WEAKENED: The Manhattan Bound Series Book One

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WEAKENED: The Manhattan Bound Series Book One Page 8

by Juliet Braddock

  “And it’s OK,” he said, and unexpectedly brushed his lips to her temple. “Maxine, before we go any further here, you need to know something. I can be a cantankerous—sometimes even brooding—man.”

  Unspoken sorrow lingered just beneath the surface of their collective gaze as they minded each other with rising empathy, although he knew nothing of her inner-turmoil and she knew little of his. “That’s not the image you portray to the public.”

  “That’s why I got into acting—I don’t have to be myself at work,” he confided.

  Never had he spoken those words out loud before, and he found both a rush of self-loathing and comfort as they fell from his lips. Certainly, she had to know something about his life if she loved the theater enough to work for Jeffrey. His best friend would have never hired her if she didn’t have a true passion for the performing arts and wasn’t well-versed on all of the personalities and figureheads in the business. However, he was sure that she had no idea how frightening his world could often be.

  Meanwhile, only every other word registered with her. He was trying to confess to something, but his dawdling made it difficult for her to follow. In frustration, she finally asked, “Will you just tell me whatever it is you’re trying to say?”

  He took her hand, held it for a moment, and then brought it to his mouth. “As I said, I like you, and I don’t want to frighten you away,” he whispered. “I’ll tell you what…give me a week, Maxine—seven nights from this evening—and in that time, I’ll do my best to give you an idea of what I’m looking for. You can decide if you want to stick around, or if you want to run the other way. But I would want nothing more than for you to give this a chance…”

  Dazed, she could only blink those innocent green eyes as she tried desperately to consider his words, wondering all the while what he had in store for her. He’d already stirred her desires, and now he’d piqued her curiosity to new heights. He harbored his own sort of crush upon her, or so he’d led her to believe, but he promised her nothing beyond seven days—a trial period of some sort to assess her compatibility, her worthiness, perhaps, of his time.

  And Maxine simply answered, “Yes…”

  A smile curved slowly, pursing on his lips, and he touched his nose to hers. “That delights me, little one…”

  “Will you tell me?” her voice was faint, if not hoarse, as she asked him.

  “I’m going to teach you, Maxine,” he promised. “And right now, we’re going to start over with your first tutorial. While you were on the balcony tonight, Jillian told me quite a bit about you—that you graduated with high honors and a number of academic awards. That should be easy for you. And if you pass the test, you'll receive a reward.”

  So he’d been checking up on her! That’s why Jillian was neither surprised nor upset with her for leaving with Drew. Giggling, she dropped her head, but he was quick to lift her chin.

  “I want you to get down on your knees and pick up my jacket,” he commanded, but his voice was tender. “While you’re on the floor, I’d like you to fold it, just as I had done. Please.”


  “And I’m only going to say ‘please’ once,” he added. “It’s show time, Maxine…”

  Compliantly, she slipped down to the floor, with Drew holding her waist as she slithered, then sat upon her knees at his foot. Maybe she needed a vote of confidence, and she looked up into his eyes for approval. In turn, Drew nodded, then directed her attention to the task at hand.

  A chill settled over her while she carefully folded the expensive material, noting the Burberry logo inside as she pressed and creased as best she could. How she hoped that Ben wouldn’t suddenly wake up and find here there, perched in obedience training like some puppy. That, he would never allow her to forget.

  The back of her dress was completely open, and she shivered while she smiled smugly over her work, awaiting his next instruction. This whole little scene was almost farcical to Maxine—crawling around on all-fours to obey Master’s wishes—but simultaneously, she found herself getting a bit turned on.

  “You’re enjoying yourself down there, aren’t you?” he asked, his voice jeering a bit.

  Flummoxed by his astute observation, she stumbled over her words again. It was quite possible that Drew McKenzie could read her mind. In truth, though, it was her anxious fidgeting that revealed her excitement. “I…Drew, I…it…”

  “Tell me the truth, Maxine,” he commanded. “You either love it or you hate it…”

  “I'm…” Again, she couldn't face him, confused by her motivation. “I like this.”

