J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X] Page 22

by Harry Potter

  “Harry, let me go!” Hermione commanded though Harry could tell there was no malice in her voice. It almost sounded like she was trying not to laugh. “Let me go or I’ll swear-!”

  Hermione’s playful threat was cut short when Dobby disappeared with another crack. “You’re a dead man Potter!” she scolded him. “You’re going to have to work pretty hard to make this up to me.”

  “Really what would you suggest?” asked Harry.

  “Well, you could use your magical tongue and tap into your love core again,” she offered and wiggled her bum against ‘Harry, Jr.’

  “I was actually thinking about doing that anyway,” admitted Harry. He guided Hermione to lie on the floor and lowered himself so that he was in-between her legs. His mouth was near her flower when he heard a series of cracks.

  When Harry looked up, all he could see were hundreds of eyes looking at him and Hermione. Each set of eyes were bulbous and brightly colored; they obviously belonged to House-Elves. In fact Harry could argue that a wall of House-Elves had been erected in front of him. House-Elves filled every space in the bathroom. They were even actually standing on top of each other so that they could get a better look. Harry believed that it was quite possible that every single House-Elf in Hogwarts was currently jammed in the bathroom at that particular moment.

  “Oh bugger,” groaned Harry as he heard a number of squeaky voices plead “Let me see!” Chapter Ten Summary: Things get revealed in the bathroom... well more revealed than they already are that is.

  “Oh, bugger,” repeated Harry.

  A small House-Elf, partially hidden behind the wall of other House-Elves, was able to pop his or her head through a tiny opening and gazed in awe at Harry and Hermione’s naked forms. “Look at that! It be wonderful!” the little House-Elf heralded.

  “We need to get out of here,” Harry murmured on the verge of panicking, his face still hovering over Hermione’s naked flower.

  “Harry, let’s get out of here right now!” Hermione blurted out as she scampered out from under Harry to seek cover behind him.

  With as much dignity as he could muster, Harry covered his bits with his hands while slowly standing up. He could feel Hermione rise with him. Harry thought that she had lucked out since she got to use his whole body as a shield from the prying eyes of dozens of House-Elves, whereas he was only able to use his hands to shield himself. But then again, he decided that he would willingly protect Hermione whenever she needed it. Even if it was only to block the prying eyes, as in this case.

  Scanning the living wall of House-Elves that blocked their exit, Harry turned his head to face Hermione - who was looking nervously over his shoulder - and informed her, “I don’t see a way out.”

  “Is there a way out of here, Harry?” Hermione asked nervously.

  “Why are you repeating everything I say?” hissed Harry who was reaching his wit’s end.

  “Harry, I really wish you would stop speaking in Parsletongue,” snapped Hermione. Apparently when Harry had “hissed” his question, he was literally hissing. “There’s no chance of you getting to eat me out anytime soon, so would you please speak English now.”

  Closing his eyes, Harry focused on speaking English, which was a little difficult seeing that he was thinking he was speaking it already. He cautiously asked, “Can you understand me now?”

  “Yes,” Hermione whimpered. “Do you see a way out?”

  “Um... no,” he replied weakly.

  “How about a towel? Do you see any towels so we can cover ourselves?” she pleaded.

  The only towel Harry saw was the small hand-sized one he had just used to lather Hermione’s boobs. Harry’s mind drifted back to that very recent, and pleasurable, activity of him rubbing Hermione’s titties using that same towel. Of course, he had quickly abandoned the towel in favor of his tongue.

  This temporary moment of reflection had an unfortunate side-effect; it got a rise out of ‘Harry, Jr.’. Harry could feel his appendage begin to stir in his hands. Even though he had just climaxed, Harry knew that in a matter of seconds, ‘Harry, Jr.’ was going to poke its head out of his hands and have a look around with its one good eye. ‘Damn my teenage virility!’ Harry cursed internally.

  “Step aside,” a voice that sounded incredibly old ordered from behind the wall of House-Elves. The wall quickly split in half and parted to reveal an amazingly old House-Elf (so old that he made Kreacher look like a baby). This elderly House-Elf was dressed in a very distinguished and regal manner - of course being a House-Elf, his clothing was made up entirely of rags. But Harry could tell that they were rags of a regal manner. “Dobby, be comin’ forth,” the old House-Elf wheezed.

