J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X] Page 10

by Harry Potter

After Harry and Hermione had slowly danced away from Tonks and Remus, Hermione said to Harry in a dulcet tone, “You do realize we’ll have to get them back for that prank, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yeah,” replied Harry in an equally sweet manner.

  The next couple they saw dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

  “Oh, Hermione dear,” Mrs. Weasley said as they danced closer to Harry and Hermione. “Thank you so very much for that impassioned blessing you gave earlier.”

  “Err... um... ” stammered Hermione, very embarrassed at the memory of her outburst earlier. “You’re welcome, Ma’am.”

  The two teens glided across the floor, away from the Weasleys.

  “Speaking of the ‘blessing’...” Hermione began. “How did you do that?”

  “How’d I do what?” Harry asked as innocently as he could.

  Hermione got up on her toes so that she could whisper in his ear; “Make me have a screaming orgasm just by touching my hand?”

  “Oh, that,” Harry muttered. He was hesitant to tell Hermione about his ‘special book’ because he knew that Hermione would want to take the book from him so she could read it for herself (she was like that when it came to books). And he was still reading it. So Harry resolved to himself that he would keep the book a secret just a bit longer and came up with a feeble excuse. “I didn’t do anything; it must’ve been nerves.”

  “‘Nerves’?” she asked disbelievingly. Hermione then added in an alluring way; “Well that’s too bad. I was sooo hoping it was something that you did, because then I could repay you in kind. But seeing how it was just ‘nerves’ on my part...”

  “Repay me how?” Harry asked, losing a bit of his resolve due to Hermione’s tone.

  “Why should I repay you if you did nothing?” she asked rhetorically. Hermione then did something very unexpected. While biting her lip, she pulled away from Harry slightly and tugged the front of her gown down a touch so the top of a very exciting looking black lacy bra, along with a nice expansive view of her cleavage, was revealed. Upon seeing the top edge of the aforementioned bra, let alone the sight of the wondrous flesh, Harry’s resolve of secrecy was completely forgotten. As a matter of fact, his resolve wasn’t the only thing he forgot; he also happened to forget his own name.

  It was at this point that ‘Harry, Jr.’ woke up and took over those pesky thought processes for Harry. The appendage poked Hermione in the hip as if to inform her that her plan to get Harry to tell her his secret had worked.

  “I found a boob... uh boo... book. I um mean I uh found a book in the um restricted section...” Harry rambled in a monotone as a little bit of drool threatened to escape his mouth.

  Hermione pushed her bosom against Harry’s chest, causing her breasts to push up and almost (‘Harry, Jr.’ seemed to pray) out of her gown. He so desperately wanted to pull the gown down the rest of the way and ravish her boobs with his mouth.

  “Can I see this book later?” Hermione asked, knowing the answer. She knew the answer already because she playfully ground her hips into ‘Harry, Jr.’, causing the organ to swell even more. This action assured the proper response.

  But before Harry could groan out a primal and heartfelt “Yes,” he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw two mops of flaming red hair.

  “Mind if we cut in?” Ron asked. Before Harry could respond, Hermione was torn from his grasp and was quickly replaced with the girl who physically resembled his mother!

  Harry looked to Hermione for a plan; she was after all the smartest witch in their generation. She could easily formulate a plan to get him out of the predicament of a slow dance with the girl who physically resembled his mother! Alas, Hermione had the same look of desperation in her eyes as well. Hermione quickly disappeared into the crowd with the lumbering red-headed lummox.

  Ginny started out by going up on her toes to whisper in Harry’s ear “I hope you don’t mind, but I plan on using this dance to change your mind about us.” Right after she finished her statement, Ginny attempted the same tactic Hermione had tried just moments before. She shoved her chest into Harry’s in an attempt to show off her meager cleavage and shortly there after began to grind her boyish hips against his.

  Normally, Harry would have been mortally embarrassed because Ginny would have noticed ‘Harry, Jr.’. She would have noticed because the bugger was, just previously, fully awake and raring to play “hide-and-seek” with Hermione. Luckily for Harry though, when he saw the girl who looked like his mum shove her boobs into his chest, ‘Harry, Jr.’ instantly lost all interest. But to say that the organ simply “lost interest” was a bit of an understatement. It would be more to the point to say that ‘Harry, Jr.’ lost so much interest that he grabbed his luggage and went on a little holiday to visit one of his relatives up north, namely the spleen.

