Home > Other > S.P.I.R.I.T > Page 4
S.P.I.R.I.T Page 4

by Dawn Gray

  You find this amusing? I can’t believe you’re still dressed.

  I don’t find this amusing at all, I find it truly intimate.

  His hands tangled in my hair, holding me still as he took over, controlling the depth of his kiss and I found myself moaning against his lips.

  You’re not laughing anymore. The tingle of his mind sent the lust gushing down to the heat between my thighs even as I felt his body backing away from mine.

  No, don’t stop, I begged, suddenly unsure of what I would become if he let me go, almost positive that I would droop into a wet puddle on the floor.

  I didn’t intend too. Suddenly I was down on my back, cushioned against the rumpled covers of the bed where we had fallen asleep. His hands were pulling my shirt over my head, his kiss continuing only to stop long enough to get the black material out of the way.

  His gentle hands skimmed over the heated peaks of my nipples, sending goose bumps over my flesh as I gasped into his mouth. I couldn’t take the intensity of his fingers brushing against my sensitive skin, but I wanted to feel so much more of him. I reached down, pulling his shirt from his jeans.

  Hard rippled muscles played under my hand as I stroked the pulsating skin of his abdomen, and I listened to the purr that came from deep in his throat. Zander’s lips left mine to blaze lines of desire down over my swollen breasts, and my body arched up to meet his devouring mouth. I could feel the ecstasy building up in me, just from his caress, and found myself biting down on my finger as he left playful nips on my skin.

  His fingers played with the buttons of my jeans, unsnapping them before I could blink, and his hand slipped down into the fiery wetness that he had caused. I heard the quiet moan leave his lips as his fingertips brushed the sticky dampness that he had caused. The first stroke against the small nub sent me shaking as I grasped his shoulders tightly, and I could hear the amusement in his thoughts as he moved to play with it just a little more.

  Oh, Zander, I don’t know how much of that I can take! I shivered, feeling the build up in my body as my insides clenched tighter than I could have ever imagined.

  His breathing was as rapid as mine was, and his mouth moved back up to capture mine, as his fingers slipped in between the folds of my sex. I gasped, trying to catch my breath as the feeling of his thick fingers sliding in and out brought me to new heights. I could feel the peak before I reached it and Zander whispered inaudible words of encouragement in my ear as I grasped his wrist with one hand and his hair with the other. Closing my eyes tightly, I let the waves course over me, arching up against his palm and he smiled at the noises that escaped my lips, until I screamed out, reaching the crest of my climax.

  I dropped to the bed, trying everything in my power to control the pace of my heart. As I rested there, all I could smell was the soft cologne skin of the man who lay beside me, his hand still burrowed into my jeans, his fingers resting within me. I looked over at him.

  “You are an amazing woman,” he whispered. The smile on his face told me all that I needed to know. That he had enjoyed it as much as I did, but then the smile faded as the smoke detector started blaring above us. I looked around as he slipped out of the warmth of my clothes and sat up on the bed. “Holy shit!”

  “What?” I questioned, sitting up to gather my shirt, pulling it on inside out and backwards as I watched him run into the bathroom.

  My eyes widened as I looked at the flames that flickered out of the wastebasket where Zander had tossed the brown bag, and a smile formed on my lips. I couldn’t help but laugh as he desperately tried to put out the blaze pouring everything, including our coffee, over the orange flames. Zander coughed but smiled as he swatted at the fire with a towel, and then he looked at me, the humor in his eyes.

  “I’m glad you find this so amusing,” he scolded with laughter in his voice.

  The banging on the door started just as suddenly as the fire and both of us turned quickly to look as the door swung open, slamming against the wall. Zander stood, shirtless and coughing, as the three men entered the room. They glanced over at me, disheveled, then over at the officer before them, holding a damp towel in his hand, and they lowered their weapons.

  “Is everything okay in here, sir?” The tall one with the glasses questioned, which made me laugh, and Zander shot me a scolding look even as the smile crossed his face once again.

