Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction: The Complete Series

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Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction: The Complete Series Page 20

by Stephanie Brother


  Chapter Forty-four

  “Alpha Dog, this is Red Team Leader, copy?” came from Captain Spalding’s headset.

  “What is it, Blue?” he asked.

  “We’ve got trouble, sir. Secondary Target has Cinderella. Primary Target seems to be arguing with him. With a Glock, sir.”

  “Shit!” David muttered. “Red Leader, can you take a clear shot at either Tango?”

  “Negative. Distance and angle are not complimentary to clean hit. Suggest moving to better cover, and engaging,” said the Red Team Leader.

  “Do not engage, repeat, do not engage. If Cinderella is clear, or if it looks as if she will be shot, then make a move. Otherwise, get closer!” said Spalding.

  “Roger, clear, and out!” came the reply.

  Brett saw the worry in his friend’s eyes. The game had changed.

  “Move it, people!” yelled Capt. Spalding.

  Brett ran with his friend towards the confrontation and destiny.


  Chapter Forty-five

  Scott stood in front of Kady, shielding her body from Reighland. He held his arm, where the shot had wounded him. Blood was seeping out above his elbow, and he clenched at the bullet hole, trying to stanch the bleeding.

  “What’s the matter, Scott? Did you forget who’s in charge here?” Reighland barked at him. He held his pistol at his side. “Move away from that fat cow!”

  Kady tried to keep her body in between the two men, not wanting Reighland to shoot Scott. She knew he might kill her, but hoped he still needed her alive for his plans. She clung to Scott, crying, as he stood facing his Uncle.

  Scott looked Kady in the eyes and gave her a small smile. Realizing what he was going to do, her eyes widened in shock.

  “No!” she shouted.

  Scott pushed Kady back and began to bring his own rifle up when Reighland just lifted his hand and pulled the trigger.

  This time, the shot caught Scott just below his neck, and he fell backward, sprawling on the sofa. Reighland walked up to him and fired point blank into him twice more.

  “Stupid fool!” he sneered at the corpse.


  Sarah was sneaking up to the corner of the room and had heard the shots.

  Fearing the worst, she ran into the space in front of the wet bar, her stolen carbine clutched in her hands, and she tried to fire it at Reighland. Two shots came out, and one clipped the edge of Reighland’s right ear.

  “You fucking whore!” he shouted, and he grabbed at his ear. He could feel the blood oozing out and fired his pistol at Sarah.

  “Mom!” yelled Kady, running at Reighland from behind and knocking him off balance. Reighland swatted at her with his bloodied hand and caught the side of her head, sending her reeling away.

  “Kady!” said Sarah.

  She was holding her stomach and grimaced with pain. She looked at Kady again and fell on her knees.

  “Kady!” she said.

  Sarah fell to the ground, next to the entrance. Blood slowly pooled around her.

  “Mom!” she shouted.

  “Come on, you fat bitch!” yelled Reighland.

  He jerked her onto her feet and began to move towards the front of Ocaba Bien, towing Kady behind him. She struggled to free herself from his tight grip, but he was too strong. His mania had given him an enormous reserve of strength.

  They exited the foyer and walked out onto the beach area. A cart was parked there, but no driver was around. Reighland began to walk towards it, dragging Kady. He cuffed her again, and she tripped behind him, trying to keep up.

  “Reighland, you fucker!” Sarah yelled.

  She had managed to crawl along and pull herself up and then followed them outside. She fired another shot, and it pinged off the ground near his feet.

  “Drop your gun, asshole!” Sarah shouted.

  She aimed straight at his head, and he could see that she could not miss at this close distance. He dropped the gun.

  “This changes nothing!” he shouted, and suddenly he had grabbed Kady and was holding a razor sharp knife against her throat.

  Sarah steeled herself, willing Reighland to not slit Kady’s neck.

  “What do you want, you prick?” she asked.

  Reighland laughed, and Sarah was aware that she was losing the feeling in her legs. It was the shock from having been gut shot.