  “Good girl, Maxine,” he complimented, reaching down to stroke her cheek. Those three simple words brought with them another rush of titillation. His approval filled her with pleasure, and she wanted to reciprocate, in turn. “Beautifully done.”

  Little did she realize—nor could she comprehend—that pivotal instance in his life. The weight of these moments with her beheld a greater impact for Drew than they did for Maxine. She would come to an understanding with him at the end of their week together, or she would walk away. However, Drew discovered within himself a broader scope of the little world in which he'd ensconced himself for so many years. He wondered if she'd tag along for the ride through the next phase of his journey…

  “Now I want you to place the jacket on the table and stand for me.”

  He took her hands in his to help her rise, still towering above her. “So, what do good girls receive, Maxine?”

  “A reward?” she asked softly, almost humbly, with hopeful eyes.

  “Excellent,” he said. “You play this game quite well.”


  “You should say, ‘thank you,’” he urged.

  “Thank you…”

  “Thank you, who, Maxine?”

  Scrambling, she found herself at a loss for an answer once again.

  “What did you call me earlier this evening?” he attempted to remind her.

  Oh, what did she say to him? Now fear trickled over her thoughts once again. She said so many silly things—none of which made much sense or that she wanted to remember. Now he expected her to exhibit total recall while she was in the throes of some sort of sexual frenzy.

  “I’ll excuse you tonight, but you must focus with me,” he said. “Understood?”


  “Yes…Sir…” he corrected her.

  Sir! Of course, she’d called him that in jest. She had no idea that he’d even paid much attention—let alone insist that she address him as such.

  “Yes, Sir,” she repeated.

  “Flows from your lips so sweetly, Maxine,” he said. “But now…I’ve promised you a reward. And I don’t default on my word. Are you ready?”

  “I…think so…” Maxine’s voice wavered with hesitation.

  “Good. Good girl…” he said, his eyes flecked with a wicked spark of play. “Now…where’s your bedroom?”

  Chapter Six

  Her bedroom . Drew wanted to know where to find her bedroom.

  Mind swimming with the possibilities, she froze, immobilized by his bold suggestion. Just a couple of hours ago, she was on her way downtown to meet Jillian for a couple of drinks and the chance to start networking before she started her brand-new job. In the meantime, she'd managed to trip over herself, spill a drink upon the man on whom she'd been fixating for years, kiss him in the rain with the entire night skyline of Manhattan surrounding them and permit him to usher her home. She had assumed that their evening would end on the stoop with perhaps another kiss good-night and an exchange of phone numbers.

  From there, however, he went on to deliver the most sensual assault on her lips, her skin, and her senses. He’d revealed some cryptic explanation for what he required in a relationship, and then placed her on the floor to illustrate some point that wasn’t clear to Maxine yet.

  Now…she was about to lose her virginity to a man that she hadn’t anticipated running into, let alone having da
shed through several erotic encounters in a matter of three hours flat.

  She could only pray that Ben would remain in a deep sleep throughout the night. He’d promised to wait up for her, but maybe he just couldn’t hold his eyes open any longer. That, she hoped, was the case.

  Anxiety suddenly erupted within her mind, and her heart began to race. In truth, she'd never thought about this supposed monumental occasion in a woman's life—never imagined what that night would be like or how it would unfold. There were issues she should have thought through and plans she should have made. However, time had run out. This sex thing was going to happen. And soon…

  At least she'd splurged on a wax—her first—before she left for New York. She simply just wanted to try out the treatment since every female she knew raved about how wonderful it made them feel. It hurt like hell, but now she was so very glad she'd suffered through every stinging second. Her mother always reminded her of that adage—that it was a pain to be beautiful—and that, indeed, it was!