  “Everything is copasetic, private,” Zander replied, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at the blackened pail. The man nodded and stepped back out of the room, closing the door behind the third one as they left. Zander looked at me as I licked my lips and shook my head. “Are you all right?”

  “Wonderful,” I answered, smiling up at him.

  “Well, my little fire starter, I think we may need to make sure we have a bucket of water handy the next time we do that.” He grinned and then glanced back to the bathroom. “Do you want to get washed up?”

  “I think a cold shower would be exactly what I need right now,” I answered and slipped off the bed. I moved to walk by him but he gently grasped my upper arm. I turned my head and looked up at him, as he leaned down, kissing me gently on the lips.

  “Don’t take too long,” he whispered, against my ear. “I’ll see if I can find you a change of clothes.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled and moved on to the bathroom, his hand caressing my arm until I was out of reach.

  The shower was warmer than I had intended, wanting to stand under the cold water to help ease the heat that I still felt from his hands, but my body seemed chilled on the outside, my skin was clammy to the touch and I knew that I needed to warm that up first. My thoughts traveled to my companion, and what he might be doing at the moment, but I quickly let that train of thought go when I started picking up images of him in the next room.

  This might get a bit intrusive, his voice sighed. Unless you’re all right with me popping in to check on you.

  I was just thinking the same thing, since all I have to do is think about you to see what you’re doing. I sighed, rinsing my hair in the warm jets.

  It works both ways, it seems, but I’m trying my hardest not to butt into your shower.

  I smiled as I felt the tingle of his mind slip away as I closed my eyes and ran my face under the water, and suddenly it was back.

  My God, woman, you are beautiful, he stated and then slipped away once more.

  I couldn’t help the laughter and reached around to shut off the shower. There was no clothing at all when I stepped out of the shower, and I grabbed a towel to wrap around me as I opened the door and stepped into the room. He turned to look at me, from where he stood looking out the window with his arms crossed, and I noticed the worry in his eyes.

  “He’s coming,” Zander said and gestured to the green camouflaged pants and solid green shirt that lay on the bed. Quickly I scooped them up and ducked back into the bathroom, just as the knock against the door was heard. I closed the door tightly and listened to Zander as he addressed the Captain. “Good morning, sir.”

  “Where is your lady friend?” Everett questioned.

  “Changing, sir,” Zander replied and watched as I opened the door, just as he finished speaking. I sat down on the bed and slipped on the boots that were waiting at the end of the bed, both men looking at me as I did so, and then I stood and nodded to Zander. “Ready, Sam?”

  “Ready,” I answered and took his hand as the two of us followed Everett out the door, followed by two armed men. We were lead to the jeep that had brought us to the hotel the night before, and piled in.

  I don’t know where they’re taking us, Zander said, his mental voice full of worry. But, just remember, I won’t let anything happen to you. I swear.

  Just keep talking to me if we’re separated, I answered and looked up at him, directly into his eyes, and watched him give a slight nod of his head.


  I was blindfolded, unable to see passed the darkness that had engulfed my eyes, but I could smell the dampness of earth th
at surrounded me. My hands were bound behind my back and under my fingers I could feel the fresh dirt as I churned it between them. I struggled to control my breathing as the anxiety began to set in. Zander wasn’t with me, that I could feel because of the absence of his pulse, but I could still feel the occasional tickle of his mind, reassuring me that I wasn’t alone.

  Frustrated with the silence, I drew in a deep breath and sighed, but it did nothing to ease the fright that tied my stomach in knots. My mind worked, thinking of the times that the red light had flashed and the power of fire that I seemed to control, and slowly the ropes that bound my hands grew warm. I could feel the flames flicker across the material that bound my hands, but the heat didn’t burn my skin.

  There were two pops as the ropes gave way, releasing my hands from their confines, and I quickly removed the blindfold from my eyes. As I calmed my breathing, I looked around my cell, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I knew that I wasn’t just seeing where I was, but also where Zander was being held.

