Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction: The Complete Series

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Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction: The Complete Series Page 1

by Stephanie Brother

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-one

  Chapter Forty-two

  Chapter Forty-three

  Chapter Forty-four

  Chapter Forty-five

  Chapter Forty-six

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Billionaire Stepbrother – ADDICTION


  Stephanie Brother

  Published by Stephanie Brother - September 2015

  About This Book

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters are represented as 18 or over. This story contains explicit sexual content and adult situations. All sex is unprotected unless otherwise mentioned.


  Brett often wondered if he had been the cause of his parents’ unhappiness. As he matured, he realized that his father was simply a rascal and that his mother had been lonely and unsatisfied. She was looking for a way out of the marriage. She had done her time and only wanted to leave with a shred of dignity. Later, in high school, when he was maneuvering around his own relationships, Brett caught a glimpse of the Old Man in himself.

  One of his former girlfriends had come back to see if she could wrangle herself back into his life. But, his current gal was a pretty hot number, and so he really wanted to wait to see how that relationship would develop.

  Thinking he could handle both, he found himself a short time later with neither. It was the first of many hard lessons for the young man, but it gave him some perspective about his father that he had never before considered.

  As Brett came to terms with the idea of infidelity, he decided to try to be a more honorable person. He didn’t always succeed in being able to resist the charms of a cute young thing, even if he were already in a relationship. He decided not to beat himself up too much about it, and engaged in a series of friends-with-benefits arrangements as he moved through school.

  An added complication had come about because of his father’s second divorce. Brett no longer shuttled between homes, but his father had become a workaholic, and seldom spent time with him. Brett sought some relief from his emotional troubles by fucking a series of vapid cheerleaders. He thought of these as mostly mutually masturbatory events, since the girls only liked him for his nice body, and he only wanted to use them for a few hours or days in between his weeks of arduous studying.

  Then, one day, the Old Man informed him that he was going to get yet another stepmother. He was astounded, not that his father was remarrying, but that the woman had her own child – a beautiful young teenaged girl.

  When Brett first met Kady, he was awestruck at the depth of his strong feelings of affection and attraction. Her bright smile and pleasant manner put him immediately at ease, as he shook her dainty hand.

  He felt an electric shock at her touch and looked to see her face had also registered the incredible reaction. Her mouth made a small “O” of amazement, and she pulled her hand back so quickly it embarrassed them both.

  It was a good thing neither of their parents were paying any attention to them. But, they were caught up in their own emotional attraction and missed the signs in their respective children.

  Not that, as it would turn out, it would have mattered at all.

  Brett watched as his father married his third wife, all the while looking at the young girl next to him, only a few years his junior. He imagined it was the two of them up there, and he suddenly felt a premonition. He dared not look at Kady, for fear that his need for her would be reflected in his earnest face.

  He knew that, after today, she was off-limits. He found himself panicking inward, wanting to run and stop the wedding because of the realization that his fantasy, of he and Kady uniting in wedded bliss, could never happen now. He steeled himself, and for the first time in his life, made a real adult decision. He chose to allow his father to have his own happiness.

  The thought of that comforted him somewhat, and he found strength in the fact that he now knew he could live his own life as a real man.

  He looked over at Kady, who stood staring at him, tears streaming down her face.

  She suddenly bolted from the altar and ran out of the church.


  © 2015 Stephanie Brother

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over. No one engaged in sexual activity is related by blood.


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  Kindle Edition, First Edition.

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  The Players

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-one

  Chapter Forty-two

  Chapter Forty-three

  Chapter Forty-four

  Chapter Forty-five

  Chapter Forty-six

  Chapter Forty-seven


  Other Romance Tales By Stephanie Brother

  BONUS EXCERPT from ‘Torn by My Two Stepbrothers – Sinner.’

  About the Author

  The Players

  Ted Ghent – Owner of Ghent, International, Inc., husband of Sarah and father to Brett.

  Sarah Ghent, mother of Kady, and hailing from the notable Markland clan, an old-moneyed family of prestige and social stature. She was married to Kady’s father, Marine Capt. James Wolcott, who was killed in action, when Kady was only five years old.

  Brett Ghent – son of Ted Ghent. Young, handsome, athletic, smart.

  Kady Markland – Sarah’s daughter. She is curvy and voluptuous, and very sharp.

  Martin Freiberg – Ted Ghent’s aide de camp and best friend.

  Captain David Spalding – Brett’s friend and former classmate.

  Walter Reighland – a mysterious, extremely wealthy man, whose behind-the-scene manipulation of events has produced many marvelous and unusual occurrences. He and his inner circle are driven to solve many of the problems of the world. His eccentric nature, free loving manner, and passionate sexual energy make him attractive and charming in turn.

  Ocaba Bien, his private resort, is full of technological marvels that defy explanation.


  Chapter One

  Sarah Markland had known, almost from the instant she had seen Ted Ghent, that he was something very different than the men with whom she had spent time since the passing of her husband.

  Not wanting to introduce her young daughter, Kady, to a continuous stream of potential fathers, she was very selective in her few sexual partners. Most never made it past one-night stands.

  Sarah, although certainly not a prude, nor shy about her sexual appetite, thought it best to confine her bedroom fun to such limited escapes for her daughter’s sake. She knew the young girl needed attention to have time to heal from her father’s sudden demise. She had promised herself that she could attend to her own needs, with the proper scheduling of play dates or the help of friends who could stay with Katy for a few hours.