  “C’mon Harry,” Ginny implored in a throaty tone as she rubbed her chest against his (one might argue that the word “breast” should have been used for Ginny, but seeing that she hardly had any boobs, others would be more correct by arguing that “chest” is the proper word to describe it). Her hand slid down his back, inching her way to his bum. “You know I could make you a very, very happy man...”

  “Um, Ginny...” squeaked Harry. “I really don’t think...” The young wizard broke out in a cold sweat and tried to force himself to tell the girl who looked like his mother that he was no longer (thanks be to every possible deity) interested in her. He thought that he was doing a fairly decent job at it as well, seeing how he was succeeding in fighting the urge to run away. He was successful that is until Ginny licked her lips ravenously and squeezed his arse.

  That’s when all of Harry’s remaining cool fled from him. With a manly shout of “GAH!”, Harry smacked the shiny haired girl’s hand away from his posterior and ran like a frightened child. Ginny was left standing dumbfounded in the middle of the dance floor as Harry pushed his way through the crowd. He desperately needed air, he felt like he was suffocating. As he reached the edge of the dance floor, a panting Harry noticed Ron walking up to him.

  “You okay, mate?” Ron asked as he took his place besides Harry. “You look like you were attacked by a vicious, bloodthirsty beast.”

  “Practically,” answered Harry, finding Ron’s analogy somewhat fitting.

  “Well, it looks like we both have to sit the next dance out,” Ron continued while Harry tried to catch his breath. “Hermione’s mental, I tell you. We were just talking about stuff then she tells me that she wants to talk about us. And I thought that was a great idea and I told her what I’d like to do to her later,” Ron ended his eloquent statement by making the same rude “kneading dough” gesture from before. “Then she sees Arnold again and runs off talking about ‘troubles’.”

  “Tribbles,” Harry corrected, absentmindedly.

  “I’d just like to start off where we left off the other day, is all,” Ron whined. “It was great, Harry,” Ron stated in an overzealous tone. “We were in my room when we started to snog...”

  Harry remembered Hermione’s recollections of that day and realized that Ron was embellishing a bit.

  “... she then moaned in my ear ‘you’re so wonderful, Ron’...”

  It was this point that Harry realized that his friend wasn’t just embellishing a bit, he was utterly delusional! Harry desperately wanted to tell Ron about his and Hermione’s relationship so Ron wouldn’t embarrass himself further, but he knew that Hermione wanted to be the one who broke the news to him.

  “I know I shouldn’t tell you this Harry, seeing how you’re single now and you’ll get jealous but,” Ron beamed with masculine pride. “... I felt her up! It was fantastic! It’s like I’m a man now!”

  Harry wanted to yell at him: ‘You felt her up? Big Deal! You didn’t even see her even a little naked. I saw her very naked! And as for fondling her, I felt her up very properly. Right before I ate her out!’

  “Mind you, I do prefer blondes,” Ron said as he stared dumbly at Fleur, who was stan
ding behind Luna Lovegood as the two girls waited to pour themselves their drinks from the bar. “Maybe I could get Hermione to dye her hair?”

  “I like her hair the way it is!” Harry protested. “It’s a part of who she is!’

  “I thought you liked red-heads, like Ginny?” Ron questioned roughly, taken back at Harry’s impassioned tone. Harry shuddered at the memory of running his fingers through Ginny’s red hair, the same hair color as his mother’s!

  Harry shook his head in an attempt to rid his mind of those disturbing images and looked up and saw that Hermione had joined the line to get a drink.

  “I knew you’d be jealous,” Ron stated.

  “I’m not jealous...” Harry began to argue when he saw Ginny sneak up behind Hermione as she approached the bar for her own drink. The red haired witch pulled a small glass vial out of her robes and inconspicuously poured its contents into Hermione’s cup. Obviously, Hermione didn’t see Ginny or notice the younger witch pour the mysterious liquid into her cup, because Hermione filled the tampered cup up with pumpkin juice and started to raise it to her lips. Terror coursed through Harry at the thought of Hermione drinking whatever it was that Ginny had poured into her cup!