  I’m free, I told him, and felt the pulse reply that our connection was still strong.

  Good, can you see where you are? His voice whispered, sparking the fire in me once again.

  A cave, somewhere underground. It’s dark, and damp, but I think I can hear water. I sighed, and rubbed my wounded wrists. Next time they decide to play this little game of survival, tell them not to tie the damn things so tight.

  Zander laughed, sending a flood of pride in my direction. You can tell them that yourself when you find your way out. Concentrate on your power; use the fire to light your way.

  Use my power, I repeated and looked down at my hand as I held it palm up.

  The spark was like a firecracker, showers of little gold lights, and then a small flame began to burn in the center. My skin was warm, but unblemished from the fire I held within it. Slowly, as I willed it to grow under my control, it became large enough to illuminate the room around me.

  Zander, I did it! I announced, sending him a mental image of the captive light within my grasp and I heard him chuckle.

  So what are you waiting for, come and save me? He laughed, which made me shake my head.

  I moved on ahead, slowly coming out of the small dirt room that I was held in, and stopped in the darkened hallway.

  I need something from you. A spark or a pulse to pull me in the right direction, I whispered, even with my mental voice, as if someone were listening. Suddenly, as if for my eyes only, I watched the blue electric bolts of lightening move along the damp ceiling. Perfect.

  Sam, there’s something wrong. Whatever I can do, it doesn’t work so well underground. I feel dizzy just with that small bit of energy use. His voice seemed weak and labored. Quickly I made my way down the hall, following the arching lights on the ceiling. The door I stopped before was thick wood, wet and swollen from the moisture in the cave. I did everything I could to move it.

  It’s not budging! I stated, worry rising in my voice. Zander, stop using it. Save your energy, I’ll figure out a way to get you out.

  Thanks, sweets; I’m not sure how much more I have in me. He sounded tired, and I could see his eyes lower to the floor.

  Don’t give up, I’m right outside. With a deep breath, I glanced over the door before me and slowly raised my hands, palms to the door, and concentrated on sending the heat from my hands towards the wood. I could hear the wood crackle under the warmth, and watched as it dried out, slowly growing black under the touch of the heat. Cover yourself the best you can, Zander, I don’t know how well this will work.

  Do it, Sam!

  I pressed my hands against the wood and concentrated on the feel of it under my skin, pushing the heat that built in my chest out toward the heavy door. The flames licked under my spread digits, searing heat burnt against my skin, and I pushed harder. The pain behind my eyes burrowed deep and suddenly the door exploded inward.

  Zander lay on the ground, curled up in a ball, his face protected from the flying debris by his legs. I quickly moved over to sit beside him, shaking the remaining flames from my hands. He barely moved as I untied the ropes that still held his hands, but as he reached around, stretching out his arms, he looked up at me smiling. But that grin faded as he looked at my hands.

  Gently he took my wrists, the electric glow of his eyes brightened the room, and he caressed the red, blistered skin on my palm.

  “You shouldn’t have pushed so much,” he whispered, his voice low and full of concern.

  “It doesn’t hurt, and look, they’re healing,” I replied and watched as he leaned down and kissed the blisters, his own electric touch tingling against my skin. “How are you?”

  “Weak, but I’ll be fine.” With a deep breath he stood, wrapping his arms around me as he did, and he held me for a moment before taking my hand and heading towards the door. “Come on, we have to get out of here.”

  We moved through the darkened caverns, weaving in and out of little halls until we reached the opening of the cave, the warm beach sand stretching before us. I sat down in the middle of it, taking in the heat of the sun, and watched as Zander knelt beside me, his eyes always watching the water, and the surrounding cliff tops.

  “Where the hell are we?” He sighed, shaking his head. Neither of us could recall how we had ended up in the predicament we were in, even looking into each other’s thoughts gave us nothing after we had slipped into the jeep. “I don’t think I like this.”

  “You’re not as pale. Maybe the sun has something to do with what you can do,” I pointed out, opening my palms to look at the unscathed skin. He smiled as he ran his fingertips over my exposed hand and shrugged.