  She had managed to block out the pain, fighting with all her strength as she chased them, hell bent on rescuing Kady. But now, Sarah realized that her blood loss left her mere seconds to kill Reighland; if she didn’t act instantly, he would kill Kady.


  Chapter Forty-six

  “You think you’re so smart, eh, Sarah?” said Jonathon Reighland. He was moving so that Kady was between him and her mother. Sarah didn’t move the barrel of the rifle from his head.

  Kady’s eyes were wide with fright, and Reighland held the knife to her throat. The blade barely touched her, and a trickle of blood ran down her neck.

  Sarah tensed on the grip, trying to aim only at Reighland. She knew she was not a good enough shot to try, and began to lower the gun.

  “That’s right, you stupid bitch. Me and your brat are going to take a little ride!” sneered Reighland.

  He backed from her, facing the entrance to Ocaba Bien, stepping slowly in reverse. As he moved closer to the cart, he thought he saw something move on the other side but continued walking towards it. He looked but could not see anything. Probably nothing, he thought.

  No matter.

  He pulled Kady beside him, motioning her into the cart, and was getting ready to strap her in while still keeping an eye on Sarah.

  Sarah, weak from blood loss, slumped over.

  Now, seeing his chance, Reighland bent to buckle Kady into the cart seat.

  Suddenly, Brett leaped from behind the cart, where he had hidden, lying next to it. He kicked hard, and Reighland went flying off, landing on his ass, and then quickly rolling off.

  “Kady! Run!” shouted Brett.

  Kady jumped up and began to run away from the cart and towards her mother, who was now lying on the ground, clutching her stomach.

  Kady saw Ted run out of one of the side rooms and shouted to him.

  “Dad! Over here! Mom’s hurt! Hurry!” she yelled.

  Ted saw Kady, kneeling next to Sarah, who was on the ground, holding her bloodied hands over her stomach, and ran towards them. Kady jumped up to run to him, and he grabbed her and hugged her, as he gave her instructions to call the Black Dog team.

  “Get in there and call David on the house phone! Tell him where we are and to bring medics fast!” he said to her. Kady, tears streaming down her face, agonized at being told to leave her mother’s side, fought her terror and marched into Ocaba Bien to make the call.

  Ted started again towards Sarah and was horrified to see that the cart had begun to move away from them. Brett and Reighland were fighting on top, and Brett was suddenly off-balance as the cart spun out from underneath him.

  Seizing the opportunity, Reighland put his strong hands on Brett’s throat and began to throttle him. The cart moved away, just as Ted reached it.

  He could only watch as they receded, locked in a deadly struggle.


  Chapter Forty-seven

  The cart was zooming along its hidden track, and Reighland had his hands on Brett’s throat. Brett tried to break the hold, but Reighland had immense strength and was driven by his lunatic beliefs.

  He strangled Brett; but the cart suddenly lurched and Reighland bounced, loosening his grip. Brett, seeing spots in his eyes, brought his knee up as hard as he could, pummeling Reighland in the stomach. The air whooshed from his mouth, and his hands flew away from Brett’s aching throat.

  The cart spun and dove for the beach, and Brett tried to recover enough to defend himself. He could see Reighland had managed to brace himself against the forces and was getting ready for another attack. />
  The cart wheeled down along the ground and was approaching the next rise, the tallest one on the invisible track. As it slowed down, Reighland leaped onto Brett, using his ferocious strength to reach out for Brett one final time. His hands began to close around Brett’s neck, and Brett tried weakly to fend off the attack.

  “I have you now, you unholy bastard!” shouted Jonathon Reighland. Brett felt his consciousness begin to ebb, as the man squeezed his throat closed.

  A loud sound rang out. Reighland’s hands dropped from Brett’s neck and Reighland, stunned, stood straight up in the cart. He looked as though he had suddenly forgotten something, his eyes unfocused.

  Brett saw Sarah, kneeling on the ground, surrounded by her blood. She was cradling the rifle in her arms and fired again. The shot was loud. Reighland jerked and fell from the cart, spiraling into the sea.