  Rather than directing Drew through the kitchen and back to her little private space away from the rest of the world, she shook her head and whispered, “But…birth control…I don’t…”

  Leaning down, he folded his hands over her shoulders. “You won’t need it tonight, little one…”

  “But…my reward…”

  Effortlessly, he lifted her and swung her legs over his left arm. She was so tiny that it was almost like carrying around a child. “Oh, Maxine, there are so many ways to compensate your good behavior,” he promised her. “Now where are we going?”

  “To the back of the house,” she answered, pointing. “Straight to my room.”

  Spontaneity was fine for some folks, but Maxine required a little more planning. She wanted at least to have a chance to stop by Victoria's Secret to grab a little nightie. Right now, her sleepwear wardrobe consisted of old t-shirts and yoga pants, and that wouldn't do with Drew in her bed. Perhaps she was treading into the danger zone of heartbreak. Knowing already that he might not keep her around past a mere seven days, she wanted to seize a bit of romance out of this deal while she had the opportunity.

  Linking her arms around his neck, Maxine dared to snuggle a little closer. It felt so weird and wonderful at the same time to be that close to a man, Ben aside. However, she certainly didn’t feel so tingly and warm when she cuddled up with her best friend for movie night on the couch. These new awakenings within her body—within her soul—filled her with trepidation, but she wanted nothing more than to simply allow this road to take her where it led. For a night…for a week…for a month…she planned to embrace every second, both intimate and awkward, and revel in their worth.

  “Right here…” she said, stalling him to a stop in front of her door as she stretched out her foot to wiggle the knob with her bare toes.

  “You alright, little one?” he whispered against her ear, nuzzling, while the door creaked as it swung open.

  “Very good,” she answered him softly but hurriedly.

  “You’re fine with letting me in there?” he asked.

  Touching her hands to his face, she looked him squarely in the eyes. “I am.”

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promised. “At least for this evening…”

  As Drew's lips passed so sweetly over her forehead, Maxine couldn't help but wonder if he were serious.

  For a moment, he held her at her bedside, skimming his lips over her neck. The sweet little sounds of her voice echoed between them, and he squeezed her just a little tighter. He’d promised her no sex that night, though, and she had to believe him. However, she hoped that he didn’t just intend to tuck her under the covers then be gone.

  With the utmost affection, he settled her down to the bed, and she knelt on the mattress before him. Such an innocent, Maxine sat so very still, and her eyes implored him yet exhibited every ounce of trust she could muster.

  “You’re trembling…” And for a moment, she thought she could hear the quiver in his voice, too. As he combed his fingers through her now messy auburn hair that she’d taken so much time to style before she left that night, he murmured, “This is supposed to be fun, little one, not frightening.”

  “I-I’m sorry…” she said, and hung her head in shame, but he was quick to take her face in his hands.

  “Don’t be sorry—for anything we do tonight, Maxine,” he said. “And if you’re uncomfortable, even for a second, you must tell me. Promise?”

  Swallowing the tears that she knew threatened to fall, she nodded. This whole scenario caught her in an unexpected riptide of emotion. “Promise…”

  Words weren’t necessary as he covered her lips with his for a delicate exploration. Gradually, her body relaxed against him as his hands parted her unzipped dress and feathered over the silky skin of her back. As she sank deeper into the spell of his kiss, Maxine became aware of her own body—the ripples induced by the slightest brush of his touch, her weakened ability to hold herself upright, the heaviness of her breasts and the dewy heat between her legs.

  Sweet and plundering, his tongue tangled with hers, taking the lead in this sensual simulation. As she opened her mouth wider, gasping against his efforts to arouse, her fingernails bit down into his shoulders, while she clung for dear life.

  “Maxine…?” he whispered against her seeking lips. “Lie back, little one…”


  Drew's hands never left her as he gentled her toward the stack of pillows on the bed, and he kissed her again once he'd settled her. As he joined her, taking a seat beside her, Maxine wiggled her bottom against the mattress, fussing about on the bed in her arduous hunger.

