylia. He walked to her side, and then followed her line of vision, straight to me. It was my turn to take in a deep breath.

  I didn’t see hate cross Mace’s features, so I was guessing that that was a good sign. Ryan was at Nanny’s side, grilling her. I decided to go ahead and make my presence known to him as well.


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