  Dobby appeared from out of the mass of House-Elves and walked toward the regal looking ancient elf.

  “Is yous certain?” the old elf asked.

  “Oh, yes, Dobby is very certains, Fetch, sir,” announced Dobby.

  “Brings the Book,” Fetch, the old elf commanded, after eyeing Harry and Hermione suspiciously. Harry could tell by the reverence in which Fetch said “Book” that it was so important that the word deserved to be capitalized.

  Six House-Elves marched into the bathroom carrying a very large and very old looking book. The book was at least four feet long, two feet wide, and three and a half feet thick. Hermione pressed herself into Harry’s back in an attempt to get a better look at the gigantic book, which meant trouble for Harry. Unknowingly, Hermione’s attempt to see the book more closely caused her to push her lovely mounds into Harry’s back. This, added to the fact that he was getting aroused at the memory of washing her breasts, caused ‘Harry, Jr.’ to become more excited. It was bad enough that every single House-Elf saw him starkers, the last thing Harry wanted was for them to see was his manhood fully erect. He desperately tried to think of disturbing or even disgusting things in order to quell his rising arousal.

  The first image that Harry tried to focus on was Ginny; he could always count on the mere thought of that girl to quell an erection. In fact, he gave her a nick-name while he was standing in the bathroom in front of the House-Elves: “Gin-Gin, the Erection Killer.”

  Harry tried to focus his mind on the recent, and still disturbing, memory of a topless Ginny sitting on his bed. But he found it difficult to recall the image of Ginny with her modest-sized breasts exposed. The difficulty was mostly due to the fact that Hermione was pressing her naked boobs against his back; the only thing Harry could see in his mind’s eye was the even more recent, and so much more enjoyable, memory of him licking ‘Carmella’ and ‘Natasha’ clean. This memory, of course, had the opposite effect as far as the helping of quelling his erection went.

  The six elves placed the massive book on the floor in front of Fetch (who had almost disappeared behind the large tome) and with a snap of his fingers, the book magically opened to a segment halfway through the pages. Hermione let out a soft moan as she saw that the tome was filled with words, sentences, paragraphs, and whole chapters that she hadn’t read yet. Unfortunately for Harry (yet again) the soft moan that Hermione had let out was fairly erotic. The sound of his girlfriend moaning in his ear chased away any remaining desire he had on focusing on any disturbing, or even disgusting, things to aid in stopping encroaching embarrassment. ‘Harry, Jr.’ was poking against his fingers as if the organ was asking if it was allowed to come out and play.

  “And now Fetch be reading from the Book of Elfish Prophesy: the Word of Bonky, chapter five, verse one hundred and twelve: ‘And lo thine brethren shall be in chains for years upon years upon years!’” Fetch read aloud from the book.

  Hermione made a sound akin to purring in Harry’s ear. There was a book, one that she hadn’t read, or even heard of, sitting right on the floor in front of her, teasing her! Hermione’s unintentional purring noise had an affect on our poor hero. ‘Harry, Jr.’ was no longer poking against Harry’s fingers; the organ was beating on them in hopes of bashing through the barricade.

  “Hermione, please be qu
iet,” Harry pleaded in a whisper, as beads of sweat appeared on his brow. It was rather hard... err sorry about that... work trying to prevent an erection.

  “‘And suffer ye shall,’” Fetch continued to read, oblivious to Harry’s plight and Hermione’s apparent excitement. “‘Ye children and ye children’s children and ye children’s children’s children will live through bondage until She arrives. And delivers us into the glorious light of Freedom!’”

  Then Harry felt the one thing that could cause him to lose the battle in stopping a very happy ‘Harry, Jr.’ from saying “Hiya!” to every House-Elf in the room. Harry always knew that Hermione loved books, but he never realized until now just how much she really loved them. That thing that nearly made Harry lose his battle was ‘Natasha’ and ‘Carmella’ becoming erect and stiffly poking him in the back. Sweat now dripped of the tip of Harry’s nose as he struggled to contain his growing... err sorry again... arousal.

  “‘... And ye shall know Her, for She has a bald feline and can make the One of the Mark stand with just a word...’”