  Harry reacted purely on instinct. He whipped out his wand and shouted in a clear and very loud voice, “ACCIO HERMIONE’S CUP!”

  Now, something strange happened. Harry clearly stated that he wanted to Summon Hermione’s cup, but for some odd reason, his magic misunderstood him. Instead of Summoning Hermione’s drink cup like he had commanded, Harry’s magic Summoned Hermione’s B-cups.

  With a sound of tearing fabric, Hermione’s lacey, black bra flew from her bosom and into Harry’s waiting hand. Harry gulped when he saw Hermione’s shocked and angry expression. He gulped because he saw her wondrous boobs as well- he thought idly that her boobs jiggled quite nicely. Hermione quickly recovered and grabbed the fragments of her dress and covered her exposed flesh. Luckily, everyone’s attention had been on Harry because he had shouted, and no one saw Hermione’s embarrassment. Everyone that is except for Ron.

  “Merlin,” Ron muttered out in a stunned tone, “I think I saw one of her nipples...”

  A small part of Harry’s brain internally pondered on what Ron had said and asked internally, ‘Which one did he see? Was it ‘Carmella’ or was it ‘Natasha’?’

  The one positive effect of this disastrous event was that Hermione had dropped her drink that had been spiked by Ginny. Of course the main effect of this disastrous event wasn’t positive and it could possibly lead to Harry’s death. Or even worse, never seeing Hermione naked again! This negative effect was Hermione’s rage, and it was clearly directed at Harry. The raven-haired wizard gulped once more, this time in plain fear, under the icy gaze coming from his definitely more-than-a-friend friend.

  Recovering his senses, Harry quickly pointed his wand at Ginny and shouted “ACCIO GINNY’S VIAL!” The small glass container popped out of Ginny’s pocket and flew into Harry’s waiting hand, the same hand that was still holding Hermione’s enticing bra, mind you.

  Harry stormed up to Ginny and shoved his left hand in her face while pointing his wand at her with his right. “What is this?” Harry demanded loudly.

  “Err... Hermione’s bra...” Ginny offered innocently, as if she had done nothing wrong.

  “No, not that,” Harry spat as he pulled the undergarment out of his hand and discreetly pocketed it (he reckoned that if the “Accio” incident was going to ruin his chances with Hermione, at least he would have a souvenir). He then shoved the glass vial in the redhead’s face and demanded, “What is this?”

  “N- Nothing,” Ginny defended, “it’s just water.”

  A large group of people, including Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Horace Slughorn, had gathered around to see what the commotion was all about.

  “Pardon, if I may?” Slughorn offered as he walked up to Harry. The younger, skinnier wizard handed the vial to the older, obese wizard. Slughorn held the vial up to his nose and inhaled deeply. A surprised look appeared on his face. “Oho, this is a Lust Potion. Just what are you planning on doing my dear?” he asked, turning to Ginny.

  “A Lust Potion?” Hermione asked, “Harry, what was she doing?”

  “She poured this into your drink,” explained Harry, and all the color from Hermione’s face drained away.

  “It was... It was only a joke,” stated Ginny.

  “My dear, a Lust Potion isn’t something to trifle with,” Slughorn said gravely. “It causes the person who drinks it to lose all of his or her inhibitions when it comes to physical passions. It’s very similar to Love Potions, if only much milder in its duration...”

  Harry suddenly recalled the conversation he had with Hermione a few days ago. She had said that she had acted strangely the previous school year, that she “felt compelled” to start dating. Then a question hit Harry, was the reason Hermione had “felt compelled” to date Ron and her strange behavior during the last year all because Ginny had dosed her with this potion?

  “How many times have you poisoned her?” Harry demanded.

  “Just this once,” Ginny stated in a very convincing way. “I told you it was just a joke!”

  “That’s a very sick idea of a joke, young lady,” Molly chastised her, as Hermione looked like she was about to break down and start sobbing. At first, Harry believed Ginny’s statement that she had only done it once and was about to drop his line of questioning when another realization dawned upon him. He remembered two years ago, when he had arrived at Grimmauld Place and saw first-hand how Ginny could lie in a very convincing manner. He recalled that he thought at the time that she would make a good actress because of her ability to lie. ‘She was a good liar!’