  Brett saw Ted spin around towards Sarah at the report and also noticed Kady running from the doorway to Ocaba Bien.

  Sarah fell over, as Ted and Kady ran to her. Kady screamed and tried to help Sarah, but Ted pushed her away, and began putting pressure on the bullet wound in Sarah’s stomach. Sarah groaned, and Kady was terrified.

  “The Black Dog medic will be here in a few minutes, Sarah!” yelled Ted. “Hang on, please, Sarah! Hang on! Stay with me! Sarah!” Ted continued calling her name, as she slumped against him. Ted’s hands were red, and Kady was unable to watch.

  She turned around and saw Brett, draped across the seats of the cart. He had fallen partly out and was barely moving. She ran to him. She saw in her peripheral vision the Black Dog Security team members streaming out of the entrance to Ocaba Bien. She prayed her mother was going to live.

  Kady ran to Brett.

  “Brett! Brett!” she cried, running up and sliding on her knees next to him. Her dress tore as she reached around to cradle him, pulling him close to her.

  “Brett, my darling! Don’t leave me, Brett! I love you! Please, please, please” she pleaded. She said silent prayers, begging God to allow her love to remain with her. Brett looked at Kady and smiled.

  “Love you,” he croaked.

  His eyes were unfocused, and he saw spots and blinking flashes of light. He felt oddly dizzy and was having a hard time catching his breath.

  Struggling manfully, Brett tried to move from the cart; but his injuries caused him such pain that he passed out from the shock.

  Cradled in Kady’s shaking arms, he felt the blackness closing in on him.



  Brett and Kady looked out over the ocean from the terrace of their cliffside estate. Kady wasn’t yet showing, but they knew that their family would soon sprout and flourish. The waves crashed again and again at the base of the cliff. The sound of gulls and other sea birds keening and crying out could be heard far out from where they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “I love you, Brett,” said Kady.

  She couldn’t wait to show her baby to her mother. Sarah always had wanted a grandchild.

  Sarah Markland Ghent had managed to survive her ordeal. It was a near thing, and only the expert first aid that Captain Spalding had administered saved her life. She was confined to a wheelchair, but her doctors expected her to be able to move about freely within the year.

  Sarah’s family had assured everyone that her involvement in the Reighland Affair, as it was privately known, would always remain private.

  Ted Ghent had formally retired from Ghent International, Incorporated. His share of the profits had been used to form a charitable trust that helped children who were unable to attend conventional schools, due to learning disabilities. He spent his time devoted to informing donors and politicians of the benefits that could be attained through the foundation.

  Walter Reighland’s holdings were distributed to three benefactors; the largest of these were the State of New York and the Federal Government. An unknown party in the Cayman Islands received a substantial amount, but nothing is known about the recipient.

  Jonathon Reighland’s body was never recovered.

  Captain David Spalding took over as the Chief Operations Officer at ‘Pecker’. He sold ‘Black Dog’ to a competitor, and bought a house near ‘Pecker’ headquarters. He met a lovely woman at the office, and they were married. Brett Ghent was the best man.

  Martin Freiberg survived his injuries and serves as President and CEO of Ghent International, Inc. They are now the number one vendor for construction software in the world.


  Other Romance Tales By Stephanie Brother

  Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction

  Part 1

  Part 2

  Part 3

  Part 4

  Torn by my Two Stepbrothers Series

  Book 1

  Book 2


  BONUS EXCERPT from ‘Torn by My Two Stepbrothers – Sinner.’

  Matt Quinn ran out of the library to go find his brother. There was no sign of him in the big house, in the entryway, or in the reading room.

  One of the staff members pointed towards a room at the end of a wide hall, and Matt moved towards it.

  Inside the room, he saw his twin for the second time in twenty minutes. His brother was standing at a bar, pouring out a rather large portion of Macallan Fine & Rare 40 Year Old whiskey.

  He sucked it down as though it were a San Pellegrino, and he was parched from a journey through the hottest deserts of the Sahara.