  Hermione apparently lost all of her composure, because she gently placed her hand on Harry and was about to ask him to move out of the way so she could get a better look at the book. Unfortunately, Hermione had to decided to place her hands on his bare bottom and breathe seductively in his ear; “Harry...”


  Whether or not ‘Harry, Jr.’ literally made the “boing” noise when the organ had escaped from his hands was irrelevant to Harry. All that mattered was that his oldest and most constant toy was now giving every House-Elf in the castle the “happy eye”. If ‘Harry, Jr.’ had a voice, Harry imagined that it would be shouting to the assembled House-Elves, “You lot, bugger off! Me and the lady are gonna wrestle.”

  The reaction Harry received from the House-Elves when they witnessed his fully aroused state was very different from what he had expected. He thought that they would react in fear perhaps, maybe scream at the wizard with the hard-on, or make a mad dash away from the perverted human screaming, “He’s pointing it at us!” Harry even thought that some of them would snigger and point at his manhood as they compared it to others they had seen, much as Kreacher and Dobby had. Maybe one of them would bemoan the fact that they would have to “finish off the mistress” much like Dobby used to, but this time due to Harry’s inadequacies.

  Instead of laughing or running away in fear, the House-Elves did the most curious thing: they bowed. Every single one of them bowed in Harry’s direction the moment ‘Harry, Jr.’ had appeared to them.

  “All Hails the Great One!” they praised with heads on the floor as if in prayer.

  Hermione looked over Harry’s shoulder and down at the very jubilant ‘Harry, Jr.’ and said, “I rather like it, but I wouldn’t go as far as ‘the Great One!’”

  “Hey!” Harry said dejectedly.

  “We’s is free!” one of the taller House-Elves shouted as he jumped up and rushed at Harry. The elf held his arms out to hug Harry as he rushed forward. In his mind, Harry did a quick comparison. Judging by the height of the House-Elf, his head was going to be at ‘Harry, Jr.’s level when he hugged him. Rather than have a House-Elf place his head against his naked, and still fully aroused, bits, Harry - being the brave Gryffindor he was - jumped out of the way. Which, unfortunately, left Hermione to deal with the overzealous elf.

  Undeterred by Harry’s ingenious plan of “jumping out of the way”, the elf threw his arms around Hermione’s midsection (luckily, Hermione was shorter than Harry so the elf’s head was around her bellybutton). “Oh Great One, yous has finally arrived.”

  “Take yous hands off of the Great One, Stubby,” demanded Fetch. “Shows our Savior some respect!”

  “Stubby sorry, oh Great One,” the elf said as he let go of Hermione. When the elf, Stubby, backed away from Hermione, she was in too much shock to cover herself back up. Upon seeing her shaved crotch, all the House-Elves murmured, “The Bald Feline!”

  “The what?” Hermione demanded.

  “Forgives us, oh Great One,” Fetch replied to Hermione.

  “Wait... she’s the Great One?” asked Harry, whose jump left him sitting on the ground with a still very awake ‘Harry, Jr.’ pointing at the ceiling. He was more than a touch surprised by this revelation. He had expected that he was the Great One; he figured since he had so many titles already, one more wouldn’t hurt.

  “The Prophesy states that ours Savior would be having a ‘Bald Feline,’” Fetch continued and gestured reverently to Hermione’s groin.

  “What?” both Harry and Hermione shouted.

  “It is obvious that yous is the Great One,” explained Fetch. “You haves the Bald Feline.”

  Harry and Hermione alternated between looking at her shaved groin and Fetch several times before Harry said aloud, “Oh I get it now. Feline... cat... hee-hee!”

  “It’s purely for hygiene!” Hermione defended.

  “This coming from the girl who just said ‘my hair isn’t the only thing kinky about me’,” retorted Harry from the ground, while still chuckling.

  “I’m getting a lecture about perversion from the bloke with a hard-on surrounded by House-Elves.” Hermione shot back.

  “Please, oh Great One, do not be angry at’s the One of the Mark,” Fetch humbly interrupted. “If the One of the Mark hads not be standing at yours word, we woulds not have been sure if yous was indeed the Great One.”

  “Huh? What was the middle part?” asked Harry.

  “He said if you hadn’t gotten a hard-on when I said your name, he wouldn’t have been sure about me being ‘the Great One’ simply for having a bald pussy!”