  “I think it’s you,” he replied, surveying once more. I glanced up at him, squinting against the sun, and gave him a questioning look. “As soon as you entered the cell, I felt stronger. And even as you untied the ropes, with every brush of skin, I could feel the fire in you.”

  “That doesn’t mean it was me.” I laughed, and then reached over and ran a hand over the shirt on his chest. “It just means you were turned on.”

  He laughed quietly, smiling as he glanced over at me. Then he stood, pulling me up with him. Without a word, the two of us moved up the beach, looking for any path that might lead us up the cliff side as the sun hit its highest mid-day point. We stopped where the inlet met the water and Zander leaned down to test if it was fresh. When he nodded to me, I wanted nothing more than to dunk my head in the water to quench the driving thirst that my body had.

  “Take it easy, Sam, you’ll make yourself sick,” he pointed out, as he sat beside me, his knees pulled up so he could rest his arms on them. I sat back, wiped the water from my chin. “I think your power output may be why you feel so parched.”

  “It’s not easy controlling fire.” I smiled and watched as he reached over and held my hand. “What the hell kind of training exercise was that?”

  “I don’t know,” Zander said, shaking his head. “But, it worries me. Everett wouldn’t ever place a civilian in danger like that, especially without knowing the extent of your gifts before hand.”

  “Hell, we don’t even know the extent of this thing, how could they?” I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the sky, the cloudless, unending blue, and sighed. “I think we know what I can do, but it might be time to see what you’re capable of.”

  “I don’t know, Sam, it doesn’t seem like a safe idea. Besides, without any electrical stuff around, it’s possible that I can’t do anything.” He stared at the side of my face for a moment, as I looked out over the ocean, and then smiled. “I’ve always wanted to make it rain.”

  I smiled at him, and then turned in his direction, supporting my head with my hand, and watched the mischief cross his face. He stood, moved to the center of the sand and raised his arms to the sky. The sand began to swirl around him, as he stared up into the heavens, and the smile slowly disappeared from my face as I watched the storm cloud form above his head.

  Lightening whipped out in every direction, h
itting the ground around him. As the cloud began to grow faster, I could see the look of exertion on his face.

  Let it go, Zander! I pleaded, as his nose began to bleed, and suddenly a bolt of lightening streamed from the cloud and hit him in the chest. His hands dropped, along with his body, to the ground as he fell back limp in the sand. Oh, shit!

  I scrambled over to him, on my hands and knees, trying to avoid the heavy droplets of rain that pelted down upon us. The storm grew out of control, as lightening sparked the sky. Gently, I cradled his head in my hands, his brown eyes wide with wonder, as if he was uncertain that he had just taken a lightening bolt to the heart, and his gaze shifted over to me, the rain drenching my hair. He smiled widely, reaching up to place his hands on my cheeks, and I jumped at the shock I felt, as if static was passed between us.

  He brought me down to him, kissing me with as much passion as he could muster and then laughed against my lips.

  “We’re getting soaked!” I complained and helped him sit up.

  “There was a small cave over in the corner, where the cliffs meet the inlet.” Zander pointed out.

  With help, the two of us moved, weaving in an out of the sporadic lightening until we reached the dark cover of the cave. Zander pilled twigs near the entrance and placed his hand against them, letting the electricity arch away from him. The twigs caught quickly and soon a fire burned before us, warming the coolness of our skin.

  “Ok, so now we know some of what we can do.” I laughed, rubbing my arms as I looked up at him. He glanced over the flames at me and smiled. “So, any guesses as to how we got the way we are?”

  “That part I’m still working on.” He sighed, putting down the stick he played with. “Tell me more about your home, about your past before we met.”

  “There isn’t much to tell,” I whispered, the smile slowly fading. “Like I said, I work as a tutor. My home life is really quite quiet. My parents still live in the small town I grew up in, but I don’t get up that way very much. It’s too long of a drive, to many strange memories.”


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