  Matt was aghast. At just over £6500 per bottle, Damon had just sucked down almost £1200 at one gulp!

  Damon began to pour another, but he noticed Matt in his peripheral vision. As he finished making his drink, he took a big breath and drank it empty with only a few pauses. He again blew out his breath, before turning to face Matt.

  “Join me, brother?” he asked, amiably, tottering just a wee bit on unsteady legs.

  “No thank you,” Matt said, not liking the way his twin was tying one on. He knew Damon had been a heavy drinker since he had been able to legally buy alcohol, but always had thought it was simply an occasional issue. Faced with the incontrovertible evidence, Matt worried about his brother’s state.

  “Suit yourself,” Damon said, and this time he just picked up the bottle and drank from it. Within a few short seconds, it had been emptied, and Damon tossed it across the room, where it shattered in the fireplace.

  “Whoa, slow down,” Matt said, walking towards his brother.

  “Stay away! Stay fucking away from me! You’re a ghost, you don’t exist. You shouldn’t be here!” screamed Damon. He tried fending off Matt with urgent gestures of his hands, waving him away as though he were smoke.

  Damon staggered out of the library and struck at Matt with a wide sweep of his arm. He overbalanced, and then fell onto a chair. He slalomed off the arms and tried to stand. He knocked over the small bar situated next to the chair, shattering bottles of Glenmorangie 18, Laphroaig and several vintages no longer available anywhere for any price.

  Damon slipped on the flood of liquor that splashed across the cherry wood floor and fell on his knees, then landed hard on his outstretched hand. The pungent and delicious odor of rare booze wafted into the air, and Matt cried inside at the wasted precious liquids. Still, he felt more badly that his brother was in such a sorry state.

  “Fuck,” Damon yelled as he scrambled awkwardly back to his feet, the palms of both hands bleeding. He had cut himself when he fell, and now blood was dripping freely down his wrists, making crimson spots on the marvelously polished mahogany floors.

  Damon looked at his hands.

  He looked at the remnants of the bottles, strewn and broken, like his dreams.

  He looked at his brother.

  His face twisting in hatred and anguish at his pathetic behavior, Damon screamed “Fuck!” at the top of his lungs, and then ran out of the room.

  A bloody trail followed him out, as his hands cascaded dark red liquid like an accusatory finger, pointing the wa
y to his sin.

  Matt stood there, frozen with shock, uncertain of how to proceed. He wanted to chase after his brother. He should just grab him and shake him to his senses. He thought they should have a chat. He wanted to calm them both down, and start the arduous process of getting to know what demons tormented him.

  As he started to pick up the larger pieces of the broken bottle, he reflected that he did not harbor any ill towards Damon; he was saddened by the recent spectacle, for certain, but perhaps it was merely something transitory.

  That was when he heard a shrill, terrorized scream coming from the direction of the kitchen.

  Dropping the broken glass haphazardly, he raced towards the sound.

  The woman’s voice was yelling hysterically, begging Damon to stop!

  He slammed open the sliding door to the kitchen and froze in his tracks.

  On one side of the room stood his extremely wasted brother, attempting to clumsily climb onto the counter.

  With blood gushing from his wounded hands, he opened the cabinets and pulled out another whiskey bottle. It was only a fifth of Johnny Walker Blue, but it would have to suffice.

  Damon slipped on the blood landing on his arse. Then, he slowly slid down the cabinet, to come to rest on the kitchen floor.

  He grasped his prize tightly and wiped blood onto his white cotton pants. He then popped the cap and began to suck at the bottle as a baby would nurse at its mother’s teat.

  On the other side of the kitchen was that woman. It was the raven-haired vixen whom he had so recently introduced to his cock. His mind raced back to the wanton, wild fucking that had happened, and he felt himself beginning to stiffen again.

  The woman was hysterical, pointing, gasping, and screaming at the horrible, wretched sight of his besotted brother.

  Damon finally turned to look at her and he too began to scream.

  It was if each were seeing the nightmares of the other, and realizing that the monsters therein had escaped to the wakened world.


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