  Harry suddenly realized that he couldn’t trust Ginny’s word, not when it came to Hermione’s well being. He had to see if Ginny had been poisoning Hermione; he had to do it for Hermione’s sake.

  Harry realized that he would have to force the truth out of Ginny somehow and he only knew of two ways of doing that. The first was to use Veritaserum, but that potion was regulated by the Ministry and he doubted that he could get his hands on it. His remaining option was fairly dangerous, and he had not been trained in it at all; he had only been trained how to defend himself from it. But he had to see if Ginny was lying. He had to do it for Hermione.

  Once more, Harry leveled his wand at Ginny and declared, “Legilimens!”

  A migraine inducing swarm of images and emotions flooded Harry’s brain. Image after image flew past him, like he was watching some horribly edited film. Harry forced himself to concentrate on Ginny’s thoughts and images relating to Hermione and potions. The first dozen images that rushed by Harry dealt with Hermione tutoring Ginny with her Potion Essays. But then, he saw an image of Hermione in Muggle clothes at the Burrow and saw Ginny discreetly pour contents of a glass vial into Hermione’s tea cup. The last image Harry saw before breaking the connection was a repeat performance from just moments before, when both Ginny and Hermione were standing in line, waiting for a drink.

  Harry lowered his wand and fell to his knees; his brain felt like it was threatening to pop out of his skull in the most horrific and gruesome way possible. Ginny, by the looks of it, was suffering from a similar headache.

  The group that had gathered around was staring at Harry and Ginny in stunned silence.

  “When did you give her that first dose?” Harry asked. A scowl appeared on Ginny’s face at Harry’s question. Harry asked again: “You gave her the Lust Potion sometime ago. When was it?”

  “A few days ago, when you Owled her for help,” Ginny replied through gritted teeth.

  Harry heard Hermione gasp aloud. He turned to face her and saw that she had tears streaming down her face. “Hermione...” began Harry. Hermione looked at Harry with absolute terror in her eyes. Before Harry could do anything, Hermione dashed toward the Burrow. Tonks and Remus quickly gave chase.

  “Hermione, wait!” Harry implored and
began to follow her when a small hand grabbed him by his arm.

  “Don’t you want to know why I did it?” Ginny asked, her face twisted with anger. “I did it so my lummox of a brother and that Know-it-all would finally hook up. Merlin knows he needs all the help he can get. But I did it because I needed to get Hermione out of the way, so we could be together. She’s the only girl you’ve ever talk to,” Ginny continued.

  “Have you ever asked yourself why that is?” Harry asked.

  “Yeah, it tells me that you need to talk to more girls,” retorted Ginny.

  “No, it should tell you that I’m in love with her!” exclaimed Harry, and a collective gasp emanated from the crowd. Along with the gasps, several dozen flashes went off as the photographers who had accompanied the reporters to the wedding took pictures. Many of the reporters were muttering about the scoop of the year while scribbling notes down on bits of parchment. A moment later, a number of these reporters apparated away, obviously to write up articles on The Chosen One’s love life. A wave of anxiety washed over Harry as he realized that his outburst would most likely end up as front page news.

  “You’re in what with who?” Ron sputtered.

  Harry paused before answering, as he did a bit of soul searching. For the past few days, while he and Hermione spent more time together than ever before (and some of that was ‘naked time’), he hadn’t really bothered to try and define his feelings for her. Even though the outburst was unintentional; it felt natural. It was something Harry had wanted to say for a long time. It felt right saying it, and it made Harry happy, the happiest he had been in a long time.

  “I said that I’m in love with Hermione,” repeated Harry.

  “But you can’t be in love with Hermione,” argued Ron. “You love Ginny”

  “No, I don’t,” Harry responded.

  “Of course you do. Everybody knows that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

  “Ron, look at her,” Harry stated while pointing at Ginny. “She looks like my mother!”

  “So? What does that...” Ron began to debate but then stopped and looked at his sister. Slowly, his eyes started to bulge as the realization that his best mate appeared to have had an Oedipus Complex sunk in. “Eww, that’s- that’s just wrong...”


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