  For many years, this worked quite well.

  Sarah kept herself in decent shape if she were honest with herself. She was an architect, and although she had become a stay-at-home mother to care for their daughter, her husband’s death forced her to consider the prospect of returning to a full-time career.

  The insurance money and pension from the military were a pittance, but Sarah came from the prosperous Markland clan, and there was never a thought given to needing to work. She wanted something to occupy her, feeling unfulfilled in a vague way. She knew that when Kady entered school, she did not wish to sit around the house all day, reading articles, or watching boring shows on the television. Most of her friends were also married, with children, but they were wary of the young widow. They had their own men to watch over, and the fact that Sarah was in her particular situation was sad and unfortunate, but not their own. The women carefully and politely included her in social functions where there would be surplus men, but she found she was excluded from many events. After a while, she stopped caring and chose to begin the design of a custom home she had been dreaming about for ages.

  The old training came back quickly.

  As time passed, Sarah balanced shuffling Kady off to kindergarten, (and later other classes), ballet, and dance recitals, music lessons and movies and all the intricate delicate things that loving mothers do for their daughters against her growing passion to actually build this dream project.

  She had a few suitors but was only using these men for their eager penises. She admitted it to herself, and was honest with them, that she was not yet over the death of her husband. Still, fun was fun!

  Few of her partners complained, finding her exciting and very passionate if a bit proper. She would indulge in oral sex with the men, for instance, but not swallow. She did not engage in any anal play whatsoever, and only occasionally would allow a man to go down on her.

  It was not that she didn’t enjoy these acts, but she felt she was saving herself for someone special. It was a small conceit, one that only she knew, and it gave her a focus and power for her life.

  Kady was growing into a beautiful young lady, with the pony rides giving way to actual equestrian lessons, and the dance recitals fading away. Music became Kady’s focus, and Sarah found private tutors who could be counted on to engage her daughter and instruct her in the correct ways of playing various instruments, such as the piano and guitar.

  Soon, Sarah had found a few interested parties that had seen her drawings and detailed plans. She spoke with them, asking them for input and advice, and threw out the parts of her plans that were not going to be feasible. She formed a small boutique architectural firm and hired three employees to take care of orders and paperwork. Then she broke ground on her first project.

  It was a version of her dream house and was being constructed by a young, up-and-coming couple in the Adirondacks. The funding was not an issue – the couple had come recommended by her family. They met and arranged for the project to start. Sarah was ecstatic and scared at the same time.

  This was her first solo adventure since James’ death. She was sad that he would not be able to participate, but her personal faith allowed her to believe he was always watching her and Kady, a silent but omnipresent companion. She knew he would be proud of how both of them had moved on and grown into the extraordinary women they now were.

  Sarah’s first order of business, once the contractor’s draws were in place, was to find a suitable project management software package. Her investigations led her to attend a conference on such products in a small city about three hours from her home.

  Assuring that her teenaged daughter did not have anything coming up that required her presence, Sarah made arrangements to attend the event, deciding to take a train there, and then rent a car for the week of the conference.

  Once that was done, she called her parents, who were delighted to have Kady stay with them in her absence. She got that situated and then informed her staff as to their duties while she would be away.

  Picking Kady up from her lessons, they went to a nearby mall and went clothes shopping. This was something they would do together, and both she and Kady loved the time spent together. It was always a fun time and they ended up eating at a burger joint in the food court, both of them drinking milkshakes for dessert.

  Two days later, she boarded the train to the city. She felt only a bit nervous, but once the trip was underway, it was replaced with determination.

  Sarah entered the vast conference center, immediately overwhelmed by the excitement and ostentatiousness of the presentations. She had never been to anything quite like this in her life.

  The banners and loud music were boisterous, and the atmosphere was like a carnival. She walked around a bit, stunned and uncertain on where to begin. Sarah referred to her program, but it was not well-defined, and so she picked a likely booth in the general direction of where she wanted to go and started walking.

  As she did, she tried to absorb the vast amounts of information and noise and wandered a bit until she found her bearings. She realized she could immediately disregard the operating systems displays and all the newest gadgets. She had a particular goal in mind and sat down for a late breakfast to consider her options.

  As she sipped at her espresso, she circled likely candidates with her pen. Sarah marked out several, firmly pressing the pen into the paper, and liking the smooth feeling it made as it glided across the program. She found herself thinking of odd things and getting a bit frisky. She shrugged
inwardly, figuring that maybe she could find a lover for the evening since she had no real schedule to follow. She idly thought of her last fling and grinned at the memory of Art’s tight butt. He had been an excellent but simple lover, and she had even considered a second date, but his wife probably would not have been too keen on the idea. And, frankly, once Sarah had found he was married, she had given him a piece of her own mind. She did not cotton much to that kind of thing. He had lied to her, it was true. Still, he was a decent lay.

  Once breakfast was over and still mulling over poor Art, she went to the ladies to powder her nose. She still felt a bit horny but figured she’d wait until later to relieve that particular itch. She went back out to the lights and activity of the conference, turned into a small barricaded room, and ran smack into a brash, fortyish man, wearing a very expensive suit and explaining to a captive audience just why his particular software product was the cat’s meow.


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