  “Be still,” his commanding voice settled over her as he tapped his hand on her knee.

  “Yes…” The crimson sting upon her face was evident to both of them, even in the minimal light that filtered through the part in the curtains, and Maxine giggled out loud. “Sir…”

  Minding her slyly, he cocked his head to the side and said, “You’re permitted to giggle tonight…but I want you to curtail that in the future. Understand, little one?”

  With a sigh, she managed, “Yes…Sir…”

  However, remaining calm was nearly impossible as Drew stroked his fingers in some not-so-obvious places. Beginning his journey just behind her earlobe, he skimmed along her jawline, flicking upward to her full, open lips before trailing down to her chin. Dipping downward, his finger sketched a semi-circle around her neck, then traced over her sleeve to her bare arm.

  First, his fingers fluttered over her, pausing at the sensitive spots just inside her elbow and at her wrist, where his kiss replaced his touch for the return trip. Punctuating his well-choreographed dance with the tip of his tongue, he lapped a line toward her shoulder, when he suddenly decided that it was time for one delicate yet deep kiss of her lips.

  “You have only two things to remember this evening,” he rasped as he continued his determined exploration of her mouth. “Settle yourself…and be yourself…”

  “Having…some difficulty…” Unable to resist for one more second, she gently nipped her teeth at his bottom lip, and he was so very quick to pin her arms rather playfully to the mattress.

  “And…” his now navy blue eyes advised her “…no biting…”

  She knew she was behaving awfully boldly—and completely unlike herself that night—when the truth finally dawned upon her. Maxine, she thought, you’re horny! For the first time in your life—you’re craving sex like some desperate courtesan!

  However, there was no time to rationalize or analyze the sensations he elicited as Drew caught her ankle in the circle of his fingers and began to knead along her calf and up to her knee. Hand skimming so carefully up the inside of her silken thigh and tugging the skirt of her dress—which spread to afford a view of her little white panties to his approving naked eyes—he continued to taunt and tease.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm?” he asked suddenly.

  With a groan born of her frustration,
she nodded slowly.

  “So you’ve touched yourself,” he said. “You’ve masturbated?”

  Face afire, she squinted her eyes. “Yes, Sir…”

  “And how was it for you?” he asked. “How did it feel, little one?”

  “OK,” she said simply. “Nice…”

  “Bet I can do a better job,” he boasted. “Tell me what you want, little one…”

  Breathless, she labored once more to speak. “Touch me, please...”

  “Touch you where, Maxine?”

  “You know...” Oh, please put me out of my misery, she thought.

  “No, I don’t know,” he whispered, feigning innocence, and placed his hand in hers. “Show me where...”

  It was then Maxine opened her eyes, wide with shock, and dropped her jaw. She knew that Drew could feel her fingers trembling. He exhorted his authority once again—preparing her for the greater possibilities of what he expected from her.

  Cautiously, she led his hand back down to her inner thigh and guided him shyly, daring to inch higher...and higher...until their fingers touched the elastic band around her leg. She could see his smile increasingly widen as she stopped...then his fingers crept closer and closer to their target.

  “Ahhh,” he whispered, his finger pressing against the tiny wisp of lace and silk concealing that swollen core of her present existence. “You’re dripping like a leaky faucet, Maxine. If I take your panties off, you’re going to have a little puddle on your mattress.”

  Mouth gaping in delicious shock, she nearly choked on her gasp of pleasure. Even though she still wore her panties, it was the first time she'd ever been touched so intimately—other than her occasional attempts to pleasure herself, usually while she thought of Drew. As his thumb made one complete circle right over that swollen little nub between her legs, she found herself pulling away for a split second, stunned by the exquisite feel of his touch. The sensation was almost too intense, but she still craved more.

  With his second pass, now counter-clockwise, she willed herself to relax. And then he waited to gage her reaction, hoping that she wouldn’t succumb to those damn hiccups again. Sweet little Maxine Kirk still had so very much to learn, and he was quite impatient to educate her.


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