  “‘Bald Feline,’” corrected Harry.

  “Be quiet ‘One of the Mark’,” Hermione chastised.

  “Oh, so that’s my new title.”

  “Please, Fetch, I think you’ve got the wrong witch,” Hermione said, ignoring Harry. “I don’t think that I’m your savior.”

  “What about SPEW?” inquired Harry.

  “Shut it, Harry,” Hermione seethed. “What makes you sure I’m the one?”

  “Here, oh Great One, sees for yourself,” Fetch said and gestured to the book. The six elves that had brought the book in held it up so that Hermione could read it. Still very naked, Hermione began to skim through the pages of the book. As Hermione continued to read the book, Harry tried to busy himself.

  “Hi, I’m Harry,” he greeted a female elf next to him.

  The female elf looked down at Harry’s crotch and commented, “Naw, yous is not too bad. But it wouldn’t hurt if yous were to trims it every once in a while.”

  “Twidy believe it being called ‘man-scaping’,” another elf, apparently named Twidy, offered.

  “How can you be sure that I am this prophesized savior?” Hermione asked the elderly House Elf, as she turned the page in the enormous book. “This book appears to be centuries old. I have to assume that your kind has come across a woman who was shaved prior to me.”

  “In the Book of Dumko, it clearly be stating in chapter forty-eight, verse one: ‘... and the Great One shall stand before you with her bald feline proudly...’ much like yous is doing now, oh Great One.”

  Hermione must have forgotten that she was naked, because she blushed a bright red and tried to cover her various bits with her arms and hands. Harry noted that he himself had seemed to have lost all sense of humility. Which wasn’t surprising, seeing that in the last few days McGonagall had seen him naked and aroused, Ginny had stripped him naked and molested him, Ron saw him naked and sprawled out on the floor, and Tonks had gotten her own special show. Added to all of that, now every single House-Elf had watched as ‘Harry, Jr.’ popped out of his hands. Harry reckoned that any sense of embarrassment over public nudity had been burned out of him. Shrugging his shoulders, Harry leaned back and let ‘Harry, Jr.’ and his luggage bask in the open air. Mind you, ‘Harry, Jr.’ was still up and raring for another round of playtime with Hermione.
/>   “Beholds!” Fetch called out as he gestured to Harry’s aroused state. “From the Book of Dumko, chapter forty-eight, verse two: ‘... the Great One’s companion, the One of the Mark, shall greet thy and thine brethren with both heads held high!’”

  Hermione’s skin burned even brighter upon noticing Harry still erect organ. Harry felt a strong sense of masculine pride as the House-Elves’ eyes shined brightly as they looked at ‘Harry, Jr.’

  Still blushing furiously, Hermione turned to a small female House-Elf who was trembling in the presence of “the Great One and Her Companion”. As politely as she could, Hermione asked the nervous House-Elf, “Would you mind fetching me a towel or something to wear?”

  Every House-Elf gasped as they tore their eyes away from Harry to stare at Hermione once more.

  “Halleluiah!” several House-Elves rejoiced in unison.

  “Agains from the Book of Dumko, chapter forty-eight, verse three:” began Fetch while tears of joy streamed down his face. “‘... the Great One shall be humble before the most humble in thine midst...”

  Fetch snapped his aged fingers again and Hermione was draped in the most beautiful robe Harry had ever seen. It was made out of the finest silk and lace and had thin strands of gold spun into it. Of course the silk was so thin and light that Harry could easily see ‘Carmella’ and ‘Natasha’ along with the ‘Bald Feline’. Hermione couldn’t help but to beam as she inspected her new robes. With her eyes smiling, Hermione faced Harry and was about to start to ask him what he thought of it when she saw the apparently ever-erect ‘Harry, Jr.’ looking back at her.

  “Could you please conjure some clothes for Harry?” she asked with a little embarrassment.

  “Certainly, my lady.” Again Fetch snapped his fingers and Harry was clothed. However, Harry’s new clothing wasn’t the fantastic robe that Hermione had received. Instead Harry was now dressed in a pair of plain white boxers. But the boxers did nothing to help hide Harry’s organ from sight; ‘Harry, Jr.’ was proudly sticking out of the flap in front.


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